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Re: Where to get a fecal transplant
by longterm 10 y
Actually, Melbourne FMT does the fecal transplant for the following conditions besides Clostridium difficile:
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (Crohn’s Disease & Ulcerative Colitis)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome - IBS (Post-Infectious, Post-Antibiotic)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome - IBS-Constipation, IBS-Diarrhoea, IBS-Mixed
MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
You can get it for your IBS or chronic fatigue syndrome.
1,531 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
Irritable Bowel Syndrome can affect people of all ages
by #27791 20 y
Irritable Bowel Syndrome involves the dysfunction of the
bowel area. It is said that between 25 and 55 million people
in the United States (10-20% of the population) suffer from
IBS. It is commonly known that most people who suffer from
IBS do not seek treatment for it. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
is known as a close second to the common cold for
absenteeism from work or school. It can affect people of all
ages and backgrounds, as well as children.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is symptomatic with abdominal pain
and altered bowel functions such as constipation and
diarrhea. Some people ...
4,207 hits
Blog: A True and Simple Way to Stay Healthy.
Continual Diarrhea? Constipation? Stomach Cramps? You ...
by andre09 17 y
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If you suffer from these continual problems, it is very likely that you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
Most of you know me as a different name, but I have created this account because I want to remain anonymous :) So please check out my new site on IBS, it’s pretty much a compilation of all the knowledge of the community!
Eric and Chris please help me promote this ;)
5,351 hits
Forum: Francais
by Pratt 16 y
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How would you treat IBS? I have read the symptoms on IBS
and it sounds like maybe this is what i have but how do i
know for sure without getting it diagnosed?I know you say
that most people misdiagnose and not sure if you would treat IBS the same way with getting your stomach acid up
and the flora in your gut at an optimal level.I read from
one person that digestive enzymes will cure IBS but i think
i remember you’re not big on them.Comments?
2,826 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
SCD for IBS?
by lightning 16 y
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I have really bad IBS-D, to the point where I can’t go anywhere, and if I lose any more weight I might have to be hospitalized. My doctor was sure it was an ibd based on severity of symptoms, but it appears I simply have very severe ibs. I came across this diet, and it appeared to be what I want - something that is easy to digest, a diet in which I could possibly gain weight, and something that makes sense scientifically. The thing is, while the creator said it can help with ibs, I have heard of very few people who actually suffer from ibs as their primary condition going on it. But ma ...
5,127 hits
Forum: SCD
Re: When it comes to health knowledge, doctors are surpri...
by Hveragerthi 15 y
Oh ya, you are going to get a few replies to this I bet.
My doctor keeps telling me to use SENNA for my IBS, whereas everyone ELSE knows that Senna is not recommended for IBS.
Still, he won’t listen to anything that contradicts what he has said - they must teach them to be like that in medical school.
Senna should be avoided even without IBS. But you are right senna is not how you treat IBS. IBS has been shown to result from a lack of intestinal flora. Treating IBS therefore should be based on rebuilding the flora with prebiotics and probiotics.
3,266 hits
Forum: News
Diet & Nutrition
Bad Doctors
Re: Lower Dose of Paragone - Will it Work???
by icky 20 y
just wondering what your ibs is? it would seem from all that i have rread, that ibs can be justt about anything that a doctor would call ’ i have no idea what’s wrong witht your stomach ’ i was finally told i had chronic fatigue after all the other avenues were exhausted. a syndrome is just a word meaning that many people have the same symptoms. my sister in law has ibs and because of that i keep seeing it pop up in my readings about parasites.....does that mean that ibs and parasites are one in the same? no, but i have read in some cases that after treating for parasites, ibs has gone awa ...
2,408 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: irritable bowel
by dr.b 17 y
If someone has IBS-Diarrhea they should forget the liver flush and handle the IBS-Diarrhea 1st. If not the are putting the cart before the horse.
All IBS-Diarrhea stems from ”dysbiosis” and ”leakey gut syndrome”. all ”Dysbiosis and ”leaky gut” cases have deficient levels of acidophilus and bifido bacteria.
Bifido bacteria is an important factor is your livers ability to detox. Low levels of bifido reduce the livers ability to detox on any level in any manner.
Therefore if one has IBS-Diarrhea they will not get the full benefit from the flush as long as the IBS-Diarrhea continues.
I ...
2,732 hits
Forum: Ask Dr. Biamonte
IBS - Inflammatory Response, and Histidine.
by dsquat 13 y
Just an update.
