600 Messages Page: 1 of 16
Re: emu oil - results?
by Zoebess 18 y
I love emu oil and feel it is a superior oil for
penetrating into the skin and use it a lot to keep
my skin soft and to retain moisture. I also use it
on my scalp as a conditioner.
I bought my emu oil from ebay. It was Australian emu
oil. I did not see the bottle exactly as I bought as
I bought a large amount and keep some in a pump bottle
and a jar and the rest in the refrigerator. I did look
and *would* buy this seller’s product as it looks like
what I have. This looks like a good size to try out and
see how you like it too...
on sale~~ ...
13,237 hits
Forum: Beauty Tips
Skin Brushing
Stretch Marks
Re: Anybody ever been able to remove scars from their skin??
R by Zoebess 18 y
Yeah, that was a great post by Ptree
and easy to remember, massage to break
up the scar. I can recommend Emu Oil as
one oil to use. It is known for its
ability to be absorbed through the skin.
Below are some effects of emu oil:
* A natural anti-inflammatory with no side effects
* A highly essential fatty acids containing omega 3, 6, and 9
* Penetrates into the deep layer of the skin acting as a highly moisturizing, skin softener, and has rejuvenating properties and has been shown to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
Emu oil has been used by the Aborigines of Australia for thou ...
5,764 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Scars Removal
Re: Make your hair thicker by using organic shea butter m...
by nastarz 18 y
NO it doesnt matter if its perfumed unless you are into organic fulltime. I used perfumed coconut body butter and it done the same thing as the organic because i couldnt afford to pay for more organic products.
I used teaspoon full of emu oil. But if its too oily shampoo your hair with your normal shampoo as an extra rinse to get it out. But still do not use conditioner. The emu oil doesnt necessarly have to be used as i used witout emu oil and it still is good. The emu oil is also to give it abit more lather and shine. My hair doesnt become oily when i use the emu oil even if i dont ...
28,119 hits
Forum: Hair Loss
Update: Lichen Sclerosis/Emu Oil
by kathryn101 17 y I said above in my other post...the bottle of Purple Emu Oil that I found
and started using after reading the testimonials...was about 10 years old and there
was very little left in it.
When I saw how well it worked...I immediately ordered a large bottle from the company. (This was a very tiny sample bottle someone had given me years ago).
But after a few days, I ran out of the Purple Emu oil and I could tell within a
couple of days that my Lichen Sclerosis was going to come back...without daily
use of the Emu Oil. So I went to the Health Food Store and the only kind they ...
28,005 hits
Forum: Lichen Sclerosis
Re: Lip moisturizers/balms?
by Jayotg 15 y
I have tried the shea butter, seven balm, lysine lip ointment, and the emu oil. The shea butter, the seven balm, and the emu oil all worked magnificently even when outdoors. The emu oil works not only rats but humans lol. Just remember to get the pure emu oil by itself from australia. Also I used to get cold sores, and the lysine lip ointment made them disapear really fast. By the way, I have noticed peeling lips, can cause other problems in the mouth. For instance, dry mouth, and cold s ...
2,903 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
Has anyone tried Emu Oil for hair loss?
by aluna 21 y
View Entire Thread 2
I don’t have a hair loss problem, but tonight I was reading up on Emu Oil and just about every site had listed it as helping with hair loss, either to stop it from happening, or hair regrowth if the follicles had not died.
I have not used Emu oil for anything, I was just reseaching the ingredient to see if it would be a good moisturizer.
BTW, if anyone is going to try it, I would recommend finding a supplier who guarantees that their Emus are free range, grass eating birds, free of pesticides, hormones and antibiotics.
5,361 hits
Forum: Hair Loss
Re: DMSO & Coconut Oil & Emu Oil
by Rollo 10 y
I just joined this site but curiously I read (cant remember the site) just a few days ago that the best carrier oil is EMU OIL (because of smaller molecules?), which penetrates all SEVEN layers of skin while coconut oil (the next most effective carrier oil) penetrates, I think, to 3-4 skin levels. I would go for the Emu Oil but double-check everything as usual...Maybe try mixing both and applying to skin?
best regards
8,639 hits
Forum: Coconut Oil
Re: Huge improvement with vit B complex, but what's the o...
by Pamster 10 y
I think we have a misunderstanding. I mention emu oil because lips don’t produce oil. Some people do better with animal based oils than vegetable oils for moisture and healing.
You can buy emu oil from walmart or any health food store. People have used it for generations on all skin conditions. I found that it helped me with inflammation.
