Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

Heading to the Desert to Pray for My Friends

Started this Plant Your Dream Blog April 11. Added more April 12, and then left for Joshua Tree for my annual Passover-Easter Retreat.

The morning I wrote this, I went on an internet journey guided by elders of the Natural Healing Arts--The Beet Keepers. Led to information difficult to hear, but relevant for reclaiming our rights to a healthy FDA that will come to understand the meaning of authentic Food Safety, My Seed Dream: A healthy FDA will learn to live with us as fully alive human beings in a Post GMO World.

Dr. Bernard Jensen led me to Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, whose inspiration started the FDA. Dr. Wiley helped write the Pure Food Act of 1906 that basically unlawed the Junk Food we have today and many of the pharmaceuticals now in vogue. Commercial adulterators blocked enforcement of the Pure Food Act that was already law. Dr Bernard Jensen wants me to follow in the footsteps of Alfred W McCann, a muckraker for good gov who would want to fed those in office whole, pure, fresh, organic food that they might get their beat back with nature. McCann wrote "The Science of Eating" 1918 when we were in World War. We are still in World War. May Peace be Unto You.

Date:   4/11/2012 9:37:55 AM   ( 12 y ) ... viewed 2971 times

The morning of April 12, 2012

Once a year, I gather with with out of the box Jews In Joshua Tree. We set up a large tent and a holy altar. Most Jews eat Matzvah this time of year, and so do these, but I will will bringing some organic vittles because that is what serves my head and body best. This can be the Springtime of our lives for the human race. I just wanted you to know I will be thinking of you.

Praying for my friends


With the youth of Hami High School for a Medical Fair, April 25.

Will be planting Khorasan ancient wheat in the same pot with everyone I have been meeting this year.

Going to see if we can grind some grains together, and make some cookies or pizza in a solar oven. They had a dirt spot here a couple years ago that is now a thriving garden. I would like to see 1,000,000 more kids regain their confidence this year that they can grow some of their own food.

Please send a box of samples to give away. The event is called Project Taste Organic. When I was in the classroom March 13, I have away buttons, and samples I picked up at #expowest.

Cinco De Mayo, Saturday, May 5, 2012

This is the Fourth Year I will be participating in the San Diego Cultivating Food Justice Event. Last year, I taught a class called Organic Uprising on the street where the folks that Michelle Obama visited at the New Roots Roots Farm came to visit.

Arundo & Wheat Stories How Fast Can a Dream Grow?

Arundo Donax, The Giant Reed, the plant that may have been used to send Baby Moses down the Nile toward Freedom; was held sacred by the Buddha, and wrapped the Pharoahs in their tomb to ensure they would return again to life; the plant that was once a source of extensive commerce for the people of Tijjuana until we built a wall between our countries, is now one of Monsanto's biggest moneymakers. Considered Public Plant Enemy #1 by many conservation councils set up with Biotech funds, Arundo was considered landfill trash that was said to be uncompostable and unshreddable. We proved at home that it can be shredded and it can be composted as well as used as mulch without fear of resprouting. While we trash it here, up the road in Portland, Or, farmers are being paid to grow Arundo Donax. It may be our next best choice biomass used for fuel.

Ancient Wheat for Modern Times--Khnorsan or Kamut as Bob Quinn calls it, has been called the Prophet's Grain. The prophet was Norah, legend says, who carried two of each species on the Ark, that they might be preserved. Today, when the fate of the future of our genes and food will be determined at the polls of CA (Label GMOs); I am inviting you to Plant Your Dream with Kamut to show that we are all growing in the same pot--grassroots, to organic elite; Organic and Biotech lovers all One-Faith standing up for in a good Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Food. May the truth be known, and GMOs Labeled.


in 2012, I will be championing the work of Alfred McCann, whose suppressed books, "The Science of Eating and "Starving America" deserve to be best sellers today; "Empty Harvest" by Dr. Bernard Jensen and Mark R. Anderson; ...and Luther Burbank, (1907), who in the "Training of the Human Plant," pointed out how human seeds and plant seeds grow by the same organic principles of classical plant breeding that works best through Organically Rooted Gene Modification. . Burbank said the Survival of the Fittest is based on a wide diversity of races and their genes shaking hands. HJis potato helped save Ireland when their gene pool got too narrow. even before the age of Biotech. Plant Your Dream on this night of inspired stories, including your own!

