600 Messages Page: 1 of 16
by song 22 y
What are enzymes? Enzymes are catalysts. Every reaction in our body requires enzyme in order for it to happen.
There are three types of enzymes: food enzymes, digestive enzymes and metabolic enzymes. There are many types (hundreds or thousand) of enzymes that our body produces. Food enzymes are contained in food. When we cook the food we kill the enzymes. Digestive enzymes are enzymes produced by the pancreas to help digestion. Metabolic enzymes are enzymes our body produces to do repair and to do different works.
Most of enzymes our body required are produced in the bo ...
3,572 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
Re:Enzyme deactivation!!
by grassman 18 y
Enzymes are deactivated at a wet heat of 118 degrees fahernheit,150 degrees with dry heat.Cutting produce with a blade or an auger doesnt generate enough heat to effect the enzyme yield.Enzyme yield is effected by raw crushing power!The best enzyme yield comes from eating the WHOLE RAW PLANT!Dr.Edward Howell did some research on enzymes.His enzyme axiom theory is worth studying!Heat is the biggest issue with enzyme deactivation.Then there is oxsidation exposier to light and the passage of time.
8,298 hits
Forum: Juicing Forum
Gerson Therapy
Re: Iodine to preserve fresh squeezed juice?
by just thinking 14 y
I think the heat of pasteurization is what damages enzymes so they are no longer biologically active. Since adding iodine doesn’t involve heating the juice, it doesn’t seem like it would damage enzymes that way.
What I don’t know is whether there is another possibility. Here are some things that affect enzyme activity.
Enzyme activity is affected by a number of factors including:
a. the concentration of enzyme
Assuming a sufficient concentration of substrate is available, increasing enzyme concentra ...
1,707 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Metals interfere with 2200 enzymatic processes
by 16 y
Randomly pulling a few of these from posts I’ve seen Newport say this in..(not bottled enzymes), brain clearing enzymes that metals block:
- brain Hg content is very high, no brain cleaning enzymes due to that at all.
-The only way we can do what we do with Rife is because we chelate and therefore the two most important enzymes needed to clear the brain are able to do their job.
-Thallium will outright break this chain by eating up the Bs required to produce these enzymes. Mercury will break it by breaking the methylation cycle of the Bs and Lead will outright break the completed ...
1,807 hits
Forum: Rife
Re: Minerals are great... but what about much needed enzy...
by objoyfl 19 y
I have used proteolytic enzymes and digestive enzymes.
Serapeptase is the enzyme that the silk worm uses to dissolve the cocoon. It is considered the strongest enzyme in the world because silk is one of the toughest natural fibers. Serapeptase has been used in enzyme preparations for humans to dissolve scar tissue, and is also used to prevent the inflammatory response found in arthritis and rhumatiod arthritis, muscle inflammation from overwork or exercise and other debilitating muscle/joint illness such as fibromyalgia.
Not only do raw foods provide enzymes to catalyze the breakdown ...
5,589 hits
2 of 2 (100%)
Forum: Alkaline/Acid Debate
Minerals Debate
Supplements Debate
Enzyme deficiency is responsible for a number of ailments.
by #27791 20 y
Enzyme deficiency can occur for many reasons, including poor
diet, fast food consumption and excessive intake of fats and
sugars. These reasons require excessive production of
enzymes and, over time, the body gets tired of producing
enzymes so fast.Additionally, stress, age, environmental pollution, illnessand chemicals can diminish the body’s capacity to effectively produce enzymes.When the naturally occurring enzymes found in foods are lost, the body must depend solely on its own digestive enzyme production. This can slow the digestive process considerably, leaving some food undigest ...
5,296 hits
Blog: A True and Simple Way to Stay Healthy.
ok I found it should be comparable
by musimesipomahat 13 y
Papaya Enzyme Benefits
Benefits of papaya enzyme exist in plenty, but they were not known until the 1870s, i.e. about a century after the effectiveness of papaya as a medicinal herb was acknowledged. Following it’s discovery, papaya enzyme or papain was subjected to extensive research, which established the claims of various papaya enzyme benefits - and the treatment of digestive problems was one of the most prominent ones among them. These benefits of papaya enzyme make it an important constituent of our diet. Let’s take a ...
5,233 hits
Forum: Rife
Genetically Engineered Enzymes
by Lapis 22 y
View Entire Thread 5
Genetically Engineered Enzymes
Enzymes are naturally occurring proteins that speed up biochemical processes.
They’re used to produce everything from wine and cheese to corn syrup and baked goods. Enzymes allow the manufacturer to produce more of a particular product in a shorter amount of time, thus increasing profit.
