Blog: Absolute Truth Some Wisdom and Intercourse....
by Kerminator

Freedom or control??

Here is the general ideas of many politicians and unfortunately many people in the USA today... Control!!

Date:   11/10/2007 11:45:00 AM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 4530 times

I have always been one to seek the truth and allow each person the freedom of choice!!  Here are some replies that may interest you...  HUH!!

This was based on the new idea that the Government will force health programs on especially children...  Like it or not!!   You can go to this web site @ and read the newsletters...  Here is a chance to learn what some people have planned for you...  Especially the desires of certain politicians running for election in 2008...  It is your freedoms here folks!!  I did not make these up or put my ideas in this is  just the facts... 

BTW: I do not agree with all these replies; but I do believe that you have freedom to decide your destiny!!   I feel people should have the final decision as to when & how to defend themselves...  Every animal and plant in the world has some type defense mechanism, and sometimes it is necessary to use it for survival!! 


Community Comments ( 34 )
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Christopher Gussa "The Herb Doc"
October 18, 2007
20 Points        
I know I have ranted and raved about this before but I must remind you, especially with something like forced drugs, Does the name Tyrannical Government mean anything to anyone????

Do you realize the reason we have the right to bear arms is to fight off a Tyrannical Government????? It is going to come to this and I hope that good Ole’ American Spirit of 76 is not hanging’ out at the Limp Wrist Bar!

said: October 18, 2007
17 Points        
Dr. Gussa, if it does come to this... I am armed and dangerous. And I am not alone.

Huh? Whoa-  Why, Mr. Cheney, what are you doing here?
said: October 19, 2007
12 Points        
I used to side with the anti-gun movement people years ago,.. that was until I began to realize that the biggest threat to our freedom in this country is not the communists or the terrorists etc. ... It is our own government.
Christopher Gussa "The Herb Doc"
said: October 19, 2007
10 Points        

Makes sense Shiva and here is why you have the right:

In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of
13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Uganda established gun control in 1970.  From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million educated' people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million. Wow!

Christopher Gussa "The Herb Doc"
said: October 19, 2007
9 Points        
Islander! that comment should win an award! Very funny!
Russ Bianchi
said: October 19, 2007
7 Points        
Funny Islander, funny...

Seriously though, the US Civilian population (I'm NOT saying this is good or bad) is the second largest armed force in the world after the US military...

If Uncle Sam ever tried armed insurrection against the US population, he would loose hands down.
said: October 23, 2007
1 Points        
Dr. Gussa & Shiva, I agree wholeheartedly - tyrannical government is our biggest enemy.

veggienut - you are also right that by the time people need to take  up arms, it's far too late.

I now live in the deep south USA - GUN LOVING CENTRAL- and let me tell you, it's a culture shock! No offense to any southerners intended - though I am going to state my observations here, blatantly.

What I see are a bunch of ultra conservative, "gotta have my guns", I have my rights, and yes - lazy Sheep. I commend that they feel strongly about their right to arms, yet these are the very same people do not think for themselves. These people are more concerned with what's happening on Nip/Tuck and Survivor than what's happening with their liberties. Only when someone wants to take their guns or raise their taxes do they go into a frenzy. They have NO CLUE that their rights are taken little by little in the name of "public health" among other government cloaks. Want to push a new bill through? Use the fear card - works on these people every time!
Let me make this clear as to how people in this area think. The county I live in has been growing quickly, with very poor planning. Fire trucks are supposed to have  a min. of 4 men per truck; they have two or less, and they cut 3 firemen from the county and WHY?  They don't want to raise taxes. People want the services but don't want to pay for it. Let me tell you - the same people who will revolt against a tax increase (rightfully needed for public services) will be the same who condemn the local government for not supplying enough manpower to save their home from a fire.

