Heal Thyself/Sacred Woman
by ren
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It's been a while but...   18 y  
new year, new beginnings
I am paying the price for straying from womb healing principles. I’ve not eaten meat in quite a while...almost a year I think. Don’t miss it but I’ve been eating a lot of dairy products. My period is late and either I’m pregnant or I have a fibroid. I believe the second is more likely as I already took a test and it was negative. If I do not get my period after this first round of womb tea, I will retake the tests again. It’s practically impossible for us to get pregnant because we are very conservative in our practice of NFP but you never know. According to my PMS journal, my last few spo ...   read more

Heal Thyself and Queen Afua   18 y  
info about Queen Afua
Before opening the Smai Tawi Heal Thyself/Know Thyself Center, Queen Afua, herself had followed the path less traveled-of ancestral healing and transformed her own life. Sick and tired of being sick and tired, she went on a healing retreat. ”At the age of eighteen I was filled with dis-ease. I was suffering from chronic asthma, hay fever, and arthritis,” she explains. On this retreat, she discovered the connection between what one eats and one’s state of health. For three days she fasted on citrus fruits and healed herself returning home renewed, which inspired her to study holistic hea ...   read more

OMG... fasting false start news   18 y  
brief note about breaking my fast
Yeah so I had resurrgence of binge and purging this weekend. I am.. or I was under tremendous amount of stress. I’ve dialed it down quite a bit talking to my fiance. My neck hurts and so I’ll be resuming my fast monday. This is a good thing though. It’s what this journey is all about. Dealing with issues long buried.   visit the page

Post Shower, Pap Smear and Post-Life That Sucked A## fast   18 y  
day zero of my two week cleanse
Yes I’m back to fasting again. Master cleanse for two weeks. I need everyone’s support. This is the only one I will be doing before my wedding. Starting tomorrow. Right now I’m making my tea then I’m going to do my bikram yoga workout and pilates. Not doing this weight loss AT ALL. That’s what distracted me the last time. This is about cleansing from the inside and out, getting ready for marriage and in the near future...pregnancy! Stay tuned....   visit the page

The deed is done!   18 y  
had my papsmear finally
I had my pap smear today. The speculum was quite painful and I felt as if I was losing my virginity all over again. Terrible. Also, I had a battery of STD tests as well. I’m on the track towards more raw foods. Right now I am focusing on exercising and the exercising is doing the trick. I’m not thinking consciously about diet but focusing on exercise. My blood pressure was 99/70 this morning. They didn’t take my weight. If the tests are abnormal, they will send me a letter next week. The doctor told me it takes a week for results to come back in. I am not worrying AT ALL. I have a peace th ...   read more

Between fast exercises   18 y  
saturday morning
I had two glasses of juice with bee pollen and psyllium husks in the second glass. I’m going to pick up this fast again in two weeks since my last fast was nine days. I don’t want to overdo it, even though I screwed up. Yesterday I was very emotional :( I’m no where near that emotional today BUT I do realise that I can gain back the ten pounds I lost if I’m not careful. I’m hitting the gym before I go over to my mother’s job. It’s GORGEOUS outside so I’m going to get some exercise by cleaning up the kitchen and geting outside into the garden. It’s gardening time and being around nature alw ...   read more

Fasting Anew:Self forgiveness   18 y  
fasting notes
There are ten days in the Master Cleanse. I screwed up today in the midst of a temporary PMS depression. I’m happy that I made this far. I’m disappointed in myself or WAS disappointed. I just opened Heal Thyself to the chapter where Queen Afua talks about forgiving ourselves when we mess up and to GET BACK IN THE GAME. Thank GOD, thank you Lord, that I have my fiance to cheer me up. Queen Afua says don’t let temporary setbacks ruin the path of purification. I’ve been to the fasting and purification mountaintop and I don’t intend to allow myself to get in my way. Did that make sense to you? ...   read more

Fasting- day ten observations   18 y  
healing myself with fasting on lemonade
I’m ready to get off this fast *LOL* I switched to molasses during the course of the fast for two reasons. The maple syrup was too costly and also the molasses has more minerals and iron and today is the first day of my period. I didn’t get as tired as I usually do BUT yesterday when I got home I just went to lay down. I slept till about nine and then went back to sleep at eleven. Even though I had let my dog out at around one, I’m not tired now. I’m not even putting molasses in my first glass lemonade, it’s actually lemon and kombucha tea. I’ve lost ten pounds on this fast, I’m now 147 do ...   read more

Fasting observations - TMI ALERT   18 y  
day four fasting/purification
I’m glad I quit coffee before I decided to fast. I do believe it made a difference. I have not had any coffee cravings except for yesterday. I saw the Starbucks and wanted to go in and get a coffee and scone. That’s my automatic response to stress. I’m happy to say I didn’t cave in and try to park in that murderous traffic of NYC. Thank God it was on the other side of the street :D I didn’t realise how much FOOD is a part of my life till I stopped eating it. I obsess about it. I even think of eating raw sandwiches *LOL* It’s totally mental you see. This is my fourth day of fasting and the ...   read more

Allow me to vent about my gyno visit today   18 y  
my challenging gyno visit
Well folks I finally went to get a gyno visit. I had to drive to the Bronx which took FOREVER from Long Island in the city traffic. The parking was terrible because of the side street parking rules for snow removal. I arrived at the doctor’s office for my 9 am appointment and the facility was CLOSED *LOL* Anyway, it opened a few minutes late and the waiting room was well...freezing and extremely unappealing. The television was on and I found myself glancing at Entertainment Tv about the Oscars. I’m so glad I had earplugs with me because I tuned out the unimportant lives of hollystars and r ...   read more

