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Consequences of GB inflammation?
by ordoge 22 y
I had an attack (acute gallbladder inflammation with some little gallastones) 6 weeks ago. In my doctor’s opinion I need a gallbladder removal right now.
But I don’t want the surgery (in my 27 years before pregnancy) I would like to flush.
My problem is: every doctors (in Hungary) said it would be a very dangerous (maybe fatal) consequences of the inflammed gallbladder like pancreas inflammation...
I’m getting better (nearly 100 %) because I take the direction from this website (among others from Spirit.) Thanks again.
But I still have a chronic gallbladder inflammation and I don’t ...
3,370 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Spirit please help again!
by ordoge 22 y
View Entire Thread 4
I’m the woman from HUNGARY, who had an inflamed gallbladder with some little stones in February.Do you remember? Maybe.
My doctor suggested me the gallbladder removal. But I was given some advice from this site and I didn’t lie to the operating table.
I tried lots of natural things, cleaner cure, homeopath remedy,...-and I get better. I did my first flush in the end of May with little success. Some floating soft, fat green berries - like a pea. I don’t belive that were stones. But I was better and better.
Meantime -before of the second flush - I became a pregnant. Now my baby i ...
3,112 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Liver/Bowel Cleanses During Pregnancy
by shelleycat 21 y
His superfood product would be safe, but ALL of his products? Doubtful! Lots of his products are herbal complexes, which wouldn’t be great.
During the first trimester when misscarriage is a worry, it’s best not to flush or take herbs that cause a cleansing/downward action in energy and muscle contractions. I think if you visit Julia Chang’s website she addresses this issue.
There are things you can do for the liver that are healthful, such as the cleansing carrot salad, beets, lecithin, that are completely safe. And post-pregnancy liver and gallbladder health really needs to be add ...
1,672 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley 1[A]
Re: UPDATE: Re: Too much Epsom salt?
by r_tista 7 y
I know a lot of time has passed since this post was made but I gotta reply. Epsom salts will not cause pre-eclampsia. Magnesium sulfate aka epsom salts are how medical doctors treat pre-eclampsia. Something else was obviously going on. Gentle flushing as PP suggested with the oo and lemon juice daily and epsom salts daily are safe during pregnancy. I’ve done it with all 4 of my pregnancies and had no problems. I’ve even done a full on hulda liver flush during one pregnancy in order to avoid the doctor’s knife removing my gallbladder. Keeping bowels moving, drinking PLENTY (seriously at lea ...
1,729 hits
Forum: Pregnancy/Birth
Re: Could a poor diet during late childhood and teen yea...
by sandover 18 y
Hi Sarah,
Me again! :)
Anything is possible and one can generalize that healthy eating/lifestyle prevent gallbladder problems.
What happens during pregnancy is that hormonal changes slow down the digestive system in general. (Maybe to allow more time for nutrient absorption? I have no idea why.) The gallbladder can get clogged with what doctors call, literally, ”sludge.” I had some gallbladder issues when my girls were about a year old and had all of this explained to me. (You’re told to avoid eating fats because fats cause the gallbladder to constrict and expel the contents, incl ...
3,500 hits
Forum: Parenting
Gallbladder Surgery
Re: Are these Liver Spots?
by secondwind 19 y
I have a few of those little red spots too... cherry angiomas. they should be pinkish red, flat, small, and like they said, harmless.
As far as the pregnancy and digestive issues go, pregnancies can cause stasis of bile in the liver, and also bring on gallbladder and digestive issues. The Progesterone (hormone) can really impact your digestion and even your liver.
Did you have any itching, per chance? If you did, either during or after your pregnancy, you might want to look into a condition called Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy. (
Perhaps your liver and gallbl ...
2,718 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
by Telman 14 y
View Entire Thread 5
An study on 92 patients who had undergone gallbladder removal and had gallstones symptoms were monitored for about 31 months. Abdominal pain continued to be present (or arose later) in 30 percent of patients. A pain-free outcome was mostly associated with a preoperative diagnosis of biliary colic, fatty food intolerance, and a thick-walled gallbladder on ultrasound.
Another study of 2481 patients who had undergone gallbladder removal showed that 27% of patients who had identified a symptom that was most bothersome before surgery, still had that symptom six months after surgery.
