Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

I like this take on #S-510

I like this take on #S-510

Date:   12/20/2010 1:14:25 PM   ( 15 y ) ... viewed 27774 times

I read but generally lean away
from publishing the info on
Dr. Rima's site.
She has come into conflict with numbers
of the other Health organizations.

That is the crux of part of our problem
right now.

We, who want health freedom, need to
evolve our skill set of cooperative living
and find ways to work our Unity and Diversity
Muscle so we can defend against
the offense, that is sometimes offensive
tactics that are coming down from Washington.

We are called to strengthen our listening ability
and see the other person's point of view.

I know I need to do this in my own home now,
and we need to do this as a coalition.

I like this:

11:16 am
December 20, 2010


Senate GOP Betrayal on S.510
A Personal Response
Last last night, while pretending to debate the START treaty, the GOP in the US Senate betrayed their strongest supporters and, after promising us never to do so, gave unanimous consent to move the fake "food safety" bill (really, the "food control" bill) S.510 to the House for lame-duck passage.

Revised Action Item here: Tell the House "No!"

Why would the Senate GOP send this major increase in Federal power to the House now, when the GOP will take over that body in a couple weeks? That is a good question. The answer is that the GOP is bought-and-paid by BigAgBiz and the rest of the crony ant-free market companies that want to crush local, independent, natural food production and distribution!

The GOP has specifically betrayed the Tea Party, both major arms of which came out strongly against the bill. That is how powerful the economic interests are that directed this betrayal.

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