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Ascaris Suum and Ascaris Lumbricodes are not the same?
by Newport 16 y
Ascariasis Ascaris lumbricoides
(aka Ascaris suum or Ascaris lumbricoides suum)
Ascaris suum (aka: Ascaris lumbricoides)
Dunno about you but someone specializing in DNA should know...
5,540 hits
Forum: Rife
Hulda Clark's reason for night sweats
R by jessesmom1987 17 y
If you click at the top of the forum pages on Clark, you can read information from Hulda Clark’s book. I remembered seeing in the Clark mop-up for the ”tough worms” about night sweats- here’s what she says. It’s under Ascarids/Tapeworms after you click on Clark.
The Curious Case of Ascaris
Ascaris infests animals and humans from pole to pole of this planet. It is safe to say that all dogs and cats have it and all humans have it from time to time. Domestic animals and humans each have their own varie ...
7,446 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Night Sweats
Sleep Disorders
Re: Help identify parasite eggs ...
by jessesmom1987 17 y
I was reading about the ascaris (ascarids) it’s spelled both ways, on the site Luz gave- for me, there’s no doubt the red/brown things are baby worms. I’ve also mainly been killing flukes and roundworms, and each time I’ve gotten these, I’ve done the coffee enemas, which cleans out stuff in the liver and high bowel and I’ve always gotten more. Plus I’ve actually gotten the round worm (ascaris)just a day or so after passing the eggs, so for me I’m in agreement with the Amish site.
This was what it said about the ascaris eggs on that same site:
Tremendous numbers o ...
19,250 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Updated: Ascaris
by Newport 16 y
View Entire Thread 2
No big change just added frqs to Wake up dormant Larva\Cyst.
1,689 hits
Forum: Rife
by zithappens 22 y
You could try the mop up program. For killink remaining tapeworms and ascaris and their eggs.
”Strangle the Stragglers
Here is the Mop-up Program for both tapeworm larvae and sheltered Ascaris eggs:
ozonated olive oil, 1/2 tbs. taken morning and night
L-cysteine, 500mg, 2 capsules 3 times a day.”
Hope this helps.
peace, love and happiness to you
8,768 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Hydraulics during treatment
by lkclooney 13 y
View Entire Thread 3
I don’t want to hear any jokes about trolly jacks, elevators or lift locks.
I’m experiencing the hydraulics sensation in the ascending colon and right colic flexis while running the Taenia hydatigena treatment. The two notable freqs from the treatment are 998988.7777 and 777787.6767.
Considering the reproducibility of this symptom/sensation using the unmodified NP Ascaris Suum scriipt and DNA Ascaris freqs, would the Taenia hydatigena contain the Ascaris Suum for the hydraulics to occur or is cross reactivity between the Taenia hydatigena (”VERY large roundworm”) and Ascaris Suum?
1,605 hits
Forum: Rife
Ascaris co-infections...
by krosser 12 y
View Entire Thread 2
Are there any other co-infections that go along with Ascaris apart from Bacteroides fragilis and Coxsackie Viruses?
Since running Ascaris scripts, I’m having much severe outbreaks of seborrheic dermatitis. Running freqs for B.fragilis and Coxsackie A+B doesn’t help the situation. So I thought there might be other Ascaris co-infections involved.
BTW I’ve ordered Blue Vervain tincture to try for Ascaris.
1,662 hits
Forum: Rife
Re: ..I need to be sure?
by sanjean 15 y
This is a good question and I’m wondering the same thing. This is one more thing to put on my priority list but do know that I’ll be taking it for at least 3 rounds.
If you’re coughing up stuff.....DO NOT SWALLOW IT! I have photos of ascaris juveniles from my lungs.
This should give you some idea of just how long it’s going to take....
The Curious Case of Ascaris
Ascaris infests animals and humans from pole to pole of this planet. It is safe to say that all dogs and cats have it and all humans have it from time to time. Domestic animals an ...
1,908 hits
Forum: Parasites: Drugs
What Hulda Clark says about ascaris/eggs
RR by jessesmom1987 16 y
And I wasn’t eating banana’s either.
I definetly got the night sweats like Hulda Clark says, two different times- to the point of having to get up and change my nightie because it was soaked. Both times were after starting the L-Cysteine, ozonated oil, and COQ10, and it happened the very first night on both occasions (several months apart). The next day was when I got the floating eggs, and lots more in a coffee enema.
I also got the remnants of the mother worm too. The pictures are hard to tell what they looked like, but you know when you get them. Out of everything I’ve killed, the ...