2,735 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Gallbladder symptoms?
by Hveragerthi 15 y
No. Gallbladder attacks could account for some symptoms, but not from the gallbladder removal. The primary symptoms of gallbladder removal are diarrhea from the caustic nature of the bile, which also increases the risk of intestinal cancer. Decreased fat absorption can lead to issues as well such as deficiencies of fat soluble vitamins, dry hair and skin, increased inflammation, etc.
6,403 hits
0 of 2 (0%)
Forum: Liver Flush Debate
Re: Amazing Hv provides a plethora of information ...
by Hveragerthi 16 y
but still may go for gallbladder removal
They really need to look in to the side effects of gallbladder removal that includes chronic diarrhea, greatly increased risk of intestinal cancer, inability to absorb dietary fats properly that leads to all sorts of issues including bone disorders..........
The gallbladder is there for a very good reason.
2,115 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: progesterone cream update
by Hveragerthi 16 y
I am thinking about starting the cream. I think that I am not producing progesterone which is not stimulating the gallbladder.
Progesterone does not stimulate the gallbladder, it promotes stasis. In fact both progesterone and estrogen are indicated as promoters for gallstone formation in women:
&quo ...
6,584 hits
Forum: Mirena
Re: I Failed
by lownskater52 13 y
I would highly advise again getting your gallbladder out.
So many health complications arise after the removal of your gallbladder including even more digestive problems and heart disease.
8 flushes? I would try atleast double that before you call it quits. Do it in two week intervals and use a ton of stonebreakers likey mike B said. Use beneficial herbs like tumeric and milk thistle to heal your gallbladder.
I understand the pain. I really do. There is a very good chance though that the pain isn’t coming from your gallbladder or won’t even be fixed by gallbladder removal.
1,623 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: breastfeeding and epsom salt liver flush????
by shelleycat 21 y
When breastfeeding, skip the epson salts or at most take just one glass of light dosage. Magnesium passes thruogh to baby’s milk and it’s easy to OD on it.
The rest of the flush (oo/juice) is great. Just be sure to dissolve stones best as you can wtih apple juice days before the flush.
You may not see a lot of stones, but you will be doing your liver and gallbladder a GREAT deal of good anyway! And it’s very important for new mothers to do this too, as pregnancy and all of its attending hormones often causes liver and gb problems! Most gb removals take place after giving birth.
4,867 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Delurking with my background and a question!...Can an...
by secondwind 19 y
I am 32 years old, I had my 2 biological children 22 months apart, and had a bile stasis liver issue with my second pregnancy, then a similar type of ”fullness” and twinges under my right rib that I noticed about 6 months after my second pregnancy. Sometimes it is worse than others, sometimes it feels like my ribs actually ”rub” against something that shouldn’t be there. Went for an ultrasound, they found no stones, liver is fine. But my gallbladder is definitely grumpy! It really kicked up after I lost about 15 lbs in the last 3 months, and started taking a liver support supplement.
2,166 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Post Removal- Nausea Feeling
by melanieg1028 17 y
View Entire Thread 4
I am a little more than 3 weeks post removal. I am anxiously awaiting my period...I had the IUD for 3 years
For the last two days I have a constant sick to my stomach feeling, just like I did during the initial stages of both of my children’s pregnancies
Did anyone else experience this? I took a pregnancy test today just to make sure I wasn’t prego....
I am paranoid not being on BC right now even though we are using protection, it is just not the same
2,773 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum
Re: Post Removal- Nausea Feeling
by hohohormone 17 y
Yes, nausea (much like early pregnancy) was my main post-removal symptom. I’m on my second cycle, and it came back I think around ovulation. It’s definitely getting better. I’ve seen several other people with this symptom, it gets better with time. I’m not a scientist, but I know progesterone production goes up during pregnancy-- maybe our bodies are restarting appropriate progesterone production (there’s gotta be an upside-- gotta!)
2,724 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum
way of Birth Control
by puyallupoms teeth 14 y
Many women use various birth control methods in order to avoid pregnancy as a result of sexua| lovemaking. If one wants to prevent fertilization or interrupt pregnancy, birth control techniques are used. Prevention of fertilization can be done using contraception method, prevention of implantation of the blastocyst can be done using contragestion and removal of embryo can be done using abortion method.
1,074 hits
Forum: Birth Control
pregnancy and gallbladder issues
by matreshka 11 y
Hi, I’m new here. I would like to talk to somebody who had gallbladder problems during pregnancy and what did they do. I had liver problems since I became pregnant with my first child which led to the gallbladder attacks later on. I’m flushing my liver now with olive oil and lemon juice every 3 weeks. I would like to have another child in couple of years. but I’mafraid that after second pregnancy I definitely Wil have to remove my gallbladder, which I don’t want.
