600 Messages Page: 1 of 16
That was from my search
by plasticat 18 y
Those quotes are from my google searches.
Believe me, I have searched for years for something that would remove scars completely but it does not exist.
What type of scars did you have that completely vanished. A lot of people mistakenly call there red marks from acne, scars. This are correctly termed ”psuedoscars” which means ”fake scars” because they are not genuine scars. These red/dark pigmentation marks eventually disappear on their own without doing anything. Some people have posted in scar forums, ”My acne scars have disappeared!” and then you find out that their ”scars” w ...
5,499 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Scars (not diamonds) are forever
by plasticat 18 y
I have been doing a ton of research over the past ten years in an attempt to learn about something that would remove the deep scars that are sunken into my cheeks. During this time I have spoken to dermatologists, surgeons, herbalists, aestheticians, naturopathic doctors, etc and they have all told me that it is impossible to remove scarring from the skin.
I have been doing some more research lately and these are some of the quotes that I have found regarding the removal of scarring. The following quotes have been taken from websites of skin care professionals:
1.) ”There is no way ...
5,551 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
my cat scratched me
by n0thing16 9 y
Hello there, my name is Cristian and i am searching some help :)
I love my cat, i live to play with her everyday and one month ago she grabbed my right hand and started scratching me (Of course i made her angry before she started scratching me), i was sure i won’t get a scar because this is not the first time she scratches me ... but sadly i did get some nasty scars.
I really want to make the scars go away, at least make them fade.
What can i do to treat these kind of scars? Is it too late ? (I heard that the first 1-2 months matter the most)
If i get cut again how can i prevent th ...
685 hits
Forum: Scars
pessimism vs. realism
by #70139 18 y
That is the real question here.
You call me pessimistic. Actually my description of scars being permanent and impossible to remove is the truth.
Sure you can reduce scars. Some people are able to greatly reduce their scars- to the point where most people won’t notice them to much. True scars can never be removed. It is a sad fact of nature.
The problem is that there is such confusion over ”acne scars.” Most people think that the post-breakout red marks are scars. These flat pigmented marks are termed psuedoscars (psuedo meaning ”fake”) because they are not actual scars. The ...
4,822 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Acne
Re: Piercings bad?
by maiaeutic 14 y
Treating a scar can have a profound and global effect on one’s health, pain conditions, and the treatment outcomes of any discipline. Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., PhD, a German born pain specialist practicing in the United States, discovered the effect of treating scar tissue for benefit of the whole body.
All cells have an electrical potential across their cell membranes. A. Fleckenstein (one of Klinghardt’s teachers) demonstrated that normal body cells have a different electric potential across the membrane than scar tissue cells. Cells in a scar have lost their normal electrical potent ...
2,420 hits
Forum: Natural Healing
What type of scars?
by plasticat 18 y
Thanks for your reply...
Before I respond to your insults, I will ask about what type of scars you are referring to that you have removed. Pitted atrophic scarring is a world away from typical pigmented/flat scars.
It also seems as though you may have the same confusion that racks the makers of scar ”removing” creams.
You stated:
”The statement that scars cannot be removed is false. Any scar will diminish with constant abrasion and correct healing.”
You see, this here is the problem. Diminishing a scar and removing a scar are too completely different things.
I would love ...
8,088 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Scars Removal
Stretch Marks
Re: Helichrysum for Scars.
by MH 108 18 y
WHEN, your body has mineral balance, it will be scar free. Not too long ago I pasted a few paragraphs from te burn aid school about this, because burns and scars are a problem.
The Amish healer says he would be a millionair if he could tell people how to obtain mineral balance.
Once your metal free, drug free and not self-poisoning the way most all people do daily, then the body restores the tissues perfectly. When the scar is due to medical operation/stitches then the drugs used caused the HUGE thick scars.
YET, it is all natural calcium that can be manipulated back to a liquid a ...
6,950 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: Fasting and Skin
by MH 108 19 y
You get new skin because the acids are expelled outward and the old skin peels off and new skin grows.
Scars develope from the lack of nutrition in Nature and cure when the body is healthy.
The surgical scar is a differt bird of a differant color. Drugs and damage all unnatural result in such scars.
BUT, in both cases, the scar is the lack of healing.
How do we know what a person did for 60 days of fasting? My experience has been that most lie or just forget to tell the details and we have seen plenty of this and we always will with those that brag or make excuses.
