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Re: New to MH's method.
by plzchuckle 19 y
cleanse #1 colon cleanse - Lower Bowel Balance
cleanse #2 kidney cleanse - Kidney+
cleanse #3 parasite cleanse - Dewomer (can add oregano oil and olive leaf daily)
cleanse #4 liver cleanse - Liver Balance, Liver Cleanser, Flush Kit
cleanse #5 lung cleanse - Air Restore
cleanse #6 lymph cleanse - dry skin brushing, sitz bath
cleanse #7 full body cleanse - OJ fasting, can use Spice for Life for successful no crash fasting.
The really good thing about MHs products, they are purely herbal, you can use them at the same time. Make sure your bowels are working very well and ...
4,745 hits
2 of 2 (100%)
Forum: Ask Barefoot
CZ Experts Debate
Re: Length of parasite cleanse prior to 1st liver flush?
by violet_grace 20 y
Full Inner-Body Cleansing Protocol:
Step 1 (Must)
Improved Diet
Parasites cleanse
Bowel cleanse
Step 2 (optional or must)
Dental cleanup
Kidney cleanse
Step3 (must)
Liver Cleanse and Gallbladder Cleanse - Liver flush!
Improved Diet
Full Inner-Body Cleansing Protocol:
Step 1 (Must)
Improved Diet
Parasites cleanse
Bowel cleanse
Step 2 (optional or must)
Dental cleanup
Kidney cleanse
Step3 (must)
Liver Cleanse and Gallbladder Cleanse - Liver flush!
Improve ...
3,460 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: MC question, please read
by Life-n-Light 19 y
Full Inner-Body Cleansing Protocol:
1. Step 1 (Must)
o Improved Diet
o Parasites cleanse
o Bowel cleanse - the master cleanse covers this
2. Step 2 (optional or must)
o Dental cleanup
o Kidney cleanse - the master cleanse covers this too.
3. Step3 (must)
o Liver Cleanse and Gallbladder Cleanse - Liver flush!
o Improved Diet
so your master cleanse way of doing it:
Full Inner-Body Cleansing Protocol:
1. Step 1 (Must)
o Improved Diet
o Parasites cleanse
o The Master Cleanse
2. Step 2 (optional or must)
o Dental cleanup
3. Step3 (must)
o Liver Cleanse an ...
2,469 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Re: Very Confused
R by plzchuckle 18 y
I’d recommend a serious set of cleanses to open up your channels of elimination, including a liver flushing:
#1 colon cleanse
#2 kidney cleanse
#3 parasite cleanse
#4 liver cleanse - flush then detox the cells
#5 lung cleanse
#6 lymph cleanse
#7 heavy metal cleanse
#8 candida cleanse
#9 full body cleane/juice fasting
Fruit is glyconutrients in their purest form, eat plenty, but don’t combine with other foods, make a meals of fruit.
Supplement with organic unrefined coldpressed plant oils.
2,514 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
another Blessed Herbs post...
by #39736 20 y
View Entire Thread 8
i want to start cleansing soon, so i am really trying to get a good idea about each product out there, and what works best. i’ve been reading TONS on the internet. anyway, i checked out Blessed Herbs. i’m surprised that the colon cleanse is only 5 days long, whereas some other colon cleanses (ie: Colonix) are 1-3 months. can you really cleanse the colon in 5 days?
i noticed that they also have a 21-day whole body cleanse, and when you order that, you get the colon cleanse free. so, would it be a good idea/effective to do the colon cleanse and then the whole body cleanse? or is it better ...
8,003 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Which Cleanse To Do First? Does It Matter?
by Webmaster 23 y
It is recommended to do cleanses in next order:
- bowel cleanse with parasites cleanse
[- dental cleanse - if you have enough money, good reason and good dentist]
- kidney cleanse
- liver cleanse
- repeat parasites cleanse and bowel cleanse several times a year.
- repeat liver cleanse every 2 weeks until liver is clean.
1,994 hits
Forum: Webmaster [A]
Re: Should I do a Bowel Cleanse before Fighting off Candida?
by jhan 19 y
You should follow the diet before anything. Diet and supplements, the basic suppl are magnesium, vitamin B complex and probiotics. Write again to ask about supplements (since you might already know all this). A bowel cleanse is not ”before” but an effective way of fighting candida, so is a parasite cleanse, so si a liver cleanse and so is a kidneys cleanse. Basically you wanna clean your cleansing organs to help them better fight candida.
