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NEW form of purified bioavailable zeolite
by PhoenixRising144 13 y
View Entire Thread 5
So for those who are in the know,
1. regular purified zeolite is actually destroyed by the hydrochloric acid purification method,
2. powdered zeolite is unpurified
I have made the first non-damaged, purification-agent purified zeolite that is bioavailably enhaanced.
Step 1: Zeolite is micronized.
Step 2: Zeolite is purified with a purification agent and the contaminants are extracted out
Step 3: The zeolite is modified by specific bacterium to be bioavailable
Step 4: This results in a purified, bioavailable zeolite that is a NATURAL liquid state.
Waiora lost ...
5,437 hits
Forum: Zeolites
Cancer Support
Re: say "no" to zeolite.
by douie 17 y
”Powdered zeolite products appear to be safe as intestinal detoxification agents, but there is no reason to believe this is true for NCD and the other zeolite liquids.”
This quote is from the website you mentioned, Jim. (
Check out this letter from the formulator of the powdered zeolite.
Go to
At the top where it says ” Liquid vs. Powder. what’s the difference? Click here” and read the letter.
In the letter, the formulator of the powdered liquid lays out the facts and the myths about zeolite, and you will find it informa ...
15,876 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Zeolite and heavy metals
by Bugsy193 12 y
View Entire Thread 21
Anybody ever use Zeolite to detox themselves of heavy metals? I was thinking of trying this from Utopia Silver after reading an article on Natural Society. Just wondering.
4,039 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Re: What brand of Zeolite is best?
by Durangoguy 9 y
There is no question! Zeolite Pure is the best zeolite on the market and the world for safely detoxing toxic heavy metals from the body. Check out the website at for a ton of quality zeolite information and product information as well.
9,441 hits
Forum: Zeolites Clay
by Douie 17 y
View Entire Thread 3
In an effort to clear up misinformation and to get correct information about zeolite out there, I talked with the formulator of the powdered zeolite, Destroxin, today.
Zeolite is a sodium alumino silicate. There is aluminum in the molecule/the structure that makes up the zeolite.
Zeolite is solid by nature. Only two things can destroy it: 1)intense heat, as in a volcano, and 2) pure hydrochloric aicd.
There is nothing in the human body that comes close to these two things, so the structure of zeolite remains in tact, when ingested. No aluminum is leached.
The cage structure of zeol ...
5,719 hits
Forum: MMS Support
by jessesmom1987 16 y
A couple of things I’ve read about Zeolite- maybe Newport can add his 2 cents to this for whether it should be used or not (or what Cutler has to say about it)
In an effort to clear up misinformation and to get correct information about zeolite out there, I talked with the formulator of the powdered zeolite, Destroxin, today.
Zeolite is a sodium alumino silicate. There is aluminum in the molecule/the structure that makes up the zeolite.
Zeolite is solid by nature. Only two things can destroy it: 1)intense heat, as in a volcano, ...
16,096 hits
Forum: Chelation: Cutler
Amalgam Replacement
Re: Health Ranger issues zeolite challenge: Drop your zeo...
by InCharge 10 y
(NaturalNews) I want to thank all the readers who participated in the outpouring of support following my publishing of laboratory test results for zeolites . As I wrote yesterday, off-the-shelf zeolites are composed of remarkably high concentrations of lead (10, 20, 40 or even 60 ppm) and strikingly higher concentrations of aluminum (24,000 to 30,000+ ppm in the samples we tested). It’s important to note that the real numbers are actually far higher because nitric acid digestion does not completely dissolve zeolites, meaning these test result numbers were on the LOW side. Many r ...
3,365 hits
Forum: News
Re: Zeolite Pros & Cons...
by mikeh 19 y
In my experience, I’ve had pretty good results using Zeolite in clay paths on the skin an in the mouth. I don’t take it oral, but I’ve swallowed a bit when treating my mouth.
As for the article at against using Zeolite, according to it, I should be dead now. As I grew up in Florida and played, inhaled, and even ate sand and dirt as a kid... :)
10,498 hits
Forum: Zeolites
Chelation: Cutler
Minerals Support
Re: liquid Zeolite???
by squave 19 y
I don’t work for any of those multi-level marketed pyramid schemes.
