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Re: Green Apples
by Telman 18 y
It is often written that the malic acid helps to soften stones in the biliary system and it is a beneficial preparation to liver flushing.
Fruit and vegetables are natural sources of malic acid. Apples which are rich in malic acid are considered to be the most convenient way to consume it.
The flavour of apples is defined by the proportion of sugar (sweet), acid (sour) and tannins (bitter). The proportions of these vary from variety to variety and also for a single variety depending upon the growing, ripening and harvesting conditions. The sourest apples are highest in malic acid:
9,015 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: O/T Any thoughts on Malic Acid, Zeta and Gallstones?
by Newport 18 y
Heading out to get 1K of Malic Acid for
5,592 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Malic acid
by Telman 13 y
Bramley apples contain more malic acid but it is a cooking apple. The highest concentrations of malic acid are around the skin and core. However, sour cherry juice contains 5 times the malic acid of any apple.
The Bramley Seedling has been found to have a Malic acid level of 0.85% but it is a cooking apple. Because malic acid is not easily destroyed the apples can be lightly stewed with a sweetener and provide a rich source of malic acid.
The granny smith apples has a malic acid content of about 0.6% and is the highest levels of regular eating apples
Golden Delicious have about 0. 3 ...
4,118 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Could harmless MALIC ACID help us ALL
by Zapp 19 y
Thanks Michelle for a post on a very interesting article. However, I tried taking malic acid when I was suffering from candidasis induced chronic fatigue. Despite taking high doses of malic acid I perceived no improvement in my condition. It is my supposition that tartaric acid displaces malic acid in the Kreb’s Cycle. The chronic fatigue is not caused by a shortage of malic acid. The tartaric acid simply ”pushes” the malic acid out of the way.
I would not discourage others from trying malic acid based on my experience. Malic acid is an inexpensive suppliment. Perhaps others will have a b ...
16,335 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Candida Support
Does Malic acid really make a difference?
by slider25 20 y
View Entire Thread 9
Hi, I’ve never used Malic acid as i’ve always got stones and they have always been fairly soft, which I thought was Malic acid’s sole purpose. However after reading the Liver flush tips blog where the person said Malic acid made a big difference to the amount of stones he/she gets, I am wondering whether I have missed a trick here. Has anyone noticed a big difference in the amount of stones released with or without Malic acid? thanks
5,184 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Apples, or malic acid
by #27836 21 y
I heard it’s the malic acid in the apples that helps with dissolving stagnant bile, but the apples have lots of good nutrients in them too. On Julia Chang’s gallbladder flush site she says people with candida should take malic acid supplements w/water instead of getting the malic acid from apple juice, so probably either would be OK. Though I bet the malic acid is easier to absorb from apple juice than supplements.
3,164 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Oops just restated Hanna's message
by #27836 21 y
I heard it’s the malic acid in the apples that helps with dissolving stagnant bile, but the apples have lots of good nutrients in them too. On Julia Chang’s gallbladder flush site she says people with candida should take malic acid supplements w/water instead of getting the malic acid from apple juice, so probably either would be OK. Though I bet the malic acid is easier to absorb from apple juice than supplements.
2,527 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Help! can't find malic acid
by megan 22 y
Hi Carrot top,
I found some malic acid capsules by ”Genestra Brands”. Malic acid by itself was hard to find...most health stores I called had malic acid with magnesium, but eventually I found a place with just malic acid. I guess another option is buying it on line, but hopefully you’ll track some down in your city. On the bottle I have it says Genestra Brands is manufactured in the US.
Good Luck,
4,421 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Malic acid
by Telman 13 y
Malic acid survives pasteurisation.
The role of malic acid in modifying bile is the only aspect of liver-flushing that hasn’t been confirmed by medical experimentation. Dr. William Kelley is the author of ”One Answer to Cancer” 1967 mention the benefits of malic acid in his book but doesn’t explain how this works. He states that: ”Apple juice (high in malic acid) or ortho-phosphoric acid, which acts as a solvent in the bile to weaken adhesions between solid globules.” This statement appears to be the first reference to connect malic acid to cholesterol and has been perpetuated by his co ...
