600 Messages Page: 1 of 16
Re: Guys, I need your help, just a few questions
by ketchup 18 y
1] white patch at back of tongue [permanent] and a ”bad taste” in mouth during sleep--yes, thick white coating and bad taste in mouth, mostly gone now
2]persistent itchy scalp--yes, and itchy nose, just about gone too
3]itchy anus--not itchy anus, but itchy buttocks, significantly reduced
4]restless legs at night--yes, mostly gone
5]eye floaters and bad sensitivity to light--yes, gone now
6]poor digestion [loose stools--yes, improving.
I have Diantamoeba Fragilis according to the former Smoky Mountain Labs.
6,858 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Restless Legs
Sleep Disorders
itchy anus
by jhan 20 y
Dear Scott,
This definitely sounds like candida.
Itchy anus is caused by the presence of candida there. You need to use an antifungal - a natural one like garlic or grapefruit seed extract or a chemical one like nystatin.
For itchy anus, I would insert an entire garlic clove in the anus and put another one each time it would come out, and this until the itch is over. Oral antifungal will help stabilize the situation.
Exercise is fantastic so is hot sauna or steam room or detox bath: anything that makes you sweat. Candida hates it when your body gets warm and proliferates when i ...
15,188 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Skin Disorders & Allergies Caused By Parasites
by humaworm 19 y
View Entire Thread 2
SKIN DISORDERS & ALLERGIES – Parasites that penetrate the skin cause itching. When tissue becomes inflamed from these parasites, the body’s white blood cells increase to defend the body. This reaction causes skin rashes and food allergies to appear. Parasites also create toxins and the skin ,being the largest organ, tries to remove these toxins which causes many skin problems. Symptoms include:
Dry Skin
Dry Hair
Brittle Hair
Hair Loss
Itchy Nose
Itchy Anus
Itchy Skin
Allergic Reactions to Food
Crawling Sensation Under the Skin
6,235 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Herxheimer reaction when taking diatomaceous earth
by bjornbjorn 10 y
I am suffering from Candida and Parasites. When I take Diatomaceous earth my skin gets itchy, especially my hands and scalp. I have hair loss, dandruff, itchy scalp, itchy anus, and mild eczema on my hands. When taking DE it gets so bad that I have to quit taking it. Any recommendations? I even tried a half a teaspoon and still the same reaction.
2,033 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Vaginal pinworms?
by GemKim 25 m
Maybe hookworms? There are a few parasitic worms that can be found in the urogenital area: pinworms, hookworms, flatworms (Schistosomiasis) and filarial worms. Hookworms, Schistosomiasis and filarial worms cause itchy skin. Pinworms usually just causes an itchy anus.
3,155 hits
Forum: Parasites (Alt.)
Parasites: RX
USP Parasites
Re: help pain in the side
by #23029 21 y
pinworms are very easy to spot..... very white, threadlike.... without the parasite program they would be expelled alive, and maybe a few tough ones would be visible.... they writhe around visibly. If you have pinworms you tend to know it because the writhing creates a tremendous itching..... not to be too graphic, but if you have a very itchy anus then you have pinworms, if not chances are it’s something else....
3,768 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Either or...
by Jhan 19 y
They usually come along you know.
Sinus ear and eye itch are definitely candida symptoms while a n itchy anus is definitely a parasite symptom. Weak liver allows for both candida and parasite to make a party in our bowels.
Itchy face: zinc supplement
itchy ears: magnesium supplemnt
itchy eyes: viatmin A (cod fish oil) suppl
Very dry mounth: sodium deficiency put a bit of salt in your drinking water.
Space out and mind racing couldbe many things - in any case omega 3 (fish oil AND linseed oil) will help a great deal.
Insering a garlic clove into your anus will help with the ...
2,782 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Turpentine Does alot more than just Killing Candida/P...
by #272068 4 y
I’ve been using turpentine for over a year and it has helped me fight protozoan parasites, but I struggle with terrible die off that sometimes lasts for weeks, enough time for the parasites to repopulate. So I have cut back my dosage and I’m having sleep disruption, anxiety and itchy anus. Any thoughts on dosing and die off? Thanks in advance.
4,949 hits
Forum: Turpentine
Parasites (Alt.)
Herbal Formulas
Home Remedies
Re: Candida Pruritus Ani Anxiety
by #213304 9 y
I suffered from pruritus ani for 20 years. I searched forum after forum and medical sites galore. I finally read (and I wish I could remember where) about dairy products’ effects. I eliminated all dairy, and had NO MORE itchy anus! Every time I lapse and eat cottage cheese or Greek yogurt, I get it back. I’m thankful I finally found a way to end this sleep-destroying, nerve-wrecking condition!
