Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener
Page 545 of 731

Beis Din: early morning vision Sunday July 1, 2012   12 y  
Beis Din: Early morning Vision that propelled me...based on spending time with Dr. Wiley Work. I wanted to help the Jewish Youth with nutrition. Whispering through the Twentieth Century Laboratory the voice of God can be heard. It requires no strained ear to catch its echoes as they come up centuries of old from Genesis, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy in waves that roll from enamelled wall to enamelled wall, protesting in the name of the cradle, the nursery, the kindergarden, the school, the home and workshop against the special priveleges and follies that today as never before must render their long overdue account to a grim jury of awakened Mother Love. Faith in the all-wise but unheeded provisions of the Creator is the instant need.–Alfred W. McCann, “The Science of Eating,”: (1919)
9:38 am July 1, 2012 A MUST READ FOR ALL WHO FEED CHILDREN SUGAR 124 Ways Sugar Ruins Your Health by Nancy Appleton, PhD. 124 Ways Sugar Ruins Your Health By Nancy Appleton, PhD Summary: You’ve heard that sugar can suppress the body’s immune system, but did you know it interferes with the absorption of calcium? How about that it can cause food allergies, depression, and cancer of the breast, ovaries, and prostate? Or that sugar can reduce the good cholesterol in your blood and increase the triglycerides—two of the strongest indicators we have of heart disease ris ...   read more

Labeling GMOs will end Crimes Against the Pure Food Law   12 y  
Dr. Harvey W. Wiley MD was an American Hero who began the vision for a just and pure FDA 106 years ago. He inspired the Pure Food Law that was Passed by Congress, but could not be enforced. "The History of the Crime Against the Pure Food Law" that Dr. Harvey W. Wiley wrote in 1929 is the same crime that we will redress now as we pass the Right to Know, Label GMO Foods Ballot Initiative in California. His book, stolen from Libraries and keep out of view, details Special Interests defeating the will of the public Good. Those special interests continue to this day. We have the opportunity to put them in their place. Dr. Wiley was talking about misbranding of food, adulteration of food, Junk food proliferation that causes Obesity, Diabetes, and allergies. We are in a Food Emergency. We no longer know how to eat. The battleground today is Labeling GMOs. I am seeding now the greatest Grass Roots Movement in California History. saying we have the Right to Know. Label GMO Foods. This is the beginning of our return to Sanity. It is the beginning of Winning back heirloom seeds and seeing ourselves as Sacred Seeds. Let's get '7.5 Million + 2' of Us signing now.
PROCLAMATION OF INTENT: A HISTORY OF A CRIME AGAINST PURE FOOD LAW ENDS NOW ”A History of a Crime Against the Pure Food Law,” began in 1906 when Special interests in Industry interfered with the enforcement of this Congressional Mandate that would have prevented Obesity, Diabetes, and Allergy Epidemics we have today. The law defended the health of our Children but was cast aside for the Moneybag. FACE THE FACTS Today, the Crime continues. Congress cannot grapple with the facts and continues to be influenced by these same Special Interests. Face the Facts, C ...   read more

Fresh Milled Kamut (R) Khorasan Flour   12 y  
Fresh Milled Kamut (R) Khorasan Flour
H2 INTRO JULY 7, 2012 On have been on the trail to Grow a Healthier Pizza. My mind in recent weeks has been blown by rediscovering the work of Dr. Royal Lee and his predecessors in Food Reform, Dr. Harvey W. Wiley MD, called by some the father of the FDA, and his ally Alfred W. McCann. The quote below of fresh milled flour from grains in a mind blower for sure. It reminds us what I knew from Dr. Bernard Jensen. Grain needs to be handled with utmost respect and care. We have a chance to do this with KAMUT ® Knorasan Ancient Wheat. This grain, even will milled is a ste ...   read more

Winning Back Our Sacred Seeds--What Does This Mean?   12 y  
Winning Back Our Sacred Seeds--What Does This Mean?
Winning Back Our Sacred Seeds--What Does This Mean? SIGN THE ”7.5 MILLION + 2 PETITION HERE WE CALIFORNIANS--AND OUR FRIENDS IN OTHER STATES AND NATIONS-- HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT IS IN OUR FOOD. WE WANT TO LABEL GMO FOODS. GARDEN MANAGEMENT JOURNAL It is 5:59 am, June 30, 2012. There are 62 Days left before The Caravan, September 1-September 10, to the National Heirloom Expo, September11, 12 & 13 in Santa Rosa, CA. The Caravan to the National Heirloom Expo is one Leg of the Journey to Win Back Our Sacred Seeds, but it i ...   read more

Got some excellent help from Ludy with Apple Contacts Remote   12 y  
Got some excellent help from Ludy with Apple Contacts Remote
Got Some Excellent Help from Ludy Gomex of Advanced Apple Care Had a glitch of some kind with iCloud. My contacts were showing on the Iphone and the MacBook Pro, but suddenly disappeared on the iMac, my main computer. This was a labor intensive work session. Apple helped me over the phone. They give excellent support. First Sarah attempted to help. We were on the phone for at least one hour it seemed. She could not get the iCloud to work. We waited for Ludy Gomez. She worked with me until just now. It is 6:41 pm on Friday June 29, 2012 W ...   read more

A Right2Know Bicycle Ride began June 20, 2012   12 y  
A Right2Know Bicycle Ride began June 20, 2012
A Right to Know Bicycle Ride Began June 20, 2012 ...   read more

iCloud not syncing to my iMac...3:30 pm June 29, 2012   12 y  
iCloud not syncing to my iMac...3:30 pm June 29, 2012
iCloud not syncing to my iMac...3:30 pm June 29, 2012 O.K. Now the Contacts on iCloud are not syncing. There is a limited number of contacts. How to do this... AAA, renewal... Money in Bank... Quicken on Imac... Contacts...on Imac, next.... 4:46 pm June 29, 2012 O.K. The Mail is Synced, I just found that if I right/control click the mailbox and choose synchronize, the mail is pushed to my mac. After doing this, I sent a test mail, and it came to both devices. Fingers crossed. DLS ...   read more

Things to do today--if I am going Keep Caravan Pace   12 y  
Things to do today--if I am going Keep Caravan Pace
63 Days till Expo....September 11, 2012 This was a harrowing day. I had a number of shocks but persisted. I overcame a lot. It is near sunset. I would like to go to the Synagogue at the corner, but they are Likely gone by now. Maybe I should go anyway, just to sit in the shule and give thanks. 8:01 PM What time is Maariv tonight Beth Jacob? I have a lot to say about the healing I have been experiencing because of the kids was another incredible experience, very moving. I have not had time to upload photos... I am so behind. I ...   read more

Updated the New Plant Your Dream Website Just Now   12 y  
Updated the New Plant Your Dream Website Just Now!!! Had to do a bunch of unexpected work when I noticed that my friends at Google were pointing out that something was happening on my new Plant Your Dream Site that was not right. For a number of months, I have been seeing some kind of big Pharma Drug name followed by 100 mg inserted. I updated with Wordpress and changed the password. Hopefully I have removed the problem, according to my server had Green Geeks. Green Geeks and the folks at the Forum came to my aid. I will get back on this with the results. I have other things I need to do this morning. Have a great day, Leslie
HOW TO GET RID OF INSERTED WORDS BY A HACKER OK The first thing to do is to use the Fetch as Googlebot tool to check what is currently being returned for that URL In Webmaster Tools go the dashboard for the site and go to Health - Fetch as Googlebot On that page in the center is an input box, your domain will be listed http:// plantyourdream . net/ so you just enter/paste the ?page_id=13380 part of the URL into the box and click the red button labeled Fetch. it will take it a second but it should list out the code that is being returned to Google for indexing. ...   read more