I am still experiencing diarrhea in the morning only but also quite a lot of gut pain in the morning and through the day. Some days I feel depressed and think the parasites have come back. I know they haven’t though as I do have more energy and when I am strictly following the Low-Fodmap diet, I don’t have many symptoms.
I wish I could get rid of the nasty belching at night when I lie down. I think this is due to the motility issues/hydrochlorhydria caused by the original protozoan infection.
I did get some sense of hope from new research which suggests that, parti ...
3,131 hits
Blog: CURED of PARASITES: Blastocystis Hominis & Dientamoeba Fragi
IBS Gas Study With Antibiotics and Probiotics
by TC-12 21 y
A study involving Irritable Bowel Syndrome patients who had gas as one of their primary symptoms:
TEST PURPOSE: ”IBS is a common GI disorder without effective medical therapy. Little is known about the role of indigenous bacteria in the etiology of IBS. Studies suggest a subset of IBS patients have imbalances in the types and colonization of indigenous gut flora and show improvement in symptoms of abdominal pain, gas, bloating, and bowel habits after supplementation with exogenous probiotic flora. The purpose of this study was to determine if changes in bowel ecology with probiotics and ...
2,823 hits
Forum: Flatulence
More: 2 antibiotics killed this parasite, cure for IBS
by north 19 y
More on antibiotic short-term treatment that can kill the parasite that caused IBS for many people - see link at bottom of this message.
An excerpt:
The IBS Clinic, Oxford, UK said that 95% of their patients with IBS
are in fact infected with D. fragilis. (D. fragilis is a specific parasite that doesn’t respond to herbal anti-parisite therapy) They are having results
treating this using specific antibiotics short-term that are targeted to this parasite. Apparently, it looks like there are different strains
of D. fragilis and this could be why there are such varied degrees of
sympto ...
12,847 hits
Forum: IBS
Re: intersseting article on leaky gut i have recently bee...
by natalia88 17 y
almonds are very hard to digest so i have tried i can eat tiny amounts of vegetables cooked but like i say its very hard with leaky gut/ibs having both is worse to be honest i trully believe my candida and endo are to blame for them both blues on here suggested saurkarut he couldnt eat cabbage cooked as it would make his syptons worse like me but he can eat saurkraut and he says its helping his ibs sore stomach which goes with ibs the person who im going to see on tuesday says ibs and endomertriois are connected so maybe hes right because no matter what i eat i have wind even if i hyst ea ...
4,170 hits
Forum: Candida Support
I been IBS free for about 18 months
BSA 100% CURE! by woojungcorporation 17 y
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I been 100% cured from IBS for along time now and its been a long time since I posted anything on this forum. first of all I want to give my thanks to and Yahoo IBS forum.
how did I cure my IBS?
do 30 LIVER FLUSHES and YOU will get CURED
you can start eating any food you want from the 10th flush
but 30 flushes will cure IBS 100% I guaratee it and sleep early
try to go to sleep when sun sets and get up when sun rises your IBS will be cured faster
Plus drink alot of water with sea salt
12,433 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: IBS Cure
Home Remedies
Success Stories
Bowel Cleanse
Re: Wheat bread and IBS
by Tyler 21 y
You made the correct observation. Eating unsprouted or non-sourdough whole wheat bread does not necessarily cause IBS. I would say it is a causal factor in some/many/most who have IBS, but there are millions of people who eat this type of bread without getting IBS. Judging from the content of the WAP website, I would say she means that those who have IBS or celiac disease may be helped by using sprouted breads or properly fermented whole grain sourdough breads. I haven’t read anything on the website that leads me to believe that she believes that eating store bought whole wheat bread w ...
3,986 hits
Forum: Nourishing Tradit.
by Jax.the.Max 14 y
Irritable Bowel Syndrome you say? Hmmm... IBS is sometimes linked to SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) and the overgrowth of bacteria is often the cause of odor. Hmmm... maybe I’m just jumping the gun too quick. You said your doctor diagnosed you with IBS 11 years ago huh? Did you notice any changes in your odor or anything else during that time? What type of symptoms did you have for IBS?(ex. diarrhea, cramping, constipation).Also do you still have IBS? Have you ever thought about trying a FODMAP or SIBO diet, it’s intended to help people with IBS. Sorry for so many q’s, but I ...
6,700 hits
Forum: Body Odor
Researchers Discover Cause of IBS - It's in the Gut, Not ...