4,508 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
Angular Cheilitis
Elimination Diet
Celiac Disease
Would You Like To Releave Athritis Pain?
by Penny28 20 y
What are the health benefits of Emu oil?
Dr. G.R. Hobday (Australia) has done ten years of clinical experimentation with the following results:
1) Eczema - reduces irritation and inflammation of the skin.
2) Keloids - reduces recent scarring and have anti-inflammatory action against the formation of keloid tissues.
3) Burns - promotes faster healing with less pain and scarring.
4) Joints - reduces pain, swelling and stiffness where joint is close to the skin surface.
5) Bruising and Muscle pain - provides significant benefit to recent bruising and muscle pain where injury is ...
1,286 hits
Forum: Market Place
Emu oil
by Lapis 22 y
One of the best supporive oils I have found to date is emu oil. I have healed irepairable vascular car tissue from improper intervenous administeration of vitamin c. My MD, freind said it was impossible to heal. I was guided to emu oil and after a couple weeks of application, not a trace of the very obvious scar tissue. Emu oil is also a superior carrier oil that will pull nutrients into the body via the skin so if you need to get anything else I, it’s a great way to do so.
2,008 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Emu-oil for red marks? Need some experiences here how to ...
by nanieskies 18 y
View Entire Thread 2
Since I started a vegan diet with no sugar, soda or alcohol my acne cleared up. Now I have some red marks left from previous outbreaks on my cheeks. It takes like forever before they fade, although they are better than they were before. I heard that pure australian EMU-OIL helps with red marks, stretch marks and has anti-bacterial properties.
Maybe somebody has experience with emu-oil or other treatments for redmarks?
6,372 hits
Forum: Acne
Skin Brushing
Castor Oil
by kathryn101 17 y
Hi bjdesp...I just found your post...I’m so glad things turned out well for you.
I just posted an be sure and read that. I tried 2 other Emu Oils while
waiting for my Purple Emu Oil to come in the mail. (the one I was using was from
10 years ago...was a tiny sample bottle and was almost empty when I found
it ran out fast).
After the experience I’ve just had with these 3 seperate oils...I will never stray
from the Purple Emu Oil. There’s just something different about that one...and for
me...Lichen Sclerosis is just too debilitating to play around with.
I ...
19,113 hits
Forum: Lichen Sclerosis
Re: Dyshidrotic Eczema Problem
by sdlewis 20 y
Have you tried any of the following for relief:
Emu Oil
BioHeal and Emu Oil-S (from
Manuka Honey (check out Living Nature products from New Zealand)
Nilotica Shea Butter (East African) - raw, unrefined ( has great price!)
Coconut Oil (check out Tropical Traditions Baby Silk)
It seems what’s difficult about treating eczema is what to put on the skin when it breaks open. There are some really great studies being conducted on Emu Oil and Manuka Honey for wound healing.
I hope you find a cure.
63,983 hits
Forum: Pompholyx, Dyshidrosis
Skin & Face
Elimination Diet
Success Stories
Re: Emu oil update as asked
by Lapis 22 y
Another thing you can try is to add some liquid oxygen (couple drops) to the few drops of emu oil you are applying to the bruised areas. My wife did this recently with great results. She also used a magnetic pulser too.
The three work synergystically together. Another thing to consider is systemic enzymes. If you don’t have a magnetic pulser you could do hot/cold sheet thereapy on the areas, utilize systemic enzymes and then use the oxygen/emu oil. The emu oil pulls the oxygen into the affected areas.
1,616 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Toronto friends .. megan, janaki, wellnessyoga, cigar...
by Lapis 22 y
Another thing you can try is to add some liquid oxygen (couple drops) to the few drops of emu oil you are applying to the bruised areas. My wife did this recently with great results. She also used a magnetic pulser too.
The three work synergystically together. Another thing to consider is systemic enzymes. If you don’t have a magnetic pulser you could do hot/cold sheet thereapy on the areas, utilize systemic enzymes and then use the oxygen/emu oil. The emu oil pulls the oxygen into the affected areas.
1,653 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
I give up
by sanctuary2 18 y
I have been trying the shea butter and emu oil. I have even started taking emu oil internally. But my hair is still falling out in chunks. A couple of days ago I went back to minoxidil in desperation. It has gotten so thin in the front now, I just can’t afford to keep experimenting waiting for something to change. But it is still falling. This is stressing me out something chronic, which I am sure is not helping.
I only use natural shampoo’s. I do use conditioner, because I just couldn’t get a comb through it without conditioner. I think I am going to have to stop the shea butter ...