I will be repeating this class by invite through the year, and writing a book about the subject material that calls for a resurrection of the Pure Food Law of 1906.

Plant a Seed! Grow A Whole New World!

I remain,
Your Enchanted Gardener
Leslie Goldman


The Science of Eating Online

Starving America Online

The Training of the Human Plant Online

Empty Harvest

Dr. Bernard Jensen and Mark R Anderson

Empty Harvest

San Diego
April 12, 2012


Dr. Bernard Jensen with Leslie Goldman, a photo from sometime in the 1980's at the Hidden Valley Health Ranch, Escondido.

Humanity is on a journey of Awakening from Slavery to Freedom. In ancient times, many people knew they were enslaved. Today, we are enslaved by foods. We are in a Food Emergency. Each year we are having more and more an Empty Harvest and yet, as never before The Field's are Ripe, and Ready to be Harvested. More and more people are becoming aware. This empty harvest is so, because of the dire nature of where we find ourselves as individuals, as community, as nations.

Rabbi Joshua Abraham Heschel carried a small torah in the freedom march of with Martin Luther King.

He said. "There is the grain of the prophet in the recesses of every human existence." (Joshua Abraham Heschel, God in Search of Man. P.255) To this I add, "So Plant Your Dream!" --Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener ( Passover and Easter 2012). We have lost our beat with nature. This is the essence of the issue.

Plant Your dream: This is the Key to Bringing the Prophet out of our recesses

Plant Your Dream. Physically do this with seeds, grains, roots, and other living things. As the seed grows, so will the dream. Getting your beat back is a key and this comes as you plant according to Nature's Laws.

Szekely Says:

Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, the 20th Century Prophet of the Essential, said in his book, "The Essene Book of Asha, "

"Just as inexhaustable sources of energy are ever flowing towards the grain planted in the earth, so will innumerable sources of knowledge open and flow toward you, till you become one with nature and the organic universe."

Ancient Grain of Wheat Is Our Teacher, Zarathrustra Says in
The Essene Book of Asha:

"You, too, much one day cease to be your present self, so that you may become a richer personality, in pursuance of the law that life always creates more life, truth more abundant truth, the seed more abundant seeds. This is one answer to your problems given by the grain of wheat.:--Professor
Edmond B Szekely, "The Essene Book of Asha."

And so my friends, I ask during this fateful Spring of 2012, for us all to join together in "Keeping the Dream Alive!: How fast can a Dream Grow? As Fast as a Blade of Grass. Truly, let this be the Springtime of our Lives as a Human Race.

Leslie Goldman
Your Enchanted Gardener

Spring--Summer- Fall 2012

Important Quotes for Welcoming in the Post GMOs Era

Today, the battleground of Consciousness begins as we Label GMOs.

Here are some history quotes that set the stage.

I will write more on these later.

These commercial interests have the United States Government on their side, ever since they ousted Dr. Harvey W. Wiley from his job as head of the Food & Drug Administration in 1912. The present head of the Food & Drug Division of Nutrition, Dr. Elmer M. Nelson in a special Constitutional Court in Washington last October testified that: “It is wholly unscientific to state that a well fed body is more able to resist disease than a less well-fed body. My overall opinion is that there hasn't been enough experimentation to prove dietary deficiencies make one more susceptible to disease.” (Washington Post, October 26, 1949.)--Royal Lee
Articles from Let's Live Magazine, 1950

Articles by Royal Lee from Let's Live Magazine 1950:

Many comment, that surely if poor diet, and toxins in our food contributed so largely to health problems in our culture, that someone would immediately take action for a change, or that the news media would share these wonderful discoveries with the world. I’ll divert the answer to this question to Dr. Harvey W. Wiley former commissioner of the US Bureau of Chemistry which is now known as the FDA. While Dr. Wiley was commissioner he tried to enforce Pure Foods Act of 1906. This law, took great effort to pass at the time, it was a guarantee to the American people, that only pure, unprocessed foods and drugs, which did not contain any chemicals, pesticides, or additives would be legal to be sold. Under the Pure Food Act, unnatural foods such as; soft drinks, breakfast cereals, candy bars, non-organic food and many drugs of today would be illegal to make, sell or consume because of their hazardous effects. Dr. Wiley, in trying to enforce the pure food law, became so frustrated with the corruption in the FDA, which has been run by private food interests since around his time, 1912, that he resigned. He then wrote a book called, “History of Crime Against the Pure Food Law.” He knew that processed and denatured food along with chemical additives would cause and aggravate many degenerative diseases, yet he could not stop it from happening in our country.

