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Re: ME is also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
by 15 y
“[XMRV is] a bloodborne pathogen that we contract through body fluids and blood transmission. The symptoms of ME – chronic fatigue, immune deficiencies, chronic infections – are what we see with retroviruses.”
The virus is called XMRV, and researchers have found that it is present in the blood 67% of ME patients
Deficiencies and imbalances found in CFS/ME
The causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are as yet undetermined, but studies have shown that multiple nutrient deficiencies, food intolerance, or extreme ...
7,395 hits
Forum: Parasites: Drugs
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Candida
RRR Educational by Dr.Jeff 11 y
In an earlier post that looked at the long-term consequences of antibiotic use in creating chronic, ongoing levels of inflammation in the brain, I discussed the science of how such changes can eventually lead to conditions such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, dementia, Multiple Sclerosis, Autism, and other conditions. Now, a new study from several centers in Japan illustrates how this chronic brain inflammation can also play a role in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME).
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Candida - ...
1,103 hits
Forum: Ask Candida Exp.
IV Saline Solution for CFS
by Newport 12 y
It is the most effective treatment for severe ME/CFS that I have found in my 21 years of looking….
--Dr. David Bell
4,678 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
DeMeirleir - List of Articles
by InvisiGyrl 20 y
STAT1-alpha and p53 Deficiencies are Found in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Treatment: Hyperbaric Therapy in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Part One : STAT1-alpha and p53 Deficiencies are Found in Patients
with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; The National CFIDS Foundation Responds by Funding Several New Research Initiatives .
Part Two : Expanded Model for RNase L Fragmentati ...
2,272 hits
Blog: Chronic Experts
Studies: Mycoplasma infections tied to several chronic il...
by #114357 16 y
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Mycoplasma blood infection in chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia syndromes.
Multiple mycoplasmal infections detected in blood of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and/or fibromyalgia syndrome.$=relatedarticles&logdbfrom=pubmed
High prevalence of Mycoplasma infections among European chronic fatigue syndrome patients. Examination of four Mycoplasma species in blo ...
2,089 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Nicholson - Articles on New Treatments
by InvisiGyrl 20 y
CFS National Radio Program Nov. 21st, 1999- Roger G. Mazlen, M.D., Host with Prof. Garth L. Nicolson
For CFS/ME or FMS or autoimmune disease patients, The Institute for Molecular Medicine suggests the following lab tests
Co-Infections in Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Other Chronic Illnesses
Co-infections in ...
2,781 hits
Blog: Chronic Experts
Re: Where to get a fecal transplant
by longterm 10 y
Actually, Melbourne FMT does the fecal transplant for the following conditions besides Clostridium difficile:
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (Crohn’s Disease & Ulcerative Colitis)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome - IBS (Post-Infectious, Post-Antibiotic)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome - IBS-Constipation, IBS-Diarrhoea, IBS-Mixed
MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
You can get it for your IBS or chronic fatigue syndrome.
1,531 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
Re: please help!
by joshblck1 14 y
THanks alot I really appreciate it! So even though I get flu/cold like symptoms when I exercise or push myself through daily things, it still sounds like adrenal fatigue? IT was my impression that if you get post exertional flu like symptoms that that means chronic fatigue syndrome? JUst to clarify what Im asking- Can you just adrenal fatigue without chronic fatigue syndrome and still have post exertional malaise?
1,579 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
More on very safe uses of cortisol
by gavster 15 y
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Another interesting read on using very low dose cortisol, 5mg to 15mg, all these studies are done on cfs patiants but they have adrenal fatigue. The results speak for themselves.
I have tried 20 mg day and 15mg and my liver couldn’t handle it. So I am now trying 10mg a day. 5mg at noon and 5mg at 4pm. 3 days so far no side effects, no positive effects either.
2,152 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis in Chronic Fatigue Sy...
by InvisiGyrl 20 y
Abnormalities in response to vasopressin infusion in chronic fatigue syndrome -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Margaret Altemus (a,*), Janet K. Dale (b), David Michelson(d), Mark A. Demitrack(d), Philip W. Gold(c) and Stephen E. Straus(b)
a Weill Medical College, Cornell University, Box 244, 1300 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021, USA b Laboratory of Clinical Investigation, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 10 Center Drive, Room 11N228, Bethesda, MD 20892-1888, USA c Clinical Neuroendocrinology Branch, National Institute ...