27,551 hits
Forum: Hair Loss
Wrinkle relief & other small miracles...
by kathryn101 17 y
Girls...The reason you suffer from large pores is because you’ve evidently never
been caught with ’egg on your face’. :-)
Try this one time...and see the unbelievable difference.
”Wash” your face by putting a little salt or baking soda in with a little mayonnaise...the mayo has to be real mayo...not fat free. Gently rub that all over your face. Splash with warm water to be sure you get it all off.
Next...break open a raw egg and spread the egg white all over your face...spread
a lot on there to get a good cover...let that dry for about 20 minutes....try not
to laugh or even sm ...
7,155 hits
Forum: Beauty Tips
Re: staphylococcus and streptococcus
by lipshitz 13 y
Thanks for providing us with these details. Your naturopath might suggest bee propolis (assuming you aren’t allergic) since it has both anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Shea butter also has anti-inflammatory properties and maybe antibacterial properties as well. Maybe if you got a lot of cash you might also check out alligator oil.
But shit, you live in Australia, just grab an emu and make some oil! Studies have shown emu oil has anti-inflammatory properties and it is bacteriostatic, meaning bacteria can’t grow in it, so it lasts a long time. And a little bit goes a long ...
5,459 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
Re: Presents
by Wrenn 22 y
well it was blueduck suggested the beet juice/ and now you also... so i am definitely goin gto try that!!
Lapis suggested teh emu oil for my scarring.
i am applying just emu oil to one arm tha tis seriously scarred so if i see any improvement there at all i would bet it woudl ahndle most anyhing!!
i also am applying the emu oil to the sides of my face near my eyes wher e ther eis still underlying pigment dark spots under hte skin/ form the brusings tha twere there. 11 years ago. i tis drasticlly better now.. an dmy kids say i tis nto noticealbe anymore... but it is to me 8)
about t ...
4,357 hits
Forum: Dr. Clark Support
Re: nietzchilitis and kufuzed cured by cocoa butter!
by lipshitz 13 y
Just to clarify, right now I just finished a two week testing period of not using the hyaluronic acid to see what the effect was. Dry lips, slower rate of peeling, and increased area that looks like healthy skin (however this is still connected to the flaking/fringe area so I’m not sure how my peeling will go down in a couple days). When I was flying back to the States I did use some emu oil, since my lips always get worse when I travel, but this time they seem unscathed.
I agree wholeheartedly that the ultimate goal is for the lips to moisturize and be elastic and protect the epidermis ...
3,589 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
Lichen Sclerosis Miracle Oil...easily found anywhere.
by kathryn101 17 y
View Entire Thread 9
I just had to post about the miracle oil I have just recently found for Lichen
Sclerosis...and I’ll tell you right up’s Emu Oil.
I was just reading natural healing testimonials on another website about 3 weeks
ago...and one just happened to be about Lichen Sclerosis. I was really surprised
because you just don’t hear much about Lichen Sclerosis, period.
But I was diagnosed with it in the mid 90’s after a hysterectomy and was told at
Vanderbilt in Nashville...that it is usually the result of a hormonal imbalance
after menopause...but ’can’ occur at any time from teens o ...
60,320 hits
Forum: Lichen Sclerosis
Re: Please help me...SO lost
by Zoebess 16 y
If this were my issue, I would
use Extra Virgin Coconut Oil to
heal my face and head. I would
probably rotate the Coconut Oil
hair/head massages with Emu Oil.
I massage the coconut or emu oil
into my hair and my scalp. I smooth
oil on to my face. I cover my head
and hair with one of those disposable
plastic caps you can find in the hair
care section of Wally World, or a
drug store. If possible, I like
to allow it to saturate my head
and hair all day long. It feels
even better if I spend time out
side in the sun where the oils
get to warm and saturate my skin
and scal ...
1,657 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: 3 year old burned on wood-burning stove
by loismantooth 21 y
Thank You very much for the information, I told my husband about the Emu oil. He knew of a Emu processing plant 15 min. from us. So I called them and bought 100% Emu oil today, and will beging using it today. They told me there it does even better if you can get it on immediatly, so it will be useful to have around, it also has a long shelf life, Thank you again. I will post and let you know how it is doing in a few weeks. Thank you for your time.....
1,574 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: My Progress
by lipshitz 12 y
Healing2021 I would also like to see a picture of your lips before application of Aquaphor. And are you positive there isn’t a picture floating around (maybe you were tagged on Fakebook) of you before you started down the road to recovery?
Fyi, I’ve temporarily stopped using the hyaluronic acid/emu oil and started using Vitamin D drops topically in the morning and a new lip balm I made of cocoa butter, coconut oil, shea butter, hemp oil, raw sesame oil and argan oil. Things were bad the first week after stopping the HA and before making the lip balm and starting the low-glycemic low-aci ...