3,513 hits
2 of 3 (66%)
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: healing process
by Megabite 19 y
I have had the same thing happen on an area on my face that I treated with the salve.
There are some good scar creams out there, but the one I’ve been using is working really well to fade the redness and further close up the scar. It’s the Syprex Sycream Scar Cream:
I usually don’t push products, but this one works very well and I’m happy with the results!
2,557 hits
Forum: Bloodroot
by plasticat 18 y
View Entire Thread 3
Hi MH,
In another one of your posts to me regarding scar tissue, you stated:
”Scars develope from the lack of nutrition in Nature and cure when the body is healthy. All my scars have gotten lighter each year.”
Wouldn’t you say that you are now healthy after employing these techniques in your life for quite some time...and your scars haven’t been cured?
Why have your scars not totally disappeared?
How long have you been following the principles that you teach?
2,861 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: Will castor oil help reduce scar tissue? massage it?
by fancyl 10 y
I have a huge 7” scar on my belly from a surgery. I did my best to prevent a scar with silicone, car creams etc.. so expensive. Three years after the scar was still raised and red. Castor oil flattened my scar in one month. It actually flaked off. It now is flat and much lighter. Castor oil is awesome for scars!
5,978 hits
Forum: Castor Oil
Massage, BodyWork
Re: Dr David Derry~ Regeneration of Human Scar Tissue wit...
by lacelane 4 y
I had the same experience, several scabs over the scar twice. I can actually feel the scar grow some hairs, short but thick. Never really growing long however. Feels like the scar is still there after the peeling of the scab. Scar is still there, sucks. But I re-read Derry’s paper, it says the shortest time a scar took to completely heal he experienced is 4 months.
2,122 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Use Nature to Safely and Effectively Lessen and Eliminate...
RR by Tony Isaacs 15 y
View Entire Thread 2
Use Nature to Safely and Effectively Lessen and Eliminate Old Scars
by Tony Isaacs
Few of us go through life without accumulating a few scars. Sometimes those scars can be unsightly and in other instances old scars and scar tissue can cause physical discomfort and other problems. If a person is persistent however, scars can often be greatly diminished and even eliminated naturally. Before opting for cosmetic surgery, chemical peels or botox, consider the following safer options:
Digestive Enzymes are particularly effective in removing and reducing scar tissue. S ...
4,074 hits
Forum: Ask Tony Isaacs
Use Nature to Safely and Effectively Lessen and Eliminate...
by Dquixote1217 15 y
View Entire Thread 3
Use Nature to Safely and Effectively Lessen and Eliminate Old Scars
by Tony Isaacs
Few of us go through life without accumulating a few scars. Sometimes those scars can be unsightly and in other instances old scars and scar tissue can cause physical discomfort and other problems. If a person is persistent however, scars can often be greatly diminished and even eliminated naturally. Before opting for cosmetic surgery, chemical peels or botox, consider the following safer options:
Digestive Enzymes are particularly effective in removing and reducing scar tissue. Scars a ...
23,851 hits
Forum: Scars Removal
Home Remedies
Re: Book of Scars.
by MH 108 12 y
”IF” the scar was natural and not made by stitches or otherwise medically damaged, the scar is a result of inorganic calcium within the body being used to ”patch” a damaged happens as a result of lack of natural plant calcium and lack of proper blood circulation, so ”prevention” of scars is very easy, while old scars can be hard and long standing.
Scars move over time and should fade in time.
Scars are hotels for very bad microscopic worms (lymes)
Depends on the type of scar,age, the circumstances, total health, location and if the person is willing to everything or jus ...
1,471 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
atrophied tissue
by plasticat 17 y
Hi Gilda,
In regards to your scars ”fading”, are you referring to red marks (psuedoscarring) or actual sunken, atrophic scars?
My scars really can’t fade, because there is no hypo/hyperpigmentation to fade. My scars are holes and trenches that have been carved into my ckeeks. Some of them look like traumatic knife wound scars. They are that jagged, deep, and irregular.
Are you speaking of ”fading” as in filling in?
Unfortunately, my scars continue to sink deeper into my flesh on a regular basis. Most of my scars started out as small ice pick scars but slowly ...
10,291 hits
Forum: Acne
Scarring Acne & Botox
by JRossi15 16 y
View Entire Thread 4
Who has suffered from scarring acne? Have you thought about how you might be able to get rid of the acne scars? Have you thought about Botox? Who knows, Botox and acne scars may go hand in hand. Botox has been known to effectively work against wrinkles, hemorrhoids, migraines and now it may treat scarring acne.
