600 Messages Page: 1 of 16
Re: more water than the cure's listing?
by MH 108 17 y
The original post asked about a water cure using salt, the ratios/consumption, etc. all of which needs answered by the source they are refering to. I have never suggested anyone do a water cure other than the sitz bath and have never suggested anyone take salt with water as a cure.
The ocean water cure was an old medical cure that injected ocean water into the veins of the ill patient. I believe that doctor to have been one of the greatest doctors of all time, but this had nothing to do with the question of the post. Anyone self-experimenting with a water cure using salt, should go forw ...
2,680 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
by twll 14 y
Want happen over night being able to eat a whole meal without washing it down.Little steps.
P.S. If you do adapt to eating without drinking anything with your meals,you’ll need to order water when eating out.
They will look at you real strange when you tell them you don’t want nothing to drink.
water cure search above
4,063 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
cure for Acne?
by #34681 20 y
View Entire Thread 4
Has anyone tried the Water Cure for getting rid of acne? Please post your experience. Or if you have suggestions to accompany the standard Water Cure, in order to specifically cure acne, please advise! Is there a diet to accompany the Water Cure - any foods to avoid, apart from the usual culprits like meat, coffee, sugar and soda? How about grains like wheat, rice, oats, lentils, beans - are these ok? Is the Redmond Real Salt ok as a salt during the water cure - or do you need to use Celtic sea salt only?
2,963 hits
Forum: Water Cure
Acne Cure
Skin & Face Cures
Home Remedies
Ask CureZone
Re: Food without Water: An Introduction
by twll 8 y
I drink to to cups/16oz. of water 30 min before i eat. That takes the stress off your liver according to the book, (Your Body’s Many Cries For Water).
I also do not drink anything while i eat. That forces you to actually chew your food up before swallowing it. Most people wash their food down with ice tea, and cola drinks. I don’t drink anything for 1 hr after i eat.
P.S. Have your Liver Enzymes tested.
I followed The BACK TO EDEN book for years that said, don’t drink anything 1 hr before and 1 hr after eating.
That kept my Liver Enzymes elevated. The testers would ask me if i had a ...
2,782 hits
Forum: Food Without Water
Health Education
Re: To Chemie re: Alkalised water
by Karina 22 y
Hello Pat
Sorry, my question re:ORP meters was directed to ”Chemie”.
Do you mean the ”Water Cure” forum? I noticed that there are a few posts relating to alkaline water at that site but the description of the forum explains that it pertains to the ”Water Cure” which, again, is different to alkaline water. It seems that those interested in alkaline water are ”between forums” at the moment.
However, I’ll try there anyway.
3,417 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Water Filters
Water Cure : Sailors Going Mad
by r1deforever 9 y
View Entire Thread 4
Hi. I am new to the water cure and have a high opinion of salt water for many things.
But, I also know that sailors were forbidden from drinking the sea water as a drink as it makes you crazy and dehydrates you.
So ... isn’t the water cure just the same thing as drinking the ocean ?
Am I going to go mad like a crusty old sailor?
1,423 hits
Forum: Diet
Water Cure... question about salt
by jaymovez 17 y
I’m sorry if this is the wrong section to post about the water cure, but I have no idea where else this is appropriate.
I recently started the water cure and I have read some people suggest always drink half of your weight in ounces, but in the water cure page, they suggest half of your weight in ounces PLUS 1/4 tsp of sea salt for every quart of water to balance the sodium. Why is it that some people don’t mention the salt part of the cure?
Also I kind of feel that my mouth feels like it wants more water because of the added salt (dehydration), I use Redmond’s real seasalt. I do drink ...
1,383 hits
Forum: Diet & Nutrition
Which brand of sea salt?
by Important Message Please Read 19 y
View Entire Thread 8
I am starting ”The Water Cure”, and I am adding 1/4 teaspoon per quart of water. Because I am such a big guy (both large and overweight) I will be consuming a lot of water, and thusly using a lot of salt.
I am currently shooting for 1 gallon of water a day. Even though my weight would actually put me at a much higher amount of water, I simply can’t see how I could drink nearly 2 gallons of water every day!
So I have two questions:
1) Does anyone here have a weight loss story they can share using Water Cure?
2) I am using Celtic sea salt, but I was wondering if there was a che ...
4,637 hits
Forum: Water Cure
Weight Loss
Salt Cure
Ask CureZone
Questions about the water cure
by hey_grace58 18 y
I have decided to do the water cure and I’ve been doing it for about 4 days and I have a few questions. First off, do you get detox symptoms while on the water cure? I feel like I put water in me and then it goes right out. How long does the body take to get used to an increase of water intake? Is there something else beside the sea salt that I should be doing to help my body retain more water? If anyone here has some experiences with the water cure, please reply or email me. Thanks.
1,396 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Has ANYONE recovered using Dr. Lorraine Day's plan?
by Wondergirl77 8 y
As I understand it, Dr. Day only recovered upon following the Water Cure of Dr. Batmanghelidj, drinking 16 glasses of water a day. I’ve looked at Dr. Day’s site and I don’t see that she emphasizes Water Cure. Justin, if your aunt didn’t drink half her weight in ounces of water, with the addition of sea salt as advised in Water Cure, that would explain the treatment failure IMO.
Good source of basic info on this:
12,165 hits
Forum: Christianity Bibl. A.
Re: Frothy Pee
by Zoebess 18 y
After a 30 day fast, I had stirred up kidney
grit in my kidneys and I knew I had to do a
designated cleanse. I juiced watermelons and
ate lots of asparagus and used ACV to help
dissolve stones, but the one thing I did which
felt great, was easy, AND effective; was using
MH’s kidney cleanse. I can recommend it and
also the water cure since detoxing will be
helped with adequate hydration.
The water cure should also be a consideration
since there may health issues which the proteinuria
are symptomatic of, like on-set of diabetes, or
hy ...
4,341 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
by Newport 17 y
In true Yankee fashion Ralph Waldo Emerson described various Foureristic fads as vegetarianism, free love, séances, water cures, and temperance as ”a fertility of projects for the salvation of the world!” Even the insects would be ”protected” in the new communistic utopia, wrote Emerson, with a society that stood ”for the protection of ground-worms, slugs and mosquitoes . . .”
In true Yankee fashion Ralph Waldo Emerson described various Foureristic fads as vegetarianism, free love, séances, water cures, and temperance as ”a fertility of projects for the salvation of the world!” Even ...
2,451 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Pychological help
by carokann 9 y
Werent you the one that saw results with the water cure? My dog trys to tell me to lick my lips and when i dont she gets sad. She does it quite often. How am i suppose to make out if i refuse to let saliva touch my lips? Anyways im just continuing the water cure with fear of saliva for now.
805 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
I did the math on the Water Cure! Corrections?
by finallyfaith 19 y
View Entire Thread 13
okay, so someone’s post yesterday got me asking what exactly is the salinity of the water cure recipe compared to the salinity of the ocean? ocean salinity is about 3.5%, give or take depending on conditions.
the water cure calls for 1/4 teaspoon of salt per quart of water. so you might think that .25 teaspoon per quart expressed as a percentage would give you the salinity of that solution, right? wrong!!
i discovered that salinity is based on WEIGHT, not VOLUME. and teaspoon and quarts are measurements of volume, and they must all be converted to weight to get proper salinity readin ...
4,507 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Close to Home!
by Chris SD 19 y
Hi, thanks for your reply to my last message btw. I’m doing the water cure thing, I’ve been doing it officially for a month or so but I find it impossible even though I’ve been drinking water all my life. My question is, do you find tea and so forth hydrates you ok, even though water is best, did you find that before you went on the water cure when you were drinking ’normal’ drinks that you felt at least reasonable? The reason I say this is that everyone I know seems to drink beer, tea, soda etc and lots of it and are ok (at least not really depressed like I’ve been, verging on self-destru ...
2,815 hits
Forum: Water Support
Acid Reflux/GERD
Re: Hypoglycemic wants to do lemonade cleanse
by Neptune 22 y
Another suggestion.
Before you jump into master cleanser with both feet, you may want to consider other detox methods first. This is my 6th day into my first master cleansing. I got minor headache the first next morning probably from detox through water cure. Before I did that, I tried water cure for one full month and I think that helped too. It is also very easy to reverse water cure if you do not like it -- just by drinking regular water again. Water cure will help you detox and help your body be saturated with water. But make sure ...
2,134 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Salt Water Flush
R by #89866 14 y
Salt Water Flush:
(note: this is NOT the ”Water Cure” salt water drink where the body absorbs the salt water)
Water Cure: 1/4 teaspoon sea salt per quart water
Salt Water Flush: 2 teaspoons sea salt per quart water
The Salt Water Flush is drinking a high ratio of salt to water mixture, so that the body rejects the salt water and mechanically flushes it out of the system, quickly expelling it out of the bowels and flushing the entire digestive system from mouth to anus.
The Salt Water Flush is 2 teaspoons of seasalt in a quart of luke warm water. Drink it down very quickly, ...
10,825 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Ask CureZone
Bowel Cleanse Support
The Water Cure and Salt? required?
by jaymovez 17 y
View Entire Thread 2
I recently started the water cure and I have read some people suggest always drink half of your weight in ounces, but in the water cure page, they suggest half of your weight in ounces PLUS 1/4 tsp of Sea Salt for every quart of water to balance the sodium. Why is it that some people don’t mention the salt part of the cure?
Also I kind of feel that my mouth feels like it wants more water because of the added salt (dehydration), I use Redmond’s real seasalt. I do drink more than half of my weight in ounces and not always with the salt.
I would appreciate the feedback!
2,352 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: water cure, how much is too much?
by MH 108 19 y
THE WATER CURE is the sitz bath, all other water cures are far less in value and any one thinks they can drink 1/2 their weight in water daily is killing their heart and kidneys at the very least. Drinking 1/2 gallon water daily is enough, actually drink no water is better; take your water and make fruit juice and then your body can use that water.
Humans were not designed to drink surface or well water, we are designed to eat fruit and all fruit is loaded with sweet water. I and the kids rarely drink water, we live on fruit juice as our source of liquid. If I am working hard in the sun ...
3,753 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: How to cure chronic bronchitis?
by #57837 19 y
I sure can identify with your problems.i was having severe breathing problem
and diagnosed with bronchitis and was on antibiotics twice in 2 months.
i also have asthma and allergy.i did extensive online research and
tried many product.seems like finally im close to cure.
Things that worked for me
1.flora probiotics,8 kind of friendly bacteria 6 billion per serving.
(i tried only acidiphillus one before for long time,didnt help much)
there is scientific prooof that lack of friendly bacteria causes
asthma problem.since starting this i have seen signifiant improvement
in breathing an ...
3,600 hits
Forum: Asthma
difference between sole and water cure?
by beginings 19 y
View Entire Thread 4
hey everyone...
ive been reading up on himalayan salt and have come to the conclusion through my reading it may be better than sea salt, as the waters it was produced from hundreds of millions of years ago were pure and natural..not polluted like todays (and todays sea salts therefore) however i was just wondering how sole really differs from adding some salt to drinking water like the water cure states. in sole preparation u take a teaspoon of saturated crystal salt water and apply it to a glass of water (diluting it alot) with the water cure you add salt to water in a similar process ...
3,368 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Dehydrated during flush, what should i do?
by sunshine p 18 y
View Entire Thread 9
I’m currently in the middle of my 6th flush right now and i’m feeling dehydrated.
I also had this on my 5th flush...
I had read that i should minimise water intake, ”just take sips”, but i definitly feel that i should drink some water? is that ok?
I think I also read that ”pressure needs to build up on the gallbladder, which is why liquid intake is reduced” (or something like that.)
Today - I have not eaten after 2pm, I have taken first set of 10 x magnisum capsules and I take the next 10 in 21 mins @ 8pm which i will take with 1/2 pint of water.
Q: Can i drink more water? ...
2,003 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
water cure
by fxwizard 19 y
Try doing the water cure method...go to or
Distilled water is basically cooked and therefore dead and has no way of sustaining your body by replacing the water/energy & minerals etc used every day.
Once you start to replenish the water and minerals in your body using the water cure you will find a vast increase in energy.
You will need to drink a lot of water to begin with with the added effect of plenty of toilet visits...but this levels out as you become used to the water intake.
Hope this helps.
2,253 hits
Blog: 50 day water fast.
Re: asthma and oil pulling
by kebod 19 y
You may be drinking a lot of water but not retaining enough. That is what I learned when I tried the water cure. I always drank quarts of water, but was always thirsty, and especially dry-mouthed at night. When I started mixing 1/4 tsp. of sea salt to 1 quart of water and drinking the amount specified by the water cure, that was the end of my thirst and nightly dry mouth. I couldn’t believe the difference it made. Apparently salt helps the cells retain water better.
1,825 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Oil Pulling
Re: Water retention
by alisaun 21 y
This may sound counter-intuitive, but I would recommend the Water Cure. it’s basically pure water and natural sea salt. Your body retains water because it needs it, even more so now that you are pregnant. Drinking more water and taking the salt creates a saline solultion which is the exact composition of your body’s fluid anyway and it makes it easier for your body to absorb water and use it and afte awhile it won’t need to hold on to it so much.
Blessings and congratulations!
Ali Water Cure
1,643 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Superfood suitable for meal replacement??
by alisaun 22 y
The water cure involves more than just water. The salt portion of it is what helps this water be absorbed by your system. If you just drink tons of water, your body has a much harder time absorbing it. To make it more saline, by using salt, it absorbs much better. ”Water Cure” on this site.
If I was perfect (which I am so not), I would be eating a mostly raw organic vegetarian diet. But to each their own. There are some good forums here for diet.
I would recommend to stay away from processed food and food dyes and refined sugar, caffeine, and white flour.
I am try ...
3,236 hits
Forum: Dr. Schulze 2 [A]
Water: need drink half your weight in ounces daily
by barbqb 21 y
Hi Patricia,
I subscribe to the water cure that is recommended by CureZone. Drink half your weight in ounces of water daily. For example, if I weigh 120 (I wish!), then I should drink 60 ounces daily. 1/4 tsp of sea salt is added to each quart of water.
This is essential to good health, in my understanding. Have you tried this?
Just wondering why you are not drinking this much water.
Best health to you, Barb water cure
2,116 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Re: dry nasal passages
by PhSupertonic 19 y
This may sound pretty basic, but try drinking more water. I don’t mean more liquids; I mean pure water. Not tea, soft drinks, coffee, juice, etc. Look on this website for the Water Cure, and you might find relief there. The Water Cure also emphasizes maintaining a proper balance of water and salt in the diet.
Oh, and try to consider whether you may actually be breathing too much (yes, it’s possible to do so, and very damaging to your health), especially while talking. That’s definitely been a major problem for me. If you overbreath, your sinuses can get very dry, plus they have much hig ...
3,387 hits
Forum: Sinuses
jcounts/MH - What about distilled water done the Water Cu...
by deepdish 20 y
I am new to this forum and I am still reading the 108 page book.
We own a home distiller and instinctively believe that distilled water is the right approach.
However, the Water Cure recommends adding real sea salt to distilled water. And this instinctively makes sense to me too. (of course I know the difference between modern fake salt and real sea salt.)
Curious if MH thinks the Water Cure with the added real sea salt to distilled water puts too much work on the kidneys?
Thank you,
PS. Still curious about my squats and lympth circulation question at:
http://www.curez ...
3,306 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: What short-term thing can be done for a tooth Cavity?
by MH 108 20 y
This book is on a water cure I call sitz bath. All water cures work somewhat, this one method is just so easy a child can do it.
The best and simplest method to stop disease, even tooth disease is to fast on orange juice, it cost nothing but the cost of 8 oranges per day or less. You need zero herbs, zero products ”IF” you do as the medical author explains. My methods use herbs and cost some $$$, the auhtor’s methods cost you nothing and worked for 63,000 sever diseases that people around the world traveled to be cured.
2,739 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: to marionnette or jenny
by violetgrace 20 y
yes. you should be totally fine.
my blood pressure went up a bit when i did the SWF on the master cleanser fast.
but drinking water brought it back to normal in a few minutes.
i think it was a detox symptom. detox can also elevate or feel like it elevates your blood pressure.
i wouldnt do the SWF everyday. it feels intense and you have to set aside so much time just for going to the bathroom.
personally i really dont like it.
just remeber to use iodine free SEA SALT (unrefined)
also google ”the water cure” on curezone
you should add a pinch of salt to your water. it describes ...
1,334 hits
Forum: Fasting: Weight
Water Cures Asthma!!!!!!!!!
by #57837 19 y
I have been reading this forum for last 6 months.
got many useful information and tried many methods.
i had bad allergy problem for 4 yrs and severe asthma
problem for 2 yrs.I use advair when asthma gets too bad.
i dont like steroid.few days ago i found out info
on water is
i read about it before but didnt believe it .
i have started this method 3 days ago and there
is dramatical improvment in breathing and stopped
using advair.its surprised why
no one mentioned this cure before in this forum.
please give it a thanksful. ...
2,931 hits
2 of 2 (100%)
Forum: Asthma
Confused, please help!
by Rocketgirl 19 y
I have been trying the water cure for the last five days, How much salt should a person take in a day. And drinking all that water with salt, does it make your urine more acidic when testing for ph? Am I doing the water cure wrong? I hope I have posted in the right area. Everytime I drink I put alittle celtic sea salt in, as well as putting it on my food. I am also doing the P&B shakes and the parasite cleanse at the same time. I am trying to get rid of a build up of toxins and heavy metals, I am very acidic and I need to change my diet to more raw, which I have started to do. Anyway is s ...
1,268 hits
Forum: Salt
Very confused - PLEASE help - lower acid & improve digestion
by #12274 20 y
View Entire Thread 4
I have psoriasis, so I think I am not producing enough acid to properly digest my food, then it is getting into my blood stream through my thinning intestant walls.
How do you guys lower your body’s acid levels and not effect your digestion??????
This is so confusing for me.
If I do the water cure, so much water will lower my stomach acids, thus effecting my food digestion.
How does one lower their body acids, improve their stomach acids and do the water cure all at the same time?
2,268 hits
Forum: Alkaline/Acid Debate
Re: Help!!! My daughter has kidney failure
by alisaun 22 y
Hello again,
Just another thought. You didn’t say specifically, but does your daughter have diabetes? Is this kidney failure because of her diabetes?
I’ve gone ahead and read some of the posts on this topic. You may want to look into the Water Cure on this site as well. Also, drinking lots of pure water and fresh organic juices will help immensely. Dehydration can ravage kidneys and this is where the water cure is excellent.
Here are some other helpful links...just copy and paste them into your browser. I know this information can be overwhelming, so maybe his will help.
2,496 hits
Forum: Diabetes Type II
Water cure and stomach acids for food digestion??? PLEASE...
by #12274 20 y
View Entire Thread 2
I have psoriasis, so I think I am not producing enough acid to properly digest my food, then it is getting into my blood stream through my thinning intestant walls.
How do you guys lower your body’s acid levels and not effect your digestion??????
This is so confusing for me.
If I do the water cure, so much water will lower my stomach acids, thus effecting my food digestion.
How does one lower their body acids, improve their stomach acids and do the water cure all at the same time?
2,605 hits
Forum: Water Support
Re: ACV for eczema frp, oil swishing forum
some one answ...
by rudenski 19 y
Take a warm bath with 2 cups of apple cider vinegar and soak in it for 30 minutes.
I personally take apple cider vinegar but not as recommended by the original link. I drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, cinnamon, a dash of cayenne in juiced veggies or fruit. Carrot juice is my favorite.
In addition to apple cider vinegar baths and taking it orally, try the water cure to rehydrate your body and give your body the minerals it needs.
Make sure to use distilled water and unrefined sea salt for the water cure.
Also get at least one hour ...
12,104 hits
Forum: Apple Cider
Re: Fluke infection......Need Guidance and Reassurance
by LoricaLady 15 y
It so happened that the day after I started the ”water cure” I had a doctor’s apptm. There, for the first time I was told I had a high blood pressure reading. Gave up the ”water cure” & have had normal readings ever since. I think just drinking judicious amounts of water & using sea salt does the same thing w/o possible hi blood pressure. Mho.
My doctor says those lab tests are not always diagnostically accurate and believes it is useful to go by symptoms as well, even essential.
2,674 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: allergies
by trapper/kcmo 18 y
yes, and it also sounds like dehydration and drought in the body. a salt water flush
and afterwards the water cure should allow you to expell this mucus more easily.
remember - colds and allergies and such have no cure - they ARE the cure. they are your body trying to remove the things preventing circulation.
2,000 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Oil Pulling
Re: LBB versus Oxygen cleansers
by San2006 19 y
For emergency, dont we have the cheap cheap Epsom Salts. Why pay big bucks for these Oxygen cleansers.
Although, they say, they work differently, ( by increasing the oxygen content in the intestines blah blah). I have tried a oxygen cleanser called "BIOXY CLEANSE" and did not do much to heal me. Now I am looking into LBB.
Any feedback would be appreciated. Although, I am exercising 5 times a day, to keep my bowels moving. Have started doing water cure ( with a pinch of sea-salt). Still at times I feel clogged (esp in the evenings)....
I am kinda getting interested in wa ...
1,816 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Ask CureZone