Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

Eden Foods Research & Why I support this Company

I have been writing and researching about Eden Foods and the idea of Boycotting their products all day. I found some very intelligent comments that I have reprinted on the Plant Your Dream Blog from members of the Willy Street Co-op is WI. Their members expressed opinions on to continue or discontinue stocking Eden Foods. I may not agree with all the Values that Eden Foods Owner Michael Potter is reported to have said, however, if the intelligence expressed by some of the Co-op Members has anything to do with them eating or choosing Eden Foods, I support more people raising their intelligence through eating from the Eden bounty online catalogue that is available online here:
I highly support people left and right on the political spectrum going out and eating more from this company that supports indigenous farmers and raising the bar on food reform in America.--Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener, Plant Your Dream Blog.
One Willy Coop members says: "I'd like to see us ask the questions, "What opportunities for discussion, action, change does this circumstance provide? What is the root of the problem?" I agree.

Date:   10/18/2014 3:14:46 AM   ( 10 y ) ... viewed 989 times

October 23, 2014
4:41 pm

Spoke to Michael Potter today for about twenty minutes over the phone. I believe he is sincere that his primary complaint was government overreach. His employees choose to use whatever birth control method they choose. He simply noes not feel the Government has a right to be asking him to pay for this. The belief that the Government was overreaching was a vote taken by the Eden Board of Directors composed of three women and two men. Two women and one man voted to take this action against the government. My sense, from our conversation is that Michael Potter is an man of integrity standing within the values he believes. Among this is wanting the best for all humanity. His hope is that through Eden Foods more and more people come to understand that the way we eat and the quality of our foods can influence disease prevention. I had a sense that Michael Potter has stood up for women's welfare over the years. How this case gets interpreted ion the internet may be far from the actual facts. Eden Foods continues to grow. I stand in support of Eden Foods based on the quality of their products. For him, this is as well a question of religious freedom, as quaranteed by the first amendment.

Eden Foods Research and why I support this Company

One of my favorite all-time props for teaching is the pencil that Eden Foods produces as a calling card. The pencil says, "Eden Foods. Creation & Maintenance of Purity in Food ™ "Http:// The pencil also says, "Made from Recycled Money." That is the kicker for me.

In my own work, Winning Back Our Sacred Seeds, I ask each person I meet to take their Sacred Seeds out of a decorated pizza box. I carry ancient grains and original heirloom seeds inside the pizza box or in a silver box. The box represents represents metaphorically the deepest dreams of humanity, most that are still in boxes. I generally travel with a pot of fertile soil with me. I invite each person to "Plant Your Dream!" in the dream pot.

My relationship to Government is expressed in my 2014 Campaign, "Helping Uncle Sam Marry Auntie (Anti-GMO). My recent talks from The National Heirloom Expo on this subject are on YouTubes.

I am very saddened that the near official policy of the U.S. is supporting Genetically Altered Seeds and Foods in the Farm Bed, although there is a faction of Government at the USDA that support as well organic techniques of food growing.

A trip down a San Diego street takes me passed many fast food establishments that are basically bankrupting our nation and our economy. We give permission for corporations and individuals to make a buck off each other for profit, and because of this we have a national health debt that has a balance sheet that shows more and more disease. My Campaign to Grow A Healthier Pizza began a few years back when the Congress accepted, dictated by industry, that two ounces of Tomato Sauce would define Pizza as a vegetable. The result was shortchanging students in school from having fresh fruits and vegetables. That was it. It was time for a Campaign to Grow a Healthier Pizza and to Win Back Our Sacred Seeds.

Michael Potter and Eden Foods have been a supporter of my work in the schools. I have planted dreams with Michael Potter and I will continue to do so.

Halloween is a time when I give out Eden Foods to kids

Most popular candy given to kids on Halloween has GMOs. I am in the camp that believes GMOs are a healthy hazard.