2,402 hits
Forum: The Candida Diet
Anal Itch, Pruritus Ani
Anal Fissure
Re: stop the night itch of pinworms
by #215288 9 y
Hi I was just wondering how I would stop this itch If anyone has any idea my daughter Is complaining every night with an itchy Anus and she took vermox medicine we want to know how long it will take to work
57,156 hits
Forum: Parasites (Alt Med)
Candida or parasites?
by #221368 8 y
View Entire Thread 2
I have had white stuff in my stool lately, also a few times I have had an itchy anus and blood on toilet paper when wiping. I was wondering what I had? I am currently taking a probiotic
919 hits
Forum: Candida
Parasites Protozoa
Dog itching and in Pain from parasites
by Lind1 8 y
View Entire Thread 5
Have tiny white worms coming out arms and legs, now, was also wondering what can I give my Chihuahua for itchy anus, besides coconut oil, any ideas? Going for egd of stomach on the 23rd, wonder if that will tell anything .Had cataract surgery yesterday, they said nothing ab worm on eye, I feel like I have.....Thanks...I Think Gene k told meivermectin in her claws cuz worms are there eating her nails?
1,260 hits
Forum: Parasites (Alt.)
Parasites: RX
Parasites: Skin
Does this sound like Candida?
by Undertaker1991 11 y
View Entire Thread 11
I have experienced mild tingling after eating, insomnia, a slightly itchy anus on Saturday, foot odor and felt joint pain after pizza on Saturday. Could this be candida? Also, I seem to have no thrush in my mouth or anywhere else on the outside of my body.
2,140 hits
Forum: Candida
Re: Which parasites can disseminate?
by #181772 10 y
I’m not sure of the complete list. I can tell u the main symptom I have had is itchy anus from pinworms and I’ll get itchy eyes, ears and extremely itchy nose from time to time. I haven’t seen anything but white specs in stool and white thread like substance on anus. No rashes or abdominal issues/movements/weight loss/odd substance in stool. So, I’m pretty sure my issue is pinworms and the itchy eyes, ears, nose is from the scattered larva/eggs. Even though literature will often tell you pinworms don’t scatter..
1,002 hits
Forum: Parasites
How did you find out about your infestation?
by #175978 12 y
View Entire Thread 2
I have been battling terrible fecal breath for about 5 years now. Lately, Ive been experiencing headache, lack of appetite, itchy anus. Sometimes my right ear will ring for a minute and go away. 5 years ago, when I had a massive panic attack from what was diagnosed as gerd, ringing ear persisted for about a week, but went away eventually. I used to get sensations of bugs crawling under my skin, but haven’t felt it in maybe a few years.
1,377 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Safest for parasite in neck
by exhoop 12 y
I spent lot of money for herbs,swolloed to empty bowwel,(prior fastened emptyfied bowwels)all the most potent herbs on this world in a dosage incredibly highs,Without expell a single worms!Plus the arsenal of anthelmintics,in wery high doses,sometimes near deadly side effects!The first times expelled cca.50 parasites after administering 3 day course of nitazoxanide.The shape and size of this parasites resemble completly with Hymenolepis nana.Itchy anus,nose,insomnia,depression,tiredness,headeack,ect.ect...
2,583 hits
Forum: Parasites: Prescription Drugs
Re: Best/Cheapest place to order Yomesan/Niclosamide?
by exhoop 12 y
The adult tapeworms not cause symptoms at all.The itchy anus and rectum is generated from the hatching ova and larvae.And the proglotides that move inside.After a course of medication if this symptomes not dissapear for 1-2 weeks,Than is it not dysrupted the cycle.The praziquantel can cause the survival of the heads of parasites.
If do you think,that the black thing are the parasites,than those things are not cestodes,better flukes!
5,449 hits
Forum: Parasites: Prescription Drugs
Itchy anus relief
by Matchmaker 11 y
View Entire Thread 2
If you have an itchy Anus or if you have a baby that has a terrible diaper rash then try Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. It may help.
