Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

"Two of every kind, please, In the boat!"-- Keep The Beet

"Two of every kind, please, In the boat!"--
Keep The Beet Media Star,
The World's First Talking Beet Plant

Recent events in the Gulf
have me thinking about the welfare
of diverse species now.

Hey Party Animals and Former Fish Eaters,
this is a Draft of the kernel of
my next column for the Space of Love Magazine,
The Summer or Fall issue 2010.

Date:   7/1/2010 7:59:02 AM   ( 15 y ) ... viewed 9686 times

photo by Sophia taken
at City Farmers Nursery
Euclid and Home Avenue.
This photo was taken
a few days before the set up
of the Plant Your Dream/Come Root Your Dream
Altar, an Enchanted Garden Installation
at the Pacific Symposium 2009
at the Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa,
Pacific Beach, CA, November.
Keep The Beet and Your EG are now
setting the design and plan for the
2010 Enchanted Garden Installation.

added 10:19 am
July 1, 2010



July 1, 2010

Hey Plant Your Dream Advocates,
This is Draft #1 of the kernel
of my forthcoming Column
in the Space of Love Magazine,
Summer/ Fall 2010 issue that I am submitting
to Yuri and Renee. You read it
first here on the Plant Your Dream

5:22 am
July 1, 2010

Poor Leslie,
he suffers so.
It it only 5:21 am
and here I have his fingers at his Imac
channeling my words. Luckily,
he is a sleep walker.


July 1,
the day that Natan Mallinger moved into
The Enchanted Garden Intentional Community Growing Grounds
in San Diego.


How is your Enchanted Garden growing
in your neck of the woods????

Yesterday, old friend,
Flo Magdelena of Soul Support Systems
was on a telecall with me, Keep The Beet,
and Your Enchanted Gardener,
that's Leslie. It was set for high noon
for ten minutes, but Flo was out of flow
with her new electric car. She hasn't realized yet
that the 144,000 of 2012's main transport these days
are either on foot, via bike, mass transport (i.e,, the San Diego Trolley),
or other means as yet undiscovered,
maybe we'll be in horses and carriages again before long....

Yesterday, I was hanging with Leslie in the
EG Mobile, his 1968 VW Van. Petrol using vechicles
are of course the worse thing you can do for RME
these days. It is incriminating, your alliance with BP.
You might as well buy stock and make a buck when
BP stock goes up again. This is a good time to buy.

Among my recommended stocks for newbies,
I not only recommend BP, but of course Monsanto Company.
Monsanto and Leslie are in negotiation. This negotiatin began
when Robert Fraley and Your EG planted beet seeds
at the AAAS 176th Annual conference at the
San Diego Convention Center earlier this year
to close the gap between GMO and Organic Lovers.
(See Story Link below.

Robert, the father of Biotech Ag gave a rousing pitch
for the use of biotech seeds to a nice size group.
There were a few dissenters in the room, one from
the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Most of the real dissenters inside the AAAS were hiding.
They did not want to stand up among their peers
and tell the real dope about GMO's.
For those who in the loop, everyone knows
that Washington money is Pro GMO.
The pres is banking on GMO and Biotech
to get us out of our economic woes.
Lest has he yet discovered that bed partner
Michelle has the real solution, we all godda
invest in the Bank of Compost if we wanna
bring the real money home. Go organic,
hubby, not only in your garden, but
for all of us.

Sad but true, from my local organic beet's point of view,
many U.S. Presidents, way before President Obama
was correctly identified as having Girlie ways of
negotiating ( See Parker in her famed WP article June 30, 2010),
have been man-ipulated by Risk Assessment
type scientists-FDA-Monsanto employees who have sold
our nation a Bill of Goods saying that GMO Ag could feed the poor,
etc, etc, etc, which is of course not exactly the truth by/
from my point of view. GMO is basically
a sales pitch. It has no real science behind it that
can stand the test of time.

My coaching is that it is important to get your fingers soiled
in beet seeds and root,
and your RME PR--"The Rebirth of Mother Earth" (RME)
approaches before you start
sprouting all these arguments for Pro GMO.

I especially like the Pro-GMO arument that The Little People
of Africa have too much back breaking work to do pulling
weeds from their fields. Sprinkle a few GMO seeds,
and Garden Variety African women don't have to bend so much.
How kind to the Lady of the Household.

The problem is, Weeds are basically a Sign of the Times.
They tell us that your soil is out of balance. They are a symptom
of a deeper ailment. Build up the soil, as Dr. Bernard Jensen
and all the RME PR folks suggest, and you will rebalance
the soil. Get some of those little Wormie's going,
The Earthworm types. Get into the Chain of Being
from the soil up. You will find that all the Global Villagers
will be healthier. Weeds? Read the book, "Eat The Weeds,"
one of my favorite classics from the Library of Dr. Bernard Jensen
(LBJ, That's Dr Bernard Jensen, not to be confused with Linden
Baines Johnson, the US pres after JFK of Camelot fame.

Speaking of Camelot, that's what the Enchanted Garden is all about.
It is a name for our renewed earth that I am asking you to grow
one seed at a time, one dream at a time.
Is that too much too ask?
Me, God, and whatever you what to call the forces for RME
in your countries, gave you
millions and millions of diverse species to love-- animals, rocks,
people, etc. Your chosen Commerce has been narrowing the
field of dreams for centuries. Don't fret. It all can work
for the good. It's time now for a Moment of Awakening.
Nothing else will do it.

One more thing. I would like you all to pass a new law that
allows for each person to have two of each wherever possible.
Thanks to BP, we are now going to have a bit of a shortage
of specieson the sea, just as we have a shortage of
diverse seeds growing on land.

I am negotiating with the Pope, a rather good
population expert of sorts, to proclaim Friday no longer the day to eat

Be well, I am rooting for you.
When all is said and done, everything is going to work out.
Get busy. Keep The Beet, and do more than eat Borsch.

--Keep The Beet Media Star,
The World's First Talking Beet Plant

July 1, 2010


KEEP THE BEET--AKA Keep The Beet Media Star, The World's First
Talking Beet Plant, KT Beet M.S,

RME--The Mrs. Mother Earth, "Rebirth of Mother Earth" is Your EG's
book first channeled through me in 1989. I am rooting for Leslie
to put out an updated version. If this book had been a best seller
in the NY Times in 19900, you guys would not be in Deepwater today.

YOUR EG--AKA Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener on the web
Leslie Goldman (Your EG) on Twitter, Leslie Goldman on Facebook.
Co-founder with RME of the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community.

EGIC--The Enchanted Garden Intentional Community is a worldwide movement of more than 144,000 committed Souls here to plant 1000 years of peace between 2000-3000. On of our living laboratory communities is in San Diego, a few blocks from Jerome Ringo's flagship Sustainability #1 University, SDSU.
where you are welcome

MONSANTO COMPANY--Notes as top company of the year in 2010,
Monsanto Company is one of the top chemical companies of the world
that are now at the forefront of the global GMO trend. Once a little
hometown St. Louis company, the well meaning locals went global.
In 2010, Your Enchanted Gardener first suggested that they open
their organic division that will become their top money maker by
2015. Your EG will be head of Monsanto Companies Organic Division.
Monsanto is good at making a buck. There are many good folks
working for Monsanto who in their soul's are here to transform the world
and be leaders of the local organic sustainability movement.
Watch the trend as many other Multi-Nationals Corps shift their
positions that to the BP Award Winning strategy to help the world's
Drive toward General Electric.








Subscribe please...

"Howdy! My name is KEEP the BEET Media Star, The World’s First Talking Beet Plant. (Here at SOL, they call me Miss Beet - so very respectful!) Anastasia has been inspiring me and she thought it would be good for me to write for my favorite magazine, Space of Love. I am the “Go To” plant for helping all my friends get back in step with their own nature. Plants have been around for a long time, sitting on the sidelines. We are part of Nature’s Original Technology here to help every body remember how to be their best. So what do you say, we all get back in step with Mother Earth through growing some of our own food?"