I take a stand each Halloween to give the kid's who come to our door a choice. I do not serve candy with sugar that likely has GMO's. I ask each child if they would like a Magic Eden Pencil. I tell them to only write the truth as they know it with that pencil, because that pencil is special. When I meet an adult, I sometimes offer them one of these Eden Foods pencils, pointing out that this gift I am giving is made of old dead dollar bills. Old dead dollar bills are symbolic of our bankrupt health and national economy. I tell those I meet that if they want to turn the country around, we are invited to a Wedding of Uncle Sam marries Auntie (Anti-GMO). When will the wedding date happen? The date is depends on more of us getting Engaged in growing some of our own food. I tell them that real wealth is in our seeds. The very act of growing heirloom seeds and ancient grains can increase our kinship with nature as we enter Plant Parenthood,

Eden Foods is a big supporter of GMO Labeling, Healthy Agriculture, and Food Reform in America

In regard to GMO Seeds and Foods, or for that matter boycotting a company that supports indigenous farmers and food reform in America, I support continued sales for Eden Foods.

One of the big players influencing food choices today is Monsanto. I do not believe we will ever beat Monsanto through investing all of our energies as a generation in fighting them. We will help determine our fate through becoming again a nation of gardeners and healthy food eaters.

We will outgrow Monsanto because we have created a grass roots movement that grows from the seed up. We will eventually get our GMO containing Foods Labeled because knowing what is in our food is a basic human right, as much as the birthright to grow some of our own food is also a birthright.

More and more evidence and support from true science will show that GMO food is contaminates non GMO food. Michael Potter is one of the supporters both of labeling and eliminating GMO's from our food supply. We will not move toward Food Reform through taking down one of the few remaining independent organic companies, Eden Foods.

Thank You, Michael Potter, for Living Your Life Out of the Box

These are food gifts from Eden Foods that I have used to inspire and introduce High School Youth to organic food. They were contributed by Eden Foods for my Organic Pantry Project.

I have met Michael Potter many times at the Natural Product Expo West and East, the premiere Networking events and Trade Show where store buyers and products get together each Spring and Fall. The first time we met, was at a gathering of Demeter Biodynamic Agriculture Lovers. Biodynamic Agriculture is one of the highest forms of Agriculture I know, and goes beyond organic standards as they are currently certified by the USDA.

The Eden Foods booth at the Natural Product Expo is an oasis of quality reflected in the foods they produce. More and more our industry is being brought out by larger companies who want a stake in the future of food. Eden Foods upholds values where food is honored for being whole and pure, and where the word "natural" returns to being what it originally meant--something pure and whole.

Eden Foods personal values shine through their popcorn as well Organic tart cherry juice. It shines through their Eden Soy in a world of soy where most soy has that has been contaminated by GMO soy. The soy in this product still rings true to being a wholesome food for people who choice to drink soy milk.

As more and more newbies enter the field of organic and natural foods, someone needs to stand up for authentic organic values, We need people like Michael Potter standing behind what they believe in, even though we may not agree with all his views.

Introducing the Next Generation of Eaters to Healthy Foods

"The Reform work must be done in the schools. Our children must be taught the meaning of depraved foods. They must learn how those foods are processed, bleached, colored, de-natured, de-germinated, de-mineralized, chemically treated. They must be taught the relationship of such food to sickness and death. They must be taught the relationship of natural food to health and life. The true conditions, now concealed from the public, must be exposed, in order that the public may make its own choice, guarded by a complete knowledge of facts”–From the Preface by Alfred Watterman McCann of (1916)“Starving America.”

The way to reach the minds of kids addicted to fast food is to give them a taste of healthy food. When I have served Eden Foods given me for my projects to high school kids, they instantly taste the difference.

More than 100 years ago, an M.D. named Thomas Wiley had an idea that gave birth to the FDA. The FDA was intended to be an arm of government that upheld healthy foods and would put down misbranding of foods. He, and muckraking journalist, Alfred W. McCann, lived during the same period and were dedicated wholehearted to improving conditions in starving America. Conditions have only gotten worse.