Sugar Blues   12 y  
Sugar Blues.. I am up early this morning. Today is Friday and Shabat begins late because it is some of the long days when the light is greatest. I am thinking of a book I read years ago, called "Sugar Blues." Alfred W. McCann, in the "Science of Eating," one of the key studies for the "Grow a Healthier Pizza" Workshop is also in my mind. He was big on giving our youth a chance to live fully. Sugar, the refined kind, is not the best choice to give our kids if we want to bring in the Messiach now. --Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener & Keep The Beet Media Star, The World's First Talking Beet Plant.
Sugar Blues ABOUT SUGAR BLUES 124 WAYS SUGAR RUINS YOUR HEALTH uploaded June 30, 2012 2:58 pm 1:58 am June 29, 2012 Got up inspired to write on this... I see a problem with Google for my Plant Your Dream Site. That has distracted me from what I got up to write about. I have another session in the morning with the Jewish Kids. I bought a lot of organic fruit for them. I am calling up helpers, visible and invisible to help me solve the issue ...   read more

Win the California 'Right to Know Label GMO"; Sign Now!   12 y  
Guarantee We Will Win the California Right to Know Label GMO Food Ballot Initiative
WIN THE CALIFORNIA ’RIGHT TO KNOW LABEL GMO’ BALLOT INITIATIVE SIGN THE ”7.5 MILLION + 2 PETITION HERE The California Right to Know Label GMO Foods Ballot Initiative, to be voted on November 6, is a Golden State Issue that will effect the course of history of GMO Labeling throughout the US. Eyes from other States and Nations are already looking to you and I for what we each will do to make sure this Consumer Rights Labeling issue passes/ Close to 50 nations already ’Label it!--GMOs--but not here in the US, where Special Interests have prevailed over Con ...   read more

Arundo Donax Excavation, June 27, 2012   12 y  
Arundo Donax Excavation, June 27, 2012
Arundo Excavation GARDEN MANAGEMENT JOURNAL June 27, 2012 I just had a mind altering experience on the Rim of the Arosa Canyon. I went out today to do some compost work with Chef Jem. We have a standing date for Wed late afternoon. My first sight of the Arundo, on the Rim of the Arosa Canyon, was disheartening. I can pay others to snap the fast growing reeds, but when I come back four or five days later, no matter what work I have done myself, or asked others to do, the plant continues to grow at a most prolific pace. This is the fastest growing plant I ...   read more

Improving the Form to Collect Signatures   12 y  
Improving the Form to Collect Signatures
Improving the Form to Collect Signatures Add the existing form; Have Nadine copy it and scan it over... Add these Categories: Sponsor One Mile of the Caravan for $5.00. Sign the ”7.5 Million + 2 Petition” Sign the Petition Now I need to get to the other side of my confidence levels with the petition. Likely I am just tired now. C, I have been putting a lot of energy into working on walking papers for the a Journey to Win Back Our Sacred Seeds. The first leg of the Jo ...   read more

Dr. Harvey W Wiley and the Pure Food Law of 1906   12 y  
Dr. Harvey W Wiley and the Pure Food Law of 1906 YES NOW IS THE DAY AND THIS IS THE YEAR On the 100th Anniversary of DR. Harvey M. Wiley, MD, we will take up the battleground through the passage of the Right to Know, Label GMO Foods California Ballot Initiative. Everyone in the state will learn about GMOs as this issue takes the spotlight, thanks to you sponsoring a Mile of the Journey to Win Back Our Sacred Seeds and the forthcoming Caravan--with your help-- UPDATE Thanks to Chef Jem!!! June 30, 2012 7:24 am FROM ”THE CRUSADING CHEMIST” BY AMANDA READ, 2009 ...   read more

Get Walking Papers Done By Friday, June 29, 2012   12 y  
Get Walking Papers Done By Friday, June 29, 2012
Get Walking Papers Done By Friday, June 29, 2012 TEMPLATE REFINE BIO NOTE TESTIMONIAL TESTIMONIALS Dear Uncle Leslie, I really enjoyed your presentation yesterday. It uplifted my spirits and made me feel like I had to do something to make our planet better. Personally, I don’t eat vegetables but everything you said changed my mind about it. I do need to change my eating habits and I do need to grow my own vegetables. You kept the classes’ attention. You were funny, and you kept us interested. You’ll probable be the man that’ll ac ...   read more

