Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

'7.5 Million + 2 Petition' Plants Grassroots Movement

'7.5 Million + 2 Petition' Seeks to Plant a Grassroots Movement to Pass Prop 37, 'The Right to Know - Label GMOs' on Nov Ballot.

Date:   7/25/2012 7:55:34 PM   ( 12 y ) ... viewed 2463 times

Articles in Print for Caravan


Leslie Goldman heading for Santa Rosa, Petamula area
to help win prop 37

leslie goldman, your enchanted gardener, is heading for the santa rosa petaluma area.

he is on a ten day caravan, september 1-10 from san diego to santa rosa, for the national heirloom expo, september 11-13, 2012
to be held at the sonoma fairgrounds.

leslie is working full time now to create the greatest grass roots movement in california history to will win prop 37, the right to know label genetically engineered (gmo) food act.

leslie has created the grow a healthier pizza 7.5 million + 2 petition that is asking for that many number of voters to commit now to be part of the ca right to know campaign.

the ca right to know is moving toward one million more voters getting on board. i am seeing and seeding the end result we want now, more than 7.5 million + 2 people voting.


there are people both from california and our friends in other states and nations signing the petition who are cheerleading for us. everyone knows that this win is the turning corner
for a tipping point to not only label gmos, but return pure food reform to america. i am continuing the original work of pure food reform that was started by american heroes, including dr. harvey w. wiley md,
who had the vision that started what became the fda.

he and his ally alfred mccann, worked for what was called the bureau of chemistry of the us government.

special interests at that time, the same that would like to convince californians that labeling gmos are not needed, blocked the enforcement, more than 106 years ago, of the pure food and drug law of 1906 that dr wiley got through congress. many of the conditions we have today that are on the forefront of our minds--including the obesity epidemic and junk food epidemic, were outlawed by the pure food and drug law. we even had industrial hemp legal to grow back then.

on my ten day caravan--called a journey to win back our sacred seeds--i am going to demonstrate that we can grow a healthier pizza. i want to see each person i meet sign the 7.5 million + 2 petition, and commit to the number of yes votes that they will bring to the ballot box november 6.

in san diego, my home town, we turned in 275,000 petitions to get prop 37 on the ballot. i want to see 2.75 million votes coming from san diego. i am challenging each and every person to take action now through joining
the ca right to know campaign.

i have been walking the streets some. i talk to everyone. i am convinced that many people have never heard of genetically engineered food or a gmo-geneticlaly modified organism.

good or bad, genetically engineered foods are basically untested, but they are in our food supply, and this has been the way the fda and many special interests want it.

if commercial interests are saying that two tablespoons of tomato sauce defines pizza as a vegetable, then i, and voices from the past, present, and future are saying, "grow a healthier pizza."



this press release was inspired by kate van horn. kate works at the petaluma seed bank. located in a former bank building, she is the voice you hear when you call to order your next order
of heirloom seeds, there is a place in iceland called the doomsday seed vault at

Grow a Healthier Pizza

Call leslie at 619.384.2631 to schedule a gathering in the Petaluma-Santa Tosa area between Saturday September 8- Sunday. September 9.

Set up of National Heirloom Expo is Monday.
National Heirloom Expo begins Tuesday September 11 2012.

Wednesday September 12, 2012

Thursday September 13, 2012

Sign the ‘7.5 million + 2 petition.’ Plant Your Dream with inspired grains of ancient kamut® khorasan wheat & baker creek heirloom seeds to grow a healthier pizza. help 'plant' the greatest grass roots movement in california history that wins prop 37, the right to know label genetically engineered food (gmos) act

july 30, 2012
6:03 pm

for "pure food' reform, grow a healthier pizza!

sign the ‘7.5 million + 2 petition.’ plant your dream with inspired grains of ancient kamut® khorasan wheat & baker creek heirloom seeds to grow a healthier pizza. help 'plant' the greatest grass roots movement in california history that wins prop 37, the right to know-ballot gmos ballot initiative.

these are the words of the workshop i will teach at the national heirloom expo-september 11-13, and on a caravan, september 1-10, from san diego to santa rosa at various locations. i will lead opening and closing ceremonies at the wholistic expo, august 24-26 , at the san diego convention center.

to schedule a gathering, please call me at 619.384.2631 and email me at

'7.5 million + 2 petition' seeks to plant a grassroots movement to pass prop 37, 'the right to know - label gmos' on nov ballot.

by leslie goldman. aka your enchanted gardener

the '7.5 million + 2 petition' is designed to help raise awareness that more than 7.5 million people are committed to vote for prop 37 on nov ballot - the right to know - label gmos.