My Lemonade Diet   18 y  
lemonade diet and personal misc.
Today is my second day on the lemonade diet. I am also drinking a glass of kombucha tea a day and utilising the Flora Rene Caisse herbs as well. I had some mild healing crises today, a mild hunger pang at work and a headache. When I got home, I went to bed and rested and it went away. Drinking the Caisse herbs helped because the herbs are potent detox herbs. My brain is doing some heavy duty offloading of caffeine, heavy metals,etc. and earlier the headache was annoying. It made my eyes feel like eye strain. Oh well it’s over now and I have energy to move some paintings for my mom and writ ...   read more

Good Morning Sacred Women and Heal Thyself Devotees   18 y  
12 Principles of the Sacred Woman
I pulled everything out of my room last night and guess what I found while sorting through all my books? My copy of Heal Thyself. Recently I’ve been reading Sacred Woman and this is a great find, also an omen of things to come. I know that when I practice yoga and focus on my practice, I feel very good. For some reason the tree pose makes me feel like a goddess and all I want to do is have babies *LOL* Maybe this is why Sting has six children and has delivered a few of them too! 12 Principles of the Divine Sacred Woman As a Sacred Woman... I embody grace, dignity and majesty- at ...   read more

Black People Just Say No!   18 y  
article about the legacy of southern food
Just say no to the premise of this article! Hogmaws, chiterlings and all the rest are SLAVE FOOD!!! I do hate getting racial because it’s not in my personality but this article really got under my skin. Also, if I hear one more black doctor say he wished black folks would get better drugs, I’ll scream. You can still have great Southern food without cracklin’ pig skins and all the rest. Collard greens can be made without fatback! Backstory: Southern discomfort food (Food Nazi Alerts Yahoo! News ^ | 2/6/06 3:00 AM | Patrik Jonsson SELMA, ALA. - On stage, the famous jazz piani ...   read more

master cleanse and stuff   18 y  
this and that from the health frontier
Yes I am doing it again. I’m not giving up. By God’s grace I will succeed this time. I’ve just made my Smooth Move tea and now I’m enjoying a cup of my homemade kombucha tea. I am substituting the maple syrup for agave nectar. It seems as if sugar is a major trigger for me and I don’t want to ruin it. The kombucha tea gets better and better. I notice it takes a few batches for the babies to start coming in nice and thick. I’m going to be focusing more on the Sacred Woman side of Queen Afua’s teachings. I’m also be doing some posting on my new natural womb blog because her specialty i ...   read more

Kombucha tea update   18 y  
not enough tea water!
Boy I’m not using enough water. I was using two thirds of a gallon when I should be using a whole gallon??? One of the websites is right. This is like wine making. My first batch I used what the directions said and the tea came out nice. http://www.sulis-health.co.uk/kombucha/faq.shtml#q21 http://www.kombu.de/anleit-e.htm   visit the page

End of Sproutman Wheatgrass journey   18 y  
the wheatgrass growing continues
I purchased a tray of wheatgrass during my last days at Whole Foods. The juice was okay BUT my first tray of homegrown grass has reached maturity, past the first jointing stage. It’s WAY greener than the tray I bought and thicker. I remember trying to grow wheatgrass in the health food store and it came out really whimpy and yellow. There was no sunlight really. This tray I have now sits by my dining room window near the radiator and it took all but a week to grow after I let the seeds soak for a day. It took about two days for the seeds to sprout in the dirt. Yesterday, I did four ounc ...   read more

40 uses of wheagtrass   18 y  
list of wheatgrass points from wheatgrasskits.com
40 Points about Wheatgrass and its Nutritional Values 1 Wheatgrass Juice is one of the best sources of living chlorophyll available. 2 Chlorophyll is the first product of light and, therefore, contains more light energy than any other element. 3 Wheatgrass juice is a crude chlorophyll and can be taken orally and as a colon implant without toxic side effects. 4 Chlorophyll is the basis of all plant life. 5 Wheatgrass is high in oxygen like all green plants that contain chlorophyll. The brain and all body tissues function at an optimal level in a highly-oxygenated environment ...   read more

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a separate journal apart from my main 'uncovering the starchild within' blog more...

Last Activity: 3 y ago
50 Messages   Last message 3 y ago
39 Comments   Last comment 9 y ago

viewed 479,325 times
Created: 19 y   May 27 2005


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Comments (10 of 39):
Re: End of Gateway… kermi… 9 y
Re: Near Fatal Bit… ren 10 y
Re: Near Fatal Bit… katie… 10 y
Re: One Love Womb … ren 12 y
Re: One Love Womb … lover… 12 y
Re: Raw and Fabulo… ren 14 y
Re: Raw and Fabulo… mo123 14 y
Re: 40 uses of whe… ren 14 y
Re: 40 uses of whe… travi… 14 y
Re: Right on Lady.… Kermi… 18 y
All Comments (39)

Blogs by ren (10):
Uncovering The Starchild With…  18 mon  (390)
Nursing in the Raw  18 mon  (199)
Emerson’s Coffee Bike  6 y  (98)
Ren's Holistic Fitness and Li…  9 y  (97)
Ren's Fitness/Starchild Yoga …  14 y  (33)
Trial and Error  9 y  (20)
Wedding Blog (and life therea…  11 y  (19)
Ren's Natural Womb Life  17 y  (13)
My Mother's CaNsEr Journal  3 y  (11)
From Poverty to Riches  3 y  (7)

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