Copyright © Rami Nagel, 2007. All Rights Reserved.

The Science of Eating by
Alfred W. McCann can be found online here:

Very important Historical Documents regarding Royal Lee and
Dr. Harvey M. Wiley, can be found here on

No Pure Food Action—Now
By Harvey W. Wiley, MD

Summary: In 1925, Dr. Wiley, the former head of the USDA's Bureau of Chemistry (later to become the FDA), created a public firestorm when he published in Good Housekeeping magazine a letter he'd written to President Calvin Coolidge admonishing the Department of Agriculture for failing to enforce the landmark Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, which outlawed the misbranding and adulteration of food. Wiley's letter caused Coolidge to call for an explanation from the acting secretary of the USDA, whose letter to the president revealed just how industrial food manufacturers had managed to circumvent the food purity law. In this partial article from 1926, Wiley expresses his disappointment in the conciliatory position of the USDA and questions the failure of the department to enforce the law in spite of the backing of two Supreme Court decisions. Though Wiley's stance against food manufacturers had cost him his job within the government, he continued to speak on behalf of America's public health throughout the remainder of his life. From Good Housekeeping, 1926.

View PDF: No Pure Food Action—Now




I am heading for the desert to pray for my friends.

Job Prayed for his friends.

The world as I see it, is a world of friends, and others waiting to be drawn into our circle of friendship.

A Simple Beat Shall Lead Them

We face a world today that has increasingly lost its beat with nature. This beat will come back as we regain our relationship to the Garden. The Garden is more than a Place. The Garden is a place of consciousness where people through interactions, enter a Journey of Awakening.

I will take to the desert, an organic beet growing in a pot. The beet I bring has a name. She is a magical character, called Keep The Beet Media Star, The World's FIrst Talking Beet Plant.

What would a talking beet tell us today if she could speak? For me, plants do speak loud and clear. They do not like what is happening to our planet.

Plants are Part of Nature's Original Technology. That technology is already perfect. We can make that technology more perfect through marrying our own unique dreams to that technology, but there are perameters...this are called the Laws of Nature, by that group once known as the Essenes. The Essenes today I see in every walk of life. I know them by their actions and their desires to be peacemakers.

They are fundamentally standing up for the Laws of Nature.

Dr. Bernard Jensen was one Beet Keeper, I admire.

He guided me into the ranks of other Beet Keepers. Today is the day when Beet Keepers, Return!

Beet Keepers within the FDA

The last Beet Keeper, one who understood the beat of nature, was Dr Harvey W. Wiley, who in 1906, wrote the book, "The Crimes Against the Pure Food Law."

Many comment, that surely if poor diet, and toxins in our food contributed so largely to health problems in our culture, that someone would immediately take action for a change, or that the news media would share these wonderful discoveries with the world. I’ll divert the answer to this question to Dr. Harvey W. Wiley former commissioner of the US Bureau of Chemistry which is now known as the FDA. While Dr. Wiley was commissioner he tried to enforce Pure Foods Act of 1906. This law, took great effort to pass at the time, it was a guarantee to the American people, that only pure, unprocessed foods and drugs, which did not contain any chemicals, pesticides, or additives would be legal to be sold. Under the Pure Food Act, unnatural foods such as; soft drinks, breakfast cereals, candy bars, non-organic food and many drugs of today would be illegal to make, sell or consume because of their hazardous effects. Dr. Wiley, in trying to enforce the pure food law, became so frustrated with the corruption in the FDA, which has been run by private food interests since around his time, 1912, that he resigned. He then wrote a book called, “History of Crime Against the Pure Food Law.” He knew that processed and denatured food along with chemical additives would cause and aggravate many degenerative diseases, yet he could not stop it from happening in our country.

Copyright © Rami Nagel, 2007. All Rights Reserved.

Google Search: Dr Harvey W. Wiley, who in 1906, wrote the book..

I am a member of the Organic Trade Association (OTA). OTA has a lovely new website online called Organic: It's Worth it

On April 25, the day I will be with Youth at Hami School in Los Angeles, members of the OTA will be with our Food Czar, Michael R. Taylor, who I consider one of the the most influential men in our the US right now. Michael R. Taylor is is a long time of FDA voices who basically were never introduced to the Laws of Nature. Many of these FDA chieftains have been influences food policy for more than 100 years.