Here is the order I would recommend (although there is no absolute order and changing them around will hardly harm)
1- parasite cleanse
2- bowel c ...
1,790 hits
2 of 2 (100%)
Forum: Candida Support
Re: What do you cleanse first.
by Boldyloxx 20 y
Well for what it’s worth-- I began with a colon cleanse then began my parasite cleanses-- still making sure to keep the colon clean while doing the parasite cleanses, so as to allow the toxins and dead worms to eliminate into the toilet better.
The liver cleanse came afterwards- so it was basically in this order: Colon Cleanse- Parasite Cleanse- Liver Cleanse.
Of course, as I said, I still do weekly colon cleanses while parasite cleansing, which is helping rid the toxins out of my body- maybe that’s why Im not getting skin rashes as much as before.
After 30 days of the para ...
2,701 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask Barefoot
My Plan...any thoughts?
by mclemonhead 17 y
View Entire Thread 8
I have decided to embark on another fast - this time for a combined effort of healing, spiritual enlightenment and for the first time, weightloss. I have done multiple long-term fasts in the past - mostly Master Cleanses with the goal of healing and meditation. This time, I am also going to focus on weight loss, hence the incorporation of juice fasting, water fasting and dry fasting.
Following is a 6 week plan I have developed, combining a few different fasting philosophies - juice fast, water fast, dry fast and the Master Cleanse. I am curious what feedback you all might have for me ...
5,639 hits
Forum: Fasting: Weight
by Minxie 12 y
View Entire Thread 2
Dear Dr. Jeff,
I am planning on doing the following cleanses:
Colon cleanse
Heavy metals cleanse
Kidney, gallbladder & pancreas cleanse
Liver, blood cleanse
Parasite cleanse
Candida cleanse.
I recently had a colonoscopy done. Can that take the place of doing a colon cleanse?
Thank you.
1,508 hits
Forum: Ask The Candida Expert
:: Cleansing Questions ::
by blackrican 18 y
View Entire Thread 5
I am slightly confused and would appreciate it if someone could clarify the following:
Should I do these first before I do the Master Cleanse?:
Full Inner-Body Cleansing Protocol:
Step 1 (Must)
Improved Diet
Parasites cleanse
Bowel cleanse
Step 2 (optional or must)
Dental cleanup
Kidney cleanse
Step3 (must)
Liver Cleanse and Gallbladder Cleanse - Liver flush!
Improved Diet
OR could the Master Cleanse come first?
2,434 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Re: What for Liver Flush...
by pirate 18 y
I would do a colon cleanse first, parasite cleanse, then a liver flush. You need the colon to be clean in order to get the parasites out, and to get the toxins out from the liver flush. Actually, the best way to do it is to colon cleanse, parasite cleanse, colon cleanse, liver flush, then colon cleanse again. The colon cleanse before and after the liver flush I mean colonics, or using a colema board. The first colon cleanse, to start the whole series I would use Oxypowder.
3,473 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
7d castor oil cleanse!
by 998450 18 y
View Entire Thread 11
I had excellent improvement doing inbetween 7d castor oil cleanses. I read on the bowel cleanse how castor oil cleanses the liver and intestines and works like a ’hot wash’ and cleanses the liver and intestines like no other oil!:0
Every few weeks I will do a liver cleanse and every other week I will do a 7d castor oil cleanse. Thanks to castor oil cleanse, liver cleanses,yoga and liver maintance, my digestion has improved including my low stomach acid!!
14,872 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Master Cleanse and Liver Cleanse - overlap
by Kmarie 23 y
View Entire Thread 3
I did my first liver cleanse eight days ago. I would like to start the Master Cleanse, but would also like to do the liver cleanse every two weeks.
Would it be a bad idea to do the liver cleanse during the middle of the Master Cleanse?
I suspect it is best to end with the Liver Cleanse AFTER the Master Cleanse. It is just tough to squeeze in all these cleanses.
7,361 hits
Forum: Ask Agnes&Bob1[A]
Master Cleanse and Liver Cleanse - overlap
by Kmarie 23 y
View Entire Thread 4
I did my first liver cleanse eight days ago. I would like to start the Master Cleanse, but would also like to do the liver cleanse every two weeks.
Would it be a bad idea to do the liver cleanse during the middle of the Master Cleanse?
I suspect it is best to end with the Liver Cleanse AFTER the Master Cleanse. It is just tough to squeeze in all these cleanses.
5,167 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Re: First flush...what happens next?
by tcs_1366 19 y
i too did the liver flush first... one reason, i really didnt know about the ”order” of cleansing
I found this list somewhere within all these pages...
Parasite Cleanse
Bowel Cleanse
Kidney Cleanse
Liver Cleanse
next week, when i get my products in the mail, I’ll be doing (trying) an Ultimate Cleanse
the colon cleanse along with parasite and the Master Cleanse, then i will move on to the kidneys and then the liver again... at least that is my plan.
1,735 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: What order
by rhawnieg 20 y
I think there is info on the correct order to cleanse in you click on the Cleansing blue link at the top of the page.
If I remember want to do a colon cleanse, parasite cleanse, kidney cleanse then liver cleanse.
FYI - the master cleanse is a kidney cleanse (if you were thinking of that).
Anyway, I might be remembering wrong, but it seems I remember colon first, liver last.
Good luck!
2,207 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Expelling Ropes or Breaking Them Up?
by #30392 20 y
martymag and hanna,
It has come to the point to do all the body cleanses I can. Treating any worsening condition seems to be a losing battle without the cleanses. I am going to start with a colon cleanse and am planning to use Dr. Schulze’s colon cleanse products. I looked at this support forum for the first time, today, and read martymags posts on Greens+ and Colonix. The two combined have seemed quite effective for you. Your photo of mucoid plaque ropes is astounding. Is it preferable to expel ropes or break them up? As I read hanna’s post that suggests products for breaking up mucoid ...
11,920 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: plzchuckle
by plzchuckle 18 y
66, here’s my common sense cleanse order, if you’re using a herbal line of products, I use MHs almost exculsively, they can be done at the same time all but a few:
#1. colon cleanse - start day 1
#2. kidney cleanse - can start day 1
#3. parasite cleanse - can start day 1
#4. liver cleanse - don’t flush until you’ve done the above for at least 7 days, don’t do liver cellular cleansing until you’ve flushed to the point of decongesting the liver completely.
#5. lung cleanse - can start day 1
#6. lymph cleanse - can start day 1
#7. heavy metal cleanse - don’t start until y ...
1,499 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
by Eric 22 y
Homeopathic remedies are very good, but should not be used before you do proper inner cleansing: parasites cleanse and bowel cleanse, kidney cleanse, dental cleanup and liver cleanse, and before you improve your diet.
I think that is the reason why you got worse.
You need to do parasites cleanse with bowel cleanse.
Be also aware that sometimes you have to get worse before you get better, but there is a way to insure that you don’t get much worse, and you can do it if you always make sure that your bowel is clean. That is why you need to start your cleansing from your bowel. You sho ...
2,938 hits
Forum: Parasites
Hives Cure
Skin & Face
Re: my battle is over:)
by Spirit 21 y
ewingli wrote:
”i have to do all the other stuff first to get to liver flush and that sounds expensive maybe 200$?”
Bull Sh*t ewingli! You are 17. Hello! What are you afraid of?
In your age I would have flushed every 3rd day! You can flush without Bowel cleansing! You can flush without parasites cleansing!
Yes, it is not as safe, but life itself is not safe.
Is it safe to wait and to let your liver gets more and more damaged?
Is that what you consider safe?
Is it safe to use topical treatments and to destroy your skin forever?
Is it safe to use antibiotics t ...
14,943 hits
Forum: Acne
Re: Master cleanse a good parasite cleanse?
by hopinso 20 y
Master Cleanse is not especially good when you have parasites. The MC uses lots of sugar (Maple Syrup) as a way to maintain energy during the cleanse; parasites love sugar. The thing that the Master cleanse will help accomplish however, is to soften the hardened mucus that lines the bowels of many people. Parasites thrive in that heavy mucus. So doing a ten day Master Cleanse before beginning a parasite cleanse makes a lot of sense. Something my Naturopath recommended for parasite cleansing was digestive enzymes.These enzymes also help digest the mucoidal layer when taken on an empty stoma ...
2,024 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: high liver enzymes
by lisag 19 y
everyone is different and everyone’s speed is a bit different. i do only one cleanse at a time and give the body time to rest inbetween. i would never do a parasite cleanse at the same time as a kidney cleanse at the same time as a liver cleanse, esp. along with the bowel cleansing that should accompany the liver cleanses. way too much!
everyone is different. what i did-
1) prepared for liver cleanse by doing a 5 day blessed herbs bowel cleanse -
( some people use oxypowder or colosan instead.
2) grape fruit seed extract for a few weeks (to kill candida ...
2,499 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Does MC kill parasites--so ready for Dr Clark's liver...
by yucky 21 y
this is not a parasite cleanse, although some people do release parasites on the cleanse. you can combine the mc with parasite cleanse and pb shakes, this is called the ultimate cleanse- this is what i did for my first fast, i think it is more focused on the bowel than the lemonade only fast.
i know clark emphasises doing parasite cleanse before liver, but some do liver flush without having done the parasite cleanse.
my inexpert recommendation would be to do the parasite cleanse together with pb shakes after you come off the mc, while eating healthy, do the liver cleanse after you f ...
3,008 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
liver flush/ salad cleanse
by Jhan 20 y
If you do not want to do the liver flush ( I hate them to) you may do the salad cleanse instead.
Bloating can be two things: undigested food or candida. If your digestion is doing better than it wmight just be candida dying out... again the salad cleanse would help.
the treatment for candida is bowel cleanse- liver cleanse - kidney cleanse, a kidney cleanse is a fast ( I did not loose much weight on it - buth then again I do not have much extra weight to lose) perhaps the kidney cleanse would help you loose weight.
Cleansing salad recipe:
Cleansing salad 1:
equal parts oli ...
2,447 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Andreas books
by richidoo 22 y
Hi Athena,
Andreas recommends 3 specific cleanses. Liver cleansing, colon cleansing (by colonic) before and after the liver cleanse, and kidney cleanse to be done optionally before liver cleansing starts and then every 3-4 liver cleanses. He is a very clear author and his progams are very detailed in his books. ”The Amazing Liver Cleanse” is a good one to start with. He also explains in great detail why it is important to do these cleanses and what kinds of symptoms the cleanses will fix. He also recommends an ayurvedic diet to fit your body type, and he presents guidelines to take advant ...
1,924 hits
Forum: Ask Andreas
Re: Ending my fast with a flush now
by erin 22 y
Hi Barb,
I’ve been reading a lot in this forum and I am just wondering about a few things - I am planning on doing the master cleanse next week - I would love to end it with a liver cleanse but I read a little bit about it and they strongly recommend that you do a parasite cleanse first - that is recommended for three weeks before the liver cleanse in order to remove all the stones - the parasite cleanse is pretty involved - is it really necessary to do the master cleanse, then the parasite cleansing for three weeks and then do the liver cleanse. Also, is there any pain involved (inte ...
2,289 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
I need advise. . .
by brinaharmony 20 y
View Entire Thread 9
I have never done this cleanse, but I’m on day 7 of my 3rd experience with the master cleanse (the lemonade fast) which is also a kidney cleanse. When I’m done with the master cleanse, I wanted to do a liver cleanse (which I’ve also never done before) and I found out that the liver cleanse is not a good idea to do unless the parasite cleanse has been completed. I also learned that the liver cleanse is a great follow up to the master cleanse. . .
Does anyone have any advise as to what I should do next? Or if I should wait until my next cleanse and better prepare? I took about three ...
2,568 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Mucoid plaque
by dread 21 y
Hello Cyrulis,
I have not heard a bulk cleanse of this type working so dramatically so quickly. 11 inch mucoid plaque in two weeks is a dramatic result. This cleanse has similar ingredients as the Robert Gray cleanse, but that cleanse takes several weeks to build up before you really see any mucoid plaque. I’m also very familiar with the straight bentonite/psyllium ”B&P Shake” colon cleanse, and that cleanse also takes a number of weeks to build up.
I’m not expressing skepticism, but rather I’d like to know more about the protocol for this ABC Bulk cleanse. How many times per day did ...
3,466 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Which cleanse should be first? ....
by brankey 20 y
I have been planning my own treatment, and after a while reading around the forums, this is what I’ve found about the correct order of protocols..
The Complete Inner Body Cleansing should be done, to prevent new parasites infections:
1. Parasite Cleanse + Tapeworms & Ascaris Cleanse + Bowel Cleanse
2. Kidney Cleanse
3. Liver Cleanse
can be found at
Or You can take a look at the long version, Inner-Body Cleansing Protocol / Detox Protocol at
Good Luck
1,696 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Cleansing, Allergies, and Fibromyalgia
by boston_mrd 18 y
Thank you hopinso for the feedback on the cleansing!! Sorry it’s taken so long to respond... I have been having problems trying to ’logon’ to curezone. My computer, apparently, is having problems viewing this site!:)
Indeed, it is my plan to do the liver, kidney, and parasite cleanses after doing a colon cleanse, so I will certainly look more at those forums. Also, I am leaning towards doing the Anderson cleanse [] as it seems reputable and I know someone who did it before. Are you familiar with his cleanse at all? Also, the "Cleansing" forum suggests doing ...
