600 Messages Page: 1 of 16
Re: General SYMPTOMS Of Parasite Infections
by the who 18 y
How often do you see acne clear up after parasite cleansing?
Thanks so much for your time and dedication :)
4,882 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
What determines location of acne?
by MrCooties 21 y
View Entire Thread 2
What determines the location of skin problems like acne? For instance, since the liver and bowels are often associated with the skin, does acne on the face correspond to a different area of the liver or bowels than body acne (like a liver stone plugging a certain liver duct, which causes acne on a specific part of the body)? Is there a hierarchy of acne severity or location, meaning that a flush or cleanse will help with some acne, but multiple flushes/cleanses are needed for more severe acne or body acne? Why do some people get only facial acne, and others get only body acne?
8,590 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
How to Remove Acne Scars without Any Damage to Your Skin?
by nickmutt 17 y
Read this article if you want to know how to remove acne scars without damaging your skin. Acne attacks most of us at least once or even more times in our life. Sometimes it becomes very difficult ...
13,913 hits
Blog: Natural Home Remedies and Herbal Treatments
How to Remove Acne Marks with Acne Home Remedies?
by nickmutt 17 y
If you want to know how to remove acne marks with natural remedies than this article is for you. Most of us suffer from acne problem at one time or another. Acne occurs due to various reasons. Some...
3,642 hits
Blog: Natural Home Remedies and Herbal Treatments
Re: acne caused by teeth????
by chriswilson 18 y
I found this a while ago. u might be interested.
Question :
I have a bad case of acne. After several medications were unsuccessful, my dermatologist suggested that I schedule a dental exam. He said cavities may fuel my acne infection. How can this be?
Answer :
An abscessed or decayed tooth may contribute to acne. Dermatologists described a patient who had acne outbreaks that did not respond to traditional medications (Boyd et al. 1999). However, the acne disappeared after the patient had an abscessed tooth removed. This cycle of acne outbreak, tooth decay diagnosis, dental treatmen ...
21,490 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
I doubt you need accutane.
RN by elin 20 y
I don’t know what your gender is but my acne started after my teen years also -- when I started taking birth control. Birth control really damaged my liver and I had acne ever since.
I had cystic acne, which as you note is severe, and *weeping acne*, which is really really severe! Weeping acne is the kind of skin that simply oozes; it never even heals enough to be proper skin.
Anyway, I have done six liver flushes so far, as well as a month-long stint with P&B shakes -- oh, and I quit my coffee habit -- and my facial acne is gone, gone, gone. I still have some lingering body acne, bu ...
8,285 hits
Forum: Acne
Roaccutane Survivors
Iodine and acne
by wombat 15 y
View Entire Thread 5
Highly recommend y’all watch this video made by ”Dan” at . Excellent example of being able to think for oneself:
Does iodine cause ”acne”? No!
2,463 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Natural treatments are the best for Acne
by syrinxza 13 y
View Entire Thread 4
Using harsh soaps and cleansers can just make the acne worse or then create another problem of dry skin.
This soap my whole family actually uses but its great for acne, and 100% natural.
Please message me here if you have any questions I will be happy to help and support in any way I can.
1,893 hits
Forum: Acne
by ChrisPher 13 y
or me, topical or oral antibiotics acne treatment can only temporarily clear my acnes. Acnes will come back as soon as when I stop using them. I found Holistic acne treatment works much better for me, it clears and keeps the acnes away from me. I followed a few regimen but Acne No More works well for me. There is a good review about it here
37,009 hits
Forum: Acne
Re: Help! I'm confused as to what to do...
by luckydenabish 15 y
Evidence for hereditary factors in acne point to the
role of androgens and lipids
Although evidence of familial clustering exists (2) and an association
of frequency and severity of acne in families with heavy
course in the descendants was described (3), varying distribution
and severity of acne were shown in homozygotic twins (4), and
among heterozygotic twins acne was present in 54%sets only (5).
Interestingly, evidence of direct genetic association of acne with
androgen and lipid abnormalities has been observed: neonatal
acne was found to be associated with familial hyperandrog ...