Parasites can cause the itch. Humaworm will get to the root but in the mean time the coconut oil will help relieve the itch. Donna
2,161 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
B Hominis, Giardia - Itchy rectum, crawling bug like sens...
by post.postmortem 12 y
View Entire Thread 5
Hi everyone,
Let’s compare our symptoms and see what is the enemy(or enemies) we’re dealing with:
My symptoms:
- itchy rectum and crawling bug like feeling on groin area that sometimes ends with a fine stinging like sensation(specific for amoebiasis)
- pain on the right side underneath the rib cage(on and off)
- constipation(on and off) with floating stools
- stool with mucus(on and off)
- abdominal(bloating, pain etc)
- malabsorbtion of nutrients(especially minerals)
- loosing weight
- poor focus
- easy to forget
- short temper
- sleep issues
- joints pain
- muscle pain ...
19,282 hits
Forum: Parasites: Protozoa
R by humaworm 18 y
From the www,humaworm,com website:
PINWORMS – the #1 parasite in the North America and Europe. They cause an itchy anus, digestive problems, irritability and insomnia. They are the most readily seen of all of the species of parasites because they live in the colon and they come out at night to lay their eggs in the anus and on bedclothes. The adults are white and ½ inch long. The eggs can become airborne and are able to live without host for 2 days. They are also transmitted by the anus – hand – mouth route. School age children followed by preschoolers have the highest infestatio ...
1,498 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Re: Pinworms, itchy bum & week 3
by humaworm 19 y
Hello - Well, a 21 day life cycle is what HUMAWORM is based on. You still have another week to go. Parasites will try to migrate to any place in the body they can go to escape from treatment, this is why HUMAWORM targets the entire body at the same time - they have no where to hide.
The itchy anus could also be from toxins - they are literally toxic and will cause burning and itching when leaving the body. It’s like when a person has a bad case of diarrhea (as in food poisoning) and the anus will burn and itch - same thing.
That parasite you saw could have been a newly hatched la ...
3,219 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Re: Odd Symptoms -- Whole Family Sick -- Please Help
My first thought is that you both have an infection - amoeba or other protozoa, enteric pathogen, but know there are other causes so searched for ’itchy anus mucus’ and among the results is this overview:
Itchy Rectum and Anus - Causes and Treatment |
Itchy Rectum and Anus – Introduction. Anal canal is the last, 2-4 cm long part of the large intestine that ends with the anal opening (anus). Rectum is about 12 cm long ...
The IF specialist may take a rectal swab for bacteria and yeast cultures, prot ...
4,832 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: candida and migraines
by Jhan 21 y
What antifungals do you take?
If you have an itchy anus, it is likely that your natuiral antifungals is not efficient anymore- you need to rotate. When I had a itchy anus I would need to rotate - change for a different one origano oil, frapefruit seed extract, peau d’arco, garlic)
CHAI TEA, with ginger or alfalfa tea is what I use, not the milk mix.
I strongly advise the coffee enema (daily- twice a day at times if needed)
Feeling worst after a lymph massage means die-off (out of control)
Feeling bad after a colonic means die- off (out of control)
Out of control means LAC ...
1,844 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Rash on feet
by humaworm 19 y
Hello - I can’t see it too well, but here is some information on how the skin reacts to parasite infections:
SKIN DISORDERS & ALLERGIES – Parasites that penetrate the skin cause itching. When tissue becomes inflamed from these parasites, the body’s white blood cells increase to defend the body. This reaction causes skin rashes and food allergies to appear. Parasites also create toxins and the skin, being the largest organ, tries to remove these toxins which causes many skin problems. Symptoms include:
Dry Skin
Dry Hair
Brittle Hair
Hair Loss
Itchy Nose
3,338 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Re: Rash on feet
by daycare 19 y
Hello - I can’t see it too well, but here is some information on how the skin reacts to parasite infections:
SKIN DISORDERS & ALLERGIES – Parasites that penetrate the skin cause itching. When tissue becomes inflamed from these parasites, the body’s white blood cells increase to defend the body. This reaction causes skin rashes and food allergies to appear. Parasites also create toxins and the skin, being the largest organ, tries to remove these toxins which causes many skin problems. Symptoms include:
Dry Skin
Dry Hair
Brittle Hair
Hair Loss
Itchy Nose
2,807 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Re: Itch/rash after sun exposure = parasites?
by humaworm 19 y
Parasites can cause many skin problems. 70% of parasites that can live in the human body are the one-cell protozoa type. Many of these actually enter your body through the skin, then migrate to their favorite places to live in your body. Parasites also secrete toxins (their feces, urine,etc). SKIN DISORDERS & ALLERGIES – Parasites that penetrate the skin cause itching. When tissue becomes inflamed from these parasites, the body’s white blood cells increase to defend the body. This reaction causes skin rashes and food allergies to appear. Symptoms include:
Dry Skin
Dry Hair
Brittle ...