6,401 hits
Blog: Chronic Experts
Suggest New forum - c. pulmoni
by #23586 21 y
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Cryptostrongylus Pulmoni Forum - c. pulmoni has been shown by double blind studies at Harvard Medical School to be the most likely cause of chronic fatigue syndrome. I would be willing to post data and information on this extremely virulent parasite. Thus far, no patients have been found with this parasite that did not have severe chronic fatigue syndrome.
1,568 hits
Forum: Webmaster Debate
Opportunity to participate in CFS/ME research,
by ElizabethKendrick 10 y
Do you suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME)? How have your interaction with medical providers and others in your life affected you? Would you like to share your experiences with others? Please participate in the survey below to add your voice to the body of research on chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis. After completing the survey, please share this link with others who suffer from CFS/ME.
412 hits
Exciting news on CFS cause and possible treatment
by frostymug 10 y
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I don’t have CFS but I came across some exciting news that sheds some light on what is going on and a possible treatment. Instead of summarizing the article, I will give the link below and read it yourself.
2,169 hits
Oleander for XMRV
by Taurine 15 y
View Entire Thread 8
Tony or Luella May do you know of anyone that has taken oleander to treat XMRV or chronic fatigue syndrome? If so, did the oleander help them? **XMRV is the retrovirus that has recently been associated with chronic fatigue syndrome. You can read more about XMRV by clicking on this link
I have read that oleander has helped people with HIV and since XMRV is a retrovirus like HIV I couldn’t help but wonder if an oleander supplement such Sutherlandia OPC would be helpful for people with XMRV or chronic fatigue syndrome.
Your thoughts about this would be ...
4,881 hits
Forum: Ask Tony Isaacs
Oleander for XMRV
by Taurine 15 y
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Would Oleander be effective against XMRV or chronic fatigue syndrome? **XMRV is the retrovirus that has recently been associated with chronic fatigue syndrome. You can read more about XMRV by clicking on this link
I have read that oleander has helped people with HIV and since XMRV is a retrovirus like HIV I couldn’t help but wonder if an oleander supplement such Sutherlandia OPC would be helpful for people with XMRV or chronic fatigue syndrome.
I would appreciate any insight that anyone could give me about this.
2,479 hits
Forum: Oleander Support
Re: Anyone out there twitch???You can heal this
by Jeremy108 21 y
I am a healer in the 5000 year old healing science known as Ayurveda. According to Ayurvedic medicine twitching is a result of an imbalance within Vata dosha, this is connected with your nervous system and large intestine.
Vitamin and mineral supplements will not heal this. You need to address the root cause which is an imbalance within your body elements.
I was bedridden with chronic fatigue syndrome for many years, i tried everything to heal but it was only until i learnt and applied the science of ayurveda that i healed myself from chronic fatigue s ...
3,596 hits
Forum: CFS / CFIDS
Chronic fatigue syndrome --- Fibromyalgia (for bipolar / ...
by ei132 18 y
Since I am bipolar / manic-depressive I perhaps HAD chronic fatigue syndrome (check walker’s list).
Please do google search on ”urine therapy” and ”urine therapy testimonials”.
There are 150,000 articles on it. As you can see ”chronic fatigue syndrome” is listed there.
Here is an extract:
Urine Therapy: A cure for all diseasesUrine Therapy is one of the most powerful, most researched and most medically proven ... chronic fatigue syndrome, Hashimoto’s disease, mononucleosis. ...
- 113k - Cached - Similar pages
My own exp ...
3,624 hits
Forum: CFS / CFIDS
Urine Therapy Support
Brain Shrinkage in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
by GetCuredOrDieTrying 11 y
View Entire Thread 5
Example of a control brain on top and a chronic fatigue brain on bottom. The ventricles are larger in the chronic fatigue syndrome patient, and there is less white matter. Abnormal microstructure is present on one side in the white matter in chronic fatigue syndrome.
Notice the shrunken brain.
Here is Alzheimers for comparison.
The ventricles (holes) in the brain are enlarged in both diseases.