43,723 hits
Forum: Parasites (Alt.)
Liver Flush
Hulda Clark
Ask White Shark
Now it makes sense- Ascaris Suum
R by jessesmom1987 17 y
View Entire Thread 3
I have been bewildered in trying to figure out what kind of big roundworms I’ve killed- for sure not mucoid plaque--mucoid doesn’t have skin that comes seperate from it.
This information makes sense in that the Ascaris Suum (pork ascaris)can get up to 50 cm long, and they have been put in the same classification as the Ascaris Lumbriciodes- which are actually different.
I got another 2 ft one in gearing up for the full moon this last time- the same exact thing as what the others have been- long, thick as one of my fingers- brown, looks like strands of rope twisted together- skin sepe ...
2,896 hits
Forum: Ask Microbe Detectives
Re: Wrong Cleanses Can Lead To Resistance - "Scattering"
by monique_1 18 y
This scattering is living in hell, they dig in an swin around in the liver and the lungs. I have actually found out what I am fightning by a SCIO. It showed a variety of things and the exact organs where they sit:
Colon: Ascaris, pinworm (and something else)
Lungs: Ascaris, tapeworm (this is where I have most pain, and this organ was also showed as: STRESSED ORGAN)
Liver: Ascaris
It’s good to know what we are fighting, but it’s the elimination that is the hardest part.
I also had liver fluke and blood fluke, but I can only feel the ascaris bastards, the others I can live wit ...
10,692 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask Humaworm
herx from frequencies
by Zooii 13 y
View First 20 Messages of 30
I used Newport lyme frequencies and got more tired the day after. The day after I tried Mewport Ascaris frequencies because I have been suspecting ascaris for many years now, and also the f-scan therapist said I have ascaris. The day after this I had major herxing, terrible migraines and movement in sinuses and head. It seems like I should have gotten those symptoms from the lyme herx and not from ascaris herx. I shouldn´t have done both so close to each other. Does this sound like it´s the lyme or ascaris herx to you (in case I have ascaris in sinus and/or brain)?
4,610 hits
Forum: Rife
Re: To: Pam
by 33333 20 y
Hi oceanwave. Thanks for responding.
My infection is with some unknown type of protozoa.
So maybe we need different treatment. However I have seen more infrmation about Ascaris treatment on CURE ZONE web site.
You Probably have already tried Dr Clark productts but I am going to paste something. It is from Cure Zone
”The Curious Case of Ascaris
Ascaris infests animals and humans from pole to pole of this planet. It is safe to say that all dogs and cats have it and all humans have it from time to time. Domestic animals and humans each have their own variety of Ascaris, yet can ho ...
7,121 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
worms, worms and more friggin' worms!
by sanjean 15 y
Hallucinating, huh? I haven’t done that since the ’70s! teehee
Oh jeezz is right. You must have been awfully ill!
I’m still breeding the little suc***s! I thought I had them pretty well beaten and didn’t bother slathering the Icy Hot on my feet but now there are a bunch especially in my left foot. Not sure if they are Strongys or Hookers.... :-)
I gotta say that I really disgust myself! Humaworm confirms that my lung grubs are round worms and Hulda Clark says that Ascaris do indeed reproduce them self in the body.
And, as we know, Strongys do too.
A few days ago, I rested my ...
3,543 hits
Forum: Parasites: Drugs
Re: Best Herbs For Ascaris, Garlic, Diatomaceous Earth?
by J649 14 y
Ascaris is transmitted via contaminated soil. The soil gets contaminated by ascaris eggs, which need to be in the soil for a while to become infective. There is no direct person to person transmission of ascaris infection. Those with a weak immune system are much more susceptible to ascaris infection. It is almost impossible to completely avoid exposure to infective ascaris eggs, as they may be on produce,and everything from door knobs to many other everyday things(apparantly these microscopic eggs are sticky and stick to things), so wash your hands well after handling raw produce, before ...
8,646 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Can you confirm Strongyloides eat blood ?
by david1o1 14 y
A bit like their presence in the lung and digestive system.
That’s why i think there is a missing/wrong information. The life cycle of strongyloides is similar to ascaris, but in theory, ascaris can’t spread to others parts of the body. Explain me why ? Maybe because allopath doctors have never examined a case like this ?
I mean ascaris larvaes are able to travel in the blood and in the lungs so why they aren’t able to travel and live to others parts of the body ?
Maybe some larvaes are trying to escape the herbs and end up in others parts of the body ...