It's so very sad that on one issue people stick to their guns - (pun intended!) yet will turn over their health and liberties. My theory on this is that these people either don't want the responsibility that comes with knowledge or they just don't care.
said: October 20, 2007
1 Points        
Doc, while I see your point on gun control, and believe me I get into the spirit of that when I am discussing our government, I must disagree with your statement that millions are dead BECAUSE of gun control.  By the time you need a gun to protect yourself, you as a citizen, we as citizens, have allowed something to go terribly wrong in our system.  Guns are not our first line of defense against a tyrannical government.  In most cases, especially in the case of WWII and Hitler's rise to power, religion (false religion, not true spirituality) was a primary player in his ability to sway the people.  The priests and ministers and "good" people who were in church every week watched as it all developed.  They did nothing, even when their guts, hearts and minds cried for them to act.

By the time guns would have been a logical option for defense, it was too late.  I don't think guns are ever the answer, because they simply proliferate the same violence brought on us.  BUT, I am not going to deny anyone their rights, though it makes me very nervous when I see my fellow Kansans excitedly toting guns and rage.  A little scary, but I rely on supernatural power for protection...always worked before.

Let's focus more on preventing it from getting to the point that we would all need weapons to defend ourselves from "being rounded up".

Isn't that what we all talk about on here..prevention?
Christopher Gussa "The Herb Doc"
said: October 20, 2007

Hi Veggienut!
Your point is well taken and believe me, no one more than me would like to prevent it from coming to this point. (having to use arms as a last defense) and I say yes, let's do all we can try to prevent it from coming to that by all means! but if that right to bare arms if we need them is denied us then we are sunk when they use their armed force! The sad history I stated is true!


Hey guns can be fun! regardless of any of our political views! I target practice almost every day with my son! (We have a great desert wash behind our house out here in Arizona) If we had to use them to stay alive would it not be better than dying a senseless death? We would never be able to say anything again about our right to natural medicine again if we were dead!

Your health practice sounds great by the way!

said: November 10, 2007
-1 Points        

Dr Gussa said:

"Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million. Wow!"

Now wait just one second!!!  It wasn't BECAUSE of gun control that people were rounded up and exterminated.  Mostly it was BECAUSE one group wanted to have ultimate power over another group (Nazi's, Pol Pot/Khmer Rouge etc.)   Gun control made is EASIER for them to do this, but it wasn't BECAUSE of gun control that this happened.

Additionally, as has been proven on numerous occasions in the US, the US government is now so powerful that even with the right to bear arms the individual citizens can't really protect themselves if the government decides it wants to take them out.  Remember Ruby Ridge?   Remember Waco?  

Those folks were heavily armed, and it made no difference at all.

Now I don't know all the details about those cases, so maybe those folks really were very dangerous and doing illegal things.  I don't know if the govt was right or wrong in what they did there.  I just don't know enough about it.  

What I DO know is that those folks felt they were right in what they were doing, armed themselves to protect themselves against a government that they didn't believe in.... and LOST.

October 18, 2007
17 Points        

The mind boggled when I got to “telephone scatology”. It really is a diagnosis – obscene phone calling. This is no laughing matter however (however laughable the DSM-IV diagnoses are); medical fascism is destroying lives.

SHAME, SHAME, SHAME on the APA. This needs a class-action lawsuit on a scale never seen to bring these evildoers to justice.

Russ Bianchi
said: October 18, 2007
7 Points        
But really, PParGammaGirl, tell us how you really feel about this subject?


Uncle Russ

October 20, 2007
11 Points        
Any government agent who usurps parental rights is evil.  Any law that gives the agent the right to do this is evil. 


October 19, 2007
9 Points        
This article is appalling!  Our freedoms are being attacked on every side!  The fact that the lawyer representing the little boy's mother was not able to get these people to see reason is unbelievable. The drugs that were going to be force-fed to this child could likely kill him!  What can we do to return children's lives to a simpler time?

said: October 23, 2007
1 Points        
Should doctors be sued and held accountable for prescribing drugs to children that are not FDA approved for them? These drugs have not been "tested" on children and can cause many problems - someone should be held accountable!

It should be illegal to FORCE drugs (or medication as they call it) on anyone - especially children.