One of Dr. Wiley's projects was to test unhealthy foods on volunteers. My version of this project 100 years later is to taste test organic foods with teens. I call this project both the Organic Squad, in reference to Wiley's Poison Squad, as well as The Organic Pantry. Eden Foods has helped me bring this project alive.

In Fall 2014-Spring 2015, I aspire to bring The Organic Pantry more alive both at home where we have a number of San Diego State University Grad students, in my neighborhood that includes sports teams SDSU, and in my annual work with students going into healthy medicine at the nearby Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (PCOM). You can find me introducing Eden Foods to practitioners from across the nation once a year at the Pacific Symposium in San Diego each fall, and in interactions with farmers at our local Hillcrest Farmers' Market.

"I love the idea of an organic food pantry. I really enjoyed the apple juice and the grape juice. It's a great way to introduce students to healthier food and healthier eating habits. I tried the pumpkin seeds and they were delicious! Yum!"--Tiffany,Tenth Grader, Hami High Biology Class

Students at Hamilton High School Los Angeles with Art Poster that hangs in the classroom. We set up an Enchanted Garden Pantry for the graduating Seniors in May of that year. I want to continue to develop this project here with support from my sponsors and Enchanted Garden Club members.

I am a Peacemaker by Choice

I am a peacemaker by choice. I will avoid controversy whenever I can. I believe in a Dialogue between Science, Ethics, and Food, and Michael Potter is also in favor of such a dialogue.

My vision of a healthy world is one where people who have different values learn to live together. I do not ask Michael Potter, or for that matter, my family of origin, to accept all of my beliefs. Learning to live together, inspite of our different views, is a foundational American value that breeds vitality.

In my world, people with different values, can still support each other. They can support individual unique dreams.

The Controversy with Eden Foods

Eden Foods ran into a state of controversy because Michael Potter did not want to separate his personal values from his way of doing business.

Michael Potters view on Birth Control may or may not be the foundation point for the controversy that has arising, although seemingly so.

"Why we're not boycotting Eden Foods"--Debra and Adam Stark, Natural Foods Merchandiser

Debra and Adam Stark write in the | Natural Foods Merchandiser
Jul 30, 2014

Do I agree with Michael’s politics? Heck, no! I hope he loses his court case in spectacular fashion. I think he’s misguided (to phrase it generously) (sorry, Michael!) He would probably think the same about me…

But Potter is devout. So it’s a freedom-of-religion thing for him. He’s also libertarian. So it’s a government-overreach thing. As far as I can tell, though, it’s not an anti-woman thing.

Charges of sexism seems to be at the heart of the boycott. But actual sexism – a deliberate agenda to take away women’s freedoms – doesn’t seem to be present. After all, Potter is just as opposed to funding v1agra as he is to birth control. So: men, women – he doesn’t care who you are.

The issue of Birth Control and covering his employees for contraception appears to be at the basis of much of the controversy. I personally believe Birth Control pills are a choice for many women, although I am not really sure how healthy the Pill is for each and every woman.

I leave it to Michael Potter to speak for himself, and Eden Foods does speak loud and clear through the foods it produces, and more recently, the opinions of Michael Potter that have triggered a national conversation.

Some of the Values I Admire about Michael Potter and Eden Foods

If there is one thing I know about the co-founder of Eden Foods, Michael Potter, is a man who lives his life out of the box. He is a man with values.

This is a company, that because of Michael Potter's personal ethics and moral convictions began producing a BPA free can once he knew that BPA could be harmful. Other companies are now joining Michael Potter in producing BPA Free cans.



Maria #royalquinoa Bolivia. This is a source of quinoa used in Eden Foods. Photo from
I have read that Eden Foods has personal relationships with many farmers. its strength in the marketplace comes from supporting these growers who produce some of the finest quality ingredients in the marketplace.