15,533 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: 48090.7656 - Anyone know what this is? It hits a fast...
by musimesipomahat 13 y
I feel exactly the same but it’s not ascaris (at least no ascaris frequency is killing ”it”) as ”it” always splits into many sharp long ”strings”
and seems to be moving the most when T2 is applied to some part of it (then the rest of this ”body” is moving like crazy)
some time ago someone I know asked the doctor in Thailand who treats paratises what it could be if it’s moving and he responded: it’s it’s moving it’s ascaris
but what kind of ascaris is this??? everything just makes them weaker, nothing kills these beasts and I tried all kind of roundworm frequencies - they get injur ...
2,536 hits
Forum: Rife
Ascaris Mystax
by Mannequin 12 y
View Entire Thread 4
Take a look at this picture, specifically the one marked ”c”
a, Male; b, Female; c, Anterior extremity; d, Seen in profile.
I believe I’ve seen this come out of the nose.
If any master dowsers want to have a crack at making frequencies that would be amazing.
3,617 hits
Forum: Rife
Re: Rife or Clark
by Newport 17 y
I use Clark when I can, the other ones I like are the TR (True Rife) scripts if available else a numbered script like _1,_2 etc
With the F165 there is no need to use scalar octaves of Hulda’s frqs, just use them as she recommends, these also do NOT require a carrier. With the F165 it is best to use the sweeps as Hulda has in her book because they work best.
To speed things up you can use cdwell instead of dwell and make that 1/10 of the high (ending frq) of the sweep as the F165 needs +1/10th of a second to show you the frq running.
an example would be this for ascaris + fragilis (4 ...
2,167 hits
Forum: Rife
Abdominal Surgery to Remove Ascaris – Pics
R by rabbitears 18 y
View Entire Thread 5
The below link is a case where “hundreds” of ascaris were surgically removed from a 3 year old boy. In my opinion, this could have been completely avoided if he were properly treated 6 months prior when he vomited worms. Ascaris are dangerous creatures that are initially microscopic -- to not understand their destructive nature is certainly asking for trouble. I still find it amazing that there is a lackadaisical attitude about parasites among the medical community.
I found the pictures tolerable and interesting (I don’t like gross things). As you scroll down, you see the intestines pul ...
3,183 hits
Forum: Ask Microbe Detectives
Re: Anatomy class and ascaris
by rabbitears 18 y
Hi Zooii!
Thank you for posting this -- great find!
One of the reasons this is of interests to me is that there is little supporting evidence that male & female ascaris co-exists.
In fact, I’ve read many reports stating that according to scientific research and available pathology reports that male ascaris weren’t present. Therefore, there was (and still is) the assumption that for the most part only female ascaris inhabit the body.
For the longest, I had disagreed with this assumption based upon my own findings when I had elminiated ascaris eggs that were in pouches. Ascaris e ...
6,380 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: A treatment plan for newbies....
by rabbitears 20 y
Doctors do know about Ascaris in lungs because I consulted with a doctor friend about this. BUT, they are brainwashed over a period of time to forget about the ascaris and treat the ”asthma” with drugs. Doctors will only treat people for Ascaris, if the person ”presents” with Ascaris; then it becomes a possible treatment plan. This is where the great Catch-22 takes place. How does one prove they have Ascaris before it is too late and damage is done?
4,674 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Parasite Research & Encyclopedia
by beht 20 y
Yeah, I don’t know if you saw my post from a month or two ago, but I was saying how Ascaris is not recognized at is should be. It’s hard to believe that 50 years ago, in fact, even now, there is medical literature clearly stating that some cases of Asthma are caused by Ascaris and removing Ascaris solves the asthma. Hulda Clark says ALL cases of asthma are from Ascaris - who knows, but no one believes her anyway.
At any rate, most doctors who see asthma in someone would never even test for Ascaris or even know about the connection. Instead they prescribe life long, harsh and physically ta ...
2,431 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: doctors are a joke
by beht 20 y
I also think one of the most dangerous things doctors do is if they don’t KNOW what’s wrong with someone, they INSIST on diagnosing SOMETHING - so they fit them into SOME box of symptoms, a disease name that makes sense, and then treat them accordingly - often without success or worsening the condition.
Take Ascaris as it applies to Asthma. Hulda Clark says all cases of Asthma are because of Ascaris. Now I don’t know if this is true or not, but I read in a MEDICAL TEXTBOOK (that’s right, not naturopathic, medical) that was written like 50 years ago, that many cases of Asthma they knew wer ...