Dr. Bernard Jensen sent me in the direction of Alfred McCann, who wrote a book that has been suppressed at times. It is called "The Science of Eating."
It was through studying Alfred McCann that I came up these Let's Live Aricles from 1950 by Royal Lee.

Here is one quote:

These commercial interests have the United States Government on their side, ever since they ousted Dr. Harvey W. Wiley from his job as head of the Food & Drug Administration in 1912. The present head of the Food & Drug Division of Nutrition, Dr. Elmer M. Nelson in a special Constitutional Court in Washington last October testified that: “It is wholly unscientific to state that a well fed body is more able to resist disease than a less well-fed body. My overall opinion is that there hasn't been enough experimentation to prove dietary deficiencies make one more susceptible to disease.” (Washington Post, October 26, 1949.)

Articles by Royal Lee from Let's Live Magazine 1950:

Summary of Dr. Wiley Article

No Pure Food Action—Now
By Harvey W. Wiley, MD

Summary: In 1925, Dr. Wiley, the former head of the USDA's Bureau of Chemistry (later to become the FDA), created a public firestorm when he published in Good Housekeeping magazine a letter he'd written to President Calvin Coolidge admonishing the Department of Agriculture for failing to enforce the landmark Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, which outlawed the misbranding and adulteration of food. Wiley's letter caused Coolidge to call for an explanation from the acting secretary of the USDA, whose letter to the president revealed just how industrial food manufacturers had managed to circumvent the food purity law. In this partial article from 1926, Wiley expresses his disappointment in the conciliatory position of the USDA and questions the failure of the department to enforce the law in spite of the backing of two Supreme Court decisions. Though Wiley's stance against food manufacturers had cost him his job within the government, he continued to speak on behalf of America's public health throughout the remainder of his life. From Good Housekeeping, 1926.

View PDF: No Pure Food Action—Now

A Beautiful Truth is Online Free Now

Charlotte Gerson. Max Gerson--

Sunday, March 25, 2012, another ally of Dr. Bernard Jensen celebrated the 90th Anniversary of a profound healing system that has helped many people, the Gerson Therapy. The story of this work is told in the film "A Beautiful Truth" that is graciously online in its full version.

Upcoming Event

I See and Seed One Million Youth Leading the Way as they Regain Confidence that they Each Can Grow Their own Food.

--One Million more People's Organic Gardens--
One Million more Farmers of a new generation--
millions of Urban Agriculturists, Organic or Better
--Schools with Gardens--


Heading to the Desert to Pray for My Friends

I started this Plant Your Dream Blog April 11 and added more April 12, and then left for Joshua Tree for my annual Passover-Easter Retreat.

The morning I wrote this, I went on an internet journey that felt guided by the elders of the Natural Healing Arts--The Beet Keepers. I was led to sources of information that are difficult to hear, but are relevant to the current assignment of reclaiming our rights to a healthy FDA and comes to understand the meaning of authentic Food Safety and learns to live and helps to guide principles that will allow us all to live in a Post GMO World.

Dr. Bernard Jensen's spirit led me to the work of Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, whose inspiration started the FDA and helped write the Pure Food Act of 1906 that basically unlawed the Junk Food we had today and many of the pharmaceuticals now in Vogue. Commercial adulterators blogged the enforcement of the Pure Food Act that was already law. Dr Bernard Jensen wanted me to follow in the footsteps of Alfred McCann, a muckraker for good gov and whole, pure, fresh, organic. McCann wrote "The Science of Eating" 1918,1919 when we were in World War. We are still in World War. Dr. Bernard Jensen wanted me to follow in the footsteps of Alfred W. McCann and to bring Peace.



How Fast can a dream Grow? Asks this Video.
As fast as a blade of Grass...

This is Kamut Khorasan organic wheat growing in a BioSmart Compostable container made of sugar Cane Bagasse.
You can order some of these containers for yourself from the BioSmart Packaging Website. I would like to encourage teachers to order for their classrooms and get their cafeterias supporting this wonderful company that is going the distance to help reduce waste and raise awareness about compostable materials. Anthony Russo is contributing to getting styrofoam out of our waste stream. The use of products like these have now been picked up by the mainstream distributors. We need to make sure Anthony gets rewarded for priming the pump.

