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2009 Dr Stanley Monteith about poison in Food and Depopulation
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2009 Dr Stanley Monteith about poison in Food and Water and Depopulation by Eric B
25 mi
An SV40 Simian Monkey Virus…that showed up in 1951-1955 in Polio vaccine, now shows up in the ‘Covid Vaccine’…75 years later by Eric B
72 mi
Joe Rogan: "If the media was legitimate, they would be talking about one of the biggest crises that's happening in this country right now, which is a massive increase in all-cause mortality." by Eric B
109 mi
Joe Rogan: Everything Dr. Robert Malone said has turned out to be true! All of it. Yale just released study: People producing spike proteins 700 days after the injections by Eric B
117 mi
the videos by MH 108 8
126 mi