2,415 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: What could be causing his problems?
by humaworm 19 y
Hello - he could have ascaris and pinworms. Ascaris causes lung and chest problems because the lungs are where the eggs hatch into larvae. Ascaris are round worms, they look like strands of spaghetti and tapeworms are flat, they look like ribbons. Most adult tapeworms are only 1/2 inch long - very small and very flat. Female ascaris can be 12 inches long and the males are about 10 inches long - very long and very scary looking!
Pinworms come out at night and lay eggs on the anus, underclothing and bedsheets of the infected person. They cause a very itchy anus and are common among c ...
2,892 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Re: question re arscaris dna
by Newport 16 y
I always ran it again !!
# Title: Ascaris megalocephala
# Description: Ascaris of Horses, watch for other horse viruses like Borna Disease
label 0
label body
dwell 845
fuzz .2 .05
8090.64 # Octaves from HC
fuzz 0 0
label eggs
dwell 300
1,726 hits
Forum: Rife
Re: question
by Newport 16 y
Please be clearer about what you are doing. We have Ascaris.suum, Ascaris.M and Ascaris.lumbricoides.
Also treating that cyst and for that matter the T.Crassiceps one as well can be an education in biowarfare material....
Also there is no need to treat Bb and Bg every day, at most Bg needs the first few numbers every 3-4 days and Bb you can wait longer than that.
My guess is that you are not killing all the Ascaris are are not following up with the cleanup frqs. The other is that you are either treating the wrong Ascaris or the contact device just doesn’t penetrate well enough...
1,507 hits
Forum: Rife
Re: Which Rife best for Lupus? ASCARIS finding
by best123 15 y
Thanks for the input. Jeez, how the heck did I get horse ascaris!? Probably contaminated food as I haven’t been around horses much. I do have Blue Vervaine and started taking it immediately after Js.Mom confirmed to me that these are ascaris (post w/ pics coming shortly). I ordered 4 more bottles last night.
I didn’t run any ascaris scripts or take any Blue Vervaine before the ascaris came out in a liver flush, which was quite a serendipitious finding. So the doctrine took care of them? Should I run any specific scripts for ascaris now?...and Borna and HPV too? ...
5,633 hits
Forum: Rife
Q about liver "knot"
by best123 15 y
View Entire Thread 18
Ever since liver flush about 12 days ago and passing for 1st time a couple of large Ascaris (pics posted in link provided) I’ve developed a dull ache in the liver that’s gotten worse every day.
So I did another emergency flush tuesday night and just got out more ascaris...but dull ache is still there. So I’m asking would it be a good idea to run the Ascaris mega script? I’m thinking that I might have another (or more) ascaris balled up in the liver and maybe dead. Feels like something large stuck in there or it could be i ...
3,176 hits
Forum: Rife
Re: Please tell me what kind of worm was in my poop soup!
by Labrat The Tenacious 15 y
It looks an awfully lot like an earthworm. An earthworm in the stool is a description of an Ascaris.
Ascaris are one of the most common worms to affect people worldwide. Their eggs are very durable, can be difficult to wash off produce, and can be carried by the wind. Just a warning if you go looking for images of Ascaris on CureZone or elsewhere some can be disturbing.
25,072 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: those with ascaris -were you able to get rid of it?
by 15 y
I really should click on the box at the bottom of posts, of notifications when people reply. I happened to scroll down and noticed the red minute thing for a new post in this thread.
If you go to the top of any CZ page, and click on the tiny ”Clark”, it is there under tapeworms and ascaris cleanup.
I’ve read, and reread this particular thing. I don’t know which one of her books it came from, but it’s not in the Cure for all Diseases. Like she says here, there are different types of ascaris too.
It makes you think when you start ima ...
7,020 hits
Forum: Rife
Re: How to take it slow??
by best123 15 y
If you have a candida, most likely you have an ascaris problem. And they are very tough to kill as they have layers of tough skin. A lot of people go after candida not realizing that they have ascaris hidden away...and ascaris bring candida with them, so the cycle never ends and one constantly battles candida. So you gotta get rid of the ascaris first. I just found out I had ascaris in the liver in late may, over a year after I had been killing bugs. That explains my candida problem! You need lots of Bromalien on an empty stomach as it’s a protein digester and will ac ...
3,767 hits
Forum: The Candida Expert
Re: Passing a huge number of ascaris roundworms for many ...
by sanjean 15 y
I haven’t had a lot of time to hang out here but wanted to add a few thoughts.