Beginning in 2012, it will be Organic ancient Khorasan wheat grass from Kamut International!


One of my favorite all time stories is called "The Legend Of Zarathustra." It tells about a King who was troubled by the deepest questions of life. He sought out the neighborhood prophet, Zarathrustra. Zarathrustra told the King that he would discover the answers to his problems if he got to know a profound Teacher. The teacher was an Ancient Grain of Wheat.


This story, about an ancient Prophet, known as a great gardener, who gives a King or a Queen, a Grain of Wheat, has impacted my own work. It is the basis of my work called Plant Your Dream.

The story, as told in the opening pages of the book "The Essene Book of Asha" by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely speaks about a Golden Box. The king stored his grain of wheat in that box.

I have a silver Box. I travel with it everywhere I go. I tell many people I meet that inside this box are the deepest dreams of humanity. I invite them to take their dreams out of the Silver Box and Plant them.

I told this story at Hamilton High School last Fall.

Precious, one of the students, wrote up a little song about The Magic Box.

Precious, a student who will graduate from Hamilton High School, heard the teaching of the Magic Box when Uncle Leslie, that's me, taught in the classroom of my niece Eva Becker last October. I introduced the youth to Flower Essences and many other natural remedies. They want be to come back.

The work Of Keep The Beet Media Star, The World's FIrst Talking Beet Plant was inspired by this story. The King had lost his beat with nature. We today, have lost our beat with nature. I know that through the simple act of taking our dreams out of the symbolic silver box--represented by seeds, and then going through the act of literally planting our dreams with intention, there is much we can learn about regaining our beat with nature. Through the act of gardening with intention, we can get our beat back with nature.

Can life be that simple?

Could a simple grain of wheat teach us the secrets of life?

Keep coming back!

I will keep you posted.

My goal is to inspire one million youth to take their dreams out of the Box starting one dream at a time.



Dear Uncle Leslie,

I was very impressed by the natural sprays. You had different types of mixtures which I was interested in trying, because I remember I sprayed this one essence and when I was going home all my emotions settled and I felt brand new.

15 or 16 year old
Hamilton High School
October 5, 2011

Uncle Leslie!!!

This is the 2nd time I've had the pleasure of listening to your wisdom & everytime I see you I learn so much. Not only am I gunna change my eating habits, but I have more courage to chase my dream! You've opened my eyes in many ways. PLEASE
--From: Tim. D

15 or 16 year old
Hamilton High School
October 5, 2011


Youth at Hamilton High School enjoy an organic yellow watermelon from J.R. Organics, fifth and sixth generation local organic farmers from San Diego County. Securing The Organic Future at the Rodriguez Ranch, a land that needs to be back in the family hands, is one fundraising project on my Radar.


Introducing Youth, beginning at Hamilton High School, to organic food and natural remedies is another pilot project

Dear Uncle Leslie,

I really enjoyed the lecture you gave us (and the watermelon!) It taught me that you need to eat all of the right foods to be whole and live your dream. I could relate to a lot of it, especially the part about planting your seed to live your dream, even if you don't know what your dream is quite yet. Something you taught me was to eat organic foods because they are much healthier. Also, you taught me that shopping at local farmers markets will benefit us and the farmer. The local farmers really care about our well being and after I ate the watermelon, I believe it. The whole presentation was very interesting and educational in a good way. Thanks for taking your time and talking to us about this important subject.

15 or 16 year old
Hamilton High School
October 5, 2011


Dear Uncle Leslie,
Ya, we appreciate your support Uncle Leslie!! Love you very much. You are a great and wise teacher!!

3:48 pm
March 2, 2012


Related Plant Your Dream Blog



Kamut Khorasan wheat, an ancient and organic grain, has antioxidant properties which protect against oxidative stress suggests a new study.

How Fast Can a Dream Grow?
As Fast as a Blade of Grass!

When I Touch Grass, I touch Infinity..."
--George Washington Carver

This is a Favorite Quote for the 2012 Season from George Washington Carver. I found this quote in the books of Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, who I see an the foremost Essene Renaissance Prophet of the 20th Century. "Essene" means many things, including, Expectant of the return to wholeness. It means, holding to the Essential. It means each of us being an Organic Uprising, Standing Up for Nature's Original Technology.

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