Generally, the use of enzymes is beneficial.
In some cases, they can replace harmful chemicals and reduce water and energy consumption in food production. However, enzymes produced by genetically engineered
3,252 hits
Forum: News
Re: Digestive enzymes same as systemic enzymes?
by 2dreem 19 y
Thanks! I think when people are talking about digestive and systemic enzymes their talking about how they function in the body. So that would mean systemic enzymes are used to cleanse while digestive enzymes are used to promote digestion. Like when your fasting your enzymes are used to cleanse and when your eating your enzymes are used to digest. So the enzymes can work both ways depending on how there needed. Not quite sure....just a guess.
2,742 hits
Forum: Raw Vegetarian
Re: False dichotomy
by ez040868 21 y
If this is such a basic tenant of nutrition why can you not explain the mechanism of how the body detects these food borne enzymes and in response to detecting these enzymes modulates the production of endogenous digestive enzymes leading to a net energy savings?
you have indicated that the above is true have you not? If yes then how does the body detect the food enzymes and how does this affect the production of endogenous enzymes? While were discussing food enzymes haw does the body recognize ”good” enzymes (those needed for digestion) from those that would destroy its endogenous e ...
3,294 hits
Forum: Facts/Science Myths
Re: Enzymes - the amazing facts.
by ez040868 21 y
”It has been wrongly claimed here that enzymes (being a form of protein) are denatured in the acid environment of the stomach, and that therefore enzymatic intake (either through supplements or uncooked food) is meaningless.”
While you claim this, the wrongly claimed part, no one has yet to provide a piece of evidence that proteins are not denatured by stomach acids. How about some names of enzymes in fod that are not denatured and essential for digestion.
”Professor Artturi Virtanen, Helsinki biochemist and Nobel prize winner, showed that enzymes are released in the ...
4,431 hits
Forum: Facts/Science Myths
Re: Enzymes
by nardo4life 21 y
Enzymes are an integral part of the digestive process. From the time food enters the mouth, enzymes are at work breaking the food down into smaller and smaller units until it can be absorbed through the intestinal wall. There are three types of enzymes in the human body:
Metabolic enzymes - Metabolic enzymes are active throughout the body.
Food enzymes- Food enzymes are supplied in the foods we consume, and are active only in the process of digestion.
Digestive enzymes - Digestive enzymes are actually produced by our bodies, but only constitute about one-fourth of the enzymes our bod ...
1,344 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: red yeast rice????
by tifrs 21 y
Enzymes are an integral part of the digestive process. From the time food enters the mouth, enzymes are at work breaking the food down into smaller and smaller units until it can be absorbed through the intestinal wall. There are three types of enzymes in the human body:
Metabolic enzymes - Metabolic enzymes are active throughout the body.
Food enzymes- Food enzymes are supplied in the foods we consume, and are active only in the process of digestion.
Digestive enzymes - Digestive enzymes are actually produced by our bodies, but only constitute about one-fourth of the enzymes our bod ...
1,913 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
David Wolfe - Beauty thru mineralization - part 2
R by mo123 16 y
Hi sara,
In the previous email we talked about the
importance of mineralization. In this one I will
go deeper into how minerals effect enzymes.
Much discussion has been given to the topic of
enzymes in the last decade due to the increasing
popularity of raw and living food nutrition and
the important role that enzymes play in our
bodies. Enzymes can be considered the most unique
aspect of living raw food. The enzymes we find in
our food are catalysts allowing not only for the
proper digestion of the food itself, but also for
the proper metabolic functioning of each of our
958 hits
Forum: Sara's Soup Kitchen
Re: o/t enzymes
by Ginagirl 16 y
Thanks for your kind words Trapper;
I found myself steadily more allergic as my temperature went down.
The activity of enzymes is strongly affected by changes in pH and temperature. Each enzyme works best at a certain pH;
eg Pepsin works best at a ph 1-2
Fluoride and Mercury are big enzyme inhibitors.
Some good reading;
My understanding is that fat-soluble toxins like mercury and PCBs are not eliminated by the body through fasting or through vegetarian diets. This is due to the slow bowel transit time common to people on vegetarian diets, allowing all the mercury excreted ...
3,387 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Severe shortness of breath for 6 months & counting. H...
by chloe.lightworker 14 y
Enzymes have long been understood because of their importance in digesting food. They also play a vital role in maintaining health by breaking up circulating immune complexes and controlling the amount of fibrin deposited in wounds, fractures and joints. Necrotic debris and excess fibrin in the blood stream are digested by enzymes. Immune system regulation is accomplished by enzymes.