3,708 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: ACV for apple juice substitution.
by Telman 11 y
An apple contains between 0.4 and 0.6 grams per 100g. An average apple with high malic acid content such as a Granny Smith weighs about 150 grams. So if you eat two apples a day you will consume 1.8 grams of malic acid.
Good quality ACV contains around 0.5% malic acid. So 2 tablespoons of ACV has 30 milligrams of malic acid.
1,592 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Magnesium malate, or just malic acid?
by inspiraller 17 y
thanks. I’ve heard you mention magnesium malate before. I have in the past taken massive doses of malic acid at 2g, 3 times a day. I have never taken a combined supplement of magnesium with it, but the supplements I see like biocare only have something like 100mg magnesium to 750mg of malic acid. Surely the malic acid I was taken in the past is more effective for removing stones and this small combined dose of magnesium and and malic acid?
12,162 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: For the coke flush, can I water down the apple cider?
by WannaSeeWorms 16 y
Quoting Moritz:
”Try to avoid malic acid capsules, especially if they contain other ingredients. It is best if the malic acid is properly dissolved before ingeesting it. The preparation perios is th same as for the apple juice regimen, except that 1/2 to 1 tsp of malic acid, taken with four to six 8 oz glasses of room temperature water, substitue for the 32 oz of apple juice per day. Drink this solution in small amounts throughout the day. (I used a straw to keep off my teeth.) Food-grade malic acid powder (not mixed with magnesium or other ingredients) is very inexpensive and can be purc ...
5,539 hits
Forum: Ask Dr. Sutter
Help! can't find malic acid
by carrot top 22 y
View Entire Thread 6
I have tired several health food stores and no one seems to have palin old malic acid tablets. All I can find are combinations that have at least a half dozen other ingredients along with the malic acid. What brand(s) of malic acid are people on this forum taking? Has anyone found plain malic acid or malic acid with only one or two other ingredients in it? Help. I work a 40hr/wk plus overtime. I don’t have the time to juice all those apples. Plus, I really don’t want all that sugar. What brands of malic acid are people using? I live in the midwestern US.
Carrot top
4,624 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Apple juice/sour cherry juice
by telman 20 y
Hi Midge
No and yes is the answer.
Malic acid is very difficult to destroy and survives most processing but logic tells us that its must degrade each time it goes through a process. Even cider contains malic acid and that’s apple juice which has been highly processed. Basically the closer to a real apple/cherry it is, the better the malic acid content. But even apples vary greatly in their malic acid content. Green sharp apples like Granny Smiths are the best.
If the juice made from pulp then you will probably need to drink more. Sour cherry juice contains 5 to 6 times the malic a ...
2,874 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: First Flush - Already Miserably Symptomatic From Pre-...
by Telman 11 y
The role of malic acid in modifying bile is the only aspect of liver-flushing that hasn’t been confirmed by medical experimentation.
Dr. William Kelley is the author of ”One Answer to Cancer” 1967 mention the benefits of malic acid in his book but doesn’t explain how this works.
He states that: ”Apple juice (high in malic acid) or ortho-phosphoric acid, which acts as a solvent in the bile to weaken adhesions between solid globules.” This statement appears to be the first reference to connect malic acid to cholesterol and has been restated ever since.
It is known through rigorous ...
2,141 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Malic Acid Information
by telman 20 y
View Entire Thread 8
I would like to share some information I have out out about Malic Acid. The following is a table about the content of natural L-malic acid in fruit juices:
Fruit Juice Malic Acid Content (g/l) (Grams per litre)
Orange 0.8 - 3
Grapefruit 0.2 - 1.2
Apple min. 3.0
Grape 2.5 - 7
Pineapple 1.0 - 4.0
Lemon 1.0 - 7.5
Tomato 0.1 - 0.6
Passion fruit max 1.3 - 5.0
Pear 0.8 - 5
Apricot 5 - 20
Blackcurrant 1 - 4
Sour cherry 15.5 - 27
Raspberry 0.2 - 1.2
Strawberry 0.6 - 5
Peach 2 - 6
Mandarin 0.5 - 3
Also that rhub ...
6,594 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Help - Will Malate Soften like Malic Acid ?
by DesertRat 22 y
You are right that the malate contains the same negative malic ion as malic acid. By the name, with its -ate suffix, you know that malate is the salt of malic acid, meaning they have replaced the positive side of the compound (hydrogen, H+) with another positive ion like calcium (Ca++) or magnesium (Mg+). Once dissolved in water, or your stomach, the only difference will be that the malate is not acidic like malic acid. But your stomach is already quite acidic, so it should work the same, I would guess.
3,481 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Depressed System: Safe to take HCL?
by BrightSideOfLife 9 y
You could use HCl providing that you do not swallow saliva with it. It’s damn difficult.
I use a Glass of Malic acid mixed with water and salt and wash my mouth out with water and then swallow 3 caps of HCl with the Malic Acid/salt. The salt helps produce hydrochloric acid and the malic acid stimulates the digestion and stomach enzymes.
722 hits
Forum: Candida
Powdered malic acid or malic acid pills, Liquid Phosfood???
by ArcticJellyBean 10 y
Trying to select malic acid for Liver Flush and wondering if there is any particular malic acid that is best? Some is pill, some is powder, which is better?
Also, what is Liquid phosfood and should it be used along with malic acid for the flush?
Thank you!
576 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Ask CureZone
Re: First Flush-No results!
by Samantha Glick 16 y
if you don’t use something to open the bile dusts, like apple juice ( which contains malic acid, which relxes bile ducts), you probably won’t have successful flushes) I use malic acid in capsules because i can’t stand the sugar in the juice. When I haven’t used enough malic acid, I have had no stones. If you can stand sugar drink a litre a day of non sweetened apple juice for one week prior to the flush.
( This is not window dressing many hundreds of people here will tell you the same thing)
2,739 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Magnesium Malate
by #129873 15 y
View Entire Thread 2
If I currently take a supplement with 600mg magnesium oxide and 600mg malic acid, am I looking for an equivalent amount of magnesium malate/malic acid to replace it with? Some supplements have a 4:1 ration of malic acid to magnesium malate.
Does it matter if you take capsules or the powdered form?
Is magnesium oil better in any way or for any particular circumstances?
Thank you.
ps Do you see clients or do phone consults?
2,641 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: Some questions about the liver flush?
by Telman 15 y
Dr Kelly originally wrote in his book that malic acid found in apples will soften the stones. Medical experiments have shown that pectin recycle bile and this will also soften stones. Both pectin and malic acid are found in apples and consequently they have become a common form of preparation. Cooking apples doesn’t destroy the malic acid or pectin so stewed apples are just fine.
Many vegetables and fruit have pectin in them:
Apples = 0.71 to 0.81 %
Cucumbers = 0.1 to 0.5 %
2,197 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Fasting: General
Wow! check this out
by finallyfaith 18 y
ultra cheap malic acid here! wow! you aint kiddin when you say its cheap to buy from the wine/beer makers
10,902 hits
Forum: Minerals Support
Re: Slightly OT - I need some help!
by JohnnySmith 19 y
Well don’t know if this is worth any brownie points. I could only find two pieces of interesting information related to malic acid.
(1)Apple juice (high in malic acid)acts as a solvent in the bile to weaken adhesions between solid globules.
(2)Malic acid (as magnesium malate) which is particularly effective at binding to and removing aluminum, a common—yet toxic—metal often found in the food supply. Hmmm..I wonder if this has possible applications in preventing or slowing down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
2,156 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Malic Acid Tablets in place of apple juice
by #24326 21 y
View Entire Thread 3
I have a candida problem so was going to use malic acid tablets in place of the apple juice. I just read on an old message (14 months) on this forum that people have ended up in hospital because they did this. I am quite skeptical as I have read malic acid tablets recommended so much, but is there any thruth in this?
I am already using Gold Coin Grass, do i really need to do the apple juice/malic acid thing as well?
Thank you.
6,240 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Question for hanna...
by #42402 19 y
View Entire Thread 8
Hi hanna you may remember me from 2 weeks ago, i was asking for help with my liver flush protocol.