After taking lots of meds, I’ve taken a week off and guess what? I’m now coughing up Ascaris grubs again! Amazing little BUGgers! I used to have a really nasty chunky cough but now it just a little tickle in the throat and a very small amount of phlegm but there they are once again! Glaxony says that the eggs will not hatch as long as we’re taking herbs or meds for parasites. Gotta give these things credit! The are amazingly persistent and adaptable!
I copied the warnings re Iver side effects just to offse ...
22,977 hits
Forum: Parasites: Drugs
by 15 y
cool, always nice to have dowsing verified. Mega was I got for him too when he showed me the pic’s. The problem I’ve found since being able to dowse, is that not all sets of frequencies other than Newport’s, kill things in all their phases. Newport’s blow the dead ones to bits, but other frequencies, including DNA, True Rife, and Hulda Clark’s- leave you with large, putrefying carcasses. With a voice of experience- if large ones are killed behind a curtain of Lead, the Lead has to be moved out of the way to be able to eliminate the large, putrefying thing.
How large can they get? Larg ...
5,396 hits
Forum: Rife
Ascaris Infections - What They Are & How We Get Them
by humaworm 19 y
From the CDC:
What is an Ascaris infection?
Ascaris is a worm that lives in the small intestine. Infection with Ascaris is called ascariasis (ass-kuh-rye-uh-sis). Adult female worms can grow over 12 inches in length, adult males are smaller.
How common is ascariasis?
Ascariasis is the most common human worm infection. Infection occurs worldwide and is most common in tropical and subtropical areas where sanitation and hygiene are poor. Children are infected more often than adults. In the United States, infection is rare, but most common in rural areas of the southeast.
Wh ...
1,355 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Ascaris Treatment Process
by mattk3 9 y
I suggest you dialog with persons on the forum directly. It will save time.
Many of the supplements are contained in the document found at:
Revision 255 was the latest document posted, it covers startup, PH, Minerals, Metals, Herbs, the fluke formula, and log of Ascaris startup.
Ascaris was completed in an unpublished document Ascaris 3939.
Strongyloides Protocol is also available.
A filaria Protocol is also available.
The main document is behind the testing, collaboration, and final results.
Removing Ascaris is a process. ...
1,318 hits
Forum: Parasites: RX
Re: those with ascaris -were you able to get rid of it?
by 15 y
Yes, the Clark cleanup worked well for me, but I was also still taking alot of herbs with it too (through the Alternative Dr’s muscle testing for what I needed specifically, and in what dosages--it was alot).
I did all 3 at once for about 3 weeks (2 rounds with a few months in between). Coq10, ozonated olive oil, and L-cysteine. Both times when I started it, I got the drenching night sweats Clark talks about with killing ascaris, and I also got some of the most chilling things I’ve seen with killing parasites, eggs floating in the toilet. Those, the 3 ft ascaris, and the tapeworm scole ...
8,371 hits
Forum: Rife
WHAT MMS DOES-biosafe and person with fingers holding ani...
by #98890 17 y
View Entire Thread 4
i know first hand
mms cures morgellans.
i wonder if i use mms and wait 4 hours to use sea salt?
some have tried the sea salt protocol for head itching.
and vitamin c.(this suppose to be a poison to morgellans.
will mms stop itching in the scalp? this i would be interested in
answer to biosafe remarking needing to test mms on killing morgellans.
remarkable! mms does something that kills morgellans.
this helps more people than flood victims i think.
mms kills ascaris worms. again mms is remarkable because the ascaris worm are
the largest worms.ascaris worm ...
2,791 hits
Forum: MMS Debate
Re: What's this parasite?
by jessesmom1987 16 y
I think you’ve discovered one of the main drawbacks of the rounds of pharma’s- you can kill the parasites, and not the eggs...causing even more of a mess.
Before I knew that I had a load of parasites myself, I had been talking to the ND with concern for my daughter, who had been in Fiji for 3 months. She was given a round of some type of parasite killing drug when she returned to the states, because of having digestive issues.
He has worked with patients with parasites for 15 years, and he told me that ”they have to be cleaned up in all their phases”, eggs etc-- and he told me that ...
2,360 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: my 4yr old has bad breath, help
by helpmerhonda 16 y
I know what this is because I suffered from it. Your child has gotten a worm probably ascaris. The ascaris’s urine is pure ammonia which causes Candida(yeast infection), kill the worm, kill the candida... Take Caprylic acid to help with the bad breath until you can kill the worm.. you might wanna invest in some vermox from
If anyone tells you different then dont listen to them, When i killed the worm, the bad breath went away instantly
7,606 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm