Keep The Beet wants to advance
her Grow Your Own Food Project for kids
sponsored by Get Bio Smart and our other
Beet Keeper, Return! sponsors.
This is part of the Rock Your Soul Opera.
Scene called Uncle Leslie Returns to the Classroom
with Keep The Beet Media Star
The World's First Talking Beet Plant,
The Grow Your Own Food in a Pot
project is now called
The Rock Your Soul Grow Your Own Food
Cirriculum for Kids of all Ages
One Pot + One Person = You're a Gardener
Date: 10/4/2010 10:40:28 AM ( 15 y ) ... viewed 1853 times
Key Kids!!
This is a picture of Keep The Beet Media Star
with Leslie and two of his friends at the Michelle Obama's
launching of Let's Move at the New Roots IRC Farm
in San Diego on April 15, 2010.
Keep The Beet is asking Niece Eva Becker
to write up a lesson for the Hami Garden Party
October 7, 2010.
We want to educate the Stars in Keep The Beet Media Stars
Rock Your Soul Opera called Beet Keepers, Return!
the non-profit umbrella behind LIVE H20, RUBEN SAUFKIE Sr,
of the Hopi Water Clan, and NADIA SOMMER, coordinator of H20 LIVE Long Beach, brought a flask of combined blessed waters to the ocean as part of the Opening Ceremony, June 19, 2009, that took place at LIVE H20's Belmont Shores Long Beach, Calif venue.
I was thinking of you yesterday,
and now I know why. I have a question for you.
Have you developed a Child's curriculum
as an introduction to growing your own food
via one beet at a time? I am very interested
to know what you're doing.
Rio Hondo College
Rio Hondo College (RHC), located in Southeast Los Angeles County near the intersection of the 60 and 605 freeways, enrolls over 20,000 students each semester. Rio Hondo College is fully accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. The college serves students from a variety of educational backgrounds, including recent high school graduates, people seeking new skills or careers, and lifelong learners wanting to add to their knowledge base. Rio Hondo College’s Automotive Technology Program meets strict industry standards and is NATEF/ASE “Master” certified. Nationwide, only a small percentage of educational institutions achieve this certification in all eight automotive specialty areas.
Got this last night from Eva Becker,
one of Los Angeles's Greatest Science Teachers
for Teens (and My Niece....)
Uncle Leslie, we have an opportunity
to write a lesson plan on keep the beet for the kids
who are going to be planting beet seeds
in the HAMI garden and watching them grow.
From: Paula Waxman
To: Becker, Eva
Subject: RE: Grand Opening "Party"
Hi Eva,
Of course we welcome your beets!
Do you need planting trays and potting soil?
We have some. Just let me know.
Also how much room will you need cleared in the beds?
Also, we would be soooooo grateful
if you would write up your measurement activity
in the form of a simple lesson plan. and your beet lesson.
We would like to offer teachers an array of activities that can use the garden. We are working on some of our own too!
Email it to me early next week (if you can) and I'll print it up.
Many thanks for all that you do for your students!
--- On Wed, 9/29/10, Becker, Eva
From: Becker, Eva <
Subject: RE: Grand Opening "Party"
To: "Paula Waxman"
Date: Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 6:30 PM
Yes, wonderful! I will stop by.
I have some ideas for a measurement activity. We also want to plant some beet seeds that my uncle donated, then we are going to use them for staining slides once they grow. Can we fit some beets in?
From: Paula Waxman
To: Becker, Eva
Subject: Grand Opening "Party"
Hi Eva,
To fulfill the requirements of the city grant we have to have a "Grand Opening" to introduce the project to the teachers, students, parents, community, and community leaders. So, on Oct. 7th, Principal Garcia suggested that we invite all teachers to visit the garden for a few minutes throughout the day
AND since it is "Back to School Night",
the parents can come before visiting classes in the evening.
That's why the garden will be open from 7am until 7pm .