Eden Foods supports GMO Education

This is also a company that has been supporting non GMO foods and ethical good causes for many years.

I do not agree with all of Michael Potter's personal values, and yet I am very grateful that he goes the distance to stand up for the principles that are important to him.

I will continue to support Eden Foods. The world is a better place because we have Eden Foods Quality in the marketplace.

I understand from my research, that there is much pressure to boycott Michael Potter because their values and Michael Potter's values differ. This is an important discussion, and hopefully, good will come from this discussion. Many Co-ops are not facing ethical and moral decisions as to whether they should or should not carry Eden Foods.

One Owner-Member at the Wiley Co-op said:

Wiley Co-op in Madision, Wisconsin says, "I'd like to see us ask the questions, "What opportunities for discussion, action, change does this circumstance provide? What is the root of the problem, and how can we change that? What do we desire?"

The base of support for Eden Foods has been traditionally a Liberal base. I am personally impressed with the level of inquiry and intelligence expressed on this Wiley Co-op forum. If intelligent purchasing and Eden Foods go together, so be it. Many oppose Michael Potter's apparent stand that can be construed to be against woman's reproductive rights, but I am not convinced this is the case.

While he may be losing some of his customer base, at the same time a new base of support that has perhaps never heard of organic food or Eden Foods is coming his way.

Most of all, I will continue to celebrate the existence of the Eden Foods Pencil.--Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener
Plant Your Dream Blog


This is a PDF of the Court Case

1. This is a case about religious freedom. Thomas Jefferson, a Founding Father of our country, principal author of the Declaration of Independence, and our third president, when describing the construct of our Constitution proclaimed, “No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man than that which protects the rights of conscience against the enterprises of the civil authority.” Letter from Thomas Jefferson, United States Office of the President, to the Soc’y of the Methodist Episcopal Church at New London, Conn. (Feb. 4, 1809) cited in People v. Dejonge, 442 Mich. 266, 278 (1993) (emphasis added).

PDF of the Court Case Eden Foods Vs. Sibellius

Coops Dilemma
Co-op's quandary: Boycott, or not?

"These are locally grown," he says, and so he feels confident about the source. But the lettuce and celery in adjacent boxes come from a distributor who, he says, "has given hundreds of thousands of dollars to political campaigns and PACS that are pretty far to the right."

"What is pure?" Bergman asks, as he makes his way to the display of Eden organic beans, packed in BPA-free cans. "Here, it is the right to have birth control. Over there, it's sustainability. It's hard to find good suppliers. They're trying like everyone else to stay in business."

Eden's position on birth control, Weiss said, should be weighed not only against the company's other merits, but by comparison to its competition.

The accommodation, Hemphill said, ought to do the trick: provide employees with their health benefits - and contraception coverage through non-employer channels - and at the same time, allow owners to exercise their religious convictions.

Insightful comment from a Coop Member in at the Wiley Co-op in Madision Wisconsin

On 7/29/2014 as posted on the Willey Street Coop in

"Re: the question of whether or not to boycott Eden Foods.... Okay so this is a tough issue, but for me the answer is clear. Plesae continue to offer Eden products, and let individual cusotmers choose whether or not to puchase them. I for one will continue to seek them out. If you do not stock them, I will have to order direct from the company. Because while I disagree with Eden's choices about the company health care coverage, I have the upmost respect for their continuing to provide what I regard as among the most consistently hight quality foods on the market. Other companies start out making high quality foods, but gradually add undesireable elements or otherwise change their products over time - someitmes without making this clear on their labels. Eden is reliable in this regard. Our Co-op and Eden Foods have at least two goals in common: 1. Both want to make wholesome nutritious food available to buyers. 2. Both want to treat people fairly according to their beliefs. I will also propose a #3 that applies to both, i.e. when ther is a choice between #1 and #2, #1 has to take priority."


I've read comments here with which I didn't agree, but at least they were well reasoned. I think we have some common ground, but I've also seen a lot of hysteria with no concern whatsoever for the facts of this matter.

I don't presume to tell other owners what they should buy or not buy. There are many products that are sold at the Co-op that I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole, but that doesn't mean I think that no one else should be able to purchase them. It should be each members' choice. However, hormonal contraception is unnatural. It floods women's bodies, (and our environment) with synthetic hormones that are a Group 1 carcinogen, and also supports big Pharma. That goes against my values and the "claimed" values of other members of this Co-op. It seems very contradictory to want to boycott an all natural food company because they don't want to pay for Group 1 carcinogens. The better option is "Natural Family Planning". I do not think a boycott is beneficial to the members of this Co-op or to the women who work for Eden foods. Is financially hurting Eden foods somehow supposed to help the women who work there? And what about all the family farms they support? As K M. stated in the Reader, "...few, if any of the products we carry meet all our ideals". Thank you to the board members for your consideration.

I Agree with this:

I'd like to see us ask the questions, "What opportunities for discussion, action, change does this circumstance provide? What is the root of the problem, and how can we change that? What do we desire?"

A G. said, 8/1/2014

I don't support a boycott of Eden Foods, though I strongly disagree with the moral and political stance taken by their CEO, and weakly disagree with the idea that, in our current circumstances, the ethical stance of employers should qualify them for exceptions to health care provisions. In addition, I find the CEO's comments snide and arrogant. But...

Rather than a boycott, which I see as a simple reaction, I'd like to see a more nuanced response. I'd like to see us ask the questions, "What opportunities for discussion, action, change does this circumstance provide? What is the root of the problem, and how can we change that? What do we desire?"

I personally think that employers should have no involvement at all in the provision of health care for their employees. I think the CEO of Eden would agree. I also think that everyone has a right to extraordinarily accessible health care. The CEO may or may not agree with that, but, were he to desire to get out of the pickle he's in most effectively, he'd go along with it--whether that access is to be obtained by a state-sponsored universal care program, or by drastically reconfiguring the medical and insurance industries so that everyone, regardless of income, can personally afford the care they desire or need. We should be urging all employers to support a system that benefits everyone, and showing them that this also supports making their lives easier.

This forum isn't the place to debate what health care strategy we find desirable--but keeping the focus on a boycott is, I think, distracting us from having that discussion, and others, and therefore from creatively moving toward a better situation by trying to change a system that will only lead to this problem again and again. I don't think a series of store-wide boycotts is the best move toward that goal, at least not in this case.

I Agree with this:

"Re the Eden contorversy: Of course Eden should offer the total health care package BUT boycotting their wonderful products is tantamount to tilting at windmills. Boycotts rarely work and are a marked based solution, which is not the best option. I have always thought the co-op needs to carry more, not fewer, Eden products. Not sure which products the co-op would substitute for Eden's products as Eden products are usually the best! Therefore, count me as a 'No' to boycorring Eden's as this boycott is not going to work + will only furhter decay the health-promoting options offered by Willy's. If I ruled the universe, all the chips and sugar-containing cans of pop would be replaced by more Eden products."

1221 Williamson St.
Madison, WI 53703

Letter from the Wiley Co-Op to Eden Foods:

This is from Forbes Magazine:

Forbes Magazine, and other national publications have gotten into covering this story. Lots of interesting comments on this Forbes Magazine article.

This appears to be the first letter on the Eden Foods Website 3 July 2014 in response to the controversy

Clinton, Michigan – Eden Foods is a principled food company. We were convinced that actions of the federal government were illegal, and so filed a formal objection. The recent Supreme Court decision confirms, at least in part, that we were correct. We realized in making our objection that it would give rise to grotesque mischaracterizations and fallacious arguments. We did not fully anticipate the degree of maliciousness and corruption that would visit us. Nevertheless, we believe we did what we should have. The objection we filed has never been part of the Hobby Lobby lawsuit.'

Letter from Michael Potter to the members of the Independent Natural Food Retailers Association, a consortium of 160 grocery stores and small chains nationwide, before being posted online.

Eden Foods Statement

21 July 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Eden Foods is a 46 year, independent, principled food company. We took our stand against GMOs 21 years ago. We build relations and business with organic growers and traditional food makers, nurturing more than 370 family farms with over 86,000 acres of healthy organic farmland. Eden Foods buys from and pays farmers directly.

Last year we observed that aspects of the Affordable Care Act were illegal and violated religious freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, so we filed a formal objection. Our case is against government overreach and about religious freedom.

Eden Foods frowns on myopic pharmaceutical medicine and toxic chemical dependent agriculture.

Prior to the Affordable Care Act, prescription drugs were an opt-in opt-out feature of health insurance plans Eden Foods offered its employees. Lifestyle drugs, as named and managed by the insurance industry, were excluded, such as v1agra. Today, 34% of Eden Foods employees sellect prescription coverage for their plan, while 66% do not choose prescription drug coverage.

Since the inception of the Affordable Care Act all employees have all coverages required by the act, even those who do not want it.

Eden employee benefits include health, dental, vision, life insurances, and a 50% 401k match. The benefit plan is managed by Eden Foods with a goal of long-term sustainability.

We are grateful for our silent supporters sending us messages directly, avoiding abuse that may befall them on social media. The coordinated attack on Eden Foods using fallacious arguments and our brand to further others' unrelated agendas, is best ignored.

We encourage everyone to be discerning, retailers in the food they offer and consumers in the selections they make acquiring nourishing food. We work to make family grown, authentically organic food available and seek to work with others involved in like pursuits.

We would love to see people become so motivated in their support of organic agriculture and toward the improvement of our nation's food system.



This appears to be a website that someone independent of Eden Foods constructed in support of Eden Foods:

This is a website petition urging Whole Foods Market to stop carrying Eden Products.

This Petition was covered again in Forbes Magazine.

How 5 retailers are responding to calls for a boycott of @EdenFoods via @nfm_mag

This article on Forbes has a lot of good links.

Meanwhile is taking a different tact with the Eden Foods' issue, stating, "While individual-level boycotting of Eden Foods may not have much of an impact, telling Whole Foods to stop carrying Eden Foods' products in their stores around the nation should have a much bigger effect. Let's seek out the best messenger to send this message to Eden Foods- and in this case, Whole Foods seems like the perfect fit."

Only 15,655 supporters as of Tuesday morning had signed on.

Whole Foods Market's reaction is not readily available on its website, but the natural food chain offered this statement to The Daily Beast:

"When reviewing products for our shelves, our primary consideration is whether the product’s ingredients meet our Quality Standards. We recognize and respect that customers may have their own personal criteria for buying or not buying a product, and it’s every shoppers’ right to vote with their dollars on that basis. We hope that if people have feedback for Eden Foods, they share it with them directly.”





October 19, 2014

I am researching the story behind Eden Foods and the national spotlight they are in now due to owner Michael Potter taking a stand on his values.

US Government overreach as well as his religious views are two of his issues. Michael Potter's values influence his choices that include support for Labeling GMO's and seeking sources worldwide for healthy food from small indigenous farmers.

In a letter July 21, 2014 from Michael Potter to the members of the Independent Natural Food Retailers Association, a consortium of 160 grocery stores and small chains nationwide and posted online, he calls for the industry to continue to support Eden Foods. He says: "We would love to see people become so motivated in their support of organic agriculture and toward the improvement of our nation's food system." [as they are motivated to speak out about the controversy…] The spotlight on Eden Foods has hit a national nerve. I believe the current discussion is making a lot of people think about our core values and living our own lives out of the box. FYI Eden Foods GMO inside




This video, made in 2013, shows some of our favorite Eden Foods, and has been updated to encourage volunteers to make calls to help label GMOs in Oregon, November 2014.

To help with that project go to:

Support for our Organic Pantry Projects

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