ABCs of Conscious Evolution
by luckman
Page 5 of 26

Humor Book Giveaway!   7 y  
Be sure to sign up to receive my Devilishly Clever Word of the Day free in your inbox for a chance to win a copy of THE ANGEL’S DICTIONARY.
  SOL LUCKMAN Have you had a chance to check out the free online excerpt from my irreverent new book of humor and satire,  THE ANGEL’S DICTIONARY? If not, why not have a laugh and enjoy it today?     Here are some sample entries to tickle your fancy …     antidepressant: (n.) any of various energetic techniques for warding off parasitic friends, colleagues, and family members.     ...   read more

Bluebird Shaman   7 y  
May the Bluebird of Happiness enter your life this year!
  Sol Luckman “Feeling blue” becomes A joyful phrase When referring to Any Bluebird Shaman With the courage to leave Anxiety earthbound And depression grounded While taking visionary flight And embodying to transmit The good vibrations of The Bluebird of Happiness Copyright © Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved. Sol Luckman is a  pioneering ink painter whose work has been featured on mainstream book covers and award-winning author whose books include the international bestselling  CONSCIOUS HEALING and its ...   read more

Enjoy 2017 with This List of Over 100 Alternative News Sites   7 y  
As 2017 gets underway, it seems clear that a theme that will dominate many headlines this year is the fake news meme being leveled at the alternative press by a freaked-out establishment seeking to keep the masses misinformed while silencing growing waves of dissent that could make the 1960s look like the Victorian era.
Sol Luckman As 2017 gets underway, it seems clear that a theme that will dominate many headlines this year is the “fake news” meme being leveled at the alternative press by a freaked-out establishment seeking to keep the masses misinformed while silencing growing waves of dissent that could make the 1960s look like the Victorian era.   The articles by  Dylan Charles,  Brendan Murphy and  Jon Rappoport shared recently on Snooze2Awaken speak directly to this absurdly obvious power play straight out of Orwell&nb ...   read more

Control Matrix Scrambles to Keep Slaves on the Plantation   8 y  
If the public no longer believes in and obeys the propaganda, the control matrix loses their authority and power. This is happening now, and while the journey might be harrowing, there simply is no return to slavery.
Dylan Charles,  Waking Times For decades now, independent journalists, researchers, thinkers and truth-seekers have been at work uncovering the ugly truth how about how our world is managed, manipulated and controlled by an unaccountable corporate and political elite. Working to push the message into public consciousness, we’ve written countless books, bank-rolled radio, films and television programs, created organizations, newsletters and blogs, held public gatherings and rallies, and anything else possible to enlighten others with the knowledge and i ...   read more

Why Social Isolation Leads to Inflammation   8 y  
We are wired for community. If we disconnect, our bodies will call us back to the sense of human connection that we are wired for using the unexpected language of inflammation.
Kelly Brogan, MD,  GreenMedInfo We are wired for community. If we disconnect, our bodies will call us back to the sense of human connection that we are wired for using the unexpected language of inflammation. I love dancing, so I wasn’t too weirded out when we were asked, in one of my first  kundalini classes to dance like no one was watching to some loud bhangra music. What really tweaked me (and likely most newbies in the class) was when the teacher turned the music down and asked us to take a stranger’s hands, face them, and stand close. She ...   read more

Stop Blaming Your Genes—You Are in Control of You   8 y  
Who we are appears to be a product of both nature, nurture and consciousness. You are often shaped by forces beyond yourself and can choose what you become.
Mae Chan There is a chronic anxiety among populations who focus on the diseases acquired by their genetic line. Many define the potential of their own health based on what happened to their father and mother. Although a great deal of who we are appears to have been written in our genes, our actual health potential is more determined by our lifestyle, what we consume, our environment—but more than anything else, what we think. Every thought creates a physiological response in the body, or in other words, every thought we think produces a physical reality. Esoteric and spiri ...   read more