Also coming on 10/7 will be Councilman Paul Koretz, t
he City Granting Office Leadership,
and the South Robertson Neighborhoods Council President.
You got a special email invite (the same that went to community leaders) because you have been a friend of the garden all along.
The teachers will be getting paper invitations in their mail boxes.
If a teacher wants to see the garden and bring his/her class,
we are asking them to sign up on a sheet that Karen Laramay will post in the office telling us what time they would like to visit. We're asking teachers to come for just 10 minute intervals. This way we won't have too many students in the garden at once. We are trying to encourage as many students teachers as possible to use/experience the garden.
So far, it has just been the science department.
In the weeks that follow Oct. 7th ,
we will be opening the garden so that teachers
and students can come in to work and study.
Ms Eva Becker, my niece, is a top science high school teacher
at Hamilton High School in L.A. I visited three of her classes
last Monday. The kids were great.
Eva teaches ecology, macro molecules,
basic organic chemistry, living cells, health--how energy is used.
cell division, and genetics, and the human system.
I visited three of Ms Eva Becker's tenth grade science classes
last Monday.
The Kids did a follow up and wrote me letters.
Some of these handwritten notes bring tears to my eyes.
Dear Uncle,
Hey I enjoyed you yesterday.
The conversation was very interesting.
You're a really, funny guy in your own lite way.
You could be my long lost uncle I never had.
Hey, well come back and visit us. I would like that.
Love always,
Dear Uncle Leslie,
I learned a lot about dreams. I have a big aim
in life and you are my role model and I will make better pizza.
Also I will keep the beet. You have opened my eyes about
food and everything. Thanks for helping me plant my dream.
parwinder K
Dear Mr. Goldman,
I learned that being honest is right, that It doesn't matter
what I do. If I don't know what I have to do with my life yet.
I have to start from there and make everything the way I want
it to be. You are a cool guy and know how to explain yourself
and that food that they give in school is not good and I gotta
take care.
Dear Uncle Leslie,
It was really nice meeting you yesterday.
It was a realy nice and new experience talking
about my dreams. and incorporating nature into it.
I had a good time and it helped me feel better about
my life because I' going through some thing right now.
I'm excited to watch my beet grow and see my dreams
come true. You helped me realize that I need
to care more about nature and how much nature
brings peace to the mind. Thank you and I really
appreciate. Hpe to see you soon. Keep in touch.
Uncle Leslie!
well I'm the girl that
got the Himalayian Rock.
I'm the that wants to be a kindergarden
teacher. Well I thin that your beet stuff is a good
interesting way to help people accomplish their deams.
Well' Ill be researching up the salts. Hop you come again.
Dear "Uncle Leslie:,
I am very glad that you came in and talked to our class
yesterday. Nature has always fascinated me. The cures and remedies
found in the natural world are no doubt important to not lonly our
physical lives, but in our spiritual lives as well. I feel strongly
about how our diet can imact our minds and our souls.
I would really love to learn more from you. I believe I already
left you my contat information, but I'll leave it on the bottom
just in case. Thank You!
Dear Uncle Leslie,
Hearing you speak about our dreams made me really think
about my dreams. I want to reach my goals and be successful.
I hop you come back!
Sincerely Agular
I learned that eating healthy helps me play better
basketball and helps better my goals.
Dear Uncle Leslie,
Your presentation was one in a life time. Many of the kids
including myself only know the junk we get everyday.
It is nice to hear that someone cares and that there are
other alternatives. I am so happy that you took time
out to come and talk to us. Dreams are something
that are not often talked about, but they are the most
impotant aspects of life.
Thank you sooo much,
and please come agian.
Q: WHat did yesterday's lesson mean to you? or Not?
A: I believe it was an interesting experience, but it not not effect
me much. I do believe that living life closer to plants is a healthy
lifestyle, but this could not fit into my life that is all about keeping
on the move, making the next step forward, and exercising
until you can't breathe. Overall thank you for the experience.
Dear Mr Becker,
I appreciated your presentation very much. It helped me
think of life in a different way.
Dear Uncle Leslie,
Thank you so much for coming. You may not really believe it,
but I really feel that I learned a lot and I am planning to plant
my dreams soon. Also in case yu lost my paperfor farmer contacts,
my info is...
Dear Uncle Lesly,
Hello, my name is Julain.
Yesterday I didn't have the time to tell you my dreams.
THis is mine: I wish to become a great writer and an
excellent father one day. I learned some
amazing things about you,and it is ture that the processed
food from McDonalds makes you stupid. I tought that you
were a smart and happy persn, and you were!!! It's been
a pleasure meeting you. You are awesome, find, funny,
and caring. Hope you come back soon!
Dear Uncle Leslie,
Your Visit was not only fun, entertaining, and funny but it really
made me thing that being in touch with nature is extremly
important. I now also have more compassion for chasing
my dreams. PLEASE VISIT AGAIN!!!!
What Fun!
MISSION To spread the word
we can end the use of styrofoam through
the helping farmers in the orient who produce
Anthony Russo's 100 % natural sustainable packaging
and service ware products made from Sugar Cane Bagasse.
Lots of other great products too on the drawing board!
sez Keep The Beet Media Star
The World's First Talking Beet Plant.
Apirl 22, 2010
We need to restore our food chain on
both the land and the sea and get
rid of what is not working.
Introducing Carolyn Kaufman to
Biosmart-Earthsmart at last year's
Live H20 Long Beach.
A year of activity with kids followed.
Now is the time to take this to the next
Ordering the product at this link
helps support the Plant Your Dream Blog and
my many Non-profit projects,
including the Skits to be performed
as part of the Fall 2010 BEET KEEPERS, RETURN!
Keep The Beet wants you to be the Star
in her Rock Your Soul Opera.
Our Beloved Earth needs your seed dreams in
the world now coming up with to turn the beat the beat of nature
around in our lives that have become too plastic!!!!
Biosmart's Anthony Russo is a sustainability expert who is helping
200 small farming families in Asia through making this
wonderful alternative to styrofoam. Biosmart compost friendly
Sustainable Packaging and Service Ware
made from 100% take out ware are made of sugar cane bagasse,
a byproduct that could be a waste. Through his efforts,
we know have an industry creating a wonderful green solution.
Anthony is Keep the Beet Media Star's lead on her "The End of
Stryofoam" campaign. His pots are the centerpiece of our planting
program with kids, and kids of all ages. We replant beet roots
in the pots and use them to transport beet seeds.
We have been experimenting with beet seeds growing in the pots.
The beet roots grow better for a period of time.
The beet seeds prefer to grow in the ground.
6:11 am
August 24, 2010
Anthony Russo is out to make Green Living Easy
for the millions of fish in the sea and places on land that
are filling up fast with stuff called trash.
He has his heart in the right place.
He spends a lot of time overseas, making allies
among farmers, talking to leaders who influence governments.
He speaks publically and globally
about the need to go sustainable;
His website explains what sustainability means,
yet in his own backyard Enchanted Garden,
Anthony Russo, as thousands and thousands
of Evolutionary Leaders--as Beet Keepers among us--
likes nothing better than growing
exotic rare fruit trees,
and helping wherever he can--
in every way he can
to turn children and their parents back to what
is intended--a world where going Green is
going to be easy.
He started a company called EarthSmart.
Now he has BioSmart.
BioSmart is becoming a household word,
not only at the nation's schools of Higher Education,
but in every school cafeteria in the U.S.,
where little kids are still given sanction to
stuff their bodies with life depleting calories that make them fat
and fidget.
Ordering the product at this link
helps support the Plant Your Dream Blog and
ourmany Non-profit projects,
including the new Diaglogue on Science, Ethics, and Food
and the Rock Your Soul School Cirriculum for kids of all ages.