Commit to Grow Your Sacred Seeds Now--Yes We Can   12 y  
Commit to Grow Your Sacred Seeds Now--Yes We Can Dennis Kucinich, Elizabeth, and Jeremy Siefert will be asked to sponsor a mile of the Journey to Save Our Sacred Seeds and sign the "7.5 Million + 2 Petition"
SIGN THE ”7.5 MILLION + 2 PETITION HERE SEED DREAM JUNE 27, 2012 There are 55 people who have signed the ”7.5 Million + 2 Petition” as of today. I signed twice. I want to ask This Plant Your Dream Blog is an excerpt from the Plant Your Dream Blog I began yesterday. The importance of this blog asks that I single it out here with the addition of this Seed Dream. I am asking Dennis Kuchinich, Elizabeth, his wife; and Jeremy to commit to sponsor one mile of my Journey to Save Our Sacred Seeds. You can sponsor one mile too h ...   read more

Plant a Seed. Grow a Whole New World-Your Enchanted Gardener   12 y  
Plant a Seed. Grow a Whole New World--Your Enchanted Gardener I am committing to Co-Create with Your Help, the most powerful Grassroots Movement in California History. It is a Grass Roots Movement inspired by the FDA's very own Pure Food Law of 1906 that failed to be enforced because of what Alfred W. McCann Called in his book "The Science of Eating (1919), "The Moneybag." Even 100 years ago special interests were so powerful, that we could not defend the health of our children from the conditions of Obesity, Adulterated Foods, and Food Injustice that are so prevalent today. I have nothing against conscious commerce or prosperity; The Seed-- the epitome of Nature's Original Technology-- gives both. It is now a question of Winning Our Sacred Seeds Back. It is now a question of 7.5 Million + 2 signing a Petition saying we have a Right to Know what ingredients we are eating and that GMO Foods need to be Labeled. The Rally Cry here is "Grow a Healthier Pizza!" This Plant Your Dream Blog explains how these apparently diverse themes came together to inspire this Grass Roots Movement. --Uncle Leslie, Your Enchanted Gardener
THERE IS ALSO A PLANT YOUR DREAM BLOG VERSION OF THIS HERE WITH MORE PHOTOS! Thanks for reading! TIMELINE Events are listed on the Caravan Calendar This is Tuesday, June 26, 2012 Nov 6, 2012 is 122 Days Away, about 4 months. The National Heirloom Expo is September 11, 12, 13 2012; That is 66 days away, about two months. The Election is 56 Days after the National Heirloom Expo. FULL SUMMARY: HOW AND WHY THE MOST POWERFUL GRASS ROOTS MOVEMENT IN CALIFORNIA CAME TO BE What is the ”7.5 Million +2” Petitio ...   read more

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Created: 19 y   Feb 20 2005


Comments (10 of 1650):
Re: Ann G Schieber… Miyak… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… YOURE… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… Chef-… 3 y
Re: My health pict… Chef-… 4 y
Re: Global astrolo… sadha… 5 y
Re: Adding Color t… YOURE… 6 y
Re: Getting Ready … Chef-… 6 y
Re: Hematuria jour… ren 6 y
Re: TTP Action - M… Chef-… 6 y
[video/audio] Re: … YOURE… 6 y
All Comments (1650)

Blogs by YourEnchantedGardener (8):
Recovered Blogs #2436-#2168  17 y  (74)
Heart's Desire  16 y  (33)
Season of the Essenes  17 y  (26)
Plant Parenthood Activity  15 y  (22)
Great Earth Cleanup!  17 y  (17)
Dr. Bernard Jensen- "Keepin…  12 y  (12)
Essene Healing Mysteries  15 y  (7)
Joe The Farmer's Comeback  17 y  (1)

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