Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

All People Deserve Good Food

All People Deserve Good Food

Date:   4/28/2010 11:33:47 AM   ( 15 y ) ... viewed 1125 times

9:27 AM
April 28, 2010

Stop 9:55 AM


I spent some time with Raj Patel the other day.
He spoke at the 2010 Cultivating Food Justice Conference
His talk is online now, as well as part of the transcription
of his talk.

I also interviewed Raj Patel, briefing
at the Scripps Cottage Garden, a place
that had it not been for students saying
no to a parking lot here many years ago,
turtles would not be swimming in the pond today
and kids would not have been pulling water
from the pond to help Beet Seeds sprout
as many of us idylically lounged on the grass
knolll listening to festive music at the close
of our two day historic gathering.

This morning I am having my eyes opened
down to the level of my heart.

I simple cannot imagine that there are people in
the world today who are hungry.
I have so much to eat. Some of my food
even goes back to the worms before it is eaten.
This is definitely something to be remedies,
the whole human condition, asks to be remedied.

What is Greed all about?
Why do some have more than we can humanly consume?
Why do others have less than they humanly need?

What does the earth have to say about all this?

She balances.
She balances out.

9:39 AM
back before long....


TO some extend it is human behaviior
as well as natural evolutional cycles.

We are in the midst of what I call
The Great Earth Cleanup.

This cleanup goes deeper than we imagine.
In the world of nature, when you step on the tail
of a cat, it is the other end that screams.

Most of us have lost the beat.
We are out of order.
We are living as a natural disaster.
We are linving as an earthquake waiting to happen.


T.D. Wrench, in his masterful book
"The Wheel of Health" addressed this fragmentation.
Martin Buber, in "THe Way of Man" does
the same. Most of us living
as Patchwork. We are not of one piece.
We live piecemeal. This is the same as living
out of sorts with peace.

Put on your wholistic thinking cap,
slow down, plant a beet in a pot and get
in touch with natural growth.
You will start to remember the pattern of
wholeness that is inherent in all of us
and in every seed.

Amazingly, it is true.
"Plant a Seed. Grow a Whole New World."

Shifting reality, reconnecting one piece to another
is as simple as that.


Some would like to imagine that we are not
under the influence of the cries of the hungry.
Some of us would like to imagine that
we can solve the problems of distribution of
wealth--and yes--this is intended to be
an Enchanted Garden planet.

All are intended to live with enough to eat
here. There are just a few simple rules.

One is being honorable with what we need,
and realizing we do not need that much to be happy.

What we need most is each other.

Oh how extraordinary the experience,
and how natural among humans.

I witnessed it at the 2010 Cultivating Food Justice

I would imagine that there were more than 1200 hours
that helped co-create this event in time and space.
I gave around 150 over six weeks.

Others I imagine gave more.

So why did we gift this moment in time to humans everywhere?
We did it because we believe that all people deserve
to good food.

That moment is now over.
The words spoken at our conference are rippling out.

In San Diego, we were gifted with an extended Earth Week--
an experience of ten days that began as I see it
April 15 and ended April 25.

In between were many epic moments.

Now the work proceeds.
The Earth will rebalance.
She wants us all to know there is enough food
for everyone, and it can be grown naturally,
as always.

Everyone needs to play by the rules.
It would be good to determine how many
people naturally fit on our planet in each
and every space and then adjust accordingly.
I believe we may need to do some population
control measures, but this can be done with
education and self population control.

There are certain needs we each have.
One is that the primary system of agriculture
for our world is grow your own food.

We will be returning to that far out concept
naturally. It is O.K to have some help from
your locar organic farmer. It is o.k. to get
together to move the bones through gardening
together. It is o.k. to once again have neighborhoods
in what are now called slums, and trees growing

It is O.K.--we will survive this day--
if we allow food to be given away freely as
we did at the 2010 Cultivating Food Justice Conference.

No one need go hungry.
This is abnormal. This is unnaturally.

Plant a beet in a pot. Keep the Beet.
Enter Plant Parenthood. Have a Moment of Awakening,
and then speak from that place.

I would like your feedback.

Your Enchanted Gardener

Draft one
9:55 AM

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