4,126 hits
Forum: Candida
Adrenal Fatigue
Brain Injury
Antibiotics Induced
chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia syndrome
by TropicalBoy 15 y
View Entire Thread 6
Here is an interesting article about long term antibiotic treatment against Chronic fatigue syndrom etc. At least this professors seems to understand many of these symptoms in some way are infection related, the problem is they do not know what infections it is.
by Prof. Garth L. Nicolson
Thursday, January 17 2002 - Dossier: General
Sat, 11 Mar 2000
2,427 hits
Forum: Parasites: Drugs
Re: Thank you and what has worked for me
by Hveragerthi 14 y
I agree but its important to note that the adrenal fatigue phenomenon occurs from things other than stress.
Chronic fatigue syndrome and adrenal fatigue are one and the same.
Adrenal fatigue is only one cause of chronic fatigue syndrome as I mentioned in my earlier post.
And there are many causes.
Yes, as other syndromes can have multiple causes.
6,161 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
coxsackie virus, CFS/polio
by 16 y
Silly me..polio was eradicated with the vaccines (edit--NOT) and with the vaccines, they also gave us the SV40 virus..
Read both links to get the entire stories:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and coxsackie. Polio still present.
The Salk vaccine failed completely (we’ll issue a special report on that at a later date). And the Sabin vaccine was a disaster. It caused many cases of polio and showed no relationship to the disease except for an increase in polio during the early ’60s, caused by the vaccine itself. And now we have the sensational findings ...
8,325 hits
Forum: Rife
Stealth Viruses and CFS
by InvisiGyrl 20 y
Stealth Viruses and
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Attempts to define the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) as a clinical diagnostic entity1 have met with difficulties mainly because of a lack of clear separation of what could be considered normal variation in human functional capacity, and what should be considered a medical illness. Patients with debilitating fatigue are inappropriately grouped along with individuals with only minimal impairment in their daily activities. Some severely affected CFS patients eventually meet criteria for neurological, psychiatric and/or immunological disease cl ...
2,879 hits
Blog: Chronic Experts
Re: Some support really appreciated.
by offthewall 8 y
TerrK, curezone is a great site for seeking to find cures for CFS. So keep exploring here. But it’s not too great for finding people that share in this illness, so you don’t feel so alone.
So here’s two other groups to look into also that may be better for that:
Daily Strength CFS support group:
Phoenix Rising CFS support group:
I’m so sorry there are abusive people you are having to deal with on top of this illness. Unless someone has been through it, it can be so difficult for them ...
880 hits
Forum: Market Place
Chronic Fatigue Causes - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
by fatiguecare 13 y
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Hello Friends,
I have heard about Chronic Fatigue causes and its syndromes. I know more and also aware about it. But i see about the antianxiety drugs. Tell me what is antianxiety drugs? & how it is useful for Fatigue?
Thank You
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms - Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms
1,885 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Re: AF and CFS-same or different?
by SB1108 12 y
Faith - I completely agree! I started off with just minor fatigue, and then it became adrenal fatigue, then adrenal burnout (which I think is the same as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), and then progressed to Fibromyalgia. Right now I am somewhere between CFS/adrenal burnout and adrenal fatigue. I no longer fit the Fibromyalgia diagnosis as my tender points are gone.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia are serious conditions but I personally believe they have a cause and that is adrenal fatigue followed by metal toxicity. Ann Louise Gittleman’s book discusses how the if the adrenal ...
1,399 hits
Forum: Nutritional Balancing AF
Re: well said
by TropicalBoy 14 y
Recently there was a ”breakthrough” in medicine, they figured out a lot of people with Chronic fatigue syndrome got much better or well by using a form of cancer chemo therapy....
they then ”concluded” chronic fatigue syndrome not was mental as many Medical Doctors remarkably though before, but an autoimmune disease...
so now they suddenly understood chronic fatigue has something to do with the immune system
But why do this block heads then not think chronic fatigue that can be ”cured” or improved with cancer chemo therapy has nothing to do with infection organism.
So first ma ...
2,812 hits
Forum: Parasites: Protozoa
Re: Cipro - is a FLORO-quionolone (winkwink, nudgenudge.)
by illys / elisah 10 y - Highlighted elements are halides.