Here’s the deal on Liquid Zeolite as I understand it. You can pay $45 for a tiny bottle with little bit of zeolite in some water, or you can buy a whole pound of zeolite clay powder for $8 at the site below and make gallons of liquid zeolite.
I’m sure someone who is selling the stuff can explain why that’s not a good idea.
19,133 hits
Forum: Chelation Support
Minerals Support
Try Zeolite for arthritis
by i want everyone healed 13 y
It’s important to detoxify the body. Zeolite detoxifies. Check out this YouTube video:
Near the end of this video the fellow explains what the zeolite does for your joints.
Do your own research on the net to find the right zeolite product.
Try the zeolite and make a reply to this post telling of your results.
3,196 hits
Forum: Arthritis: Osteo
Re: MMS for Heavy Metal detox comments welcome
by jck91766 17 y
I have never used MMS for this type of detox, but I do recommend the following, This is something I use and have been very pleased with the results:
A natural and safe mineral, high in Clinoptilolite, the active ingredient in the removal of heavy metals and toxins from the body
Toxins poison our air, our water, our food, and our bodies. According to the EPA, 70,000 chemicals are used commercially in the U.S., 65,000 of which are potentially hazardous to our health. The Environmental Defense Council reports that more than four billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released in ...
23,585 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Zeolite detox myths busted: In lab tests, zeolites ...
by InCharge 10 y
View Entire Thread 3
(NaturalNews) Much of what we’ve all been told about zeolites over the years is a myth. Sadly, even articles published on Natural News have inadvertently repeated this myth, although I am now directing staff to update all zeolite articles on Natural News to reflect the latest scientific findings I’m releasing on the public record. Last week, I released ICP-MS laboratory analysis data that show the elemental composition of zeolites . Those data reveal something astonishing: zeolites which are consumed as a daily dietary supplement by health-conscious people may contain anywhere f ...
2,748 hits
Forum: News
Zeolites Clay
an analysis of the Green Zeolite Clay
by squave 19 y
I looked up some industrial zeolite activation techniques, and none of them are likely to be done at home, since they involve high temperatures. However, it doesn’t look like the inexpensive zeolite clay powder has any heavy metal problem.
This page has a listing of worldwide zeolite sources:
It points to the page of a company which distributes the Amargosa region zeolite:
That page points to an analysis of the Amargosa zeolite:
I would expect that if ...
18,409 hits
Forum: Chelation Support
Minerals Support
Liquid zeolite ?
by test123 19 y
View Entire Thread 3
Hi Kelly,
I’ve heard good things about liquid zeolite by Waiora but am concerned: would using zeolite over-burden an already tired liver? I believe that depends on the excretion pathway zeolite uses, does zeolite grab the toxin and got thru the liver and bile or is it excreted by the kidneys?
I have been on a good diet, detoxing, cleansing, liver flushing etc. for about 2 years. Still have aways to go but my liver is exhusted! Would like to try zeolite but am concerned it may do a good job but put too much stress on my liver.
What do you think?
6,162 hits
Forum: Ask Kelly
Minerals Support
Best Zeolite product right now?
by taroki 12 y
Looking to purchase Zeolite for the first time. Tried Bentonite Clay and it worked wonders for my energy, but noticed it drained my electrolytes very quickly. This would mostly be used for mercury/mold detox (I think mold is probably what is causing the majority of my chronic fatigue).
These look to be popular, which one is best? The Touchstone one comes in two different forms and they say both are required.
http://rambli ...
1,299 hits
Forum: Zeolites
Re: Zeolite
by nogard 13 y
This 2 statements contraict each other :
1st: ”The liquid zeolite is a different matter. It has been heated so high in the process of making it liquid that the structure is destroyed during that process. So aluminum is released and is available when ingested.”
2nd:”Can the aluminum be absorbed into the body from the zeolite?
NO. The aluminum in the product is at the center of a tetrahedron (it’s surrounded by tightly-held oxygen atoms). It is not free to exchange into the system. So imagine you have a pyramid that’s made of oxygen with aluminum in the center of that pyramid. It’s what t ...
3,023 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: Severe side effects with Cutler Protocol, please help!
by lightstream 16 y
I like the idea of going natural and cheap also, which is why I’m considering: Modifilan, zeolite, the affordable liquid zeolite at, chlorella.
The products recommended by Jim Carey’s wife have a lot of testimonials, google ”Generation Rescue”. Many recommended products in the $100 price range.
I was just considering today purchasing some human-grade zeolite to eat w/ my food. Few testimonials though. Of course, one could go wild & try cat-litter, or aquarium filter zeolite, but that’s a big gamble, cause I read that the toxic form of zeolite is often mixed in with th ...
28,453 hits
Forum: Chelation: Cutler
Zeolites contain high levels of lead and aluminum: Health...
by InCharge 10 y
View Entire Thread 3
(NaturalNews) After publishing a short story yesterday that warned about high lead and aluminum levels in zeolites (while also pointing out the clinical use of zeolites for blocking cesium-137), I awoke today to a stream of legal threats from a zeolite manufacturer who didn’t like what I had to say. I’m used to this sort of thing by now, of course. Every time I publish a scientific truth that somebody in the natural products industry doesn’t like, they threaten to sue me. This was true with my findings of lead in organic rice protein from China, and it also happened when I expo ...
3,313 hits
Forum: News
Re: Adya Clarity -- Master of Detox, or Scam?
by Hveragerthi 15 y
Zeolites are good for purifying water if the zeolites are left in the water for days. This is why zeolites are used in aquariums and is sold in aquarium stores as "Ammonia remover". So yes, water can be purified with the addition of minerals. Whether or not black mica, which is what this product is can do that is still to be seen.
I do find these statements made about the product to be interesting though:
"Adya Clarity is ‘Black Mica’. Zeolite AND Fulvic Acid are both derived from Black Mica. I feel that Adya Clarity is a much m ...
23,625 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Zeolites and mercury Pt II
by Quinta_Essentia 16 y
interesting, found this study which does indeed show that some zeolites do take up mercury in solution. but how much they took up depended on the specific type of zeolite.
Species sensitivity of zeolite minerals for uptake of mercury solutes
L. S. Campbell1,*, A. Chimedtsogzol2,{dagger} and A. Dyer2
The uptake of inorganic Hg2+ and organometallic CH3Hg+ from aqueous solutions by 11 different natural zeolites has been investigated using a batch distribution coefficient (Kd) method and supported by a preliminary vol ...
16,267 hits
Forum: Chelation: Cutler
Super Z Lite, it is the best zeolite period.
by #65459 16 y
I have been selling zeolite for a while, and have heard more testimonials than most people would believe. We are now carrying a new zeolite called, Super Z Lite Liquid Activated Zeolite.
Here is some information the manufacturer has:
Both the encapsulated and liquid zeolite contain the addition of activated fulvic acids combined with 72 ocean and plant derived ionic trace minerals that are rich in magnesium and calcium. When these minerals are combined with our balanced Super-Z-Lite formula, they help to improve the body’s alkalinity (pH levels), increase oxygen levels, neutralize ...
3,118 hits
Forum: Market Place
Re: liquid Zeolite???
by squave 19 y
Good point about the activation. I’m sure that proprietary processes for activating, micronizing, water-solubilizing and advertising zeolite can increase its effectiveness. However, if MLM zeolite is, for example, 50 times as effective and 1000 times as expensive as natural zeolite, taking more natural zeolite may achieve the same result for less cash.
After a little detective work, tracing from the page selling the green zeolite powder, I found the source of green zeolite mined in the Amargosa Valley.
18,697 hits
Forum: Chelation Support
Minerals Support
by Lapis 19 y
What is Zeolites?
Zeolites are a group of minerals formed when molten lava from ancient volcanoes mixed with sea water.
Zeolite is an inorganic porous material having a highly regular structure of pores and chambers that allows some molecules to pass through, and causes others to be either excluded, or broken down. It is in many ways, the inorganic equivalent of organic enzymes, many of which also have specific sized chambers that trap chemicals within our bodies, holding them where they either break down, or react with specific chemicals.
What a zeolite does, and how it does it, ...
4,082 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Leaching vaccine toxins
by bewnyfur 17 y
There are minerals that are effective at leaching toxins from the body that may accumulate from vaccines and the myriad of other sources in our mode-earn world. Zeolite, montmorillite, and bentonite are a few that help in mobilizing such toxins from the body. Here at Curezone many people recommend the P&B shakes for cleansing the colon.
”The zeolites are framework silicates consisting of interlocking tetrahedrons of SiO4 and AlO4. In order to be a zeolite the ratio (Si +Al)/O must equal 1/2. The alumino-silicate structure ...
1,329 hits
Forum: Vaccination Debate
Re: Zeolite - Re: Contrary theories..... LINK ADDED!
by finallyfaith 18 y
yes, zeolites are cheap, no quesiton. but the zeolites sold as supplements are suspended in water, so i guess you are paying for that process. i mean, if you bought a chunk of zeolite, you would still need to suspend the crystals in water to get the most affect, which i wouldn’t have any idea how to do.
but, as you say, i am sure the production costs for these products are extremely cheap. its the triumph of marketing.
7,847 hits
Forum: Iodine Debate
Minerals Debate
Re: NEW form of purified bioavailable zeolite
by taroki 12 y
Is this better than the Zeolite products here? I am looking to purchase for mercury/mold removal.
2,784 hits
Forum: Zeolites
Cancer Support
Re: Zeolite Pros & Cons...
by PhoenixRising144 13 y
New form of genuinely purified zeolite
6,002 hits
Forum: Zeolites
Chelation: Cutler
Minerals Support
Re: My Recent Experience with Zeolites
by #192111 11 y
2,030 hits
Read Why Mike Adams The So Called Health Ranger Is A Self...
by Durangoguy 7 y
To show what a self-serving scammer (NaturalNews) Mike Adams is, read his own report BELOW promoting zeolite to safely remove toxic heavy metals and radiation from the body!
Now after getting into an argument with a zeolite company that proved that his testing methods are bogus and totally wrong he now posts against zeolite
Following the recent catastrophic tsunami that hit Japan, the nuclear reactor explosion from Fukushima Japan nuclear plant is blasting deadly radiation into the environment and poisoning human bodies. The victims need immediate protection or they can become death ...
2,001 hits
Forum: News
Re: The different clays
by Qwer 20 y
Found my answer:
bentonite is sodium montmorillonite, white there is another clay in the same family called calcium montmorillonite. Mine is 7% calcium, I don’t know if it’s mean it’s the calcium one.
Sodium montmorillonite is commonly known as bentonite; the name is derived from the location of the first commercial deposit mined at Fort Benton , Wyoming USA . Bentonite principally consists of sodium montmorillonite in combination with 10 to 20% of various mineral impurities such as feldspars, calcite, silica, gypsum, etc. Sodi ...
2,889 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: mineral depletion
by Douie 17 y
Well,I’ve been dosing up on minerals all day and I can feel the change in my body. My energy has come back, my mood is elevated, and my legs have stopped aching.
I cooked with tomatoes last night, something I hardly ever do....I bought some potatoes, something I very rarely eat, and bought a melon.... something I only eat in the summer. It turns out these are all high potassium foods!!
Now I want to get to the bottom of what is causing this depletion.....MMS or zeolite, or both.
Here’s a quote from the destroxin (zeolite) website:
”Zeolite has a honeycomb shape which allows it to t ...
7,626 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Need your opinion, Hv!
by petluvr10 14 y
View Entire Thread 14
I’m looking into buying Diatomaceous Earth and wanted your input on which product to buy:
(contains Orthosilicic Acid & Micronized Diatomaceous Earth..but rather pricey)
Earthworks DE:
Here is the label:
(cheaper, but does not contain orthosilicic this necessary?)
Also, which ZEOLITE to buy?
Regeneration USA ( ...
6,431 hits
Forum: Truth in Medicine
Acid Reflux
Ask CureZone
Diatomaceous Earth and Zeolite question
by petluvr10 14 y
View Entire Thread 23
I’m looking into buying Diatomaceous Earth and wanted your input on which product to buy:
(contains Orthosilicic Acid & Micronized Diatomaceous Earth..but rather pricey)
Earthworks DE:
Here is the label:
(cheaper, but does not contain orthosilicic this necessary?)
Also, which ZEOLITE to buy?
Regeneration USA ( ...
21,100 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Ask CureZone
Chelation Support
Chelation: Cutler
Re: Probiotic confusion
by petluvr10 14 y
I’m looking into buying Diatomaceous Earth and wanted your input on which product to buy:
(contains Orthosilicic Acid & Micronized Diatomaceous Earth..but rather pricey)
Earthworks DE:
Here is the label:
(cheaper, but does not contain orthosilicic this necessary?)
Also, which ZEOLITE to buy?
Regeneration USA ( ...
4,367 hits
Forum: Ask The Candida Expert
Re: zeolite
by Hveragerthi 15 y
It’s come full circle for me finding out that zeolite is what you use to filter water, and what makes an oxygen concentrator work, but I don’t understand why it’s so expensive. Why can’t you just put zeolite between the tubing in an ozone generator?
Zeolites (aluminum silicates) are not very expensive unless you get them from one of the various MLM companies selling them under various names such as "prill beads". The guy selling them as prill beads lives in Henderson, which is attached to Las Vegas. I was reading the claims he was making on his website a few years ago. ...
5,488 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
toxic zeolite?
by theotherflesh 15 y
View Entire Thread 2
i had taken zeolite before with great success for a very severe poisoning. I got poisoned again (just my luck) and have tried a different brand of zeolite and feel worse. i dont feel any of the alkalizing effects, how it lifts your mood or helps my immunity. my brain feels numb, i have a metallic taste in my mouth and my memory is very very bad. This cannot possibly be the detox because as soon as i take zeolite i get these feelings and my head feels swollen for days. this has never happened before and im afraid i ingested maybe some toxic zeolite and the aluminum structures actually got a ...
4,617 hits
Forum: Chelation: Cutler
Re: Adya Clarity -- Master of Detox, or Scam?
by Hveragerthi 14 y
Also, not all zeolites are derived from black mica, as many forms, especially medicinal ones, exist independently.
True, I have found zeolite clusters all by themselves and found other zeolites in the rock I have being analyzed as a possible meteorite. Neither one of them have anything to do with black mica.
There are also a number of synthetic zeolites on the market for industrial use.
20,673 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Where to source economical zeolites in Australia
by Spectrum 16 y
I have been quite disillusioned about the cost of a chellating product called zeolties. They are either a premium product going through multi level marketing or they are questionnable in terms of their efficacy. There are many on the market but some don’t seem to work at all. If zeolites are a financial hurdle to you and you don’t know where to get the ones that actually work I would refer you to an Australian naturopath who sells them for fair price so it is accessible to everyone.
It is a powdered variety rather than being suspended in liquid and is very well tolerated.
You take ...
1,180 hits
Forum: Chelation Support
Re: Mercury detox, hunger, weight loss?
by #141187 14 y
Two supposed chelator’s I wouldn’t want to touch personally, zeolite and humifulvate. I tried both for a number of months with no results whatsoever. In a matter of fact I found that the zeolite was mobilizing the mercury around my body. I thought that the zeolite was removing the mercury, but just seemed to cause similar symptoms to the ones that I already had from mercury posioning. Eye twitching was an example of this. I would personally use DMSA or DMPS ”if” you can tolerate one or the other. Both zeolite and humifulvate are NOT proper chelator’s in my view, and never will be. C
5,580 hits
Forum: Chelation Support
Chelation: Cutler
Parasite and zeolite products each worsened me...
RR Warning by North 14 y
Strong anti-parasite products, and zeolite, have each worsened my candida symptoms during my experimentation with them over the past two years or so.
I stopped each of these after about 5 days, and in each case it took another week or so for my candida symptoms to calm back down to what they were before I used those anti-parasite or zeolite products.
Some people will say this is ”die-off”. I do not know; but I have since chosen not to try these again at this time, but instead to pursue other angles against the yeast, promising myself later I’ll again try anti-parasite or zeolite che ...
6,412 hits
Forum: Candida Support