1,819 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
Re: coconut oil
by #13738 19 y
I wouldn’t necessarily say coconut oil was better than olive oil or emu. Have tried them both and like them too.
One thing I learnt about olive oil on the hair, if you use if often to deep moisturize and you use color, it could strip it. Emu oil is good to for dry skin but as a cost factor, coconut oil wins.
I will probably still use virgin olive oil on my skin, but for very dry areas I like the coconut.
2,062 hits
Forum: Beauty Tips
Re: Toenail fungus
by humaworm 18 y
It will remove most if not all of it. Onychomycocis is the name for this fungal parasite. Along with HUMAWORM, the toenails need to be topically treated too. Keep the feet DRY. Fungi need moisture to grow - also for women - no nail polish, the polish keeps the moisture in and allows the fugus to grow.
Topical treatment needs to be a combo of tea tree oil, oregano oil and neem oil - mix these with a little emu oil if you can find it - emu oil will help push the chemicals in the other oils deep into the nail bed. Brush this on the toenail several times per day. The HUMAWORM will wor ...
2,056 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Re: your naturopath need to go back to school
by robbojnr 20 y
hi there
thanks for you’re very informative post.
With my skin its about trying to get the barrier back and the elasticity, there is a lot of redness around both checks which is also very sensitive to the sun.
By looking at the skin there is no flakiness just redness, so i dont think i have seb dermatitis, it appears as if there is no barrier which im sure is the case as my skin burns/gets hot/and is sensitive to skin careproducts and tingles all over which as you can imagine is bloody distessing.
I started the fish oil 2 weeks ago so i think maybe i should keep at it for a bit a ...
2,764 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
What happened with the site?
by debbys 20 y
View Entire Thread 2
hi there
thanks for you’re very informative post.
With my skin its about trying to get the barrier back and the elasticity, there is a lot of redness around both checks which is also very sensitive to the sun.
By looking at the skin there is no flakiness just redness, so i dont think i have seb dermatitis, it appears as if there is no barrier which im sure is the case as my skin burns/gets hot/and is sensitive to skin careproducts and tingles all over which as you can imagine is bloody distessing.
I started the fish oil 2 weeks ago so i think maybe i should keep at it for a bit a ...
1,829 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: skin outbreaks after cleanse
R by Zoebess 18 y
Since we advocate and recommend liver
flushing prior to and after cleansing,
I would suggest that you may consider
a series of liver flushes as your next
step. Detoxing through the skin is usually
indicative of a congested liver.
liver flushing & Mcing
Also, I can recommend using a few drops
of emu oil and a drop of essential lavender
oil as a soothing, disinfecting salve for
your face. Do this at night before bed since
it could make your face just a little red.
The results will show in the morning and
hopefully for you, will br ...
8,041 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
emu oil - results?
by jacob500 18 y
View Entire Thread 8
I read up on the benefits of emu oil and some are calling the perfect oil due it’s combination of ingredients (vitamin e, fatty acids, etc.). Supposedly it can even thicken the skin. Most people write good reports on it but I have not had a good experience. I have never had a bad response to any oil (coconut, olive, walnut,etc.) but I did with this emu oil that I purchased. It is the Longview Frams product.
Has anyone else had this problem? Also, if it worked well for you then where did you buy it and the manufacturer?
12,105 hits
Forum: Beauty Tips
Skin Brushing
Stretch Marks
Re: Infected blister...
by Invincible 16 y
Lots of things you can try, see what you have at home already:
Topically - raw honey, turmeric powder, vitamin E oil, emu oil, tea tree or lavender oil etc.
If you have the turmeric, make a paste with some honey or vit e/emu oil and apply.
Use whatever you have that cures infections internally - such as raw garlic and echinacea as a natural antibiotics and use extra Vit C to kill bacteria.
2,016 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: Message For Comeback Kid
by Wrenn 22 y
hi. and yesi did get some pure refined emu oil/ 2 oz bottle for $9.95 (believe me this stuff spreads a long ways!! i just need 2 drops to put on my whole forearm.
I have jst been using it now about a week...I also started puttin it along the sides of myface near eyes where I still have darkened patches of skin from the intensive bruising i had there many years ago.. and as I read on the emu oil it said was good in helpign teh body elemantate/absorb old bruisigns etc/
I am using only the emu oil on my one arm as a test because if it can reduce those babies there i woudl say it coudl pr ...