When a proteolytic enzyme is present in an enzyme formulation dissolution of fibrin occurs. Over time these enzymes can actually digest unwanted scar tissue. Many diseases in huma ...
6,123 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Heart Palpitations
How to boost your cancer preventing enzymes
by plzchuckle 12 y
(NaturalNews) The most important nutrient is the least promoted. Without enzymes, minerals and vitamins are useless. Yet very little is said of them. Vitamins have taken center stage with minerals waiting in the wings. And even that order is backward.
Digestive enzymes are understood by many to some extent, solely for digestive purposes. But how they relate to the important function of allowing pancreatic metabolic enzymes to work on cells in all other areas of the body is a not so well known. Not having enough metabolic enzymes often leads to cancer.
Explaining Enzymes
You ...
11,367 hits
Forum: Barefooters' Library
Re: Systemic Enzymes (FAQ)
by lapis 22 y
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is enzyme therapy?
Enzyme therapy is a form of therapy that has evolved from naturopathy. Today it has a firm place in the spectrum of treatment available under the understanding of mainstream medicine -- despite all hostilities. Extensive research made this possible.
2. What are systemic enzymes?
The correct medical term for the therapeutic use of natural enzymes is ”Systemic Enzyme Therapy.” This means that enzymes flow throughout our body, producing the desired effects.
3. How do enzymes work?
Enzymes work by virtue of their shape. ...
3,524 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
by StormE 20 y
View Entire Thread 2
I am a juicing fanatic, so don’t get me wrong...
I am studying the idea that our bodies may have an insufficient amount of enzymes and that consumption of raw foods (juicing) will increase our body’s supply of enzymes.
But from what I have been reading, the amount of enzymes present in our bodies are not finite or insufficient because our body can make as much enzymes as needed for digestion and absorption.
Also, enzymes from raw food does not aid your body because these enzymes, which are proteins, when they are consumed are themselves digested, broken dow ...
2,031 hits
Forum: Juicing Forum
The Importance of Enzymes.
RN by Owen 19 y
Dear San2006,
Each of us has about 75 trillion cells in our
body. Each cell depends on enzymes, which are
living proteins, to function efficiently.
Without enzymes, all of the chemical reactions in our body would come to a halt.
All of our tissues, muscles, bones, organs,
and cells are run by enzymes
Where do enzymes come from? First of all,
our bodies, when they are healthy, produce
their own enzymes. Each cell can and does
produce the metabolic enzymes that it needs
to function normally. The pancreas and endocrine glands (thyroid, adrenals, etc.)
produce extra enzymes whi ...
6,170 hits
4 of 4 (100%)
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: multiple allergies and liver dysfunction
by #23542 21 y
I’d agree that having no stones is unusual. I suspect that the medical establishment was responsible for the testing ??? They have no financial interest in a person being healthy, remember that.
Detox/cleansing is the route to go for sure, but along with dealing with ”past sins”, we should never forget to take care of the present. I think food enzymes would help. The liver and the pancreas are enzyme factories and the less you burden them, the better. We were not ideally designed to eat cooked food and deplete our enzyme banks. We need enzymes for digestion and all metabolic function ...
2,144 hits
Forum: Allergies & Intolerance
Re: OK to use presqueezed lemon juice?
by schmitage 19 y
Yes, the enzymes will definatly be gone as the juice sits out. What I was referring to was the enzymes in organic lemons verses non-organic. I’m fairly certan there is no difference in the amount of enzymes. Both organic and non-organic start losing their enzymes as soon as it’s picked off the tree. Then when you juice the lemon, its losing enzymes right away, as you have noticed.
again, I’m not giving my difference of opinion based on enzymes. I’m saying that it doesn’t matter if it’s organic or not when it comes to the enzymes... both types of lemons will lose their enzymes and I ...
1,974 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
fluoride is an enzyme inhibitor
R by trapper/kcmo 18 y
View Entire Thread 17
iodine is essential for 87 known enzymatic processes in the body. any questions?
It has been suggested that Gilbert’s syndrome is due to a partial deficiency of the hepatic enzyme glucuronyl transferase. Fluoride, being an enzyme inhibitor, reduces the enzyme’s activity even further.
John Lee, MD a physician in private practice has stated that elevated bilirubin levels can be reduced in Gilbert’s syndrome by avoiding fluoridated water and other sources of fluoride. This physician has seen bilirubin levels rise again when fluoride has been reintroduced. Gilbert’s syndrome may be du ...
