Agnes: Cure yourself. Lern how to beat cancer, AIDS, diabtets, arthritis, gallstones, and how to cleanse your bowel, liver, gallblader, kidneys, tissues

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E-Mail Support Groups
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If you need answers, if you need help, if you need support, if you want to help others, if you are sick, if you are healthy, if you want to learn, if you want to be updated, if you like to read testimonials, if you like to learn about health, then e-mail support groups are the right place for you. It is free, it is easy, and it is the best way to learn about health.

Each group have from 100 to 800 members, and in each group there is at least one person with a lot of knowledge, ready to answer to your questions.

All you need is E-mail address !        

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That is the easiest way to learn about health.

E-Mail  Support Groups:

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Selected Testimonials
ADD - ADHD Join Messages ADD
AIDS Join Messages AIDS
Allergies Join Messages Allergies
Alzheimer's  Disease - memory loss, Dementia Join Messages  
Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis. Osteo-Arthritis Join Messages Arthritis
Asthma Join Messages Asthma
AUTISM Join Messages Autism
Bert Hellinger "Orders of Love" Join Messages  
BOWEL CLEANSE - Parasites Join Messages Parasites
CANCER Join Messages Cancer
Candidiasis - Candida Join Messages Candida
Cardiovascular diseases - Heartattack Join Messages  Heart

CFS / CFIDS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome  Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome

Join Messages  CFIDS
Colitis Crohn's Disease IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, IBD Join Messages  IBD


DIABETES Join Messages  
DENTAL CLEANUP - Mercury poisoning Join Messages  Dental
Depression and Anxiety Join Messages  Depression
Dr. Clark - Dr Hulda Clark Cures Join Messages  Dr.Clark
Eczema Psoriasis Skin Acne Dermatitis Rosacea Join Messages  Eczema


Epilepsy Seizures Join Messages  Epilepsy
Eyesight Join Messages  
Fibromyalgia Join Messages  FMS
GALLSTONES Liver Cleanse Join Messages  Gallstones
HYPERTENSION Join Messages  Hypertension
Hypothyroidism Join Messages  Hypothyroidism
Hyperthyroidism Join Messages  
Kidney Cleanse - Kidney Stones Join Messages  
Leaky Gut Join Messages  
Liver Cleanse Join Messages  Liver Cleanse
Lupus Join Messages  
MS Multiple Sclerosis Join Messages  MS
Osteoporosis Join Messages  
Parkinson's Join Messages  
PMS Join Messages   MS
Quack Watch - who are quacks ? Join Messages  Quack Watch

Blood type diet
Support groups

Blood type Group Name



A, B, O, AB ER4YT-ABO Join Messages
B ER4YT-B1 Join Messages
AB ER4YT-AB1 Join Messages
O ER4YT-O Join Messages


Collections of E-mail Testimonials:

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ADD-ADHD testimonials Join Messages
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Amalgam testimonials Join Messages
ARTHRITIS testimonials Join Messages
Asthma testimonials Join Messages
Autism testimonials Join Messages
Parasites testimonials
Bowel Cleanse
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Dr. Clark testimonials Join Messages
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ER4YT-Blood Type Diet Join Messages
FMS fibromyalgia Join Messages
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