2,361 hits
Forum: Dr. Clark Support
Re: Industrial Degreasers? Never on the Skin
by chardy 18 y
From my understanding bubbles are bad!
The foaming action is something that companies add to made the product seem better or more luxurious but they’re not something you want on your skin.
And good soaps dont disrupt the acid mantle (i.e. nothing bought in a pharmacy, generally), they’re closer to the correct pH (african black soap, wasnt it corinthian? or someone else?), I think unless you have scarring issues keeping things simple is best. Coconut oil or emu oil are very good moisturisers, aloe vera is close to skins pH.
Im having to use harsher acids to repair scar tissue, so I use ...
12,793 hits
Forum: Alkaline/Acid Debate
Re: Just diagnosed. need advice
by Skeeter 22 y
I do cook with olive oil. I have used it on my skin before and my hair. I use emu oil mostly now, both internally and externally. I seem to get more benifits from the emu oil. Shea butter is also very good. I am pretty heath conscious.. I try to eat right. I can’t figure out what has flaired this up.
It could be stress or a hormone thing. I just couldn’t believe it flared up so sudden like. The symptoms are better than they were but I am still sensitive to a lot of things.
Thanks for the advice.
Take care
3,487 hits
Forum: Acne
Got the last of the staph out.
by DawnWine 17 y
Okay. The Lemon Myrtle got most of the persistent staff. BUT, one spot that was on my chest just wouldn’t go.
Now, I’ve taken medications for it, taro-muipirocin (sp?) ointment, and all sorts of stuff to get it out.
I got the last node of it with grapeseed oil, with emu oil layered over it. I cannot get DMSO where I live, so I use the emu oil to help transport it under the skin.
And it worked. Four times a day, and the last hanging on node is now healing up after being there for about 6 months now.
1,452 hits
Forum: MRSA
Re: My body is attacking my collagen
by lipshitz 15 y
Badlips, have you read this yet?
I know you are taking it internally, but to get your lips to produce more may be a serious challenge.
Interesting bits in that article about transdermal carriers (oleic acid in emu oil is supposedly one of them), and injecting collagen producing fibroblasts.
I still prefer to be a guinea pig for emu oil before I recommend others try it, but be my guest if it intrigues you (and you’re not vegan) -- I found it for $45 for 8 oz so I can really give it the same chance I gave calendula and coc ...
2,383 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
Re: Raw shea butter + oil
by lipshitz 15 y
Well, 64643 I’ve spent about $60 already for this experiment to last a while (a month or more) . . . I think the repcillin is very intriguing but I’m wondering if there are other natural ingredients or beeswax mixed in with it. Also, I don’t plan on using hydrocortisone products.
Can you say how long you did the shea butter and emu oil? Is the shea butter really visible? The emu oil isn’t. The idea here is to test jp20s theory that we need to seal in the moisture (and over time reprogram the keratinocytes to slow down production -- my theory) and I know this runs full well against your ...
3,115 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
Re: Lichen Sclerosis & Emu Oil Miracle
by JennyAnn 16 y
Thank you so much for all your valuable information. I have an appt with my
gyn on Friday to verify if I have LS. I am contemplating ordering the Emu Oil
through the website you posted earlier for the Purple Emu Oil. My question is: How often and how much to you apply to the affected area? Can you put too much? Or do you just use it when you have a flare or everyday regardless?
Thank you for your help!
9,864 hits
Forum: Gynecological
Re: hyaluronic acid
by lipshitz 13 y
I am experimenting with this at the moment, and using emu oil as a way to penetrate the epidermis and dying skin. I put two drops of Pure 100% Hyaluronic acid and a couple drops of emu oil on top of that. I’ve only done it for a couple weeks -- and will go a couple more at least if I see no adverse long-term reaction. The Hyaluronic acid by itself is really sticky and felt like it hardened the outer layer of my lips, so I thought it better to use an emollient as well. When the skin starts to come up at the edges towards the end of my 6-day cycle, the pieces are much more cohesive than at t ...
1,618 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
Emu Oil and Lichen Sclerosus
by britcher 11 y
View Entire Thread 3
I am a 68 uear old female diagnosed with lichen Sclerosus 3 months ago.
I have not yet used a steroid cram and would like not to.
I read of the suceess of one person wth Emu Oil and tried it with amazing success. It cleared up the itch immediately and I use it several times a day. I have just ordered a pint of it on line and plan never to be without it.
My question is ... will this prevent the horror stories that I am reading about such as fusing and deformities?
I have not yet experienced this and am afraid to even think that this may happen.
Th Emu Oil is just amazing and so comfo ...
5,133 hits
Forum: Lichen Sclerosis