Educating Washington On Real Food Safety Launched!!!!
Closing Ceremony Notes Pacific Symposium 2010.
Leslie GOldman, Your Enchanted Gardener
launches the Campaign to Educate Washington on Real Food Safety.
November 6-7. 2010. S. 510= s.3747 slow done please
and learn to chew your food before we all choke
on a bad food future.
Date: 11/7/2010 10:20:39 AM ( 15 y ) ... viewed 23580 times
8:20 am
November 7, 2010
As your enchanted Gardener, this early morning, I was making grand rounds with Keep The Beet Media Star, the World’s First Talking Beet Plant, and a Tahitian squash grown out by a local organic farmer who is no longer farming because the climate of regulation now outlaws natural law for micro
farmers who fall between the cracks of codes.
Hippocrates called the father of medicine would be arrested for saying Let Food and herbs be thy medicine as these trends continue. Regulations are due to increase. S. 510 and S. 3767, are about to pass soon in the Senate unless we do something about their passage.
This is what the beet said:
Tell my allies at the Pacific Symposium that it is time to turn their beat of nature around
through growing a beet in a pot, tell them that we can no longer leave the fate our foods to the hands of 100 senators who will soon, in the name of abetting contamination be voting on food safety without any idea what real food safety is.
Tell the to join the dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Food on Facebook, that I want them each join my Enchanted Garden Club. Tell them to read the article that you wrote
on Huffington Post, called Chewing on Food Safety, a National Conversation is needed. Tell them, that I am not against the FDA, I merely want to lead it with my beets point of view. I am not against the international Codex or its USDA counterpart that is making Food Rules and has the ear of our legislators.
Tell them, I Keep The Beet, want to make the food rules for our nation.
Remind them, that they are each stars in my
rock your soul opera called beet keepers return!
Ask them to support your campaign to educate washington on real food safety. Do not hesitate
to ask them to Root their dream today, because each person at the Pacific Symposium holds the future in their hands. One thousand years from now
we will look back and see that we made the right choices,
Have Beth Bolwerk stir their souls and their seeds with a sacred sound restoring the Chain of whole being on land and sea.
Read your little poem about seeds you wrote,
and end with stanzas from America the beautiful.
Leslie Goldman, our Conference Enchanted Gardener,
provides us each year with our conference Altar where
we are all invited to root our deepest dreams and connect
our points with the beat of nature through
literally planting some of our own food and medicines.
Recently published in the Huffington Post,
this year at Pacific symposium he launches a year long
national campaign to Educate Washington on Real Food
Safety. Leslie was given a U.N. Peace medal
in 1984 for the work he would do in his life. He writes daily on the Plant Your Dream Blog that has more than 2.2
total page views.
His work impacts the future of our medicine.
He will lead us in a brief closing ceremony.
To leave the Fate of the Future of Real Food Safety to the decision making capacity of 100 men and women U.S. Senators and Food Safety Policy Makers who may never have shopped their local Farmers' Market or delighted in the taste of butter from contented cows would be an error in judgement. To imagine that Washington legislators, who may never have delighted in leafy greens fresh picked that morning, contamination free, are suited to make the call on what we who sing "America The Beautiful" will eat tomorrow is faulty logic. Food is ours. All of ours. It is time to Chew on Food Safety. A National Conversation has begun. Let all of us, GE Lovers, Organic food Lovers, Conventional Food Growers, sit down and enter into an honest and honoring Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Food.
Let us give thanks and praise our Unity in Diversity as a nation. Let us be grateful that in this season of incoming Thanksgiving, we can take time to discuss with each other why we all need real food safety based on principles of Sound Health and Healing that have been with us since the beginning of dinner on planet earth. New Food Rules. We call for these now: Food Rules that are in harmony with the beat of nature. New agreements about what laws we ask our FDA to enforce to protect the bounty of our diverse seeds. We believe that can pave the way to economic renewal that is grounded and rooted in American ideals through turning our beat around with nature. We want support in growing a bit of our own food. We want support for community gardens. We want to co-create true earth-based Homeland Security through supporting 1000's of micro-farms. Vegetables do not lie. We can live with it if some of our micro-farmers are not regulated by national or international Food Rules and Regulations. We, who know our foods and know our farmers, have the adulthood to decide what we want to eat. We do not need our FDA to mandate rules for the foods that we want to eat and have been safely eaten since we crawled out of the sea.