RN EDUCATIONAL by Dquixote1217 15 y
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Researchers Discover the Cause of IBS - It’s in the Gut, not Your Mind
by Tony Isaacs
Doctors who have been telling IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) patients that it’s all in their mind will have to rethink that approach after scientists finally discovered the problem really does exist. Researchers at Munich’s Technische University have located the cause of IBS and it is in the gut, not the mind. Specifically, it is the result of tiny inflammations in the mucosa of the gut, which upset the sensitive balance of the bowel.
Professor Michael Schemann’s research t ...
13,376 hits
Forum: IBS Cure
E. Coli Cure
Fecal Transplantation
Ulcerative Colitis Cure
Irritable bowel syndrome: a review on the role of intesti...
by linenup 15 y
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Int J Parasitol. 2007 Jan;37(1):11-20. Epub 2006 Oct 12.
Irritable bowel syndrome: a review on the role of intestinal protozoa and the importance of their detection and diagnosis.
Stark D, van Hal S, Marriott D, Ellis J, Harkness J.
St. Vincent’s Hospital, Department of Microbiology, Victoria St., Darlinghurst, NSW2010, Sydney, Australia.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal disorder in which abdominal pain is associated with a defect or a change in bowel habits. Gut inflammation is one of the proposed mechanisms of pa ...
1,980 hits
Forum: Parasites: Drugs
Irritable bowel syndrome: a review on the role of intesti...
by linenup 15 y
View Entire Thread 5
Int J Parasitol. 2007 Jan;37(1):11-20. Epub 2006 Oct 12.
Irritable bowel syndrome: a review on the role of intestinal protozoa and the importance of their detection and diagnosis.
Stark D, van Hal S, Marriott D, Ellis J, Harkness J.
St. Vincent’s Hospital, Department of Microbiology, Victoria St., Darlinghurst, NSW2010, Sydney, Australia.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal disorder in which abdominal pain is associated with a defect or a change in bowel habits. Gut inflammation is one of the proposed mechanisms of pa ...
2,799 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Parasites Support
Irritable bowel syndrome: a review on the role of intesti...
by linenup 15 y
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Int J Parasitol. 2007 Jan;37(1):11-20. Epub 2006 Oct 12.
Irritable bowel syndrome: a review on the role of intestinal protozoa and the importance of their detection and diagnosis.
Stark D, van Hal S, Marriott D, Ellis J, Harkness J.
St. Vincent’s Hospital, Department of Microbiology, Victoria St., Darlinghurst, NSW2010, Sydney, Australia.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal disorder in which abdominal pain is associated with a defect or a change in bowel habits. Gut inflammation is one of the proposed mechanisms of pa ...
1,985 hits
Forum: IBS
Re: Questions about Reactive Hypoglycemia
by HawaiiGrl 17 y
Hello hypogly77,
I also have hypoglycemia and severe IBS. I had frequent constipation with my ibs.
Water is extremely important for hypoglycemia. Being hypoglycemic, you will need to drink more water compared to most people. 8 glasses per day is optimal.
Complex carbs help for both hypoglycemia & ibs.
It helps w/hypoglycemia as it keeps your blood sugar constant.
Note: Not all wheat products are good. You will have to read the labels to see which products are whole grain/whole wheat. Products that say enriched are not good.
The fiber from the whole grain/whole wheat prod ...
6,822 hits
Forum: Hypoglycemia
Re: Coconut Oil // good FATS
by lucidhunt 24/7 16 y
Interesting…I love shredded coconut-have a couple of pails--…but it causes constipation for me can only eat a very very small amount(just like charcoal powder does with me-maybe charcoal powder would also work for IBS) …so it sounds like good advice with the flakes regarding IBS…. I don’t know if the coconut oil would help regarding IBS…BlueRose … at the very least..coconut oil is a good food…so I sure don’t see the harm.
Look below a few posts and check out the “enema use” interesting article site…it is about constipation but perhaps a good base for IBS to settle down over a period o ...
4,262 hits
Forum: Diabetes Type II
Re: So where is the evidence?
by Rob. 17 y
To cut a long story very short
Just buy ’breaking the vicious cycle’, a book on the SCD diet
it explains the SCD diet, and how to use it.
also explains the SCD diet however that has a treating autism angle rather than IBS/IBD, though the diet and protocol is exactly the same.
Almost all cases of IBS stem from diet, as it transpires our whole view of what is healthy is skewed, so treating IBS with a ’healthy’ diet usually just makes it worse.
