Blog: Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Mastery
by kerminator

The Winds of change!

This is a must read for those who are confused or lost in their life! We all pass through this world experiencing change... Most is thrust upon us by the so called powers to be or the "Fad" ravaged society, this is a map to help make sense out of the "Copy cat" images placed before us! Most of which attempt to control your life! HUH!

Date:   3/25/2010 8:52:01 AM   ( 15 y ) ... viewed 49218 times


Winds of change

Posted: March 25th, 2010, by admino

Here is a  map for the mind in a maze of conflict!

With the rise of the so called “New Man”  in recent history,  the Western World has forged a self-consciousness yet disfigured it’s soul as a result?  The question we must answer in all honesty; is if the society is to move forward in any meaningful manner, what should we learn to do?

The present (mainly) Western World view of; " go ahead & do what ever as long as it feels good ,"  is actually just a crash and burn solution, for today’s youth!     It is basically a sell out by all involved; the parents, the church, the government, and worst of for the youth themselves… They have been directed down a dead end road, with the only objective is to seek pleasure at almost any costs…  Unfortunately there are many many who wander down this path today!  This has become a monumental disgrace and abandonment of the core principles of the Christian teachings within the basic history of the Western World!

It is time for those in the Western Society to learn to reason together, because these issues  have immense eternal consequences!“     a True-ism

 BTW: The rest of the world has or is enfluenced by this same worldly view, so they too must be aware of how this effects their lives also!


First let us be absolutely understand that reason; is not the same as intellect or the brain…  For as the brain informs the body, the mind informs the soul…  This distinction is very important, if we are to understand, then start to correct or direct the modern wayward life style of many of the people today!  The idea is to get beyond base desires and crude animal instincts, which limit even the brightest minds, and result in simple fools!

The mind needs to be addressed if the soul is to be saved!    Now many will stop here and ask the foolish question, “why does my soul need saving?”  Or what is my soul?

Your soul is your life force, it is what you use and exercise each and every day, as you go forward on your pathway of life…   It is this life force or soul that will go on into the Eternity to come…  Therefore it needs to be nurtured and directed so that you will exist as the immortal person you would want or wish to be!  Otherwise all this life is for naught!

The Mind, unlike the brain, does not feed on isolated and often fragmentary bits of information… The Mind frames it’s response to both the intellectual and the existential challenge of knowing and living!

The Mind-set is where our live blends together; in a vast combination of love & hurt, dreams & nightmares, fears & aches, as we experience the reality of life…   The Mind combines the values of our convictions with thoughts of reality then we will respond with purpose and feeling!

We speak of wholeness of our being because we can not live with the absurdity of being simply reduced to some form of sheer matter!  {Which is what evolution dictates}  The glory of the Human experience transcends any game and defies scientific dissection…  The glory lies in the humanity’s “soulfulness.”   While the present Cultural Revolution has spawned in many educated minds, it proves that the brain can be well fed,  yet the spirit is starved and that people personally shrink from lack of proper knowledge!   Any person who lacks the ability or desire to seek a higher power in this earthly life;  is doomed to spend Eternity in a mere slave environment first in Hell  then finally into the Outer Darkness! 

 BTW:  The soul is under your mind's control, it is up to you where you allow it to go; then how it will allow you to grow!!

 An Ancient Adage:

” The World was made for the body, the body was made for the Soul, and the Soul was made for God!”


 The Greatest sin of any created being is to reject or not accept the will of God in their life! 

  This requires you to surrender to His Will which is given through His Good Will  through His mercy, in the form of Grace;  Then you must choose to serve Him through your Faith and Trust!   Awesome!



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