New Book of Humor & Satire: THE ANGEL’S DICTIONARY   8 y  
In this knee-slapping "Spirited Glossary for the Little Devil in You" for coming to terms with modern culture, politics and life, award-winning author Sol Luckman reinvigorates satire to prove that—though we might not be able to change the world—we can at least have a good laugh at it. Then again, maybe laughter can transform the world!
Sol Luckman Were you aware that a  fetish (n.) is  anything, such as the stock market, falsely believed by primitive peoples to possess divine, magical or supernatural qualities ? Did you know that  disclosure (n.) is  when they finally tell us everything and nothing changes ? THE ANGEL’S DICTIONARY defines these terms this way—so they must be true! Here’s another deliciously veracious definition from this forthcoming  Spirited Glossary for the Little Devil in You  … waffle: (n. ...   read more

Astrologer Laura Walker on 2016's Magic Carpet Ride   8 y  
Today's guest is Laura Walker, creator of the wildly popular Oracle Report, empowering daily energy overviews with a unique spin based in Black Moon astrology and Gnosticism. Laura’s spin on astrology represents some of the very best work out there. Certainly, it’s unique and—if you follow it closely—uncannily accurate from an energetic perspective.
Introduction to RETURN TO EASE   8 y  
The following is the Introduction to an inspired new book, RETURN TO EASE. In this elegantly simple and thoroughly beautiful how-to guide subtitled “Gently Reconnect with Your Body’s Natural Mobility & Joy,” readers are empowered to consider and engage their own innate ability for self-healing.
  Carolyn S. Barnes   [SL: The following is the Introduction to an inspired new book,  RETURN TO EASE. In this elegantly simple and thoroughly beautiful how-to guide subtitled “Gently Reconnect with Your Body’s Natural Mobility & Joy,” readers are empowered to consider and engage their own innate ability for self-healing. I’m in the process of writing a review of RETURN TO EASE, so stay tuned for more on this subject.]   You Hold in Your Hands Possibility & Potential   If you allow i ...   read more

Hanging Ten over the Apocalypse with Belief in Our Essence   9 y  
Through our indoctrinated beliefs in our limitations, we have forgotten that within us exists the power to regenerate ourselves, individually and collectively.
Sol Luckman I believe  … a most curious phrase. We’ve heard about the biology, but what is the  etymology of belief? Belief stems from Old English and once meant  trust in God . This made belief a close bedfellow of  faith . But at the approach of the spiritual-materialist split known as the Enlightenment, where soul and body were declared by Church and State to have parted ways, we in the West gradually lost our faith as belief was coming to mean merely  whatever is believed . In the process belief got a bum rap, as in the phrase& ...   read more

Award-winning Novel Highlights Lucid Dreams, Shamanism   9 y  
In SNOOZE, the mind-bending tale of one gifted boy’s awakening, we follow Max Diver, aka “Snooze,” along the razor’s edge of a quest to rescue his astronaut father from a fate stranger than death in the exotic, perilous Otherworld of sleep.
  Sol Luckman   When I began writing my award-winning metaphysical novel,  SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING, at the start of 2013, little did I know this paranormal, coming-of-age tale about a boy learning to harness the power of  lucid dreams would include important themes having to do with Dewey Larson’s Reciprocal System of physical theory, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s Five Stages of Grief, Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, and Lloyd Pye’s revolutionary theories on mysterious hominids like  Bigfoot.   ...   read more

432 DNA Tuning & the “Nazi-ization” of Music   9 y  
Humanity is the unwitting victim of a frequency war on our consciousness that has been waged for decades. The goal has been to keep us as divided, gullible and subservient as possible.
Brendan D. Murphy   GA=440Hz: Not Quite Music to My Ears   Humankind is the largely unwitting victim of a frequency war on our consciousness that has been waged for decades, if not millennia. The goal has clearly been to keep us as gullible and subservient as possible, through multifarious means.   In modern history in particular, there has been what Dr. Len Horowitz has referred to as the strategic “militarization” of music. This happened in 1939 when the tuning of the note “A above Middle C” to 440 Hz was adopted in the ...   read more