I am tired of the masses being the guinea pigs for big pharmacy - instead of the companies paying to do the testing, they are getting paid to to the testing!

When will we have had ENOUGH!?!   Ahhh, but I preach to the choir here...

October 18, 2007
9 Points        
Good heavens, where to start? This article is immensely disturbing.

Let's confirm that learning disabilities and ADHD are real diagnoses; in fact the Connors Scale, a diagnostic tool for teachers to supply to the therapist, is taken almost verbatim from the DSM-IV. I have seen a range of these disabilities in several settings. LDs are real flaws in how the brain processes data, and I suspect (though no one knows) that the problem begins in utero . ADHD, on the other hand, is responsive to adjustments to diet and nutrition. I remember a 9-y-o ADHD boy being brought to a new specialist. When the doc asked how the boy acted when off his meds, the parents had no idea - there had never been a time when he was off a cocktail of meds.

The child in the article is being subjected to a rasher of adult anti-psychotic drugs NOT LABELED FOR USE FOR A CHILD HIS AGE. Have these people lost their minds? How can a jury of 12 people with no medical expertise make informed decisions? What's worse, this is only one of at least 4 articles I have read in  the last week with the same theme: State interferes to medicate Child, who may even be removed from Parent's custody. In a California case, the mother administered an alternative treatment to her 17-y-o son which cured him of melanoma. The state jailed the mother, removed the child from the home, and treated him with chemo against his will, despited the fact that his cancer had disappeared.

Folks, we are witnessing a dangerous trend....

said: October 19, 2007
14 Points        
Not just in the good ole US of A either. Toxic HAART (antivirals) has been mandated by the court here for an infant deemed HIV positive, despite him being well and free from infection. A few years ago I knew a fellow nurse who refused chemotherapy for his son with a glioblastoma, who was hounded by the courts and the press. Public opinion at the time reflected that people truly believe chemo is ‘lifesaving’ and now this same dogma is applied to HIV drugs. Newsflash – these drugs do not prolong life, prevent opportunistic infections and only make you sicker. Medical fascism is everywhere folks.
said: November 9, 2007
2 Points        

ADHD is a total FRAUD. The Connors Scale is absolutely subjective and non scientific. Why don't real doctors use an equivalent scale to diagnose cancer? ADHD was fabricated by a panel of psychiatrist and was included in the science fiction DSM Bible by a show of hands. That's not science. That's fraud. Normal kids are not being medicated. They are being poisoned.

October 21, 2007
8 Points        
It is appalling!  We by far are not a free country any longer. Our Founding Father's have long since been replaced with evil & greed.  How sad it is that all of these young soldiers are fighting and losing their lives, leaving small children and wives behind for something called "Freedom" that was lost long ago!   

I found my daughter not breathing at 10 months old.  My husband revived her.  Thank God!  Never found out what caused it.  She had every test imaginable.  But her pediatrician prescribed her some theophylline liquid.  I NO WAY gave it to her.  The side effects were ridiculous.  I had told them that I didn't feeling comfortable giving it to her  and they insisted that I do.   I decided to pick up the prescription and just put it in my cupboard.  I was afraid they might accuse me of child abuse if they found out that I didn't and take her away from me.  Later there was a concern with her heart beating at too high a rate and they told me to lower the medication.  Her heart turned out to be fine.  I also ended up telling the one pediatrician that I never gave her the med and he told me that was good.  How lame that she would have had taken a drug that had such horrible side effects and wasn't even approved for children that young for no reason at all!!  Mother's often DO know best!  

said: October 21, 2007
9 Points        
You are absolutely right!  Anyone who still believes our greatest threat is in the Middle East will be shockingly awakened to find it is at our front door.  How anyone can submit their child willingly to die for this regime is beyond my understanding.

Good for you that you listened to your intuition/spirit.  It will save us if we listen.
said: October 21, 2007
1 Points        
And what about that bill Arnold just signed??  SB777.  Our world has really become a scray place!!  I'm am scared for my kids!  This bill is exactly one of the reasons that I have decided to home school my kids!!  Anyone who has their children in the public school system needs to be concerned with this bill!

