Day 58 - Post Retreat 9 y
Re-feeding and Retreating
I completed a wonderful retreat, accumulating the mantra commitments to charge up the mantra and help my friend with her fight with cancer - today was the first day off the retreat and I’ve been pretty busy all day getting all sorts of things accomplished and haven’t done any practice yet - a bit of a day off after so much concentrated practice, tho I did do a morning waking exercise and will do at least some evening something --
It’s just on 8pm now, I’m starting to go into my little pre-leaving the country house for a big trip flurry of activity, getting all the loose ends here nicely ... read more
Day 50 9 y
Re-Feeding & Retreat
Early eve on the 50th day and I’m truly re-feeding now and have been eating more food over the past 5 days. It was difficult starting, feeling very full from very small amounts and having issues, the runs and a little constipated at times but this seems to be getting much better overall - my excretions are still tiny, but I really emptied out my system so that’s to be expected, drinking aloe vera and eating the fruit sauce with psyllium and slippery elm was really good to do - I just made a potato soup today - will eat that this week and am about to make a shepards pie as well - got some ... read more
Day 45 9 y
City Dumpling Re-feeding
Well, its 9:30 on the 45th day of this journey, I decided to drive to the city yesterday, getting here just around 6pm when I tuned it to the retreat webcast of my Teacher in Italy - I drank juices all day, cleaned up and packed out and fed all the animals and got on the road doing a lot of practice on the 4 hour drive. I got a nasty headache half-way thru the drive and took a couple advil which sorted it out - in the eve, after the teaching, I made some banana custard with some milk (about one cup or so). one banana - and a few spoonfuls of my homemade custard powder - had that with some ... read more
42 & Counting... 9 y
Wisdom, Compassion & an End to Violence
It’s just past 4pm, on day 42 - I’ve had a rough few days. My friend returned in the very early morn day 40 & was not in his right mind, I asked him to go after some troubling behavior and energy - it was not what I’d expected, having looked forward to his visit - on the eve of day 41, after asking him to leave many times he brutally assaulted me... It was horrific... real hell realm stuff... threated to kill and even rape me, strangled me, beat me up - hit me repeatedly and kept me prisoner, taking my phone etc for almost 2 hours because he was so terrified he’d go to jail after what he’ ... read more
Day 39 9 y
Looking after my digestion!
5:30 now on day 39, working with my digestive tract now in a much more thought out way - had some lower abdominal cramping and that squirty feeling again this morning, no good - so I took a very simple enema just filtered water a little warmer than lukewarm and some frankinsence Young LIving essential oil - it was a little uncomfortable and being so cold in the bathroom (no heat in there) made it harder still - but I rugged up in thermals and a second layer of comfy clothes and a little beanie and used a towel as a blanket where my skin got exposed to the cold air - it fixed me up heaps!! ... read more
Day 38 9 y
Contemplating my Navel...
Just past 8PM, 38 days into this winter journey and feeling pretty damn good I have to report. I’ve been back to my yoga this week, the time in solitude and getting through that low energy time and very late period saw me naturally more energized again, & I did a good session last night before bed, then awoke and did a good morning session this morning.
I’ve had a morning tea, a soda water with a shot of aloe vera juice and some cardomon syrup, had a morning bath before the yoga - then did morning dharma practice after that, around 3pm, I started studying a dharma text and had a 15 m ... read more
36 Days In... 9 y
Shifting Inertia
It’s 9:30, so getting on and I’m nearing the end of the 36th day of this journey...
today saw me wake with a cup of tea, then a small glass of the avocado smoothie, clean the kitchen, remove and install a new magnetic mesh door that my ex bf had destroyed in a fit of mania last year, cleaned the porch and the doorway up a bit, brushing away webs and the bad energy and reminder of that incident and all that’s associated with it - did a nice job and it is always really good to move inertia like that :) Then I cut necks in my puppetheads and that was a very quick easy thing to do but maj ... read more
35 Days 9 y
Boro Kimono
The sun is slowly setting on my 35th day in, just left the house for the first time in days (other than to feed the chickens) - car barely started, just took it down to the local post office to check my mail, beautiful day today and most days lately - incredibly warm for this time of year.
Got up and had an Oolong tea, did my morning practice, had a mexican hot choc, continued with more practice - adding a special practice on for a friend that I’m going to be doing every day as I can for some time now as she’s struggling with cancer... The practice was beautiful, strong and inspiring ... read more
Day 34 9 y
Getting to the close of the 34th day of this journey, not sure I should call it a ’fast’ though there are many kinds of fasts and it should fit in there somewhere ;) I have eaten some days, and not others, the last ’meal’ I had was a couple days ago when I finished my last little lamb chop by itself, yesterday I had a piece of toast before bed and a few corn chips - a couple pieces of chocolate besides my liquid diet & today much the same minus the toast.
My energy is better and my period is just about finished, hardly anything today, it was probably the lightest one I’ve ever had but ... read more
32 Days 9 y
Slow Down at 32 Days
Nearly 7:30 on the 32’d day of this adventure... feeling ok, its the heaviest day of my period which is not saying much - still much lighter than usual but its there, late but its all good.
Today was colder & maybe the combo of being crampy and feeling that cold prompted me to stay in my room much of the day doing a lot of Buddhist practice and reading some Rumi, writing a little poetry and not a whole lot else.
No fires or bushwalks or yoga and no music today, its too cold out there, perhaps tomorrow I should just start the fireplace up again, its been nice taking a break from keepi ... read more
31 Days 9 y
Iron Pill
Day 31, it’s 3:30 - a windy and cooler day, still very warm for this time of year! First day home alone, I woke up not too bad, the house is much more peaceful - hadn’t bathed in days so I started my day with a bit of spa :)
Made myself a facial mask with 1/2 a tiny avocado, some olive oil, honey and a bit of yesterday’s leftover juice pulp & had a warm bath with the mask and a few cucumber slices for eyes - some epsom salt blend I made and then used the leftover mask and mixed it with a wonderful Balinese avocado hair mask I bought last time I was there - worked a good amount of the t ... read more
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