Got Oil????? Your Enchanted Gardener Beefs Up D.C. Edu
Got Oil????? Your Enchanted Gardener Beefs Up D.C. Education
Campaign to Educate Washington on Real Food Safety
Date: 12/3/2010 8:52:30 AM ( 15 y ) ... viewed 44544 times
Barry Logan on Thanksgiving Day
prepares to leave for a year,
feeling depressed and in grief.
The Seven year La Milpa Social experiment
in Micro-farming shut down due to overregulation
September 18, on the Jewish Day of Fasting
and Atonemnent called Yom Kippur.
Leslie, today is the third day of Chanukah.
More Light is coming into the world.
Thank you for your noble efforst in behalf
of all the beets, carrots, and humans.
All nature is stirring! Keep up the work.
Please follow up with taking time to
take James Wanless's Sage of World's
Voyager Deck Tarot Card and do art with it
with the local organic produce you got from
Brita Turner of Suzie's Farm and Goyo of
JR Rodriguez.
There is no competition among the local organic
farmer Beet Keepers. Suzie's Farm has about
500 in their CSA and JR has about 300.
Please step up your Campaign to Educate Washington
on Real Food Safety.
I want 10,000 members supporting Suzie,
J.R. Organics, and Sage Mountain CSA.
Put up the video of Phil Noble of Sage Mountain
farm offering to feed the 100 U.S. Senators that
you made last Sunday at the Hillcrest Farmers' Market.
Also, sweet Leslie, my Enchanted Gardener
star of my Rock Your Soul Opera, do a Plant Your Dream Blog
on Mary the Mother of Cheese.
We want you to help her get in the Hillcrest Farmers' Market.
Check in with David Larsen on that and find out what the
scoop is from all angles.
to do! Make Art on this
the Third Day of Chanukkah and upload here,
please! Thank you, the Czarina of Foods
and your constant companion,
Keep The Beet
"Whenever I forget,
and think that life is just a series of difficulties,
all I have to do is go no further than my own compost pile
in my own backyard,
dig a bit with my bare hands
, and unearth an earthworm or two.
It never ceases to amaze me how such little creatures
can miraculously turn food garbage into rich fertile soil.
When I think about such a seemingly little thing,
then realize how fantastic this really is,
I know there is a God and I know
that there are miracles everyday, i
f we would only take the time to turn the corner
on our own mental processing and realize it.
Blessings for this day!"
You are on a high vibrational initiative.
Coming into your own... and pure power!
You are very articulate on powerful in your presentations..
and your ladies stretching.. now that is creative!
I have forwarded you recent email to my foody friends.
Also, now that I am selling Juice Plus..
have forward to my business partners,
who are very successful in the company.
the nutrition of 26 fruits, vegetables and berries in capsule form.
Love always,
Feng Shui with Lurrae
Designing spaces for health, harmony and power
Based on Feng Shui principles for home and business
Teen Shui with Lurrae
Helping teenagers understand the power of placement