5,272 hits
Forum: Candida Debate
blues please read !regarding ibs
by natalia88 17 y
View Entire Thread 18
blues wheir do u get your raw sauerkraut from?and do u not find it gives u gas? with your ibs?its good to know that u can tolearate that but not probitics because im the same they just inflame my ibs even more and make everything flare up i hvnt really spoken to many people with ibs so its good to talk to someone with it and you were right about the raw i really dont think my natropth know enough about weak digestion
2,096 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: My story
by rbuchner 22 y
I should also mention that the inability to absorb carbs is often a cause of IBS, and hence SCD would directly address that condition. Those that cannot tolerate carbs would do well to follow SCD to improve their intestinal health. Those with IBD may also have IBS and not know it. If you do have IBS, then anything that inceases your diarrhea is obviously not going to help IBD symptoms.
Those with only IBD will do well to remove the bad foods.
2,473 hits
Forum: Ulcerative Colit.
IBS resources
by suzyqt 20 y
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I’ve suffered with IBS constipation for a long time and haven’t really had much help from my GP or anywhere else and have taken to talking to other online. I’ve come accross two very good sites:
Hope they help you.
3,443 hits
Forum: IBS
by thirteen 15 y
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can someone tell me the difference btwn ibs symptoms and colorectal cancer symptoms. i have ibs, but ive heard that symptoms btwn these two are very similar. the differences ive read is that blood is not a symptom of ibs. i dont have bleeding, but i would just like to know more details on this topic for my own knowledge and peace of mind. thank you. i would greatly appreciate it if someone could respond as soon as possible.
2,073 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Why arent you CURED of IBS?
by woojungcorporation 16 y
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I dont understand why people are still here on IBS forum discussing about cure for IBS,
IBS is easliy cured
watercure or salt water flush SWF
Parastie cleanse, clarkia or Humaworm
Liver Flush at least 15 to 20 times
Iodine therapy with selenium, vit c and Magnesium
and to stay cured you will need to change your life style
6,548 hits
Forum: IBS
IBS Cure
by lexy_000 16 y
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I came across this IBS cure and I’m passing the info along to this support forum, in case it helps someone.
This nutritionist says that she was able to cure her IBS by taking a digestive enzyme with each meal. She says it took several months, but her IBS symptoms were completely cured. You can find out about her story at her website:
Natalie Butler, RD, LD
4,296 hits
Forum: IBS
Aloe for IBS
by cocoandrico 14 y
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I just want to share an article I found on the effects of Aloe Vera on IBS:
The idea is that the Aloe’s anti-inflammatory properties and its abundance of enzymes aid digestion. I plan on giving it a try and I’m wondering if it has helped anyone and what form you tried (juice, gel, powder, pills). Thanks!
3,036 hits
Forum: IBS
Diet & Nutrition
Home Remedies
Women’s Forum
Blastocystis.hominis and Dietamoeba.fragilis are associat...
by Yahia 14 y
View Entire Thread 4
Nothing new under the sun. We all know that many of these bugs are probably responsible for IBS and other digestive chronic diseases but we can see here from this other paper that Blasticystis.hominis sub1/3 are responsible for IBS in Mexican patients:
3,775 hits
Forum: Parasites: Protozoa
Abuse Physical/Emotional
Aloe for IBS
by cocoandrico 14 y
I just want to share an article I found on the effects of Aloe Vera on IBS:
The idea is that the Aloe’s anti-inflammatory properties and its abundance of enzymes aid digestion. I plan on giving it a try and I’m wondering if it has helped anyone and what form you tried (juice, gel, powder, pills). Thanks!
854 hits
Forum: IBS
Re: IBS cure is possible in biochemical and homeopathy me...
by shadab 10 y
Hi Rumarlly i am Shadab from Kolkata since i am suffering from ibs from last 2 years last 6 months ago i dont now about my dieases my doctor told me i am suffering from ibs and he told me that it is not cureable so kindly... message me how u care urself from ibs... i mentally disturb i dont know what to do so please suggest me any doctor in chennai....
With name and phone number.....
4,732 hits
Forum: IBS
Irritable Bowel Syndrom (IBS) Possible Cure: Try Olive Oi...
by goodsamaritan55 15 y
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I’ve been reading about many people suffering from IBS and they are trying all sorts of diets to cure IBS. But there should be a FASTER way to cure IBS. Our intussusception experience introduced us to olive oil enemas. Historically, old time doctors have reduced colon type tumors with olive oil very very fast. Why not inflamed colons?