Studies have been released that have found Botox, helped in healing facial wounds with minimal scarring. The study involved 31 patients who had suffered wounds to their face. Each patient received an injection of Botox or saline. This injection occurred within 24 hours of the wo ...
3,743 hits
Forum: Acne
The reason why scars never disappear...
by plasticat 18 y
View Entire Thread 11
and are so darn diffcult to even reduce!
Have you ever wondered why scars persist on the skin even though the skin is by far the most regenerative organ that we have?
I have read some very interesting information lately on scarring. Contrary to popular belief on this site, scars are really not sites of incomplete healing or sites still in the process of healing. These areas of skin have healed. It’s just that they have healed with scar tissue. Scar tissue is the glue that fixes the wounds.
A new generation of skin cells migrates from the basal cells (often called dermal stem cel ...
3,482 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
The reason why scars never disappear...
by plasticat 18 y
View Entire Thread 7
and are so darn diffcult to even reduce!
Have you ever wondered why scars persist on the skin even though the skin is by far the most regenerative organ that we have?
I have read some very interesting information lately on scarring. Contrary to popular belief on this site, scars are really not sites of incomplete healing or sites still in the process of healing. These areas of skin have healed. It’s just that they have healed with scar tissue. Scar tissue is the glue that fixes the wounds.
A new generation of skin cells migrates from the basal cells (often called dermal stem cel ...
8,259 hits
Forum: Stretch Marks
The reason why scars never disappear...
by plasticat 18 y
View Entire Thread 13
and are so darn diffcult to even reduce!
Have you ever wondered why scars persist on the skin even though the skin is by far the most regenerative organ that we have?
I have read some very interesting information lately on scarring. Contrary to popular belief on this site, scars are really not sites of incomplete healing or sites still in the process of healing. These areas of skin have healed. It’s just that they have healed with scar tissue. Scar tissue is the glue that fixes the wounds.
A new generation of skin cells migrates from the basal cells (often called dermal stem cel ...
11,249 hits
Forum: Acne
Roaccutane Survivors
The reason that scars never disappear...
by plasticat 18 y
View Entire Thread 2
and are so darn diffcult to even reduce!
Have you ever wondered why scars persist on the skin even though the skin is by far the most regenerative organ that we have?
I have read some very interesting information lately on scarring. Contrary to popular belief on this site, scars are really not sites of incomplete healing or sites still in the process of healing. These areas of skin have healed. It’s just that they have healed with scar tissue. Scar tissue is the glue that fixes the wounds.
A new generation of skin cells migrates from the basal cells (often called dermal stem cel ...
8,350 hits
Forum: Moles, Birthmarks, Scars
Re: MH - How to use Zapper to heal scars?
by MH 108 21 y
Thought I would also add that I picked up a very old magazine tonight and seen a page on removing scars. A famous singer of the time removed her acne scars by taking 2 tablespoons of Mollassess daily and rubbing in a small amount of the same into the scars and in 7 months her face was scar free. She had deep scars at age 16.
I believe the story and have read such type stories before. I would suggest taking good quality sorghum mollassess daily and rubbing fresh pineaple juice on the scars. Comfrey also will remove scars.
7,462 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
obsessed with acne scars
by #19089 21 y
View Entire Thread 8
I have a few acne scars from a bout with teenage acne. I still get some acne but after 3 liver flushes, it seems to be slowing down. Anyways, my acne scars are really not that bad, but I have 2 medium size acne scars. I have a lovely wife and 3 kids, I am a superb athlete (run marathons, play basketball, etc)) and in very good shape (6’2”, 185 lbs). But I am obsessed with my acne scars. I am obsessed how they look whereever I am. My wife tells me she barely notices my acne scars. But, I am aware of every light in every situation I am in. I know my scars look better in some lighting than ot ...
6,237 hits
Forum: Acne
It's kind of pointless worrying about acne...
by plasticat 18 y
View Entire Thread 8
at least in my case.
My face is so permanently scarred now (and getting worse all the time) that I find it hard to worry about the acne so much.
Even if my acne went away tomorrow, my face is and will be forever terribly disfigured.
The acne is just a little icing on top of the disfugurement cake, is all.
I have deep sunken scars and deep trenches and valleys all throught my cheeks!
If there are people here that are just worrying about acne and have no scarring, consider yourself very lucky.
Once scarred, you are scarred for life and there isn’t anything (natural or other ...
10,194 hits
Forum: Acne
Re: Biopsies
RN WARNING by lampwick 17 y
No. I dont have a digital camera. I think the scar is worse than the actual lip peeling because some days my lips are ok but the scar looks bad every day. I can still see the cut line where the stitches were and theres a lump of scar tissue. The scar makes my lips look lopsided. What really makes me mad is right before the biopsy I asked the doctor if it could leave a scar and he said no and then when I went back months later to show him I still had a scar he’s like ”Well of course it left a scar. We cut you open didnt we. You gotta expect that.”
3,010 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
Re: Micropigmentation: Tattooing for Medical Purposes
by rot 17 y
Hi Follicle
Thats a really interesting article.
I’ve written before about the option of surgical excision of the greater scar area, drawing the wound together and closing the gap. This would reduce the wide scarring of the FD to a single thin scar line, around which the hair could regrow normally. I think that the tattoo option in this article would be well suited to this surgical procedure.
I’ve decided not to opt for this surgical procedure, mostly because of cost, and secondly because of a fear of developing a keloid - which might be worse than my current scar’n’shave look whic ...
3,259 hits
Forum: Folliculitis
Re: Scar
by MH 108 14 y
A scar forms out of basically Lime/Calcium ”patch” for an unhealed cut. The medical drugs used to numb the flesh is the major cause that makes the cut heal way too slow and never complete and naturally people get scars that did zero drug/stitches.
”bacteria/parasites” live inside that scar tissue, because there is no blood to kill it...most likely of the lymes ”type” of microscopic worms or similar parasites.
My mother was bitten in her lower lip as a child 70+ years ago by a dog and it left a small lifetime scar until about 10 years ago, she used the common style clark handheld zapp ...
1,537 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: Acne, large pores, wrinkles, sun damage, etc
by nimmi00001 13 y
I’m really worried .. My daughter is having these spots on her face which have occurred after her acne problem. The pigmentation is all gone but the scars are there for so long and i haven’t found any reliable product which could make her scars disappear . Please help . I’ve heard of this product InviCible Scars Advanced Scar Treatment | For Scars & Dark Spots
Is it worth buying ? I have also heard about Mederma Skin Care for Scars, Scarring & Stretch Marks | Please tell me what are your views regarding both these products ?
15,698 hits
Forum: Acne
Beauty Tips
Women’s Forum
Dry Skin
scars and moles (removal)
by #135435 15 y
View Entire Thread 5
Hi, this is my first post and I have moles/freckles, dark brown freckles, beauty marks, curling iron burn scar and acne scars(red marks, indents, scarred/enlarged pores and rolling scars)
Does anyone know anything that will help me? I’m 18 and had skin problems since i was 7 or 8 and always covered myself from neck to toe because of it.
I tried dermatend and it turned my black freckles into faint light brown freckles but they are not completely gone. I also tried it on my raised mole and it went away leaving a red scar around the place where my mole used to be. The scar left from wh ...
5,938 hits
Forum: Scars Removal
Moles, Birthmarks, Scars
Home Remedies
Iodine to remove old scars?
by j.r 8 y
I have old, flat white scars in the bicep and tricep area and have been wanting them gone for years so I can feel comfortable not wearing a shirt.
The scars are about 6 years old. I read about how iodine can regenerate scar tissue and tried it on a couple scars. Things got worse because it started burning my skin after continual use (which I read was normal), and left a red burn over the scars where I painted the iodine, making my scars more noticeable. I was extremely upset but thankfully the redness isn’t very noticeable now after a few months.
I’m still curious to know how I can u ...
830 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Are keloids related to candida?
by Salenai 11 y
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Hi guys, I had hypertrophic scar for 5 years on my nose from cystic pimple. I had microdmermabrasion done 3 years ago, which improved my scar a little bit, bit also created another scar. That is not important though.
3 and half months ago I started massaging hypertrophic scar on nose (near tip) with castor oil, which made scar both worse and better. Since it made it worse as well, I decided to use qtip to massage the oil and keep it within boundaries of scar.
That was a mistake. Scar became swollen, more raised, wider, scab formed on half of it. Scab fell off after few days.
Anyways, ...