4,852 hits
Forum: Acne
Liver Flush Support
Sleep Apnea
Stretch marks
by Shezkashendy 16 y
View Entire Thread 2
There is a natural cure for stretch marks that involves an all natural cream that miraculously makes your stretch marks disappear.
Acai Berry Juice
Acne Scars Treatment
stretch marks cure
Acai Berry Fruit
Teeth Whitening
stretch mark cream
Acne scar Treatment
Acne Treatment
Acne Treatment skin care Treatments For Acne
Acne Treatment
3,863 hits
Forum: Best Products
Is bread really a teenage acne stimulator?
by tumbayakuntehu 13 y
View Entire Thread 2
Understanding how to treat your Acne involves knowing which type of Acne may have. Acne has many variations, ranging in severity from mild to much more serious cases that can cause disfigurement. There are many acne treatments that work fast available on the market, but it is very important to first identify your Acne type before choosing a treatment.
Acne Vulgaris
The most common form of Acne is named Acne Vulgaris. This type of acne can be easily identified by looking at the characteristics of the lesions.
-Whiteheads: When a pore b ...
1,732 hits
Forum: Acne
anyone with acne use the progesterone cream????
by mamaj 16 y
I found this article (below) on a site about acne
-any feedback from you ladies out there with acne probs that have used the cream????? I didnt have the skin problems, so I’m not much help there......
lol-I find a low dose of zanax when I am about to blow really helps!
I know exactly what you mean with the out of body experience-I find myself missing deadlines because I would rather have it be late than wrong-I just cant think sometimes!
Modern science has dispelled many myths about skin disorders such as acne: includin ...
5,036 hits
Forum: Mirena
Re: Acne cysts
by coco2704 21 y
Cystic acne comes from imbalanced hormones. In addtion to doing a bowel cleanse, you should also be taking supplements (like #28238) to balance your hormones. He/She gave a very good example of what you should be taking in order to balance your hormones. You can also look into Leo Kiesen’s Acne Cure, only because he gives an indepth explanation as to how to combat acne. If you like, you can email me and I can send you a copy....
Leo Kiesen’s Acne Cure site is below:
8,184 hits
Forum: Acne
Acne finally cured - thanks to liver flushing and Humaworm
RN 100% CURE! by londonUKgirl 11 y
View Entire Thread 25
Just wanted to report that after a year of cleansing - 3 courses of Humaworm and 10 liver flushes - I got rid of acne, I have not had a breakout for over 3 months now.
I suffered from acne for 14 years, visited countless doctors, tried all medications available, none of them helped, took 4 courses of tetracycline 3 months each throughout the years which helped at the time but acne always returned.
I was on contraceptive pill for a year as doctor said it would help acne but never helped.
For the record, the acne I used to suffer from:
Acne on my back and chin
Cystic acne on my ne ...
16,198 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Acne Cures
Skin Problems Cures
Hulda Clark Support
Success Stories
Parasites Forum
Does systematic enzymes work better for people with leaky...
by #207405 9 y
View Entire Thread 12
Hi I suspect I have leaky gut because I’m sensitive to almost all foods. Milk, acne, soy, acne, eggs, acne, carbs, acne, bananas, acne, nuts, acne,,,,,Nothing I can eat that does not give me acne.
However, acne is the least of my concern on my list. I have more serious issues such as Lyme disease.
My question is, since my gut has increased permeability , i.e., leaky, if I take systematic enzymes, such as wobenzymes, the enzyme molecules (proteins) will more likely leak into my blood stream, so they work better to clear up junks, is this logical?
I’m asking because I feel wobenz ...
3,466 hits
Forum: Candida
Leaky Gut
Lyme Disease
Treatment for acne & acne scarring
by #220526 8 y
Treatment for Acne & Acne scarring!
Hi there! If you are suffering from chronic acne &/or acne scarring, The Los Angeles Acne Center offers many different treatments for acne and acne scarring. Treatments include topical creams, pills, acutane, chemical peels, injections, skin needling, dermabrasion and many different laser treatments. Dr. Rahimi is one of the most experienced acne surgeons in Los Angeles; he will put together an individual treatment regimen that fits your goals and budget. I highly recommend. Good luck!
380 hits
Forum: Market Place
Re: Acne Treatment Plans
by acneperfect 14 y
Your treatment plan
Your recommended treatment plan will depend on whether your acne is mild, moderate or severe.
Mild acne is treated using gels or creams (topical treatments) such as:
benzoyl peroxide,
topical retinoids,
topical antibiotics, or
azelaic acid.
Acne treatment consist of reducing sebum production, removing dead skin cells, and killing bacteria with topical drugs and oral medications. Treatment choice depends upon whether the acne is mild, moderate, or severe.
1,134 hits
Forum: Market Place
Re: Does butter cause acne
by couchpotato 13 y
I would tend to agree with the other reply to this message. There are a lot of stories out there about foods that cause acne, and they are just a myth. Acne is a phase some people may go through at certain stages of their life.
You can read more on it at :
4,352 hits
Forum: Acne
Re: ionic silver for acne, pimples, blackheads and skin rash
by alicejolly 9 y
If you want to treat adult acne then you can easily get rid of them with some natural home remedies. There are lots of remedies that can be applied to treat adult acne. You can follow some of the home remedies to get rid of adult acne:
9,237 hits
Forum: Acne
Re: Boils on Scalp
by TLSadmin 9 y
Many Peoples don’t know about Epsom Salt is helpful to get rid of acne. It is better to choose natural methods for acne treatment there is no harm on our skin. Here is full guide of Epsom Salt for Acne is a Hidden Method To Treat Face Problems. May be it will help you more.
1,772 hits
Forum: Skin & Face
Herpes Simplex 1
Acne Pineapple
by parasitescauseacne 10 y
Parasites cause acne? I have been following the 3 day
712 hits
Forum: Acne
Re: flaxseed oil and acne
by melagirl 19 y
It does help with my acne, and my skin feels so much softer. however, if you realy want to deal with your acne, kill the candida in your body. After almost fifteen years of suffering with acne I realized that this is what causes my acne. It causes my hormones to go out of wack leading to oily skin and it causes my liver to be overburdened with the candida toxins. My skin is soft and the acne is going away.
5,198 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Flax Seed
Liver Flushes?
by Notadoctor 19 y
View Entire Thread 6
Has anyone actually gotten rid of their acne from liver flushes? I am considering trying it. But I also think that my acne is caused by candida. My doctor prescribed me Ketaconazole (anti-fungal) 200mg 2xday for seborrheic dermatitis, and it almost completely cleared my acne.
So... has anyone helped their acne, by pursuing the candida route?, or has anyone helped their acne by pursuing liver flushes and general body detox?
4,572 hits
Forum: Acne
How SkinB5 stopped my acne! This is not an advertisement ...
by dave2929 19 y
I’m 23 years old and I’ve had acne since I was 15, but not anymore! I never used these forums before, but acne sufferers need to know that there is something that can stop your acne.
SkinB5 cleared my acne in 2 weeks and the only reason I tried SkinB5 was because my friend has been using it for 3 months and her acne is clear. All I want to say is THANK YOU SkinB5, you don’t realise how much you’ve changed my
3,284 hits
Forum: Acne
Beauty Tips
acne caused by teeth????
by #88097 18 y
View Entire Thread 3
Just reading around about dental and came across this artical:
Ask Your Dentist About Your Acne
If you have a stubborn case of acne and your dermatologist has tried everything without success, you might want to visit your dentist.
A Vanderbilt University researcher says there is evidence that an abscessed or infected tooth could be the culprit in difficult cases of acne vulgaris. This is a condition that affects about 80 percent of people between the ages of 11 and 30 and is usually treated by oral or topical antibiotics.
The dental connection to this form of acne was fo ...
17,355 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
acne caused by dental??
by #88097 18 y
Just reading around the net and found this artical:
Ask Your Dentist About Your Acne
If you have a stubborn case of acne and your dermatologist has tried everything without success, you might want to visit your dentist.