4,072 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: SIBO - Cipro not working
by Jerome99 14 y
Others can probably extrapolate on this better than I can, but basically enzyme therapy with respect to bacteria/viruses means taking enzymes/enzyme-rich foods which act to literally clean out your entire system. The enzymes eat away at entrenched colonies of bacteria/candida and make them more vulnerable to your immune system’s attack cells. The enzymes also clear up blockages in your circulatory and lymphatic systems to enable your immune system to function more efficiently. As far as I am concerned after just two weeks, enzymes are miracle workers. Specifically I am taking Serrapept ...
6,591 hits
Forum: Candida
IBS Cure
Antibiotics Induced
Re: Systemic Enzymes
by lapis 22 y
Systemic Enzymes for Inflammation
While many people are familiar with the use of supplements to aid digestion, there are other important applications for supplemental enzymes. Enzymes can be used ”systemically’ throughout the body to treat and prevent various~ conditions. Unlike digestive enzyme therapy, which does not require absorption, the goal of systemic enzyme therapy is to get the enzymes into the bloodstream and to the various tissues to assist cellular functions. For systemic purposes, enzymes are taken on an empty stomach to facilitate entry into the circulatory system.
Th ...
3,455 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Pancreatin enzyme source???
by #13915 21 y
Enzymes from animals like trypsin, chymotrypsin, pepsin and
pancreatin work in a very narrow pH range and work to a
limited degree in the stomach and small intestines, but don’t
do anything for digestion in the upper part of the stomach...
when the pH is too high, they are inactive. Papaya produces
an enzyme called papain and this enzyme works best in
temperatures considerably higher than the body. Plant enzymes
are much more effective in the pH and temperature ranges
of the body and they help digest the cooked and raw foods
in the upper part of the stomach. This helps de ...
2,132 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
Long Term Enzyme Use - Bad?
by tjmorgz 16 y
View Entire Thread 5
Ive been using pancreatic enzymes (350mg - 1 per meal) for about 6 months to help with very poor digestion caused be long term candida problem and associated hypochloridia.
Is there any opinion on the long term use of digestive enzymes and the impact on natural ability of the pancreas to produce enzymes?
I am worried about the possiblity of ’enzyme dependancy’ as going off the enzymes creates terrible problems for my digestive system.
4,411 hits
Forum: Candida Support
hi dr.eric bakker one more question about enzymes and can...
by cdog 12 y
View Entire Thread 2
would be ok to take this amylase enzyme if I have candida I eat brown rice and sweet potatoes but I heard the enzymes break it down to simple sugars will it feed candida or will brown rice be digested slowly cause enzymes have been working I don’t want to leave the brown rice undigested will it make my blood sugar rise the amylase enzyme
I am taking thorne biogest I heard people say that pancreatin enzyme don’t survive the stomach acid is this true
1,477 hits
Forum: Ask Dr Eric Bakker
Re: Paleo Guy fasting re-feeding
by chrisb1 13 y
Hi Kitty,
what enzymes would I suggest during the refeeding stage?
None at all, because the body itself will manufacture its own enzymes during this phase. I have personally never seen the need to take enzymes at all, as digestion and their enzymes will return with their full vigour, during the refeeding stage.
However, I am not saying you should not take enzymes, as this is a personal choice, but I think you will find that they are both unnecessary and superfluous in my view.
6,146 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water Only
Re: General Questions on Digestive Enzymes
by overtheedge 13 y
I take
at $24.50 for 360 doses of enzymes I can use these things as I please
Think I’m gonna start taking 2-3 before bed and 2-3 on waking up in that hour or so before breakfast
After reading an above post I am very curious about taking enzymes on an empty stomach
6,767 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Chemical Sensitivities
Chelation: Cutler
Re: Could an enzyme deficiency be to blame? Hhhmm
by Jhan 19 y
If you have mineral deficiency, you are likely to end up with an enzymes deficiency from lack of basic essential material to produce enzymes.
The enzymes you have mentioned above are all digestive enzymes and they are an option for poor digestion with candida. Another option is to fast and eat veggies broth so compensate the mineral deficiency.
Furthermore, if you have blood circulation issue (spide vein) Bromelain and papain are other enzymes you d want to use as supplement.
7,337 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Candida Support
Re: lentils dehydrated at 155 deg still sprout
by finallyfaith 18 y
yes, but once the lentils are sprouted and the enzymes are activated, those enzymes will be inactivated at temps much above 110 degrees. the enzymes in the lentil have never been activated and are designed by nature to withstand extremes of temperature in order for the plant to reproduce. but once the seed germinates, and the enzyme inhibitors are drawn off, then the enzyme is alive and at that point it will deactivate at higher temps.
that is my understanding of it.
