Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

V.G. Rocine--Great Find!!!!!! Thank you Google!!!

V.G. Rocine--Great Find!!!!!! Thank you Google!!!

The dietist or food chemist who has studied phre-
nology, knows the required diet for each man, according
to his temperament, age, work, health, season, disease,
states of mind and mental faculties.

When brain philosophy is understood and applied,
we can develop weak faculties standing in the way of
success, obliterate positive characteristics that lead to
failure, cure sleeplessness, improve circulation, develop
concentration, or any characteristic or function that is

Studying a man, according to the teachings of phre-
nology, we find that one man is fleshy, another is fat, a
third one lymphatic, a fourth one slender and nervous,
a fifth is wiry, flexible and muscular, a sixth is bony,
hard, dry and stiff, a seventh is sponge-like, porous,
phlegmatic and predisposed to certain diseases, a lover
of a certain diet, adapted for a special kind of work.

One man has an elongated head, another has a square
head, a third has a conic, a fourth has a boat-shaped, a
fifth a globe-shaped head, a sixth one has a high, nar-
row head, able in metaphysics, but a failure in business.


Date:   2/18/2013 4:33:03 PM   ( 11 y ) ... viewed 1030 times


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• OCT 23 1953



V. G. Rocine, Author,

Author of

Mind Training, Dr. Rocine's Diet Guide, How to Cure

Drunkenness, Instructor in Phrenology,

Physiology and Hygiene






There is perhaps no science that can do more good
for the people, in the various avocations of life, than
phrenology, when it is thoroughly understood. A
phrenologist who is well versed in his science, can do
good to the public, the individual or the nation, in hun-
dreds of different ways.

Phrenology deals with the soul's functions, the effect
certain emotions have upon the physiological functions,
health or disease. It enables us, through its noble teach-
ings, to cure bashfulness and timidity. It gives us a
greater insight into insanity, the cause of insanity,
the treatment of the insane. It explains crime, the
cause of crime, the eradication of crime, sin and men-
tal defects.

It explains heredity and gives us a clear
view of race and family culture, or the improvement of
the human race, through the laws of transmission, he-
redity, love and marriage.

It takes up dietetics, from temperamental and faculty standpoints,
pointing out positively the best diet for each individual, according
to his faculty development, states of mind, states of
health, age, work, temperament and cell construction,
resulting in greater health. It deals with marriage
from the standpoints of affinity, leading to perfect off-
spring, greater spiritual unf oldment and domestic hap-
piness. It takes up talent, trades and professions, en-
abling us to originate new trades and specialties, ac-
cording to the development of the individual. This is
an age of specialists and inventors. "When the talent
or genius of a man is discovered and directed, he suc-
ceeds. The phrenologist who understands faculty com-
binations of talent and genius can often create inven-
tors and specialists. Phrenology teaches us practical
memory culture, how to develop self-confidence, im-
prove digestion, develop the abdominal brain, increase
personal magnetism, restore a failing sexuality, direct
and manage the child, break its bad habits and call the
nobler faculties into action, for the future good of the

The artist who understands phrenology, can impart
life, expression, form and finish to his paintings, because
he is a greater judge of form, face, head, figure, atti-
tude and facial expression.

The doctor who understands phrenology, understands
the temperamental and mental mechanism of every
man, the susceptibility of certain types of people to dis-
ease, the relation of brain functioning to disease, how
the temperaments, occupations, habits and states of
mind affect the chemistry of the body, and how the hid-
den mental agencies affect the physical mechanism.
He becomes a greater diagnostician. He can perform
greater cures and win more fame as a physician. Every
doctor who has taken a course in phrenology has be-
come more successful. He has increased his practice.

The minister who is familiar with phrenology be-
comes a greater orator. He can appeal to the sinner,
talk to each man in the congregation according to his
understanding, judgment, faculties and temperament.

The lawyer who is familiar with character reading,
understands judge, jury and witnesses better. He can
select his jurymen wisely, examine the witnesses better,
convince jury, judge and people, interpret motives and
make himself a greater legal success.

Parents who have studied this science can train,
teach and guide their children, give them the right food
for growth and development, the proper associates for
social, financial and spiritual unfoldment, the right
studies, books and environments leading to future suc-
cess and happiness. They can develop sleeping faculties
in the child, prevent crime, sin, bad habits, failure,
shame and unnecessary tears.

The politician who has studied phrenology has the
key to human hearts, emotions, wants and needs. He
can appeal to the public and to the senate and make
himself popular, near and far.

The teacher who understands modern phrenological
psychology understands his pupils, the best methods
of teaching them, the best arrangement of the pupils
and their studies. He knows how to appeal to, en-
courage, train, manage, educate and develop each, ac-
cording to his own peculiarity of temperamental and
mental development. Can he not make his school a
greater success ?

The dietist or food chemist who has studied phre-
nology, knows the required diet for each man, according
to his temperament, age, work, health, season, disease,
states of mind and mental faculties.

The educator understands the human fabric, the best
system of education required for the wants and needs
of every community, individual, party or institution.
He can make his educational system a better success.

The reformer, radicalist, agitator, who understands
mental philosophy or phrenology, will be more tolerant.
He will work on a constructive plan instead of working
on a destructive.

Phrenology will help the orator to appeal to human
wills, human intellects, human emotions and human

It will help the business man or salesman to win new
trade, hold old customers, win new customers, sell more
goods, more quickly, appeal to human hearts and human
pocketbooks, more successfully. Was not Napoleon
Bonaparte a military success because he understood
how to pick his generals? Was not Marshall Field a
business success because he knew character reading,
how to sellect the right man for the right place ? Is not
Carnegie a phrenologist, and avowedly a business suc-
cess because of it ?

When brain philosophy is understood and applied,
we can develop weak faculties standing in the way of
success, obliterate positive characteristics that lead to
failure, cure sleeplessness, improve circulation, develop
concentration, or any characteristic or function that is

According to statistics, most people are failures, some
in business, others in matrimony, still others in health.
Why is this? Is it because people have no talent, in-
tuition or sense ? Is it not because of mis-directed tal-
ent, lack of knowledge regarding the laws of affinity,
health and vital functioning ? People are compelled to
drift, like a ship without captain and steering gear, on
the angry waters of life, to float, work, toil — only to
fail ! They lose money, time and effort trying to learn
that for which they are not adapted. This is not nec-
essary, for temperament can be studied, human talent
directed and men placed in their success spheres. Men
and women, left to themselves, are lured into business,
love and matrimony, by their ambition and inclinations,
only to fail. Inclinations are not reliable, for if they
were, every man would be a success. People follow
their inclinations, in love, business, studies and diet.

Studying a man, according to the teachings of phre-
nology, we find that one man is fleshy, another is fat, a
third one lymphatic, a fourth one slender and nervous,
a fifth is wiry, flexible and muscular, a sixth is bony,
hard, dry and stiff, a seventh is sponge-like, porous,
phlegmatic and predisposed to certain diseases, a lover
of a certain diet, adapted for a special kind of work.

One man has an elongated head, another has a square
head, a third has a conic, a fourth has a boat-shaped, a
fifth a globe-shaped head, a sixth one has a high, nar-
row head, able in metaphysics, but a failure in business.

One man has a cat-like face construction, another has
a long and narrow face, a third one a wide, a fourth one
a circular, a fifth one a pear-shaped face, a sixth one
has an incurved, a seventh has a square-triangular, each
face having its own shape, expressions and accompany-
ing characteristics, talent, tendencies, habits and pecul-

Studying people on a larger scale, we have learned
that certain people, by reason of their head and face
formation, temperament and tissue construction, can be
thrown into certain classes, or " types," as we call them,
each type subject to certain diseases, hard to cure,
being chronic or constitutional, and each type able to
succeed in certain occupations, but not in others.

People are racially different. Is not the Indian dif-
ferent from the Frenchman? Does not the German
have a different appearance, head, face and tempera-
ment than the Bushman ? Is not the American different
in body, quality, temperament, head and face formation
than the Chinaman? And why? Study and you will



Preface 7

Lesson 1.

How to Study the Forehead 25

The Sloping Forehead 27

Lesson 2.

The Lov; Forehead 31

The High Forehead 37

Lesson 3.

The Projecting Forehead 43

The Overhanging Forehead 44

The Prominent Forehead 45

The Narrow Forehead 47

The Wide Forehead 48

Lesson 4.

The Square Forehead 53

The Straight Forehead 57

The Circular Forehead 59

The Convex Forehead 62

The Concave Forehead 64

Lesson 5.

The Conic Forehead 67

The Flat Forehead 68

The Cramped Forehead 70

The Retreating Forehead 72

How to Study Heads 72

The Elongated Form of Head 73



Lesson 6. page

The High-Square Form of Head 77

The Angular Form of Head 79

The Oval Form of Head 81

The Boat-Shaped Head 83

Lesson 7.

The Pyramidal Form of Head 86

The Even Head 88

The Wedge-Shaped Head 89

The Pointed Head 91

The Pyriform Head 93

Lesson 8.

The Square Form of Head 96

The Narrow Head 96

The Roof-Shaped Head 98

The Large Head ; 100

The Small Head 103

The Sloping Head 103

Lesson 9.

The Cylindrical Form of Head 106

The Short Form of Head 109

The High Parietal Head Form Ill

The Wide Head 113

The Circular Head 115

Lesson 10.

The Low Form of Head 118

The Wide Triangular Head 119

The Conic Head 120

The Ill-Formed Head 122


The American people and the European nations are
brothers in a racial sense, but each nation develops
its own national characteristics, by reason of environ-
ment, climate, soil, food, drink, air, laws, government,
educational, industrial, religious, artistic, musical con-
ditions, having their influence upon the national char-

Types, races


ftcter; yet there is, nevertheless, a close resemblance be-
tween nation and nation of the Europeans and Ameri-
cans, in speech, dress, law, religion, quality of organiza-
tion, temperament, head formation, complexion and

everything else.



The Shape of the American Head.

The dotted line shows the shape of the American head. The
head is oblong and the face is oblong, the temperament, the men-
tal -muscular. The American head is well balanced aa compared ■
with the heads of other nations. The hemispheres are almost
equal in development. This makes the American handy with both

There is perhaps no nation in the world that has pro-
gressed to such an extent as the Americans, especially
in some fields, though not in all.

The American, as a rule, is tall, spare, bony or muscu-


lar. He has sharp features and an expressive face.
Variety is what the American loves, variety in religion,
customs, habits, food, dress, recreation, environments,
He is always in a hurry, quick to put everything into
practice, plucky, courageous, inventive, free in speech,
quick to introduce himself, somewhat familiar; he dis-
likes conservatism, conventionality, aristocracy, old
customs, regal power and domination. He is almost
wonderful in the fields of experimentalism, novelty,

progress, invention and development, always on the
look-out for something new, novel, result-bringing. He
believes in results, pushes his business, makes and spends
money. No people have made more inventions than the
Americans, no people have manufactured more tools,
machines, contrivances and conveniences for the
masses. His handy tools and inventive contrivances
are known the world over. He is a man for the present,
a now-man. He is different from the conservative Eng-
lishman who lives more in the past. He is developing


the faculties of progress, and decreasing those faculties
that make man an admirer of the past. The American
is full of feeling, sincere, ardent, sympathetic. He be-
lieves in liberty of conscience, willing to let every
man worship God according to his own conception. He
has no national religion. He believes more in religious
liberalism, education and progress than he believes
in the past forms of religion. He has an excellent
school system which the government sustains, giving
the people in America, whether poor or rich, an oppor-
tunity to become educated. Great men and women of
America are self-made. New things interest the
American. He has a keen sense of the caustic in
speech and writing. His greatest fault is that he is too
much in a hurry for his own good. He is even reckless,
eats in a hurry, even reading his newspapers as he
eats. This has a detrimental influence on his health,
laying the foundation for fevers, nervous prostration,
indigestion, sleeplessness, rheumatism, consumption
and brain trouble, which are national diseases in Amer-
ica. Being in a rush, he travels by night and works by
day, studies quickly, generalizes and applies. He
travels much, lives in the present, builds, tears down,
builds again, makes and spends money. He lives and
lets live, invests quickly, often living ahead of his
means. He is full of plans, is enterprising, even reck-
less. He is a plunger. He loves new structures, new
development of industry, new enterprises, new inven-
tions, new machinery. He loves that which is. new.
He always has a newspaper in his pocket, becoming
acquainted with the events of the day, both in business,
and invention. He pays close attention to the masses.
He loves action, change and variety, games and active
life. The working class have many strikes, for the
purpose of forcing increase in salary. The American
believes in plenty, is more interested in acquisition than
in economy. He does not prepare for war, but in times
of war, he is resourceful, can invent warships, explos-
ives, arms and military contrivances, by means of which
he can protect himself against the most warlike nations.



The Vision and Work of Dr. Bernard Jensen for Food Reform in America

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