A Vanderbilt University researcher says there is evidence that an abscessed or infected tooth could be the culprit in difficult cases of acne vulgaris. This is a condition that affects about 80 percent of people between the ages of 11 and 30 and is usually treated by oral or topical antibiotics.
The dental connection to this form of acne was found in the case of a ...
1,506 hits
Forum: Acne
Dental Health
Dental Support
The Cause of Acne (Why Acne Happens)
by quincyjonesfan1 16 y
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The cause of acne? What is it?
Is it stress? Is stress causing all that puss on my face, chest, back and arms?
I don’t understand, I’m am sure that I am not the most stressed out person in the world, in fact, everybody experiences stress (yeah, that’s probably why everybody who has acne or any other problem tends to blame stress, because stress is COMMON).
Am I going to cure all the puss all over my body if I start laughing like an idiot all the time for no reason? YES!!!!!!!!
Rewind that, NO!
Here is what I think of acne. Why is acne only on the face? The most acne people have ...
4,023 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Acne
The root cause of acne (at least mine)
by Simon2 15 y
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For the last few years I have spent much time figuring out acne, and I’m pretty sure I have the answer now. Yes, my own skin is mostly clear these days.
My acne correlates perfectly to my own discomfort with sex and relationships. If I’m uncomfortable with something sexua| or something that has to do with relationships with the opposite gender, then I get acne. If there’s no discomfort, then there’s no acne.
My own breakthrough came when I experimented with sexua| role-play (domination and submis ...
2,798 hits
Forum: Acne
Natural cures for Acne....from an alternative health forum.
by Jualsy 20 y
How Can I Cure Acne?
Home Remedies:
A non-oily face wash that contains tea tree oil or echinacea can help to reduce the incidence of acne breakouts. Wash your face twice a day in the morning and evenings and rinse thoroughly with warm purified water.
Avoid oily and chemically ridden cosmetics or any facial products that contain socetyl stearate, isopropyl isostearate, isopropyl palmitate, isopropyl myristate, and sodium chloride, parabens as these ingredients can cause acne.
Give dry skin extra care, being sure to wash and rinse your face thoroughly and using products especially made ...
4,537 hits
Forum: Acne
Acne cures are over stated! Acne treatment takes time.
by proplan 20 y
View Entire Thread 3
The Internet is fully of ”acne cures.” Unfortunately, most of them DO NOT treat acne with a treatment plan. The ”management” and ”healing” of most forms of acne requires a treatment plan.
Acne Treatment Plan
The Truth About Acne
Resolving acne takes time. There are many forms of acne and individual skin types.Realistically, the average treatment time is 6-8 weeks. Avoid treatments that promise “miraculous or overnight” results. You will be disappointed.
Legitimate acne treatments: decrease sebum production, reduce bacteria and inflammation, and normalize skin shedding.
Acn ...
2,758 hits
Forum: Acne
Re: Always one Cyst
by melvel 19 y
Do you mind if I ask how many cleanses you did, which ones and in what order you did them? For you to have acne there has to be something that is in your body or that you are putting into it unkowningly that is causing it. I have read that weightligting and intense workouts are bad for people that suffer with acne. Exercise is great for acne sufferers because it helps to strengthen your organs and to eliminate toxins, sweat also cleans your pores. But intense exercising can cause your body to eliminate toxins faster then your organs can process them, which makes acne worse, or can give ...
4,169 hits
Forum: Acne
Is liver flushing a gimmick?
by #84230 18 y
View Entire Thread 14
I want to do a liver flush and become a vegetarian. I have hormonal acne and want to cure it if possible. But I’ve just graduated college and don’t have the funds to buy expensive oragnic vegetarian dishes. I need convincing that this liver flush will clear my acne once and for all. The whole story behind the liver flush is that it will cure acne my releasing toxic gallstones in the liver. But if all of us humans eat the same way and have gallstones in our livers, from perscription drugs and whatnot, then why don’t we ALL HAVE ACNE???? I see bums who eat out of garbage cans without acne ...