1,641 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Detox with Nature's Secret Multi Fiber and Multi Herb
by mtl777 14 y
View Entire Thread 12
I came across these two detox products from Nature’s Secret:
Multi Fiber -
Multi Herb -
The Multi Fiber is for colon cleanse. The Multi Herb seems to be for liver and other cleanses, more like a general cleanse with a wider scope than just liver alone.
Now, these two are also sold as a combination called Ultimate Cleanse -
The instructions for Ultimate Cleanse say to take Multi Fi ...
4,320 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: Facing liver problems during parasite cleanse
by Telman 11 y
People tend to do the individual cleanses and they give their feedback in the forums.
You can go into the bowel cleanse directly after the bowel cleanse as the herbs complete their activity in 24 hrs. However, it is recommended to wait a week to avoid fatigue, especially if there is die-off.
The same advice applies to other cleanses; allow a week between them and also carry out one cleanse at a time.
The recommended is changed around by some people and a common modification is to parasite cleanse between liver-flushes. EG, Bowel cleanse - Kidney cleanse - Liver cleanse (with Paras ...
2,968 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
experience with blessed herbs clonic cleanse
by chriswilson 18 y
what has your experiences with the blessed herbs internal cleansing product and all herbs products in general? i am thinking about ordering the total internal cleansing product:
they seem to have a pretty good reputation, better then colonix anyway but i still wanted to see what curezoners experiences were before i go and spend $400!!!
1,793 hits
Forum: Enema/Colonics
experiences with blessed herbs cleanses
by chriswilson 18 y
View Entire Thread 2
what has your experiences with the blessed herbs internal cleansing product and all herbs products in general? i am thinking about ordering the total internal cleansing product:
they seem to have a pretty good reputation, better then colonix anyway but i still wanted to see what curezoners experiences were before i go and spend $400!!!
2,639 hits
Forum: Acne
experience with blessed herbs, positive/negative http://w...
by chriswilson 18 y
View Entire Thread 2
what has your experiences with the blessed herbs internal cleansing product and all herbs products in general? i am thinking about ordering the total internal cleansing product:
they seem to have a pretty good reputation, better then colonix anyway but i still wanted to see what curezoners experiences were before i go and spend $400!!!
5,100 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Intravenous or via mouth?
by polly-waffle 17 y
View Entire Thread 2
Dr Sutter, You suggested to me that my partner who is HIV positive should do a colon cleanse, a bowel cleanse, a liver/gallstone cleanse, a lymphatic cleanse, a cell cleanse and a blood cleanse. When up to taking MMS, do you think he should take it via mouth or intravenous? Jim Humble recommends taking it via intravenous for HIV/AIDS. Would the MMS work better if taken via mouth after all the cleanses? Please help! Thanks
1,720 hits
Forum: Ask Dr. Sutter
Re: Master Cleanse & Whole Body Cleanse together
by hopinso 19 y
Normally I do not believe in combining too many cleanses. It is very stressful on the body. If you do decide to try both cleanses then stop doing the laxative tea and salt water flush of the Master Cleanse and just drink the lemonade. You can even add other juices for more nutrition. Master Cleanse is a good overall cleanse, but will not solve specific problems as well as cleanses targeted to special needs like liver or bowel cleansing.
1,525 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Parasite cleanse and colon cleanse? help?
by pronatural 20 y
You have the order right. Colon cleanse, then parasite cleanse and then finally liver cleanse. I also like to throw in a kidney cleanse before the liver cleanse, to make sure both of my key elimination organs (colon and kidneys) are ready for the stuff my liver and gall bladder are going to dump into my blood.
You can find simple directions for all of the above at Toxic Cleansing.
2,181 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Everyone please read this
by #28464 21 y
It seems like I have to do a parasite program, kidney cleansing, and liver cleansing(in that order) to achieve the best result as it was suggested by Dr. Clark. If you followed Dr. Clark’s methods on liver cleansing, where did you get those three(I think) ingredients that was mentioned? Could you tell me your experience with liver cleansing? Moreover, did you do a parasite program and kidney cleansing before liver cleansing or did you just do liver cleansing? Your response would be greatly appreciated!
3,476 hits
Forum: Body Odor