If you remember you advised epsom salt for a week, and take malic 2000 per day for a week before. I have been taking epsom salts for a week now, and taken malic acid for 2 days. Since I have been taking them i have had a bit of wind and feeling a bit strange, like my illness was coming back a bit, could the epsom salts/Malic acid making me worse?
I have also had movement everyday since taking the epsom salt, its quite powerful isnt it, i cant remember how much you told me to take? Iam t ...
3,341 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Malic Acid
R by richidoo 22 y
Hi Ann,
The malic acid softens the stones by dissolving parts of the stones through anionic chemical reaction.
This means that being an ”acid” it is lacking in electrons and seeks a cation (molecule/atom with an extra electron) so it can relax and enjoy the flow of spirit. Carrying a negative electric charge allows the anionic chemical (malic acid) to add to the overall zeta potential of the blood, which increases the blood’s ability to clean out deposits of all kinds.
Living tissues in the body have a negative charge (anionic). Toxins and dead matter are neutral or positively cha ...
6,205 hits
Forum: Ask Andreas
Re: Bone health: what is the right combo?
by Hveragerthi 15 y
Wait... you’re confusing me.
What makes "calcium/magnesium malate" so much better than "calcium/magnesium citrate"? The other forms of calcium that you listed: I understand. But I looked up a number of pages and still couldn’t find anything much about "mag/calcium malate vs citrate".
The malates are bound to malic acid. Malic acid helps increase ATP, which fuels the cells and helps them to function properly. Malic acid also dissolves uric acid making it helpful for preventing gout and uric acid stones. Malic acid can also help wit ...
2,059 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
What about claims that malic acid is better than magnesiu...
by seekingsolutions 15 y
View Entire Thread 5
I was looking into malic acid supplements to help with my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue and I encountered a post by a member on this site who claimed that magnesium maleate is useless because the positive metal (magnesium) and the negatively charged acid (malic acid) cancel one another out. The person recommended using just malic acid and, I think, taking magnesium separately. Is there any truth to this? I need to know since I didn’t buy the magnesium maleate, the only form I could find at a couple of health stores. What have your experiences been using one or both products? ...
5,645 hits
Forum: Fibromyalgia
Re: What would work for calcium blocker and ACE?
by Hveragerthi 16 y
Thank you. I will do that. Was wondering why you recommend magnesium malate? I know it from malic acid, but any specific reason? Will it have a laxative effect?
As with citrate (citric acid), malic acid plays a major role in ATP formation within cells. But I feel malic acid does a better job of this, and malic acid has been shown to help move oxygen in to cells.
Acidified forms of magnesium have much less of a laxative effect than the oxide and carbonate. Just keep your dosages reasonable. This is why I recommend 300mg dosages 2 to 3 times daily. At this do ...
35,512 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
It's the malic acid
by bugsy. 21 y
The reason people drink lots of apple juice, apple cider, or apple cider vinegar before a flush is due to the malic acid content of apples. Malic acid is an alphahydroxy acid which is known to break stones down. This makes them easier to flush out. Some people choose to take malic acid in pill form if they cannot tolerate apples well.
If you do a search on google or even here at curezone you will find tons of information on it. I believe Andreas recommends taking it in his book as well.
I enclosed a few links from the Liver Flush FAQ’s that I thought you might find helpful. One is ...
2,449 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: I wound't just do nothing - instead, use Malic acid
by telman 19 y
I wouldn’t worry too much about the apple juice as long as it is fresh pressed as the benefits of malic acid appear to out way the sugar content. Malic acid can also be found in sour cherry juice which contains about 5 times as much consequently you should be able to consume less and still get the same value for the liver flush.
There are a number a medical papers being produce of the back of Fibromyalgia research that would indicate malic acid may reduce the influence of Candida especially when taken with magnesium. This is because tartaric acid which is a by product of yeast interfere ...
2,270 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: FYI - apple juice
by Michael B 14 y
From my experience I have found that there is a certain threshold that needs to be reached for the applejuice/malic acid to be effective, and for me this is when it produces a laxative flushing effect on my bowels. By effectiveness I am not talking about the softening aspect of malic acid (I agree this can be achieved with moderation and duration) But specifically; in the context of successful liver flushing. When I don’t cross this threshold, I don’t get the same results from my flushes. It seems to be dependant on the quantity of each dose of malic acid as opposed to duration or overall ...
2,146 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Candida Support
Re: which malic acid is the best and most succesfull with...
R by Telman 11 y
There are two forms of Malic acid. D-Malic acid is produced artificially. L-Malic acid is the natural form. It is known by its ’E’ number E296.
L-Malic acid is the preferred type. You need 2 to 3 grams a day taken with food and additional water. Too much can cause cramp and bloating.
You reach the maximum effect after 2 weeks and 75% after a week.
5,764 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Liver Flush FAQ
Re: Malic Acid Question
by SixWater 11 y
Sorry to bring back this post from the dead, but I believe I’ve found a great source of malic acid. It’s in camu camu fruit powder. This fruit is so tart it literally makes you picker up and shake your head involuntarily due to the sour taste Of malic acid. I don’t know how much malic acid is in the powder, but I was taking 2 or more tablespoons of camu camu a day before my liver flush. I just had the most successful liver flush ive ever done. Maybe it’s just a councidence that I was taking camu camu before the flush, or that it really is a great source of malic acid.
11,004 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Re: PARASITE DRUG PROTOCOLS: Roundworms, Tapeworms, Stron...
by kizmit 10 y
Do you know if ”Malic Acid” will kill parasites? My son and I started (9/26/14) long term Azythromycin (250mg and 500mg, respectively) treatment 3x/week for intracellular mycoplasm pneumonia and chlaydmia pneumonia. We are also on a ”malic acid” supplement as well as other supplements and immuno-boosters. I have fibromyalgia/pre-lupus and my son has chronic fatigue (10 years old). We are seeing parasitic die off in our stools--A LOT. My husband is also seeing proglottids -he is NOT taking the antibiotic. The only supplement we are ALL taking is MALIC ACID. We have just sent ...
5,780 hits
Forum: Parasites: Drugs
Re: Question about apples and apple juice
by telman 20 y
The green apples contain the most malic acid which is the chemical that softens the stones. Red apples also have malic acid so they are also good for softening stones so the choice is yours. Any apple is better than no apple.
For example:
Granny smith have the highest amount of malic acid at 0. 56%, Golden Delicious have 0. 30%, and Red Delicious have 0. 21%.
The store bought freshly pressed apple juice looks fine to me. Its the cheap apple juice made from pulp that is no good for anything.
Malic acid is also found in other fruits and vegitables and the body also produces som ...
1,829 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Issue with MALIC ACID -please help
by mwhitman 19 y
View Entire Thread 3
Does malic acid have to be taken on an empty stomach to be effective? My father gets strong heartburn when he takes the 3 caps of 800 mg malic acid on an empy stomach, but he says it’s ok with food. Should he reduce the dose on an empty stomach, or take the higher dose with food? Which would allow the malic acid to still be effective? i know it can take a long time for stone dissolvers such as malic acid to be effective, so trying to find a way to keep the effectiveness without the heartburn. This only happens to him, the rest of us take the same dose on an empty stomach no problems.
4,978 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Malic Acid Question
by pinkcat 19 y
Wavy, I have read that yes you can use ACV for your malic acid source and it has more than apple juice.
But I don’t know what proportion.
You can certainly buy organic apple juice or cider at the health food store. They usually have some in the fridge. Or, you can even buy it off the shelf and it’s still organic and has the malic acid.
I drink one gallon in the four days leading up to the flush (including flush day).
You can also take malic acid capsules. I buy mine at Swanson Health (just google the name) and follow what it says on the label.
In the end, it’s all malic acid ...
13,646 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: What kind of malic acid is correct for liver flush?
by munay 21 y
The Mg malate is a complexed form of malic acid. Seems this one is quite potent (mine is only 100mg of malic acid per capsule). This preparation will supply 825mg of malic acid per tablet which is what you need.
Andreas suggests that 1500 - 2000mg of malic acid be used daily, taken with water throughout the day. Using the preparation described above, you could dissolve two of the tablets in 16oz water and drink it throughout the day. I will take 4 of my capsules 4X/day for the preparation period (typically 5 days leading to the LF).
I got mine from High Vibe, a store in NY ...
2,883 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support