6,960 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Acne will never go away, theres no cure
by danielddd1 18 y
i used to be in the same boat as you.there is hope , but its not gonna be easy.
its a good sign that the acne went away or got better with the apple juice fast,.this means your acne is caused by the food you eat.the reason it got worse on your chest near the end was probably because you were detoxing. everyone’s acne is caused by different things one person may be able to eat something while the other gets 7 cysts on there face from the same food,what you need to do is a good elimination diet for a week to test what you can and cant eat, ...
5,263 hits
Forum: Acne
Re: Dosha query
by shelleycat 21 y
Mom knows best! :) When you are a Pitta and prone to acne problems, very hot, spicy foods become a ”Cheat” and not a mainstay.
Acne is not so much about kidneys but liver/bowels/lymph. Kidney toxins don’t usually cause acne, altho the skin is often called ”the third kidney” that’s because of sweat. Sweating out toxins takes some of the pressure off the kidneys. An overabundance of kidney toxins will cause body odor before it causes acne.
It depends on where exactly the acne is, but acne is a sign of toxins in the bloodstream that should be filtered out by the liver and lymphs. Whe ...
1,704 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley
Anyone tried Leo Kiesen "Your Last Acne Solution"?
by #14575 21 y
View Entire Thread 15
Lately I had to stop using birth control pills,I was having migraines from hell, while on it. And it was suggested by my dad’s oncologist, not to take any hormonal pills. My acne came back. I cannot realy blame my diet, I eat healthy balanced diet, fruits, vegetables, buy organic products whenever I can. I never overused cosmetics etc. But always had acne. I always suspected hormonal imbalance, besides acne, I have some extra facial hair. And from what I read on the web page promoting book and the program it blames hormonal imbalance and pure liver function as a cause for all acne. I was j ...
18,976 hits
Forum: Acne
obsessed with acne scars
by #19089 21 y
View Entire Thread 8
I have a few acne scars from a bout with teenage acne. I still get some acne but after 3 liver flushes, it seems to be slowing down. Anyways, my acne scars are really not that bad, but I have 2 medium size acne scars. I have a lovely wife and 3 kids, I am a superb athlete (run marathons, play basketball, etc)) and in very good shape (6’2”, 185 lbs). But I am obsessed with my acne scars. I am obsessed how they look whereever I am. My wife tells me she barely notices my acne scars. But, I am aware of every light in every situation I am in. I know my scars look better in some lighting than ot ...
6,237 hits
Forum: Acne
Re: My ACNE story
by webbina11 15 y
Sometimes known as an eyelid pimple or eyelid rash, an eyelid pustule is a vesicle that develops inside the skin layers of the eyelid, or just below the layers in the area known as the dermis. This vesicle, which serves as a small pouch, fills with dead skin cells that gradually break down into pus. As the collection of pus grows, what appears as a pimple on the eyelid develops. While this type of pustule can be irritating if it increases to a certain size, it is usually benign and will gradually disappear as the dead cells are reabsorbed into the skin.
Often, the sym ...
7,936 hits
Forum: Acne
Are areas of acne related to a certain organ/internal pro...
by jitter 15 y
View Entire Thread 2
I have read on here that acne on the jaw line is a hormone issue? What about acne on the forehead? Through all my high school years of acne and even a couple years after, I NEVER had acne on my forehead, and this was with wearing a hat pretty much everyday. Three summers ago I started mounting bike a lot, which required me to wear a helmet all summer long. Ever since then I get pimples on my forehead regardless of what comes into contact with my skin. What would cause this sudden proliferation of acne on my once flawless forehead? My diet did not change at that time (no dairy, sugar, minim ...
6,609 hits
Forum: Acne
Liver Flush Support
Re: Hveragerthi..Orthoiodosupplementation
by spudlydoo 15 y
Hv, this is a topic that interests me greatly, as I said before, my friend with cystic acne, found that iodine supplementation erradicated it, cystic acne is very different from hormonally induced acne, although hormone imbalance can exacerbate it.
I was severly iodine deficient before I started supplementation, and after beginning supplementation I did not have any outbreaks of acne, I did have a few red bumps appear after a few weeks, but these dissappeared very quickly, and were not what I would call pimples, merely raised lumps with no pus or head.
If iodine is causing acne, the ...
5,232 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine