Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator


Why do we the people sit around and let the big money/power brokers run our lives?? Start thinking outside the box!!

Date:   5/22/2008 9:26:42 AM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2119 times

 Here is something to think about, for those who still can...

The U.S. and Europe Just Can’t
Compete with Brazilian Ethanol

Neither U.S. corn-based ethanol, nor wheat-based ethanol from Europe, can come close to matching the Brazilians’ “cane” on a production cost basis.

The sugarcane plant, which flourishes in Brazil’s tropical climate, produces a “yield” of 6,000 liters of ethanol per hectare of land – that’s about twice the yield of corn-based ethanol!

In fact, Brazilian ethanol is about 40% cheaper to make than in the U.S. – and costs less than half the price of European ethanol.

Also, Brazil has enormous untapped capacity at its disposal to expand ethanol production from today’s levels. Currently, there are about 6 million hectares of land used to grow sugarcane in Brazil.

To become the world’s leading ethanol producer, McKinsey & Company estimates another 11 million hectares must be devoted to sugarcane growers. That’s a lot of land, but in the vast expanse of Brazil, it’s just a drop in the bucket. In fact, even with 30 million hectares devoted to sugarcane, that would amount to just 3.5% of Brazil’s total landmass.

And don’t worry about the Brazilian rain-forests either... the country has plenty of arable sugar-cane growing land according to my research. So Brazil’s ethanol industry has plenty of room to grow for years to come!

End of U.S. Import “Tax” Will Provide
a Big Boost for Brazilian Ethanol

In the U.S. and Europe by contrast, critics already point out that corn and wheat crops are diverting precious food into bio-fuel production. Look, the world is already suffering from food costs – with corn prices sky-rocketing nearly 60% in the past 12-months alone.

That’s because one-third of the entire U.S. corn crop is being diverted from kitchen tables to ethanol production. Meanwhile, poorer nations are complaining bitterly that we are trading in THEIR food for our FUEL! Mark my words, this has become a political hot-potato that nobody wants to hold... not in an election year.

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