Giving EcoUsable Some Love in the Garden
Giving EcoUsable Some Love in the Garden
Date: 8/7/2010 7:24:42 PM ( 15 y ) ... viewed 1909 times
Having a down day.
Clearing a little space in my room.
Really going through a range of emotions
including anxiety, depression, and wanting
to throw in the towel.
Maybe feeling to the bottom of my feelings
is part of the poet's life.
I once met a rabbi who said the
purpose of a poet's life is to have
nothing else to write.
Too much to do...
Just took a box of EcoUabalbe Stainless steel
water bottles into the garden.
I started to get feel better
taking photos of the bottles and the plants
in a garden setting.
Sometimes, I think that money is in the wrong
All it will take for a better world is for people
like Joey Mendelsohn, creator of this
Manhattan Beach based company to get real successful
and about 144,000 other Evolutionary Leader
type entrepreneurs.
I really thing we need to redistrube the wealth.
I want to send some love to Joey and Marc Wollman
of EcoUseable for sending me a box of bottles
to play with.
Some of these have designs and show off the work
that EcoUsable can do to brand an event.
There is a bottle from Rise Abouv Plastic
by Surfriders.
I highly recommend that schools give
EcoUseable the Business.
I want to thank Joey and Marc for
sponsoring my recent visit to the
Venice Eco Fest 2010 July 10.
I made a Youtube that means a lot
to me and others.
On a cloudy overcast day,
I went up to bring healing water to
the ocean. I could not open the flash!
It was stuck. Then Mother Earth opened up the clouds
and it rained.
You can see that Youtbue here:
187. 5:24 pm 070810
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