October 21, 2007
8 Points        
I found the article so disturbing I couldn't finish reading it.  It is unbelievable to me that the medical community and legal community have this kind of power.  My son has chosen not to vaccinate his children and I wonder what is in store for him.  They are young now only 4 months and 3 yrs. so no problems so far.  BTW, I changed my voter registration from Independent to Republican so I could vote for Ron Paul in the primary.

said: October 23, 2007
1 Points        
raelpat - I hope that after the primary elections, you will go back to Independent! Quite frankly, we need more registered independent voters, and I am hoping that Ron Paul will run as independent. I honestly will be surprised if he wins the GOP, he's nowhere in the mainstream media. Even though he has a huge Internet following, I really don't know if that will be enough.

More and more people are becoming Independents - Ron Paul is certainly aware of that. I hope he's just biding his time......

October 18, 2007
8 Points        
This is totally wrong,  I applaud the lawyer for standing up for the parents and the child's rights.  I feel sorry for the boy being in state custody and separated from his parents.



October 19, 2007
7 Points        
You may see Presidential candidate Ron Paul 's recent stance on this at The main part I agree with is that there should be written consent by the parent.


Russ Bianchi
October 18, 2007
5 Points        
When I see 10 years of vetted studies on each and every drug being  forced on children, first tested on these drug companies executive's own children, then maybe I'll consider the remote possibility of allowing the concept to be reviewed for regulatory approval...and even then I doubt it.


November 10, 2007
2 Points        

Absolutely.   I am a volunteer for CCHR.  We are actively fighting psychiatric drugging all over the world. has a wealth of information.


November 10, 2007
2 Points        

There is a group who is doing a lot:

Please visit


October 21, 2007
2 Points        
Can you imagine being this young child? What must he be going through! This is hideous.


October 21, 2007
2 Points        
Sad that in a county based on personal freedom this level of criminal activities are allowed. This kind of abuse of an inmate wouldn't be allowed and shouldn't for any child. 


November 10, 2007
1 Points        

RE: using weapons against government tyranny? I agree with veggienut! Education of the populace is the only answer.We need to put the "Corp Gov." in it's place. We need to demand Gov. operate within it's constitutional limitations!We need to understand true organic law.We need to understand the differences of how the government operates in it's corporate capacity verses it's constitutional capacity.

This goes for the State as well.There are plenty of resources available on the net to understand these facts and there is no excuse that we 'the people' can use for not getting educated.Yea, I admit, they are formidable, but, I ask, are they immune? By appearances only, I would declare. We need control, of our media, our local and state bodies,our money(real verses fiat),our elected, our judicial, our churches,our children and on and on.Do we or do we not, Have the Power?Here's a starting point, team go there now.Stop giving your money away. Learn how to act on principal and without fear. Talk to your neighbors, relatives and friends. It's high time that people got there head out of the ' sand'.


November 10, 2007

I am a little embarrassed to be a therapist -associated with the crazy Psychological and Pharmaceutical Mafia. Forced drugging is ABSOLUTELY unconstitutional! We have to take a stand and fight against these unethical practices. People know what is best for themselves. When we accept others' information as truth without checking it out for ourselves, we give away our freedom and rights as individuals.  


November 10, 2007

With my very real experience with deadly forced surgeries, chemotherapies and stem cell transplants for kids with cancer, (even after naturally induced remissions) I can only ask WHAT IS THE SOLUTION???  Besides flight to another country with some medical freedom for parents that is.  


November 10, 2007

Most people from countries that are taken over by fascists look back and wonder how it could have happened. Control of the children and guns are two great beginnings.  Forced vaccinations are just a beginning. We also have in play now a way to control guns. Anyone who is arrested can be deemed a felon (rightly or not) and then can no longer own dangerous weapons. One does not want to be jailed, for any reason. Abuse of inmates is allowed.



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