Call To: Senator Enzi from Your Enchanted Gardener
Video made at the Hillcrest Farmers; Market.
I am now asking that he withdraw #S-510 from the HR 3082
to be looked at before the end of the Lameduck session.
Date: 12/9/2010 3:43:49 PM ( 15 y ) ... viewed 17326 times
Call To: Senator Enzi from Your Enchanted Gardener
Be one of 1 million calls to the Capital Switchboard
at (202) 224-3121. Call for a national conversation on Food Safety
with all voices being heard on the issue before members of Congress
vote on this extremely important and far reaching bill.
On December 9, the Senators will attempt to gain
final passage of the bill that has been attached
to a must pass bill.
I have been up since 4 am working on
#S-510 and other Plant Your Dream Blogs.
This is the eighth day of Chanukah.
The HR has slipped #S-510 into the
Budge, a must pass bill. That shows
how important it is to them that it pass.
The problem is, there has been little open
discussion equal to the importance of this
bill that can influence the future of food in
The longer they delay to pass this bill
the more my intention is being fulfilled.
Chewing on Food Safety:
A National Conversation is Needed
was my original Seed Dream started on
October 3 when the blog of that name
was first printed on the Huffington Post.
A National Conversation is brewing.
More and more people are getting involved
and asking what this bill is all about.
It is becoming more and more clear
that this bill we become an embarrassment
to Washington as they continue to make mistakes
and make moves that bring up in more and more
people's minds: What is going on here?
Day by day I am learning how Washington works
and receiving jewels
The latest is this website run by
The Washington Post called
How Gov Runs. IT details this kind of information
I need to focus more to be effective,
but the learning is powerful.
The Senator I want to establish
relationship with in Senator Dianne Feinstein,
the first woman senator. She is my senator
from California. I am impressed with her stand
on BPA.
Though perhaps best known outside of Washington for his unsuccessful fight to bring his laptop onto the Senate floor, Enzi’s a legislative force with which to be reckoned. He’s ranked as the 5th most conservative senator by the National Journal(1), yet he worked closely with the liberal Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass) on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee before Kennedy's death.
The year 2009 found Enzi in a unique position to make or break President Obama's push for health-care reform. As the ranking Republican on the HELP Committee and a member of the Finance Committee, Enzi was a key member of the two Senate committees drafting health-reform legislation. He was also a member of the "Gang of Six," a group of bipartisan Finance Committee members who spent the summer trying to hammer out a bipartisan deal on health reform.
Swearing by what he calls the “80/20 rule,” which he has said means people “agree on 80 percent of the issues … and if they leave the other 20 percent out they can get a lot done,”(2) Enzi’s legislative accomplishments center on trade, small business and border security. And though the final act does not bear his name, he worked closely with then-Sen. Paul Sarbanes (D-Md.) to develop the Sarbanes-Oxley Act that strengthened regulation of publicly-traded companies.(3)
Enzi was elected to the Senate in 1996, and has held his seat easily since then.
I would appreciate you making a $.99 cent donation
now or more to show you appeciate the work.
The $.99 cents will go toward creating a Trust
to help buy the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community
Growing Grounds where I live in San Diego. The land
and home I would like to see a museum dedicated
to the History of Peace on Earth some day.
Some funds will be used to hire and pay staff to
enliven the Campaign to Educate Washington on
Real Food Safety.
$1000.00 or more donations are tax deductable
through my non profit umbrella. $.99 cent and more
donations are not tax deductable at this time. Hold receipts
for later....