'grow a healthier pizza!' is my rally cry to pass prop 37. this september 1-10, i will set out on a ten-day caravan to the 2nd annual heirloom expo in santa rosa, september 11-13, 2012. that event falls about two months before the november 6 election. the caravan is the first leg of the journey to win back our sacred seeds. i believe we are all sacred seeds as healthy food grows from heirloom seeds. the caravan will continue to gain signatures for the '7.5 million + 2 petition' on change org. i see prop 37, the california right to know and to label gmos (genetically modified organisms) on 2012 ballot initiative creating the greatest grass roots movement in california history.

"it will take a majority of those who vote november 6 to win this," said pamm larry, the grandmother who started the label gmos campaign. she was one of the early signers of the '7.5 million + 2 petition.' '7.5 million + 2' would be a majority of those who voted in the 2008 california general election. the petition aims to make sure we have the votes we need before election day. "i am asking for people to take the ' 1 action a day pledge' on the label gmos site, and for others to help the campaign by seeking out official endorsements from organizations and individuals with circles of influence in their communities. 

my contribution will be to plant seeds for the victory, do ceremony work, and through the plant your dream blog, write about sacred seeds who are contributing so much to this needed food reform.

the entire nation and world is looking to california to pass this ballot initiative. there are equal forces that will spend millions to distract from the key issue. this is a consumer rights issue, the right to know what is in the food we are eating and that includes gmos-genetically modified organisms. the rally cry for the international campaign behind the '7.5 million + 2 petition' is 'grow a healthier pizza! a response to the events in washington last november when they said that including two tablespoons of tomato sauce in pizza defined pizza as a vegetable.

the forward to the petition says, "if commercial interests have convinced congress--to do business as usual--and that profits are more important than our children having improved lunches in schools, if congress has now said that a few tablespoons of tomato sauce define pizza as a vegetable, then we, as conscious consumers will 'grow a healthier pizza' through the action of this petition."

the petition goes on, "millions of californians are without their knowledge eating gmos every day. gmos are genetically modified organisms. they have been in our food for a number of decades. somebody thought this was o.k. to include gmos in the daily foods we eat, but did not take the time to ask us first if we wanted them there.

nearly 50 nations of the world have the integrity to give their people choice to know if they are eating gmos in their corn, soy, and a host of other foods, but in the us, since the inception of the idea of the fda in 1906, commercial interests have placed profits over producing healthy kids and influenced heavily our food supply. "

i will teach the "grow a healthier pizza" workshops at the national heirloom expo and on route from september 1-10. the theme--'grow a healthier pizza' came from a convergence of ingredients.

my work is called plant your dream. i discovered many years ago that when we plant a seed, we can grow a whole new world. i am growing kamut ® khorasan ancient wheat to plant intentions with seeds. this ancient grain makes a healthier pizza and challah bread. baker creek, the creators of the national heirloom expo, had donated 160,000 packets of san marzano non gmo tomato seeds to the label gmo campaign. san marzano is a topping for pizza sauce. next thing i knew i was growing tomatoes for pizza sauce, growing grains to show how fast a dream can grow, and grinding seeds into pizza flour with kids and adults, and so the 'grow the healthier pizza' was born. the aim is to inspire every one to use locally grown non-gmo vegetables, and have the experience of growing some of your own food. 

more about the national heirloom expo

 the national heirloom exposition, september 11-13 in santa rosa is one of the most exciting events in heirloom seed history, an event centered around the pure food movement, heirloom vegetables, and anti-gmo activism. 

the first annual event held mid-september, 2011 drew more than 10,000 people from around the country and the world. more are expected this year. 

the heirloom expo has gained incredible interest among home growers, farmers, school groups and the general public–so much so that it is being called the “world’s fair” of the heirloom industry! it is a not-to-be-missed event, that has monumental importance as a rally point for prop 37.

among the speakers are carlo petrini, head of the international slow food movement; ronnie cummins of the organic consumer association; and jeffrey smith, one of america's leading experts on the subject of genetically modified food. the program is filled with speakers at the international and national level all moving now for california to have the 'right to know-label gmos.' percy schmeiser, whose canola fields were contaminated with monsanto's roundup ready canola. and who was was sued by monsanto will be there. so will andrew kimbrell, of the center for food safety. andrew kimbrell is one of the country's leading environmental attorneys. 

the inspiration behind the caravan

 the inspiration behind the caravan is the work of dr. harvey w. wiley md, who has been called the father of the fda, as well as many other voices from the past, present, and future who are calling out now that we "grow a healthier pizza!"

dr. wiley had a vision for a pure food law and an fda that would enforce healthy food. the pure food and drug law passed congress in 1906. this law was blocked by special interests that had their way with congress back then and ever since. if this law had been enforced it would have prevented many of our conditions of obesity and ailments. dr. wiley's law prevented adulteration and misbranding of foods. junk food would have been outlawed. the 'label gmos' and 'our right to know' more than likely would have been a non-issue. 