I have bought both a lab-grade (99.8% pure) lugol’s powder for making myself a long-lasting source of lugol’s iodine..
And potassium iodide crystals, to feel the difference when using a gentler iodine.
I’ve used both types internally, and as skin application.
I like potassium iodide (also known as SSKi) for internal use, and Lugol’s for topical use
GSH availability can be evaluated by laboratory tests, but it is also the big obvious..
If you are havin ...
2,144 hits
Forum: Candida
Leaky Gut
Study finds clue to chronic fatigue, chronic Lyme
by thall72315 14 y
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By The Associated Press The Associated Press – Wed Feb 23, 5:35 pm ET
Scientists have discovered proteins in spinal fluid that can distinguish people with two mysterious illnesses that mimic each other — chronic fatigue syndrome and a kind of chronic Lyme disease.
Wednesday’s study is small and needs verification. But specialists called it a promising start at clearing some of the confusion surrounding two illnesses with similar symptoms and no good means of diagnosis.
”It’s a very important first step,” said Dr. Suzanne Vernon of the Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction ...
2,832 hits
Forum: Lyme ("Lime")
Re: So far... not so good.
by Naturalpath 15 y
I was also going to ask you, the book you recommended ”Chronic Fatigue Unmasked”, does the author or the doctor you work with make a distinction between chronic fatigue syndrome vs. adrenal fatigue?
The reason I ask, is that many of the CFS symptoms such as constant fever, swollen glands, sore throat, rashes, environmental sensitivities, night sweats etc., I do not suffer from but I definitely have fatigue that is constant or chronic.
2,202 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Re: I have chronic fatigue syndrom
by jenxx 21 y
I do not think that either of those therapies would help much. In chronic fatigue syndrome, your immune syndrome is under attack and is having an increasingly hard time fighting back. What you have to do is find the attacker - and kill it. Also, your immune system needs support during this period, so it can support you and come back. Taking care of yourself is #1 on the list, including diet, exercise, sleep, relaxation, appropriate supplements, etc. It’s hard work but well worth it.
I have chronic fatigue syndrome, and my attackers were candida and amoebas. Now that I have killed th ...
2,289 hits
Forum: CFS / CFIDS
Study: Common Stomach Virus Tied to Chronic Fatigue
by AHarleyGyrl 18 y
View Entire Thread 4
Friday , September 14, 2007
Is your stomach making you sleepy?
Chronic fatigue syndrome may be linked to a common stomach virus, according to new research published ahead of print in Journal of Clinical Pathology.
The researchers base their findings on 165 patients with the condition, all of whom were subjected to endoscopy because of longstanding stomach complaints.
The study was authored by Dr. John Chia, an infectious disease specialist in private practice in Torrance, Calif., and his son, Andrew, who suffers from CFS.
Specimens of stomach tissu ...
4,182 hits
Forum: News
EBV Epstein-Barr
Sleep Disorders
Virus Seen in Muscle from Chronic Fatigue Patients
by Shenandoah 21 y
Virus Seen in Muscle from Chronic Fatigue Patients
By Will Boggs, MD
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A persistent enterovirus infection in muscles
may be to blame for some cases of chronic fatigue syndrome (sometimes called
fibromyalgia) and others with chronic inflammatory muscle disease, a French
team reports.
They detected genetic material (specifically RNA) from enteroviruses in 20
percent of muscle biopsies from patients with chronic inflammatory muscle
diseases and 13 percent of patients with fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue
syndrome, but not from healthy volunteers.
The find ...
1,710 hits
Forum: CFS / CFIDS
Virus Seen in Muscle from Chronic Fatigue/fibromyalgia Pa...
by Shenandoah 21 y
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Virus Seen in Muscle from Chronic Fatigue Patients
By Will Boggs, MD
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A persistent enterovirus infection in muscles
may be to blame for some cases of chronic fatigue syndrome (sometimes called
fibromyalgia) and others with chronic inflammatory muscle disease, a French
team reports.
They detected genetic material (specifically RNA) from enteroviruses in 20
percent of muscle biopsies from patients with chronic inflammatory muscle
diseases and 13 percent of patients with fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue
syndrome, but not from healthy volunteers.
The fi ...
4,904 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Fibromyalgia
Adrenal Fatigue
Good and bad news
by joshblck1 14 y
Well theres good and bad news- The good news is im 99 percent sure I dont have chronic fatigue syndrome because I have no sore throat, no fever, no enlarged lymph nodes.
I can tell that I over did it because my sweating is worse, my insomnia was pretty bad last night, I am pretty agressive this mornin ( I can tell by my road rage which I normally dont have) I am pretty sleepy, my allergies are worse ( which paired with being pretty sleepy is a sign that I probably have low cortisol right now) So the good news is that like I said Im pretty sure I dont have chronic fatigue syndrome, the ba ...
1,989 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Re: Candida Albicans mannan and immune suppression mechan...
by dvjorge 13 y
Chronic intestinal candidiasis as a possible etiological factor in the chronic fatigue syndrome.
Cater RE 2nd.
The chronic candidiasis syndrome, also known as the Candida-related complex, putatively caused by the overgrowth of Candida albicans in the gastrointestinal tract and secondarily in the genital organs, is briefly described. Patients with this disorder have many of the same symptoms as those with the chronic fatigue syndrome, except for the recurrent flu-like symptoms of the latter disorder. The positive response of a large number of patients with the chronic fatigue sy ...
7,171 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Sodium Dichloroacetate (DCA) & CFS
by PaulSTL 13 y
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I’ve been doing a bit of research on Sodium Dichloroacetate (DCA) as it relates to mitochondrial dysfunction. It seems to be a wonder drug for restoring mitochondrial function in both cancer and non-cancer conditions. With that in mind, I thought perhaps DCA might also have a very positive impact on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).
But alas, I came up empty handed when I Googled DCA and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Has anyone here heard of any research or anecdotal reports that would suggest that DCA helps CFS? Thanks.
Jesus said to him, ”I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No ...
3,153 hits
Adrenal Fatigue
this might be helpful:::
by linenup 16 y
The following was presented by Dr. Hildegard Staninger to the
National Registry of Environmental Professionals Conference
in Nashville, TN, on Oct. 18th, 2006
63 % of the patients diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) had a hidden lung worm, Cryptostronylus pulmoni cultured from their sputum. This species of worm is a nematode. Its male measures 250 nanometers, while the female measures between 750-100 namometers in length. (26) Currently, biological pesticide manufacturers are using nematode eggs as delivery systems of viral protein envelopes to corn, potatoes, and other agri ...
13,532 hits
Forum: Parasites: Drugs
Re: why has no body responsed to any of the messages on t...
by Burnt Ice 21 y
Sorry, I have been spending time posting in the Candida forum, as I always accoceated CFS with Candida.
a couple of links at the bottom are of interest.
1979 New rubella vaccine introduced.
1982 First cases of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Epstein Barr reported.
1988 Two scientific studies find that new rubella vaccine introduced in 1979 was found to be the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Epstein-Barr virus), an immune disorder first reported in 1982.
1988 Research indicates that 25% of those vaccinated against rubella show no evidence of immunity within five years. In Wyomi ...
1,989 hits
Forum: CFS / CFIDS
1982 First cases of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
by Burnt Ice 21 y
1979 New rubella vaccine introduced.
1982 First cases of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Epstein Barr reported.
1988 Two scientific studies find that new rubella vaccine introduced in 1979 was found to be the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Epstein-Barr virus), an immune disorder first reported in 1982.
1988 Research indicates that 25% of those vaccinated against rubella show no evidence of immunity within five years. In Wyoming, 73% of rubella cases occur in vaccinated children.
Rubella = CFS + Surgar = Candida yeast OverGrowth
1,357 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Candida Support
Rickettsia and Chlymadia
by Yakumo 19 y
View Entire Thread 10
I have tested positive for Rickettsia and Chlymadia. I probably have Candida too (hard to test for). My doctor, a tropical disease specialist named Cecile Jardin (you can runa search for her - a leading chronic fatigue syndrome researcher) has recommended repeated pulsed therapy by high dose tetracylcines and other anitbiotics, with post-course antifungals and probiotics. Anybody think this is a bad idea? She’s apparently had good success curing people of chronic fatigue syndrome with this method. I am not much of a believer in ”natural” remedies having tried tons of natural antipa ...
10,126 hits
Forum: Parasites Support