663 hits
Forum: Gallbladder Remedy
Re: Not really. Just trying to avoid pancreatitis.
by TheHealthGuy 14 y
I apologize for the late reply about the possibility of an Acute Pancreatitis episode after gallbladder removal, I don’t always check my inbox nor do I come to this forum everyday. If my memory serves me correctly you have already had one episode of Acute Pancreatitis? If that is in fact correct, you will ALWAYS be at risk for another episode especially if your pancreas suffered damage and it is very difficult to believe that a pancreas doesn’t receive some damage (even if not detected on CT) during an Acute Pancreatitis episode.
If you have gallstones, removal of the gallbladder would ...
9,589 hits
Forum: Gallbladder Remedies
Liver Flush Support
Apple Cider
Castor Oil
Re: Liver stones are real and here's the proof
RN SUCCESS by verysugar 14 y
I just woke up but will attempt to make a few random points:
Given the quantity and texture of ’stones’ expelled by so many of us, they can’t all be true gallbladder stones
Irrespective of the site of origin of these ’stones’, the flush consistently provides numerous health benefits. For me, these included increased energy, a stronger appetite, an improved ability to react emotionally in a calm way, much better skin (far less oily and less inflamed), and the removal of parasites.
When I met my girlfriend 3 years ago she was suffering from frequent ...
18,817 hits
2 of 2 (100%)
Forum: Liver Flush Debate
Cancer and GallBladder
by isisconcep 16 y
View Entire Thread 2
I am one of many who have had their GallBladder / GB removed. I am now suffering with the long term complications of that operation. We are not given full informed consent on the removal of the gallbladder. The reality is that after the gallbladder is removed the rates of gi cancers increase. I have to work on this project because my health has been affected . I am hopefully in time prevention work , a new operation for the gallbladder that repairs rather than removes and that informed consent be full. I am working on a teas formula today for reflux bile which is a common complication afte ...
2,932 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Newsletter Sugg.
Gallbladder Surgery
Gallbladder Remedies
Re: Went Raw Four Days Ago
by joanne 21 y
Hi, ali! Long time no see!
I’m a rawwie too - you can keep me company. Maybe we can get this board humming! That’s awesome that you went raw just like that *snaps fingers* and you’re feeling so good. Whatcha eatin’?
I have some really good links for you. From SAD (standard american diet) to Raw is a great site - look for the befores and afters.
Shazzie and Alissa Cohen both have befores and afters too - I think they’re very inspiring.
Good luck!
2,306 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Raw Vegetarian
Urine Therapy : toxin extraction and excretion by liver a...
by ei132 18 y
Yes, I remember clearly from my school biology that bile is a digestive food stored in the gall bladder and secreted into the intestine --------------- but does the liver excrete toxins into the bile, that I don’t know.
What is the Gallbladder?
The gallbladder is a small pear-shaped organ that stores and concentrates bile. It is connected to the liver (which produces the bile) by the hepatic duct. It is approximately 3 to 4 inches (7.6 to 10.2 cm) long and about 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide.
What is its Function?
The ...
2,746 hits
Forum: Urine Therapy Support
AIDS Support
Alchoholics An.
Re: Knew my period was coming...
by cynthleal 13 y
Hi 102041, I read your post and have so many symptoms too because of mirena. I’m 26 months post mirena removal and just had a baby which is two months now and breastfeeding her. After mirena removal and during pregnancy and till this day I still feel sick. My symptoms are not as bad as they used to be at the beginning but i still cant function like I did before mirena. I dont want to mention all the symptoms because they are so many but could you tell me more about your story because it sounds like mine. Many other women here had babies after mirena and they feel great during pregnancy and ...
2,825 hits
Forum: Mirena
Feeling the stones, hardness or pressure from your gallbl...
by linfu 10 y
I’ve been having more discomfort the past couple of days. Today I rubber the area above my gallbladder and it felt hard, as if I could feel the underlying stones or the hardness or pressure through the skin and gallbladder.
Did you feel that when you were dealing with gallstones? And did you feel this go away after either flushes or gallbladder removal? Thanks.
906 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Gallbladder Surgery
Re: about the liver cleanse
by tigerfish 22 y
i wonder if the liver doesn’t cause the gallbladder to go bad, and thus the removal. my wife had hers removed, and i just got some gold coin grass for her to take. this will help to break up stones over time, and will help with the draining of the liver into the intestines, since the gallbladder is bypassed. i also think that if the liver could be removed, more people would have it done for the same reason as the gallbladder, because it is clogged/diseased.
1,426 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Im pregnant..I have a question
by dutchmom 17 y
Hi Meat27, congrats to you on the pregnancy! I’m sorry I don’t really have any advice for the constipation problem. It wasn’t really an issue for me with either one of my pregnancies. But, I am curious, are you still experiencing any of the symptoms that you were post-removal since conceiving? I’m just wondering how the hormonal fluctuation and changes with pregnancy would affect the post-Mirena symptoms. Good luck with your problem and I hope you have a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy.
17,765 hits
Forum: Mirena
Preeclampsia, Toxemia
SCIENCE: What is biliary sludge?
R by Doctor 23 y
View Entire Thread 5
What is biliary sludge?
Doctor’s Answer:
Biliary sludge is a mixture of particulate matter and mucous that forms in bile. (Bile is the yellow-brown fluid that drains from the liver into the gallbladder where it is stored and concentrated. After meals the gallbladder contracts, squirting the bile through the common bile duct into the duodenum, where it helps to digest the fat in meals.) The composition of biliary sludge varies. The most common particulate matter in biliary sludge is cholesterol crystals and calcium salts. Occasionally drugs may comprise the partic ...
69,405 hits
3 of 4 (75%)
Forum: Liver Flush FAQ
Re: MIRENA REMOVAL: Has anyone fallen pregnant before eve...
by sunshine84 18 y
Well it’s the fifteenth of December now and still NO period! I have taken a total of five pregnancy test now and they are more than clearly negative. I called my doctor in the beginning of the week and she said I could very well be pregnant and it’s just to early to detect but she also said that if by the 10th of Jan (60 days from removal!) and the pregnancy test are still negative then she will want to prescribe something to get them back on track! It’s really weird because my breast are soooo enlarged, Smells really get to me, I’m all of a sudden getting bad headaches and I just have tha ...
24,725 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum
Birth Control
IUD Malfunctions
Re: Porcelain gallbladder
I had not heard of this problem so searched for ’porcelain gallbladder herbs’ and came up with many websites.
Natural remedies:
Porcelain Gallbladder (Calcifying cholecystitis)
This uncommon condition is associated with damage from gallstones and recurrent infections. Calcium becomes deposited in the muscles and mucosa of the gallbladder. The walls appear bluish and are brittle. There are no symptoms and most cases of porcelain gallbladder are found when conducting imaging tests for other conditions. Because of the high incidence of gal ...
4,519 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Gallbladder Surgery
Gallbladder Remedies
Which is the safest gallbladder cleanse during pregnancy?
by Celia 23 y
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I am 31 years old and 32 weeks pregnant with my fifth full-term pregnancy and have had several gallbladder attacks. I am ready to try the gallbladder cleanse. Which one is the best and safest during pregnancy? Will it start me into pre-mature labor? I’ve read that some harsh laxatives can start pre-mature labor. Also, should I worry about the toxins being released in my colon because of the cleanse. Will these toxins harm the unborn baby?
7,207 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Gallbladder Remedies
Which is the safest gallbladder cleanse during pregnancy?
by Celia 23 y
View Entire Thread 4
I am 31 years old and 32 weeks pregnant with my fifth full-term pregnancy and have had several gallbladder attacks. I am ready to try the gallbladder cleanse. Which one is the best and safest during pregnancy? Will it start me into pre-mature labor? I’ve read that some harsh laxatives can start pre-mature labor. Also, should I worry about the toxins being released in my colon because of the cleanse. Will these toxins harm the unborn baby?
3,557 hits
Forum: Pregnancy/Birth
Re: "round" feet. Any ideas??
by mom2lucky 21 y
Hello, during my first pregnacy I had swollen hands and feet also I gained 60 pounds and lost 40 pounds in 3 days after the birth, the swollen feet lasted for about 2 weeks after delivery, my bp was fine, I drank plenty of water. Found out much later that I had a very diseased gallbladder which means my liver was not probably working too well either, the doctor did not even check this out (had a severe gallbladder attack at 7 months, but did not know this is what it was until later) I have heard of women doing liver flushes during pregnancy, maybe you might want to do another post and as ...
2,615 hits
Forum: Pregnancy/Birth
SAFETY: PREGNANCY? ... Which is the safest gallbladder c...
R by Celia 23 y
View Entire Thread 14
I am 31 years old and 32 weeks pregnant with my fifth full-term pregnancy and have had several gallbladder attacks. I am ready to try the gallbladder cleanse. Which one is the best and safest during pregnancy? Will it start me into pre-mature labor? I’ve read that some harsh laxatives can start pre-mature labor. Also, should I worry about the toxins being released in my colon because of the cleanse. Will these toxins harm the unborn baby?
78,678 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Liver Flush FAQ
Re: gallbladder polyps and beer
by #37276 20 y
I did a quick search and found the info below.
Flushing causes a violent contraction of the gallbladder to dump as much bile as possible to digest the large quantity of olive oil ingested during a flush. Done periodically, it may prevent inflamation by keeping bile flowing smoothly. If you already have large polyps, it is probably too late. If the polyps are still very small, perhaps flushing might loosen the gallstone stuck in the gallbladder wall and release the polyp before it becomes malignant.
A ga ...
3,649 hits
Forum: Gallbladder Polyps
Liver Flush
Gallbladder Surgery
Re: Getting out the gallstones
by #89250 18 y
These are awesome links! Thank you so much for taking the time to send them to me.
Now if I can only get my favorite aunt who is 65 and has diverticulitis to read all this - it seems like she needs to start with a parasite removal, bowel cleanse, cayenne pepper and lemon juice, and then a liver cleanse - unfortunately it’s a long process and it seems like most people (like me with the threat of gallbladder removal) can’t do it in the order they should.
1,911 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Fasting extensively without a gallbladder
by Shepherdboy 8 y
I am fasting without a gallbladder, and have done long fasts both prior to gallbladder removal and since.
There is a difference for sure.
Chrisb1’s quote was excellent.
I have never experience vomiting but I have experienced the urgent almost diarrhea-like bile bowel movements since having my gallbladder removed. In my experience, these happen even when I’m not ”fasting” per se and just miss a meal. Perhaps my body produces a lot of bile and is used to excreting a certain amount when I am eating, so that when I simply miss one meal I end up with the bile diarrhea. This may jus ...
8,759 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Re: Is 15mm stone too large?
by Steve888 8 y
Most people have no issues doing the flush even with the larger stones. The reason you are having pain right now is because the stone is stuck anyway. So if the flush works it will be expelled safely. If it gets backed up you’ll need GB removal anyway. So nothing to lose by trying it. The flush instructions:
6,347 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Re: middle eastern, greeks, meditereaneans prove liver flush
by #118839 15 y
My point exactly ,I myself have experience stones within minutes of consuming the epsom salts without consuming any fats or oils and Hv has been confronted with this before and just ignores it then continues on later with his saponification double speak. Why he persist in this pursuit is is beyond reason, these flushes saved me my gallbladder and a $14,000.00 medical bill for a recommended removal of my gallbladder. Follow the bucks as the old saying goes.
5,532 hits
2 of 3 (66%)
Forum: Liver Flush Debate
Post Mirena removal, pregnancy pains?
by Sirenn 15 y
Hello everyone,
So I posted earlier about not having my period yet, but with negative pregnancy tests. Is it also normal to have those ”pregnancy twinges-like pains” post Mirena? I remember having these exact pains the beginning stages of pregnancy, so I was wondering if it’s just my body getting back to it’s normal self? My husband and I had unprotected sex just once since removal, and we used the pull-out method. Sooooo, even though its possible.. I HIGHLY doubt that was enough. I’m just going crazy trying to analyze every twinge my body makes, so I wanted to know if its normal to exp ...
1,267 hits
Forum: Mirena
Re: genova stoo tests received i got gallstones no yeast ...
by natalia88 17 y
thanks my natropth has already recomded that i start drinking organic cloudy apple juice to help disolve the stones then i go to her next thursday for removal treatment and cocnut kefir for probtic as gallbladder is so inflamed any supplement probtic is just irrating my stomach and she said its because of my gallbladder being inflamed as its obstructed with stones the coconut kefir is very gentle and will sooth my tum !im going to do her plan cant wait to start my treatment to rid myself of them they make me feel sick and burp alot
5,695 hits
Forum: Candida Support