Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

What do "U" know?

Most move through life with out any real understanding or concern about the the rest of their Eternal Existence! Why? Could it be that either we are just ignorant, don't care or fearful of the truth! Maybe we should think more about the Truth of God in our life!

Date:   5/12/2010 10:06:09 AM   ( 15 y ) ... viewed 4582 times


  " Since God is the source of Tuth it would serve you well to seek that in your life!" 

     a True-ism 


What do you know of God?

Posted: May 11th, 2010, by kerminator

” We all will at some time or other come to the realization that there is an Almighty God!”        a  True-ism

if we are honest, and seek the truth,  you will become aware of the Lord God!

Why do people fight against knowing the Truth?

If most people did not spent so much time and effort attempting to disprove the existence of God;  they would come to a knowledge of the truth!   Is it necessary for you to see something to for it to exist?? No!

There are many things that exist, which you have not seen…


People only operate under the premise of what they know or understand!   This is the limit of most people’s universe…

Therefore they may never really get a full understanding or knowledge of who God is in their life!    Therefore they are limited!

In this regard the modern society is in capable of organizing itself in a reasonable fashion, because it refuses to consider opposing views…

When the intellectual data is rejected and denied, there no longer exist any possibility of objectiveness or of any examination of the truth!


Why do we continue down this pathway?

If only people would come to accept the truth, as there are many things which exist that we know little or nothing about!

 If you never come to understand who you really are in the eyes of God, or even in your own inter self;  then how will you ever find eternal resoultion?

  If only people would come to accept the truth!  True peace only comes in the Kingdom of Heaven!

 To find out more go to: 

« at 07:45 GMT »  Then go down to the " Who is God?"   Board -  then select the topic
 " The Way of God! "   Then reanver a dozen posts that will help explain some of the attibuites of God! 



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