Reset Your "Ener-genetic" Blueprint   9 y  
“This is revolutionary healing science that's expanding the boundaries of being.” —NEXUS Magazine ... “The highly effective Regenetics Method opens the door to a completely new kind of mind-body-spirit medicine.” —THE HEALERS JOURNAL ... POTENTIATE YOUR DNA “is both fascinating and an astounding, perhaps even world-changing theory.” —NEW DAWN Magazine
Sol Luckman Register for our new monthly offering: Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony. This is a new way to save on the “revolutionary healing science” (NEXUS MAGAZINE) of Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning. Next Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony: Sunday, November 1, 2015 from 10-10:30 PM New York time (2-2:30 AM UTC, Monday, November 2). Since 2004 the Phoenix Center for Regenetics has offered a leading-edge technique for DNA activation known as the Regenetics Method, starting with an “ener-genetic reset” ...   read more

Regenetics Compared to Other Forms of DNA Activation   9 y  
Writes Dr. Julie TwoMoon of this "revolutionary healing science" (NEXUS), "When I found the Regenetics Method, I had never heard the term DNA activation. Almost two years later, the practice and experience of DNA activation is a cornerstone not only to my professional life but to my own deep healing and transformation."
Julie TwoMoon, NMD When I found the Regenetics Method, I had never heard the term DNA activation. Almost two years later, the practice and experience of DNA activation is a cornerstone not only to my professional life but to my own deep healing and transformation. I assume that, like me a couple of years ago, most people reading this have no idea what DNA activation is. Only recently did I realize just how confusing a simple Internet search of DNA activation can be. Prompted by my husband to define how what I offer is different from ...   read more

Listen Free to Part 1 of the Award-winning Novel SNOOZE   9 y  
What would you do if your dreams suddenly turned real? Such is the central question of my bestselling metaphysical tale of a young man learning to actualize human potential through lucid dreams, SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING, winner of the 2015 National Indie Excellence® Award.
Sol Luckman What would you do if your dreams suddenly turned real? Such is the central question of my bestselling metaphysical tale of a young man learning to actualize human potential through lucid dreams, SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING, winner of the 2015 National Indie Excellence® Award. “Luckman’s dazzling abilities as a novelist abound with lyrical prose … Although [SNOOZE] chronicles a boy’s transition into manhood, I would not consider it young adult. The provocative subject matter of science and spirituality is very ...   read more

Potentiate Your DNA with Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony   9 y  
This unparalleled form of sound healing, which employs specific vowel combinations sung to the renowned Solfeggio scale, was partly inspired by new genetic research revealing that DNA can be sonically activated—noninvasively and even remotely—to actualize your unique potential in all aspects: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Sol Luckman Register for our new monthly offering: Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony. This is a new way to save on the “revolutionary healing science” (NEXUS MAGAZINE) of Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning. Next Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony: Sunday, October 4, 2015 from 10-10:30 PM New York time (2-2:30 AM UTC, Monday, October 5). Since 2004 the Phoenix Center for Regenetics has offered a leading-edge technique for DNA activation known as the Regenetics Method, starting with an “ener-genetic reset” called Pote ...   read more

Award-winning Author’s Shamanic Art on 2 Book Covers   9 y  
For a fiercely independent Indie creator, it’s a genuine shot in the arm when the mainstream comes to you.
Sol Luckman For a fiercely independent Indie creator, it’s a genuine shot in the arm when the mainstream comes to you. Last year, out of the blue, Destiny Books contacted me for permission to use one of my ink-on-paper paintings on the cover of Itzhak Beery’s professionally published THE GIFT OF SHAMANISM. Here ’s the original painting, MESA, CANYON, RIO … And here it is adapted for the cover of Beery ’s bestselling book … I ’d like to think my image has had something to do with the book &r ...   read more

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This blog by award-winning author and pioneering artist Sol Luckman addresses today’s accelerated evolution of what it means to be human. more...

Last Activity: 7 mon ago
442 Messages   Last message 7 mon ago
82 Comments   Last comment 7 mon ago

viewed 3,119,456 times
Created: 19 y   Aug 29 2005


Comments (10 of 82):
Re: 🥱 COVI… turiy… 23 mon
Re: Where Are Curr… kermi… 33 mon
Re: COVID Shmovid:… paraz… 3 y
Re: Goldman Sachs … ren 6 y
Hanging Ten: Denud… vaira… 9 y
lol! #90124 16 y
Re: bioenergetic t… luckm… 18 y
bioenergetic thera… puppy… 18 y
Re: good post luckman 18 y
good post ren 18 y
All Comments (82)

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Art of Consciousness  17 y  (1)

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