15,893 hits
Forum: Parasites: Skin
Re: Please, I need you help and advise!! How do I know wh...
by Zoebess 19 y
Itchy bum is a sure sign of parasites. Sounds like
you have the buggers on the run. Keep hydrated, keep
your hands washed and keep up with the Humaworm.
You should feel much better by the end of the month
long cleanse~!
Additionally, I would change my bedding more frequently
on a cleanse since if your itchy bum is partly due to
pinworms, you can reinfect yourself by eggs that are shed.
No need to go see a doctor since if they found parasites
in tests, they would just give you strong drugs which
are harsher on your body than the really great Humaworm
Here are the ...
1,940 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Need some help and advice with Turpentine.
by bjornbjorn 10 y
View Entire Thread 8
I have had candida for a long period my symptoms are as follows:
Itchy scalp
hair loss
greasy forehead
itchy skin (all over)
itchy anus
eyebrow loss
eyelash loss
dry eyes
blurred vision
food sensitivities
I believe this is from years of overuse of antibiotics when I was young. I eat healthy, take coconut oil everyday, tumeric tea everyday, iodine everyday. It seems like I have tried everything with no success.
I was considering turpentine as I have heard it vaporizes both parasites and candida.
Is there anyone out there that has used it with success ...
3,785 hits
Forum: Candida
Ask CureZone
Leaky Gut
Parasites (Alt Med)
Is this Candida or something else???
by bjornbjorn 10 y
View Entire Thread 3
I have been trying to figure out what is wrong with my health??? Is it mercury, demodex, parasites, or the one and only candida?????
The bad:
Itchy Scalp
Hair loss
Eyesight worse in winter and all over the place
Itchy Anus
Itchy skin
Mild eczema
The good:
eat healthy non processed diet
don’t eat sugars unless natural such as in fruit
exercise daily
drink only tea and water
take epsom salt baths once a week
have been on clarika for one month for parasites (haven’t noticed a difference in any conditions)
Take lugols daily
Only wash hair with na ...
2,506 hits
Forum: Candida
Hair Loss
Liver Flush
Ask CureZone
Re: Advice, starting Albendazole protocol
by flaz 10 y
Thanks for the response. I just did some reading on the strongyloids and zoonotic filaria you mention and I don’t have the symptoms that are described. When my symptoms first presented, I had a very itchy anus and white threadlike things in evening/am around anal area. I feel ”movement” of the worms in that area. That is why I settled on pinworm as my self-diagnosis even though doctor’s haven’t been able to confirm. My family practice Doctor saw what he said were ”helminths” over 6 months agao when looking through the microscope but they did not find any eggs. I find ”white things” ...
1,298 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Parasites: RX Drugs
Re: What could be causing his problems?
by humaworm 19 y
Hello - he could have ascaris and pinworms. Ascaris causes lung and chest problems because the lungs are where the eggs hatch into larvae. Ascaris are round worms, they look like strands of spaghetti and tapeworms are flat, they look like ribbons. Most adult tapeworms are only 1/2 inch long - very small and very flat. Female ascaris can be 12 inches long and the males are about 10 inches long - very long and very scary looking!
Pinworms come out at night and lay eggs on the anus, underclothing and bedsheets of the infected person. They cause a very itchy anus and are common among c ...
2,892 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Re: Perhaps they aren't actually pinworms
by Picad 18 y
I’ve been reading more and I’m wondering now if they are actually pinworms. I don’t have an itchy anus which seems to be a symptom of pinworms. They are transparent in colour mostly, kindof like rice vermicelli...well the ones I’m seeing. But they come out of the anus and wiggle around driving me bonkers. Does this sound like pinworms or something else? Some of them also are sortof tan coloured. What are these annoying creatures???
131,518 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Night Sweats
Sleep Disorders
need NYC doctor for parasites.
by karik 19 y
View Entire Thread 2
Ive had itchy anus, ears, skin, feeling gassy, bloated, and run down, my skin is a mess.
I had an infestation before and my doc, he couldnt find parasites after the tests, but I had all the symptoms and saw them in my stools.
I eventually got rid of it with antibiotics and and a zapper, and the clarkia herbel liquid.
hey are back and not responsding to my 9 cell battery zapper box and the clarkia liquid.
Does anyone know of a practicioner in the NYC area that can help me? I have insurnace, and cash.
Also does anyone know what to do in terms of bed clothing?
How to avoid reinfestation ...