2,118 hits
Forum: Raw Vegetarian
Re:Enzymes are not alive!!!
by grassman 18 y
Enzymes are protenaceous catalysts of biological activities.They generaly lie dormant until activated to fullfill there purpose.When activated by juiceing,blending or eating the reaction begins.As catalysts,enzymes are capable of increasing the rate and effectivness of a reaction without being CONSUMED in the process.Thus the reaction continues until purpose is fullfilled.Enzymes are not living but are found in all living things!Enzymes dont die they become inactive when there purpose is fullfilled or become denatured by extremes of temp. or ph.There are over 700 differant enzymes that hav ...
8,076 hits
Forum: Juicing Forum
Gerson Therapy
Re: Enzymes - the amazing facts.
by ez040868 21 y
Quote: ”Chewing is needed to activate enzymes in food. This is common knowledge to anyone with a modicom of understanding of the digestive process. If you were not aware of that I can direct you to some textbooks on nutrition.” endquote
EZ: Really now! How does chewing activate the enzmes and which enzymes does it activate...all of them?
Chewing is needed to activate enzymes in food. This is common knowledge to anyone with a modicom of understanding of the digestive process. If you were not aware of that I can direct you to some textbooks on nutrition.
EZ: Yes plea ...
3,684 hits
Forum: Facts/Science Myths
Re: Enzymes - the amazing facts.
by garcia 21 y
”Note that in this snippett they begin speaking about enzymes released by the body while chewing food”
Actually no. If they are talking about enzymes released by the body then why talk about ”raw vegetables”? They are talking about the enzymes liberated from raw vegetables by the act of chewing.
”Now notice how these food digestive enzymes have been trransformed into ”food enzymes”.....This is the result fo a sloppy quote by the author and should have read the ”food digestive enzymes” rather than food enzymes!!”
No again. The quote is not sloppy - your interpretation of it is inco ...
3,303 hits
Forum: Facts/Science Myths
Digestive Enzymes rundown
by shelleycat 21 y
You’re already getting digestive enzymes in the Acid Defense so ... you might not need more. :)
Enzymes are a very special kind of protein. They cause chemical reactions to hapepn - compounds break apart or come together for digestion or healing. Not much happens without enzymes.
Digestive enzymes include:
the pancreatic enzymes amylase, protease, lipase, and oh dear am I forgetting one? LOL! which is what the pancreas secretes into the small intestine.
Food-based enzymes that exist naturally in live, raw foods such as papain from papaya and bromelain from pineapple which are ...
1,428 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley
Enzymes: The Key to Health!
by spdina 18 y
Enzymes in laymen terms are like highly skilled workers on an assembly line. Each enzyme performs a specific function within the body while in harmony with other enzymes. They are important and required for everything we do, vision, thought, dreams, reproduction, breathing, digestion are all controlled by enzymes.
With the important role of enzymes involvement in every body function, it is necessary that we intake adequate enzymes on a daily basis. Unfortunately, medical doctors have found that we don’t get all the enzymes we ...
2,173 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: Vitalzym to Dr V
by detoxdr 21 y
Dearest Raider:
I highly recommend Dr Haas’ books on enzyme therapy.
Basically, we have a limited supply of enzymes available for A) Digestion and B) our body’s metabolism. Most of us use a very large number of enzymes from this pool, due to our heavily cooked and processed diet. When there are too few enzymes to do the metabolic work, the result is impaired function, chronic fatigue, etc.
Vitalzym are very heavily biased towards proteolytic enzymes, which in addition to help in the metabolic and digestive processes they help break down old scar tissue, mucus and other congestive tiss ...
3,465 hits
Forum: Ask Dr Vinograd
Re: BM Question: a little gross, sorry
by Zoebess 19 y
You may consider adding a simple papaya enzyme, as well, a good probiotic or yogurt to replace the gut flora the SWF swept out of your system.
Here is some info on Papaya Enzymes. They can be found for a very reasonable price. I carry some in my purse for after eating out and I never use antacids, they are so effective at breaking down food.
be happy, be well,
Who Should Consider Papaya Enzymes:
Everyone, especially those who experience:
Poor digestion
Acid reflux
Papaya Enzymes is a digestive enzyme formula responsible for breakin ...
2,030 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
A bit more info on Enzymes
by shelleycat 21 y
View Entire Thread 3
Enzymes are specialized protein molecules facilitating most of the body’s metabolic processes - such as, supplying energy, digesting foods, purifying your blood, ridding the body of waste products etc.
They are divided into two main groups - that being metabolic enzymes and digestive enzymes.
Enzymes are required for
Enzymes are vital to our health and change the rate at which chemical reactions happen, but without any external energy source added or by being changed themselves. These very important ingredients to our health, is reaction specific, and will only act on certain s ...
2,079 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley