Blog: Heart's Desire
by YourEnchantedGardener

Astrology for this week July 8-12 period

Astrology for this week of July 8-12 period

Date:   7/8/2008 1:51:29 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 40324 times

JULY 7, 2008 Monday
Mercury quincunx (inconjunct) Natal Sun
The phone rings, lots of talk flows around
you. Papers must be shuffled; errands must
be run. Interruptions abound. Your nervous
energy is tested. In communicating with
others, egos and needs may conflict. Make
your point clearly, then let it be. Listening is
half the art of communication. Seek com-
promise and win-win solutions.
Mercury trioctile (sesquisquare) Natal
Your thinking is heavily influenced by your
feelings, today, so it is important to examine
which is which. This could be just the right
time for that heart-to-heart talk, if you are
willing to listen to and respect the other
person’s feelings, as well as your own.
Sun quincunx (inconjunct) Natal Venus
A good day to do something you enjoy.
Spend time with a friend or romantic
partner, or get out where you can meet
someone new. Arts and crafts activities are
favored, too. Play a little, and indulge just a
bit, but don’t overdo. Extravagance might
be regretted tomorrow!
Mercury sextile Natal Mars
This is a good day to be very busy. Your
energy flows, your confidence level is
strong, and much work can be done--either
physical or mental. You are unlikely to be
daunted by obstacles now, so this may be
the right time to tackle that tough problem
you’ve been meaning to solve. Your ability
to think quickly may be highlighted, but your
patience to be thorough may not be. Be
sure you organize your project. Sell your
views to others--this transit favors both your
ability to assert yourself and to communi-
cate effectively.
Mercury conjunct Natal Uranus
This is likely to be a fast-paced day that at
best finds you involved in exciting and
stimulating activities or thinking up new and
original ideas. At worst, it could find you
with frazzled nerves and feeling very
scattered. Which it will be is more likely
suggested by your longer term transits. In
any case, this is good day to take a break
from the daily drudge and explore
something new. If you repress that need, or
are feeling blocked and bored, then tension
or disputes may result. Today you’ll thrive
on satisfying curiosity, on discovery, on
allowing your unorthodox ideas to emerge.
It’s a good time to brainstorm or to network.
Mercury trine Natal Ascendant
This is a day when you are likely to be men-
tally alert, busier than usual, and able to
communicate effectively. Choose it to make
that call, write that letter, have that talk.
Exchange ideas, and don’t forget that
listening to the other person’s opinion is
communication, too! It’s also a good day to
clear up that pile of papers, take a trip, buy
or sell something, or take a class.
Mercury enters the 9th house Jul 7, 2008
The Ninth House transit of Mercury
illuminates your eagerness to learn.
Express your interest in different cultures
through study, classes or even travel to a
distant place. Perhaps you could begin to
learn a foreign language. Your conversa-
tions may be focused on matters of faith
and philosophy. This should be a busy,
stimulating time for students and writers. If
legal matters are an issue in your life at this
time, look to messages in concurrent
planetary aspects for guidance.
Planetary Guide to Future Leslie Goldman Los Angeles, CA
11/19/1947 4: 3 8.0 STD 34N 3 118W14 PLACI TRP
JULY 8, 2008 Tuesday
Venus square Natal Ascendant
This is an excellent day to enjoy yourself
with others--or with that very special "other."
All of your relationships are generally
harmonious and love is in the air. Show
your affection. Get out and be with people
today. You’re probably feeling quite good
and that radiates out and attracts others.
Someone new could come into your life, if
you are open to it. The challenge: to have a
good time, but avoid a tendency to over-
indulge or overspend. What appeals today
might not necessarily look as great
JULY 9, 2008 Wednesday
Venus trine Natal Sun
A lovely day for love--and that includes you
for you. Indulge yourself a bit. Get out with
friends and be sociable. Give and receive
compliments. Express your tender feelings
for a special someone. This is also a good
day to choose if you need to make a good
impression on someone or ask a favor. Art
activities are favored.
Mars square Natal Jupiter
Starts today; Exact Jul 10; Leaves Jul 12.
You are stimulated to act with this
transit, and your activities are fruitful,
successful, and perhaps even joyful.
What you do today contributes to posi-
tive growth--so long as you also
integrate your actions with ethical
principles. In your exuberance, you
could be tempted to overextend yourself,
overestimate your abilities and take risks
that you shouldn’t take. The key is to
know yourself. Make the most of this
time period. You’ve got the extra energy,
and this transit is usually a success indi-
JULY 10, 2008 Thursday
Mercury octile (semisquare) Natal Pluto
Today you could be stressed, even irritable,
over a decision or commitment that must be
made. It will be a big relief when that thorny
issue is resolved. Say or decide what you
must, but try not to come on like a "heavy."
Smile, both for you and others. A good day
for investigations, research or uncovering
secrets. You won’t be content with
superficial approaches to anything.
Venus conjunct Natal Midheaven
If your career or public image is involved
with art, beauty or entertaining, this is a day
you can use to great advantage. Financial
moves to advance your career are favored.
In any type of career, personal contacts with
others can be positive. Put yourself
forward. This is also a good time for social
activity, for love and romance--an excellent
choice for a wedding day! Or are you
alone? Try not to be. This day is one you
should share with friends, and--who
knows?--perhaps a new love, if you get out
there where you can meet someone!
Venus enters the 10th house Jul 10, 2008
When Venus travels through your Tenth
House of career and your reputation in the
world, you can attract people who help your
career. Your diplomatic skills are high-
lighted; your ability to charm helps sell your
ideas, products or services. You can effec-
tively take steps to improve your profes-
sional relationships. Also, because a
pleasing workplace gives a better image,
perhaps you might be inspired to redecorate
your office. If romance is in the offing
(check other messages from planetary
aspects), this transit of Venus suggests that
Planetary Guide to Future Leslie Goldman Los Angeles, CA
11/19/1947 4: 3 8.0 STD 34N 3 118W14 PLACI TRP
your status, or an authority figure, may be
JULY 11, 2008 Friday
Mars sextile Natal Mercury
Starts today; Exact Jul 13; Leaves Jul 14.
Keep that mind of yours busy today. It’s a
favorable time for any mental work. Ideas
are more creative, original. Your mood
should be good, and negotiations can be
productive and go your way. You can
assert your point of view effectively. Also
favored: making plans, writing, studying and
JULY 12, 2008 Saturday
Sun trioctile (sesquisquare) Natal Jupiter
Your confidence radiates and attracts.
Reach for the stars, but keep in mind that
your desire to get ahead must be balanced
with good principles and common sense. A
warning bell rings on overdoing. Expansion
with moderation is the key: confidence, but
not arrogance; generosity with yourself or
others, but not extravagance.
JULY 13, 2008 Sunday
Venus trioctile (sesquisquare) Natal
You probably don’t feel much like working
today. More likely, you are feeling mellow
and self-indulgent. The challenge is the
Mercury quincunx (inconjunct) Natal
You think quickly today, and good ideas are
likely. Optimism is high. Business matters,
public speaking, discussions and debates
are favored, as is travel. The challenge:
exuberance may lead you to overlook
details, or arrogance could create opposi-
tion. Be flexible, pay attention and listen.
Get all the facts before you jump.
JULY 14, 2008 Monday
Mercury trine Natal Mercury
Communication issues are favored today.
Conversations, dialogues, debates, busi-
ness matters and errands all could be more
evident than usual. Your mind is likely to be
clear and you’ll be able to handle all this
with a minimum of stress. Routine matters
and detailed work can go smoothly. Other
possibilities: take a short trip, visit a friend
who likes to talk, or travel through books, to
learn anything new that you may be curious
Mercury octile (semisquare) Natal Saturn
Thoughts may be heavy, even pessimistic.
You’re more inclined to be critical of others,
the situation or yourself, which does not
make for the best of moods. It’s not the
best day for important communications or
negotiations. On the other hand, your ability
for mental discipline is excellent. Work
alone. A relaxing stroll to think might yield a
useful perspective.

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Comments (9 of 10):
Re: destiny cards … Adrie… 13 y
so true Leslie ren 17 y
Re: heart's desire… ren 17 y
Re: heart's desire… #3791… 17 y
Re: heart's desire… Reb32 17 y
Anger Thankyou for… lilpo… 17 y
oh my ren 17 y
Awwww Les ren 17 y
okay!… bluep… 17 y
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