4,348 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: die off sucks
by #84643 18 y
I’m new to this too, so my answer my not be the best....first off, acne does not itch. So it’s probably not acne-it could be just the toxins leaving your body. I’m sure it will eventually go away-after your parasite cleanse, do a liver cleanse about one week later! I’ve heard that really clears things up! The itchy anus is parasites-pinworms in particular. The best thing would be maybe an enema with salt in it-worms hate salt! Remember putting salt on snails and how they shriveled up and died? Same concept with the parasites! You probably could also mix some salt and hydrogen peroixi ...
5,080 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Re: First day of niclosamide in the flukes, tapeworm prog...
by Yulia 8 y
Hi, I have similar problems. I’m suffering from flatworms for almost 5 years since I came back from Spain where I ate some bad meat (raw burger or something).
I had tapeworm but seems that I got rid off it after I ate tons of garlic. But I still had symptoms of worms:
1. diarrhea;
2. flatulence;
3. itchy anus;
4. intoxication;
5. pain in stomach and pancreas.
For this period I took lots of various medicaments I could find in Russia:
mebendazole, albendazol, vermit, pirantel, praziquantel.
But they have no effect. I’m taking Biltricide (Praziquantel) almost every day. That drug ...
1,925 hits
Forum: Parasites: RX
Re: Vermox temporarily helped me. What next?
by soundy 11 y
Hi Smallaxecarbian, sorry for the delay here. I was not around. So here is the list:
1) Fatigue
2)itchy anus(can be anytime)
3) itchy ears (can be anytime)
4) pain in chest, coughing white/transparent mucus (feeling like something is stuck in my lungs)
5) Gas/bloating
The first symptom - fatigue - is persistent. All other symptoms appear occasionally. No 2-3 can be felt once a day... no 4 has been there for a week or two but the last week I didn’t feel it at all.
Hope to get some valuable info.
Thanks a lot!
1,396 hits
Forum: Parasites
Parasites Protozoa
Please help with my symptoms.
by bjornbjorn 11 y
View Entire Thread 27
I am hoping to get some help on my situation.
I took zeolite 5 years ago and I had really bad detox, I broke out in full body eczema and hair loss.
I am pretty much healed except for the hair loss and I was hoping someone could help me.
My symptoms are:
Oily, Itchy, dandruff, and hair loss on scalp
Itchy Anus
Dry eyes
Always stuffed up
Bad Breath
I am taking:
Iodine for 2 years (lugols 5% 50 mg a day)
On the GAPS diet for past 4 months
Eaten Healthy for the past 5 years
Exercise 5 days a week
Have had amalgams removed 3 years ago
Do I need to do a Detox of Metals? Live ...
6,413 hits
Forum: Chelation: Cutler
Adrenal Fatigue
Bad Breath
Cause of Disease
Re: Help! Anyone with symptoms like me?!?!
by thelaughingdogs 11 y
I have a white coating on my tongue, itchy anus, sometimes and itchy basement, dry heals. Dandruff can also be a sign. Mine goes away when my thyroid starts working. Cortisol also gets in the way of your thyroid hormones. Your thyroid controls yeast. A cortisol surge will also cause a surge in yeast. So the doctor was right it is a sign of stress. I have a theory that the yeast then keep the thyroid from working at full capacity and then a vicious cycle starts with making your adrenals work harder therefore releasing more cortisol and then causing more yeast. My symptoms were so obvious I ...
1,627 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Re: Dazzle22: Parasite Drug Treatment Options
by Dazzle22 11 y
Thanks ICU,
1. Symptoms:
Chronic Fatigue
Low Energy
Chronic sinusproblems
itchy anus(sometimes)
itchy skin(when sweating)
Mood swings(alot)
Slow reflexes(i used to have very good reflexes)
Loss of appetite(usually first couple hours after waking up)
Candida overgrowth(white tongue+tested positive for candida albican)
Unclear vision
Bad breath
2. Not taking any medicine or any medical conditions i know of.
However im taking alot of vitamine&mineral supplements like magnesium, vitc, vita, vitb, zinc, selen ...
1,528 hits
Forum: Parasites: Drugs
Re: Another question : blood test
by gibby 13 y
What does the EH stand for?
My symptoms are erratic. 3 1/2 yrs ago,
itchy anus
now: still itchy at times, sometimes nothing, other times a lot. maybe some of my cleanses helped...
loud gurgling, extreme bloat at times, lasts for hours, and most recent and disturbing - , last 5, 6 months, can get a bad stomach ache after eating something, especially breakfast. lasts a short period of time. H-pylori negetive all times tested.
3,729 hits
Forum: Parasites: Protozoa