With or without Oil?

A rare and endangered species of sea turtle is being burned alive in BP's controlled burns of the oil swirling around the Gulf of Mexico, and a boat captain tasked with saving them says the company has blocked rescue efforts.

will be based on Seed Exchange...

Here is another approach
I, Keep The Beet, Like

For a community of several hundred or more, however, especially if that community has a shared vision of creating an alternative to the global economy, the chance of success is significantly increased. And this is where the ecovillage model comes into its own as a seedbed for experimentation and innovation. Damanhur in Italy and the Findhorn Community in Scotland have consciously set out to reduce their dependence on the global corporate economy and to re-weave the web of a more complex, locally based, social economy. In an era where local shops, post offices, schools and other facilities are closing down in unprecedented numbers across Europe, these two communities are experiencing substantial growth and diversification, opening new enterprises and generating new employment. Findhorn and Damanhur have much in common. Both started as small initiatives in the 1960s and early 1970s. Both had, and continue to have, a strong spiritual focus to their activities. Both located themselves in economically marginalized areas: Damanhur in the alpine foothills of Piedmont, Findhorn in northern Scotland. Finally, both have experienced substantial growth in size over the decades: today, Damanhur is a federation of communities of more than 900 people, with many more supporters in the surrounding areas and indeed throughout Europe and the world; the Findhorn Community is home to around 450 people,

Alex's Cookies for the
Monsanto "Eat In"

I created this Art
Saturday night, early Sunday morning
of the day that Robert Fraley Phd spoke.


Date: 2/23/2010 11:18:28 AM ( 5 mon )
... viewed 189 times

10:42 am
July 1, 2010

The Rise of Monsanto Biotechnology Agriculture
shifting the nature of the world.

When I first planted seeds with Robert Fraley
I had no added what would come of this,
other than I woke up the next morning
here at the San Diego Growing Grounds
for the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community
and knew the my life would be forever changed.

Since I have come to know, a bit, one of the key
players at Monsanto Company. This is an organization
with many good hearted people who want the best
for our world. They heads, part of a multi-national
circle of influence- have led Forbes Magazine to
identify Monsanto Company as the top business
of the year.

The initial beet seeds, planted in a Keep The Beat pot,
were planted by five people. The intent was too close
the Gap in understanding between GMO and Organic Lovers
through creating a Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Food.

Others who planted in the pot: Alex V, an youthful
student soon headed for UC Santa Cruz. She adores
local, organic food. She was an inspiration behind the
Monsanto protest at the AAAS during Robert Fraley's talk.
Alex had brought homemade cookies for an Eat In.
Her vision was to have a "sit down" picnic.

Also in the pot: The Union of Concerned Scientists
had a member in the room when Robert Fraley spoke.
My beet seeds feel to the floor in the silver box.
She helped me picked them up, seed by seed.
She mentioned "Failure to Yield," the report
from the UCS.

Also in the Pot: A member of the US Department of
Energy...check me on that one....I will get back to you
on that....

Also in the Pot: Wow! On the way out of the San
Diego Convention Center--I was one of the last to leave
the building--a man and a young woman joined me in the
elevator. I struck up a conversation. He said he was from Maine.
I said, "There have a lot of organic farming in Maine." He confirmed
this. At first he was reticent to share much about himself, as
are many of the scientists and members of AAAS who apparently
learn toward organic in the organization that leans now toward
the Biotech Industry. It turned out he was a friend of Russell Libby,
one of the Maine spokespersons giving comment on the forthcoming
Food Safety Legislation pending before the U.S. Senate. He had
organized the Common Ground event in Maine. He was the last
to plant in the pot with William Fraley.

It was a sunny day in San Diego, but as I left the building,
it was raining. There were puddles on the ground. There was
enough water falling from side of the building to water my beet
seeds with rain water. There was a nice little breeze. Early that
day, there were 1000's of scientists and affiliates. Now I was alone.
I looked down the street. The American Flag as waving in the dark.
I began to sing, "America The Beautiful."

10:40 am
July 1, 2010

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