2,410 hits
Forum: Ask Candida Exp.
holding scar removing business to their word
by plasticat 18 y
View Entire Thread 28
I have been doing a lot of research to try and discover something that will remove my scars if I ever have the opportunity to subdue the infection on my skin.
I found the website a couple of years ago. The site intrigued me because they say that their scar healing program will completely remove scars from the skin. The program is formulated both for stretchmarks and facial scarring (which I have). They say that the program heals the scarring and completely normal skin replaces the scars.
Naturally I found this highly questionable and emailed the company. I stated th ...
7,759 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Scars Removal
Stretch Marks
Re: MH: your simple little formula?
by MH 108 18 y
The simple scar is caused by a cut, those heal easily ”IF” no drug or stitches used. To avoid the scar, just put cayenne powder in the cut and it should heal scar free.
The herbal bee sting can be used ONLY where the skin is not tender and even then, it can gt intense and you end up rubbing it on your eye sooner than later, so I never put it on a price list.
I assume your talking about scars from sever pimples, aka worms in te face along with other base causes.
Since the skin on the face is so tender, I would ONLY use the B&W ointment. In the day time rub it on so very lightly, yo ...
2,082 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Folliculitis and Scar Reduction
by N68CA 18 y
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I was reading some of your comments about scarring due to folliculitis. I’m aware there are topical medications available today by prescription and over the counter that reduce scars and make them less visible. Have any of you in particular that shaved your head or have facial folliculitis applied any of these products with success to make scars less visible?
I was researching this idea of scar reduction and came across a product called BioSkinCare (search Google). It’s a cream that claims to reduce scars and as I was reading further they also claim it helps with razor bumps and follicu ...
7,007 hits
Forum: Folliculitis
Re: Iodine defiency
by plasticat 18 y
Thanks for your thoughts. I have read numerous times that it is a common misconception that vegans/vegetarians lack protein/amino acids in their diet.
Actually most vegetables, beans, sprouts, and nuts are very high protein.
It is also a common myth that only animal protein is high quality and/or easily assimilated protein. This is also untrue.
In fact, bee pollen, wheat grass, chlorella, spirulina, and most sea vegetables have more protein (ounce for ounce) than beef. It it is much easier to assimilate due to digestion.
Animal proteins are EXTREMELY hard for the human body t ...
2,486 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: scars are ruining my life!
by White Tiger 18 y
Vitamin E will prevent scars if the skin is still healing.
Have you tried skin peeling with lemon? it also lightens the skin to a closer match with light scar tissue.
If the scars are indented, doctors use your body fat to inject to raise the scars to match the skin surface, but that only last for a few months befor another treatment.
They do have a method by using non-toxic surgical clay which is permanant.
31,337 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Fresh cut/stitches: How to reduce scarring?
by White Tiger 18 y
Vitamin E oil prevents scars and even helps old scar tissue disappear.
Cut the tip off of a vitamin E capsule and apply the oil to the scar.
Vitamin E penetrates through the dermal layers and makes the skin soft and pliable to prevent granulomas scar tissue from forming while allowing normal cells to heal smoothly.
The vitamin E also has great healing properties and help prevent infection.
28,321 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Amish Salve
by MH 108 19 y
I don’t know of a scar removing salve.
I mostly use the B&W ointment and this applied externally along with BF&C internaly (both being the same herbs in differant form) along with orange juice fasting and corrective eating habits and removal of bad things in your life, all would lead to total body health and the scars will dissolve when the body is in health.
Natural scars dissolve quickly, while medical scars take a long, long time.
1,666 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: on my face...
by trapper/kcmo 18 y
if i had scars like that, i would wear cocoa butter on them at night, mist them with colloidal silver during the day(keep them wet) and take plent of iodine internally.
i had some scars go away a few years back with colloidal silver and h202 baths. only the more recetn scars did that, the older ones remained. CS is the best anti-scar medicine i have seen. the silver on to will encourage dna repair and the iodine inside will stimulate other cell processes, including metabolism.
3,177 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
another scar healing question
by #87686 18 y
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mh, i know that scar healing can take a long time and the body must be healthy. but my question is:
since i was i child i have a scar through the middle of my eyebrow (fallen into the bath tub ;)). when this scar will ever heal, do u believe that also the hair follicles can grow back on that place. because where the scar is i have no hair in my eyebrow.
is this possible when the body is in perfect health?
2,049 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot