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Re: What for Liver Flush...
by pirate 18 y
I would do a colon cleanse first, parasite cleanse, then a liver flush. You need the colon to be clean in order to get the parasites out, and to get the toxins out from the liver flush. Actually, the best way to do it is to colon cleanse, parasite cleanse, colon cleanse, liver flush, then colon cleanse again. The colon cleanse before and after the liver flush I mean colonics, or using a colema board. The first colon cleanse, to start the whole series I would use Oxypowder.
3,469 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Coffee Enema and Migraines
by lordcooler 9 y
And colon cleansing can sometimes be harmful. In fact, coffee enemas sometimes used in colon cleansing have been linked to several deaths. Colon cleansing can also cause less serious side effects, such as cramping, bloating, nausea and vomiting
But it is safe everyone....
2,943 hits
Forum: Enema & Colonics
Liver Flush
Cleansing & Detox
humaworm, parasites, colon cleanse
by lking231 10 y
View Entire Thread 11
I plan on ordering humaworm. I have plenty of digestion problems. I often times struggle with constipation. When I can go, I usually get diarrhea.
In order to make sure I am able to remove the parasites, worms, etc. that Humaworm kills, I planned on adding in a colon cleanse product to take at the same time.
Is it ok if I use a colon cleanse product?
If so, I plan on either using the one that is listed on the Humaworm website or I might use Super Colon Cleanse. Here is the link to it: ...
4,401 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Re: IF 1 or Para-cleanse?
by Willowley 14 y
In my opinion, the Dr. Schulze colon cleanse is the best "colon cleanse" out there. I don’t know anything about paracleanse, but I did do a search on it and it seems to be a 10 day program that is used to rid parasites, not for colon cleansing. In my opinion, if one has parasites, I don’t think they could get rid of them in 10 days.
The Dr. Schulze colon cleanse is not just IF#1, the colon cleanse consists of both IF1 & IF2, if you only use the IF1 you aren’t doing a colon cleanse. To do a thorough colon cleanse it is imperative that both IF1 & ...
2,377 hits
Forum: Natural Healing
Re: bowel cleansing making breath smell worse?
by LPN12345 16 y
Just one day. Because I had been taking the super colon capsuals and to tell you the truth I was having bowel movements but they were not complete (like you said) and I had moved recently and had noticed the regular colon cleanse(the psyllium husks) just sitting under my end table, and I had about 2/3 of it left. So I remembered I had used it a long time ago when I did a monthly cleanse.I had used another brand that contained psyllium husks, any way I went online and started looking up colon cleanses and they were comparing some according to price and ingredients. And I looked up the ingre ...
5,515 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Body Odor
another Blessed Herbs post...
by #39736 20 y
View Entire Thread 8
i want to start cleansing soon, so i am really trying to get a good idea about each product out there, and what works best. i’ve been reading TONS on the internet. anyway, i checked out Blessed Herbs. i’m surprised that the colon cleanse is only 5 days long, whereas some other colon cleanses (ie: Colonix) are 1-3 months. can you really cleanse the colon in 5 days?
i noticed that they also have a 21-day whole body cleanse, and when you order that, you get the colon cleanse free. so, would it be a good idea/effective to do the colon cleanse and then the whole body cleanse? or is it better ...
7,994 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Menstrual Back Pain!! Not a Joke!!
by MentalNomad 20 y
Regular Chiropractor treatments are a great idea as Dawn suggests. Also, when was the last time you did a colon cleanse? It may seem an odd suggestion, but the colon is wrapped around the uterus and when it becomes impacted it squeezes the uterus making periods painful, especially in the back. Doing a couple of colon cleanses back to back would amaze you at how much better you would feel! After you get your bowels moving regularly, twice daily, you can start right into any colon cleanse. Personally I use Dr. Schultz’s #1 formula for keeping regular bowel movements and his #2 colon cleanse ...
2,530 hits
Forum: Gynecological
Re: Very brief answer
by beginings 19 y
colon cleanse is the general term given to the cleaning / detoxing / purifying the bowels. an enema is a sub section of a colon cleanse, it comes within the subject of colon cleansing and is a method (among others) to colon cleanse.
1,801 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: candida and parasite infestations
by vx 17 y
Like I already said, you can get that ropey, plastic fecal matter out of your system without doing colon cleanses. They aren’t created by colon cleanses.
People have that impacted fecal matter in them whether they do colon cleanses or not, as shown in autopsys.
What you are describing is the bentonite gel in the colon cleanse. There is a big difference between that and impacted fecal matter. Gel is mushy, old fecal matter is hard and tough, like rope.
8,872 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Fasting: Water
Re: Blessed Herbs colon cleanse question
by JKnox 17 y
The Blessed Herbs Colon Cleansing Kit is a very well known product and has been around for a number of years and I would also suggest it less intensively marketed than many other products. There are some useful reviews on the Blue Herbs website who supply the product in the UK. Check out colon cleansing reviews and colon cleansing testimonials
3,930 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
'Spin Doctors'
by Azurite 18 y
View Entire Thread 5
Maybe this is where the term spin doctors came from? The Mayo Clinic is leading the charge in the inquisition against common sense. So here are a few notes from the drumbeat of deception. They must have a strong proctologist lobby there. (excerpted from their website)
I’ve read many negative things about colon cleansing, but I don’t believe any of them. Colon cleansing generally sounds like a good way to clear toxins from your body. What do you think? ... Dan / Georgia
Proponents believe colon cleansing provides health benefits — by removing toxins from their bodies, and b ...
3,007 hits
Forum: Ask Dr. Sutter
Re: can anyone recomnded a good bowel cleanser that will ...
by DaveG 17 y
Without a doubt... I would recommend Oxypowder. It’s not a long, tedious colon cleansing program like Colonix. It’s an oxygen colon cleansing program, which is different than the Herbal Colon cleansing programs that require fiber shakes and laxative teas.
Plus, the company that makes Oxypowder recently won the Award of Excellance from the Better Business Bureau, so it’s about as trustworthy company that you’re going to find in the colon cleansing world.
To read more about Oxypowder and other colon cleansers just google Colon Cleansing Reviews. Here is the most honest & informati ...
2,477 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Is size of stools evidence of mucoidal plaque removal?
by #53993 17 y
View Entire Thread 2
Hi all,
I’ve just done a colon cleanse and am wondering, if mucoidal plaque really exists and if the colon cleanse program is effective in removing the MP, then it makes sense that anyone who’s had a successful colon cleanse should have significantly bigger stools compared to before the cleanse, right? I’m referring to stool diameter here, because it would seem to be that if MP is removed, then there would be less obstructions in the colon for the stools to pass through, resulting in fatter stools.
I don’t intend to debate whether MP exists or not, but I’m new to colon cleansing and ...
2,860 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
can i stop a colon cleanse and do a liver flush?
by esme90 19 y
View Entire Thread 5
I’m on day 10 of a colon cleanse, and the week break of a parasite cleanse (I have worms, and started the parasite cleanse, before deciding that I probably need the colon cleanse to absorb the herbs effectively). Before I started teh colon cleanse, I was pretty regular with bowel movements, and didn’t have constipation. With the colon cleanse I have been having 1 very diffiuclt movement a day. It really is a strain. I am drinking heaps of water, but the situation ahs been like this for 4-5 days. My liver has started hurting, and I am afraid that I have flukes in the liver. I want to do a l ...
2,906 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Parasite cleanse before liver flush?
by John Cullison 21 y
If you’ve passed visible parasites, then your parasite cleanse is probably sufficient. If, after your colon cleansing, you’re having at least as many bowel movements as you have meals, then your colon cleanse was sufficient. I did three weeks of colon cleansing followed by three weeks of combined colon and parasite cleansing, and I had no problem with liver flushing, so a two-month program that’s getting obvious results is probably just fine.
If you do a liver flush and feel ill afterwards, then you’ll know that your parasite cleanse was inadequate. If so, do more colon cleansing ...
1,792 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Debate
Re: Colon Cleanse
by boldyloxx 18 y
Colon Cleanse!!! I can’t emphasize enough how important a colon cleanse is in relation to also doing parasite cleanses.