This curiosity was triggered by an email in the raw paleo diet mailing list:
Been suffering with IBS for years, eating raw has helped but has not eliminated the problem. Still I dont know exactly why do people suffer from IBS, yes its a inflamma ...
16,693 hits
Forum: IBS
Colon Cancer
Crohn’s Disease
Re: Indigestion/IBS causing temple aches
by seattlehealth 16 y
I am sorry to hear about your struggles with IBS and other digestive issues. Dealing with IBS is not easy, as the causes of IBS differ from person to person. The varying causes, as well as the diverse array of symptoms that may present themselves as a result of IBS make it a very challenging condition for doctors to recognize, as well as treat. While hundreds of potential causes exist, most cases of IBS result from issues that fall within one of two major categories: (1) food allergies and intolerances (2) problems with intestinal bacteria, yeast/candida, or parasites.
Before you can ...
2,109 hits
Forum: IBS
Adrenal Fatigue
Re: Saw a person with ec on TV...
by loloj 17 y
OMG you guys. I’ve been thinking for the longest time that it must be linked to the digestive system or thyroid as well but i still hadn’t done much research on EC and therefore didn’t know that this link already exists. I’m so glad it was brought up because I also have a hypothyroid condition (low thyroid). I have had it since I was a child. My fraternal twin sister has low thyroid and EC as well which is what led me to believe this lip condition may have been a result of either the thyroid problem or a digestion irregularity or IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). The thyroid gland controls y ...
2,047 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
Re: Liver Flush, sleeping to your left
by woojungcorporation 17 y
few more flushes and you should get ridoff your ibs. IBS is not a problem for me anymore its the heart racing and high BP. so please even tho you get well with IBS still do more flushes untill no stones come out and change your life style
if not you will get sick again within 3 yrs
I started flushing 3 yrs ago, after about 20 flushes I felt so good I didnt flush for along time and got back to my old life style; smoking alot of pot again and smoking cigs like crazy plus drinking acohol and sleeping late
and after 3 yrs I now have super high BP with heart racing but because my knowl ...
2,052 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: to natalia
by natalia88 17 y
thanks i to am suffering ibs/leaky gut my digestion isnt to gud netheir i can tolerate supplements ive been taking hcl and digestive enyzmes i just cant tolerate supplements in probitics they make my ibs flare terribly someone esle has pointed out about the raw suracrkraut for ibs also shows that i have high mercury sensitvity on tests i know i read that u had burning with your leaky gut is that better now?i dont have that but i get gas pains that go all over stomach and back when i have a flare that use to just happen around my cycle but now it seems when i have a flare i spoke to a gut c ...
1,728 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Indigestion/IBS causing temple aches
by Dr. Lam 17 y
there could be many causes of temporal headaches. Assuming that you have already full workup and no etiology found, we need to start thinking out of the box. IBS over time can lead to a wide variety of confusing symptoms that may or may not be assoicated. it si impossible to tell as we don’t have the lab or the research to specficically point to these due to their infrequent occurance among general population. what is clear is that if you resolve your IBS, and it goes away , then it is related to the IBS. How to clear the IBS is the challenge as you have been struggling for quite some ti ...
2,553 hits
Forum: IBS
Adrenal Fatigue
Re: What do you all think/Please HELP
by dlancelot 17 y
Hey Tina, there is no test (yet) that can diagnose IBS and Crohn’s at the same time. I have Crohn’s and there’s no blood, and I didn’t have bathroom urgency in the first year that I had it.
A colonoscopy will rule out crohn’s and any issues with your colon at the same time (sometimes this can be accomplished by an MRI, but the MRI doesn’t see the inside of the colon/small intestine). The colonoscopy is done by a Gasteroenterologist (probably spelt wrong) through a referral from a GP.
Most G.I. doctors will tell you it’s IBS if they can’t ”see” the problem physically. IBS is curren ...
1,777 hits
Forum: IBS
Crohn’s Disease
IBS - chronic detox?
by ozone bubble 18 y
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can IBS just be the digestive system gone haywire from being overwhelmed by trying to detox a weak body overloaded with toxins?
i have had no IBS symptoms since starting to detox.
IBS is aggravated by anything that puts additional stress on the digestive system (acid forming foods, stress, heavily processed foods...) all of these things increase the toxin load in the body.
so it becomes a vicious circle: overloaded digestion, toxin accumulation, digestion conks out - constipation. add more stress/toxins, digestion overcompensates - loose bowels. then back to the beginning again. w ...
3,098 hits
Forum: IBS