food reform was the rally cry back then. today, through the passage of the 'california right to know label gmos', we will have food reform as we join near 50 other nations who already label gmos. 

through the simple act of feeding ourselves we unknowingly participate in the largest experiment ever conducted on human beings

 dr.wiley had a 'poison squad.' people were paid to test questionable products that are still in our foods today. many lawsuits followed and many lawsuits were blocked. dr. wiley went after coca-cola, but lost. "the california right to know label gmos' campaign says, "today, in the united states, by the simple act of feeding ourselves we unknowingly participate in the largest experiment ever conducted on human beings.


the campaign literature reads: "before being added to our food supply in the 1990's, genetically engineered food (ge or gmo) had no independent research done on the long term multi-generational effects on human beings. other voices attest that gmos may be harmful to health. we simple do not know for sure. in 1929, dr. wiley wrote a book called "crimes against the pure food law." its dedication was "the amazing story of the national food and drugs law which intended to protect the health of the people, and was "perverted to protect adulteration of foods and drugs." the book in later years disappeared from most libraries, but appears online today. the book clearly points out the damaging effects of many of the food processes we have now.

dr. wiley resigned in 1912 but his work is being rekindled today

 dr. wiley resigned in 1912. his resignation created hundreds of editorial comments. one cartoon reprinted in his book shows dr. wiley with uncle sam. the cartoonist says that uncle sam would have a hard time filling the shoes of dr. wiley. the cartoonist said, "if the people exhibited the same persistence in looking after their interests that illegitimate business displays in looking after its interests, the things of which we complain would soon be brought to an end, and prosperity, like a tidal wave, would flood the land."--the rocky mountain news, march 21, 1912. dr. wiley went on to work for good housekeeping magazine. he created the seal of good housekeeping. dr. wiley's spirit is surely smiling on the label gmos campaign. 

uncle sam's shoes were once filled by dr. harvey w. wiley, md

uncle sam's shoes were once filled by dr. wiley. today, i feel we need to all fill the shoes of uncle sam. we can't look to congress to grapple with the facts. the work of dr. harvey wiley md continues. we are each sacred seeds. it's time to take our seeds off the shelf and be the new ground for what needs to happen. it is time now to 'win back our sacred seeds.' to ' plant your dream,' we need heirloom seeds, and a new day where we grow more of our own food and support more local agriculture. 

please sign the '7.5 million + 2 petition'

please sign the '7.5 million + 2 petition' to help us raise awareness that we need more than 7.5 million people who are committed to vote for proposition 37--'the right to know-label gmos' on the november ballot

updates on the caravan to win back our sacred seeds

 for updates, links, and schedule for the caravan, please read this plant your dream blog: and join our caravan facebook page

to volunteer to build the greatest grassroots movement california has ever seeded go here

latest news on the california right to know-label gmo campaign -

take the pledge to do one thing a day for the label gmos campaign - take the pledge to do one thing a day for the label gmos campaign -

more about national heirloom expo


like us on facebook to support our caravan to the national heirloom expo, one leg of the journey to win back our sacred seeds & victory on nov 6, 2012.

voices from the past, present, and future are speaking now. all these voices lead to one conclusion, "grow a healthier pizza!"

the life connection online

bio note for the life connection:

 leslie goldman, your enchanted gardener, creator of the plant your dream blog with more than 5.3 million page views on, is a food activist in california, committed to winning the right to know label gmos prop 37. helping to build the greatest grass roots movement in california history, leslie asks each person he meets to sign the '7.5 million + 2 petition, the approximate number it will take to win this vote, and literally plant seeds to 'grow a healthier pizza.'

for decades, leslie has planted success for super ripe people and their dreams. he was given a u.n. peace medal in 1984 by robert muller, then assistant undersecretary general for the work he would do in his life. winning back our sacred seeds is his life purpose now. 

leslie is on a caravan september 1-10 heading to 2nd annual national heirloom expo, september 11-13 from san diego to santa rosa, california. 

pamm larry, the grandmother who started the label gmos campaign was one of the early signers of the '7.5 million + 2 petition.' '7.5 million + 2' would be a majority of those who voted in the 2008 california general election. the petition, says leslie goldman, aka your enchanted gardener, aims to make sure we have the votes we need before voting day. 


garden management journal
july 26, 2012

this article submitted to the life connection, represents a full days work.
i could not have done this with feng shui with lurrae taking more than 90 minutes to work over the earlier version.

i knew i needed an editor on this.

i was spent....and i am grateful i did not send it. gratefully, grace stepped in and lurrae was available when i called.

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