Colon cleanses will help rid the body of toxins from dead/dying worms-- one toxin is Ammonia that these worms create, that your body’s liver is working overtime trying to detox out.
Colon cleanses will ease up your liver’s detox burden greately.
It is even okay to do an occasional colon cleanse during the same weeks of your parasite cleanse.
From what I’ve been reading from Dr. Hulda Clark-- she mentioned finishing it all with a liver flush to mop up ...
2,157 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Do I have to do a colon cleanse BEFORE and AFTER a liver ...
by y2jgogo 10 y
View Entire Thread 3
Hello everyone,
I am currently on the second day of parasite cleansing. After this 10-day course, I will begin Colonix for two months for bowel cleanse, and then do liver flush. As I plan to do liver flush once every two weeks until I get all stones out of my body, I am curious ”If” I still have to do colon cleanse after each liver flush session. One website claims that it is important to do a colon cleanse BEFORE and AFTER a liver flush. Below is the link for the website.
I mean.. I will do a two months long co ...
2,746 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Re: Curious
by humaworm 18 y
A psyllium based colon cleanser will not only clean out the ENTIRE digestive tract - it will also quickly absorb and remove toxins and parasites (visible and microscopic) that HUMAWORM is removing from your body.
Just for colon cleansing purposes, the preps for the colonscopies were probably sufficient - they flush out the lower colon area. But for toxin removal - the psyllium based colon cleanse is much more gentle and effective.
If you are unhappy with your decision, please email me and I will be glad to refund your money for the colon cleanse.
2,014 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Re: Food Digestion
by pronatural 20 y
Sounds painful. I would definitely start with a colon cleanse routine, especially using an enema. Also be sure to note what kinds of food give you so much problem. If you are having more trouble with fatty foods, then it could be a problem with your liver not generating bile, which is required to digest fats....but first things first.
I would first start with a couple of enemas - I recommend starting with a coffee enema to stimulate the liver, then a cool water enema flush to clean things out. Then see if you are feeling better. If so, then I would start a colon cleansing ...
1,447 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Am I taking too many supps?
by Melanie24 22 y
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I’m doing Paragone and taking Oil Smart, Fiber Smart, Parazyme, Floramore (I’m sure those are ok because it says to take those w/ Paragone at but I’m also taking Cleanse More (they’re colon cleansing capsules that you take w/ the colon cleanse, should I quit those now that I’m not technically doing a colon cleanse anymore?). I’m also taking superfood, a multivitamin and turmeric supps (but I think those are ok) I’m just wondering about the Cleanse More. Thanks
2,638 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: 1st liver flush, Huge stones But it hurt really bad c...
by John Cullison 19 y
Do colon cleansing first.
Thorough, involved, weeks-long, gentle or as rough as you can handle, colon cleansing.
Or you could do enemas or colonics following your flush, but it’s less involved and... anally penetrating... to do lots of colon cleansing.
If you’ve got a fatty liver and no good reason for it, it’s a safe bet that your colon is overburdened and autointoxication is in play.
Just my guesses...
2,374 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Liver Flush Support
by workingvaca 19 y
Thanks for the advice. I’ve fasted and colon cleansed before, but noticed on curezone’s ”inner body cleasning” page ( that you must do a parasite cleanse before a colon cleanse. Now, I’m wondering what’s the difference? Or if you just fast and colon cleanse that can expel parasites by itself? And why would a doctor not tell you about your parasites, even if he sees them?
1,937 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: where can i order barefoots supplements in the UK?
by #90416 16 y
I can recommend in the UK which sells a parasite cleanse and a colon cleanse.
Not MH’s products but they worked for me. Their colon cleanse is the same as LBB and Dr. Christophers.
2,202 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: 1st cleanse need some advice
by Joe909 16 y
If this is your first cleanse, I would follow the instructions carefully.
Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout.
There is some useful free stuff here:
colon cleanse .org
Just take your time and make sure to eat as healthily as possible too.
Hope this helps.
1,588 hits
Forum: Cleansing.
enema questions
by vk260 16 y
View Entire Thread 5
i was reading thru old posts about enemas and i have a couple of questions
1.should i continue doing my colon cleansing to remove fecal matter for that will interfere with coffee enema
2.what is involved in a pre-rinse, and could i use well water...i read in a book that using well water is ok
i have only started colon cleansing for a little bit over a month and i havent seen any fecal matter/muciod i wonder as for me just doing regular enemas or continuing doing my colon cleansing is the way for me, i really need to build up my strength and plan for a parasite cleans ...
2,240 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: New, never done any clenses before and I think I have...
by #43203 20 y
Thanks. Can someone please post a sample schedule or something then.
Because what I was reading in the colon cleanse forums and links was this: About the PB shakes and that’s how I wanted to colon cleanse.
So what is the shortest time I can do the colon cleanse by itself before I start the parasite cleansing along with it?
2,534 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: The Colonix program?
by farsout68 19 y
Great to see the positive results!
Two of my friends and I have been using Colonix for almost two weeks now and I’m posting our results on my website. I’m documenting everything be it good or bad.
Check out our colon cleansing results if you get a chance!
Wishing good health,
2,330 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Whats the difference between Fiber and colon cleansing kits?
by manifestation9 21 y
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Hello can someone please help me I’m confused on what I should take I try to eat friut and vege’s to incorporate fiber in my diet so I can be regular. But my question is I’m considering taking a fiber mix/or tablets to help with me to stay regular. Or should I just go straight to the colon cleansing kits? I’m indesicive because colon cleansing kits are pretty expensive. I’m considering this one kit called ”The Ultra Colon Cleansing Kit” from has anybody tried it.
1,512 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: sodium bicarb
by alex45 16 y
The warm feeling I get when someone is thoughtful enough to say thank you for having been helped far outweighs the empty one I get when there’s no feedback at all.
Does anyone have any suggestions for another list of homemade colon cleanses? I don’t want to use the products from all these websites.
homemade colon cleanse list
1,719 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
probiotics and colon cleanser/in-between herbs
by #120802 15 y
View Entire Thread 7
I read an article to the effect that a colon cleanse will get rid of both good and bad bacteria. I just finished Humaworm and will take the colon cleanse in addition to the in-between formula. I also purchased some probiotics, but I’d like to ask if it would be beneficial to take the probiotics along with the colon cleanse or in-between herbs, or would it be a waste (they are kinda pricey)?
2,674 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Re: Bloating caused by colon cleanse?
by Mr. Tissue Box 15 y
I’m colon cleansing because I’m trying to fix my digestive system and clean out the waste so my belly will be flat like it is supposed to be. I’m also colon cleansing because I realized that’s what was causing my acne.
I’m actually having better bowel movements everyday when I started taking the colon cleansing supplements again about a week ago.
I’m also increasing the amount of flaxseeds in my diet. Lots of fiber.
25,255 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Blessed Herbs Colon Cleanse and fasting
by StolenDog 11 y
I have done some minor colon cleansing (enemas, mag 07) for about 2 months now. I think it’s time to step it up to use Blessed Herbs’ colon cleanse to eliminate mucoid plaque. The only thing is that this requires fasting, and I am already underweight, can’t afford to lose more weight.
Are there any other herbal colon cleanses that rival Blessed Herbs that don’t require fasting? I’ve heard good things about Colonix by Dr. Natura.
Any advice would be very appreciated,
Thank you
1,382 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse
Re: Salt Water Flush - Never Again!!! (don't follow with ...
by ohWOW 12 y
Quoting - - - ”It really annoys me when people come on websites like this and belittle all the people who are looking for answers. What are you credentials? You can only supply a PDF that you read somewhere online... Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences and I look forward to trying it out.”
Response to Quoted material:
Obviously you have failed to look at the organization tied to that ’PDF’.......organization of COLON HYDROTHERAPY PRACTITIONERS!
Obviously, the internet is not the place one ’should be looking for health information ’ in the first place without consulting ...
333,980 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Bowel Cleanse Debate
Master Cleanse Supp
Enema & Colonics
Home Remedies
has to do with
by Ayehasherayeh 18 y
colon cleansing which did work for you
Colon constipation and obstructed blood and resultant body odor are constipating symptoms. Body odor almost always is caused by a constipated system (not just colon) having it remedied as you suggest by fiber IS colon cleansing.
Colon cleansing is effective in a great majority of cases because of it’s ability to free obstruction not only from the colon but ease the rest of the system and cause blood for example to flow cleaner and other organs to filter more effectively. In some cases more cleansing will be needed, yet colon cleansing is an ob ...
4,078 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Body Odor
Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Ideal sequence of humaworm, liver flush, master cleanser
by janbdiddl 18 y
Thanks. I found this message from humaworm and it pretty much answers my original question:
”I usually suggest a liver flush, then a 30 day parasite cleanse along with a colon cleanse at the same time, then another liver flush after the cleanses. You can do the colon cleanse separately,(before if you have any constipation problems or after if your bowel movements are normal) but a lot of people do the colon cleanse during the same 30 day period for convience’s sake.”
So I guess I should order the Humaworm Colon Cleanser as well and take it along with the humaworm + the tea.
I have ...
2,617 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Re: paratrex and frequent bowel movements
by DanielD. 18 y
The Paratrex is a 6 week cleanse, it is one I am currently doing as well, you will need two bottles to complete the cleanse. I have also completed a colon cleanse and a liver gallbladder flush, in preparation for this cleanse. Just by doing these cleanses first, it should help with the die off from the parasites. So far I haven’t had any complaints with the Paratrex, it has gone well. I have to say, I used Oxy-Powder to complete my colon cleanse, it is like a night and day difference in the way I feel. Feel free to checkout my cleansing blog site, it ...
5,804 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Juice Fasting and Colon Cleansing. Time/How long?
by propaul 20 y
Hi #41307,
I always prepare my digestive tracks before going on a juice fast. I spend at least 2 days before my juice fast cleansing my system with laxatives and cleansing enemas. For more details see my Blog under M titled “My Challenge by propaul”. Most often my juice fast are for 5 days or less. If you intend to go from your juice fast directly into a colon cleanse I would keep the juice fast short like 3 days then go into the colon cleanse.
I agree with Valerie, I believe that it is very necessary to take a daily cleansing series enema during the juice fast. You need to rid you ...
3,715 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Breaks between 30 day cleanses: how long?
by thebirdlady 21 y
View Entire Thread 14
Hi All,
My Dr. S delivery arrived including the 30 day detox. So I switched over to SuperFood yesterday.
Since I’m in the last week of a 30 day colon cleanse (Arise and Shine) do you think I should take a break and do the maintenance/tissue rebuilding and then start the Schulze 30 day? And if yes, any thoughts on how long to wait?
OR..should I just keep going with the Dr. S program. I am totally convinced that my liver and kidneys need cleansing after the work load from this colon cleanse. And I will need the first week of Dr. S colon cleanse to adjust the dose of formula #2.
9,023 hits
Forum: Dr. Schulze
Another question for colon cleansing
by montana girl 17 y
View Entire Thread 4
I was listening to a very early hour radio talk show promoting a 90 day colon cleanse by a Dr. Loren Ritter. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say the product name, but it’s a colon and body cleanse. I’ve looked the product up and was thinking this seemed like a good choice. Then I went searching on the net and came across another product and the people on this site stated that a colon cleanse should only be done in five days, that anything longer wasn’t necessary and whoever sells these types of products are after your wallet.
When doing a colon cleanse, what is the amount of time need ...
3,524 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: I need your advice...
by Tyler Durden 20 y
For the most part my results were noticeable upon doing the last 2 flushes. That is also the period of time (recently) when I started the Foley herbal formulas. I did not use epsom salts during the flush procedure except for the last 2 flushes, incidentally these last 2 gave me the best results as far as passing stones.. I have tried, over the years (since late 2000/early 2001) about every herbal cleanse (colon cleanses and others, P&B shakes, arise&shine products, chomper, you name it) you can imagine with negligible results but the Foley colon cleanse tablets (there are colon pills and ...
4,558 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Facts