600 Messages Page: 1 of 16
Re: I want to buy a rife generator
by jaguar57 13 y
Used Rife machines are always for sale. Why? Because they don’t work!
I used to make and sell Rife machines but stopped due to my conscience bothering me. Other than a few exceptions, such as 464Hz for candida, they don’t work.
Rife machine sellers teach how the inventor Royal Rife used his machine successfully against cancer and different microbes. Then they let you assume that their ”Rife machine” is the same that Royal Rife used although the original design and frequency list died with Rife since he kept them secret in hopes of finding a buyer for his technology. Also the common ”Rife ...
13,273 hits
Forum: Dr. Beck
Candida Support
Zapper Support
Whats the best rife machine out there, thats closest to d...
by Sutekh 17 y
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Having a look into rife machines, it’s all a bit of a daze, plenty of people claiming their’s are the best and closest, yet i read nobody actually built one from the original specs, so how can we know whats actually going to work or not work as a rife machine was originally designed to do?
So if anyone has information on a rife machine that is on the ball when it comes to what it’s supposed to do, and reflects Dr rifes original rife machine, do tell thanks :
3,800 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: zapper powerful ???
by winnie100 12 y
thanks parazapper.check this site out with the link above model A rife machine by JWLABS.i looked through the site,very interesting and different.the frequency does not go past 10,000 hz ,also you dont change the settings manually,it changes the certain frequencies through sounds from a cd player or from your pc.obviously they charge for each program,and the unit itself cost 1650.00.,plus runs off 4 aa other thing is that is puts out 64 to 68 volts,how is that possible from 4 aa batteries??.keep well..
1,672 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: rife rife rife machines !!!
by parazapper 10 y
The very problem that many do not have Rife machines and especially Beam Ray devices is the cost. Also, it is not surprising that people in those groups have Rife machines for Lyme because that is exactly what those groups are about.
People should also be aware that they can rent Rife machines by the hour at many places. See: for more about this.
12,880 hits
Forum: Lyme Disease
Parasites Protozoa
Breast Cancer
Lung Cancer
Best Killer - Beam Ray Rife Machine
by Frequency55 10 y
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Beam Ray Plasma rife machine- rolls royce of rife machines
$6000 new - needing immediate sale $3000
excellent for parasite killing - Beam ray has facebook page. And they have most popular rife machine youtube video with 70,000+ views .
More info please contact me asap.
has big bulb , penetrates body much better and more evenly then zapper technology and is much more powerful. adjustable stand (HANDS FREE dont waste your time)
excellent investment has list of A to Z good for many things
3,322 hits
Forum: Market Place
Coil and zapper
by myfriendsam 11 y
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What happens if you connect a zapper to a large coil from a Doug Coil rife machine? I dont mean using both the rife machine and the zapper on the coil at the same time - I mean taking the coil separately from the rife machine and using it with the zapper exclusively instead.
Would this damage zappers?? Or would it turn it into a magnetic pulser?
1,525 hits
Forum: Zapper
HI.. How do you feel about this device?
by LBP 14 y
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Hi Dr. Jeff,
How would you honestly feel about this device in question:
It is supposed to be a very effective rife machine.
Some actual customer testimonials claim it really helped them overcome digestive disorders related to candida:
Thank you for taking the time to help.
2,490 hits
Forum: The Candida Expert
Anyone.. Please le me know what you think about this dev...
by LBP 14 y
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How dp you honestly feel about this device in question:
It is supposed to be a very effective rife machine.
Some actual customer testimonials claim it really helped them overcome digestive disorders related to candida:
Anyone with experience with them, please chime in.
Thank you for taking the time to help.
2,500 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Parasites: Protozoa
Re: Photon Sound Beam X11
by Zosimos 16 y
if you are going to spend that much money on a device to treat Lyme disease, then I would HIGHLY suggest that you get a rife machine. Rife machines have a great track record for treating Lyme disease. Just do a Google search for ”rife machines + lyme disease” and you will find tons and tons of information.
I recently bought one to treat Lyme disease with but it is too early in the process to determine if it is working for me or not. But I will say I am getting some VERY interesting results
2,545 hits
Forum: Lyme ("Lime")
Re: Rife info
by zooii 18 y
I remember there were two well known rife guys claiming that their machines have killed large worms, one of them is a rife machine with about 4 tubes or more and the other is some type of ultra sound rife machine, but functions more like a ”crane” meaning it´s handheld. According to Jeff Sutherland and others, the ultra sound machine gives out all frequencies you could ever need, but they claim this machine does not give enough time for each frequency, althogh the inventor (gary wade) says it works great (of course :-)). The more expensive rife machine builders says the cheaper ones don´t ...
2,659 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
True Rife Machine
by Osiris2067 19 y
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I recently purchased a True Rife F110 Rife Machine. I love it. Does anyone else have this machine and if so how is it working for you?
I choose this rife machine because it has included in it’s price a Foot detox machine and wow all the stuff that comes out when you do a foot detox.
I love my Rife machine. How do the rest of you feel about Rife machines in general. I would really love to hear from those of you that have Plasma type devices.
6,276 hits
Forum: Rife
Re: Help please!
by earth2heaven 10 y
actually rife machine still exist, google the reviews on the rife machine and you see so many positive responses. I have first handed experience what a rife machine can do. This person above is completely clueless and thinks to cure candida overgrowth you should take more antibiotics and no probiotics.
There is no rife machine that is exact same as the original rife machine, that is because technology IMPROVED. If Dr . Royal Rife was still alive today i’m sure his machine would not be the same as it was in 1950’s the technology back then and now is uncomparable.
Google rife machine a ...
5,648 hits
Forum: Candida
Acid Reflux
Lyme Disease success :)
R by theskyking 22 y
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Hello everyone,
About 6 months ago I was introduced to rife machines through a friend who used them to get well. Over the last 3 months I have purchased three rife machines that have brought me back to 90% well from Lyme Disease. Since then I have written a website about my experiences, as well as started a discussion group for people treating their Lyme Disease with rife machines. So far there are 160 members. We aren’t selling anything - just discussing using rife machines for Lyme Disease. I encourage all who are interested to join our group. I hope this information is helpful ...
4,123 hits
Forum: Lyme ("Lime")
Re: zapper and rife machine
by Ohfor07 20 y
Since their initial inventions (Rife - Rife Machine, and Clark - Zapper), there have been numerous enhancements and or knock-off/spin-offs from these original designs, so it’s a somewhat merky topic to clear up, but I hope my comments help.
The quick and simple answer is - Rife Machine and Clark Zapper have the same basic goal that is achieved through different means.
As far as timeline goes, Rife came before Clark; in fact, a lot of Hulda Clark’s R&D effort for her first zapper design was based upon the microbe/frequency chart that Rife had discovered in his R&D many years prior. Ri ...
2,290 hits
Forum: Dr. Clark Support
This rife machine able to use original rife frequencies
by caliman 19 y
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Does anyone know or have experience with this machine @
it is a 100 watt machine with antennas and say it is the only one that is able to use the original rife frequencies....
I’d love any feedback if possible on how well this unit’s performance is as I would be using it to battle hsv2....
This machine is $5000(ouch) so id like to know if it’s really worth buying...
thanks so much.
7,958 hits
Forum: Rife
Re: Help please!
by earth2heaven 10 y
google rife machine candida. you will see a site from a woman name Margaret Munn. She is true a healer , she helped me cure myself. Now i will say i do not agree with some of her ways, as she charges money for advice. I give them for free.
You can buy used rife machine on, if you can’t afford rife machine atleast buy a zapper. If you really want to heal yourself, buy a rife machine. Worst case scenario you can resell it on ebay.
But like i said before do your research on the rife machine , i know what a life changing machine it is. Dr Royal Rife was a genius. I cannot stre ...
7,876 hits
Forum: Candida
Acid Reflux
It's ROYAL RIFE time on EBAY
by -2tuff- 21 y
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Rife machine EMEM3D type. Brand new machine!!
Biosolutions Rife Wellness Current Frequency Generator
Rife Machine (ENERGY WELLNESS) Brand New!!!!
11,321 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: Fighting off the fatigue-help please.
RRR by Newport 17 y
- if bromine use salt
- if adrenals use Salt + Potassium + VitC then get rid of mercury
- if lead use +3g ascorbic acid + cal + mag
- if mercury use +3g of MSM then buy some DMSA
- if trichinosis use zapper, rife is better
- if mycoplasma use zapper, rife is better by multiples
- if radiation use boron, but DMSA is a must to eliminate uranium
- if TB use IP6 and VitC
- if chronic inflamation use Turmeric, Bromelain and Quercitin
- if EBV or CMV kill flukes with zapper/herbs
- if Lyme use Colloidal Silver buy Rife machine
- if solvents and broken NAD cycle use B2/B3
- if thymus ...
9,229 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
rife rife rife machines !!!
by Frequency55 10 y
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I cant believe there are not that many posts about rife machines !!!
EVERYONE WITH LYME MUST CHECK OUT FACEBOOK PAGES rifing lyme, rife lyme, lyme disease rifers.
Nearly everyone there has a rife machine (frequency generator) and many many swear by it helping treat their lyme disease i have noticed. Also many will be able to guide you to quality INFORMATION and be able to answer any questions !
I dont have lyme, i am very healthy young man. However i have researched heavily about rife machines and i bought a couple . After using them for general detox and parasites (which ev ...
12,904 hits
Forum: Lyme Disease
Parasites Protozoa
Breast Cancer
Lung Cancer
Re: he says rife doesn't work
by Zooii 13 y
Gina I don´t know much about rife machines but I have been looking in lyme-rife forums where there seems to be many people being cured with rife machines. Some seems to be a bit better than others.
I bought 2 machines from jaguar enterpises years ago and they unfortunately broke after some time, but they were a weak magnetic pulser and a bob beck silver pulser. The pulser killed some organism in the bloodstream where the blood was circulating so it did work and the magnetic pulser I wasn´t sure about. I never felt any difference after using it. After this I bought a very strong magneti ...
11,869 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
model A rife machine.
by winnie100 12 y
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hello all,i’m new to this site,pretty interesting stuff.i have been interested in alternate medicine for years,and just recently with electronic devices such as,zappers,rife,frequency gererators,amazing my persuit of serching for the right machine,i’ve had so much mixed information with the different sites available.i finally have come across the model A rife machine,from JWLABS ,this site seems like it knows its stuff and they are not trying to compare with other machines,like so ...
1,637 hits
Forum: Rife
Re: Question about ELECTRODERMAL SCREENING and frequency ...
by Newport 14 y
Homeopathics projected from subspace can only be a homeographic copy?
Yes, but the Doctrine does more than project.
Are Rife frequencies projected from subspace the same as coming from a Rife machine?
Yes, but the Doctrine does more than project.
Are Rife frequencies projected from subspace the same as coming from a Rife machine?
Are Rife frequencies projected from subspace the same as coming from a Rife machine?
Are Rife frequencies projected from subspace the same as coming from a Rife machine?
Irrelevant, it may take up to 700 sychronized frqs to copy a ...
2,570 hits
Forum: Rife
Re: Question and challenge
by Tizona 12 y
different people with Lyme disease had used rife machines using different frequencies and different protocols for different lengths of time. But most Treat for at least a few months
some of them are symptom-free for a while then had a relapse and need to do the more treatments. Others Do rife treatments for a few months and then are completely fine from that point on. And of course there are others for whom the rife machines do not work for Lyme disease
6,695 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Dr. Beck
Hulda Clark Support
Re: Please Help: My Dad has Recurring Bladder Cancer in P...
by hopefulstarsopensky 8 y
Is there any issue using both a zapper and Rife machine? If we go with the Rife, I am still confused how to pick the frequency range. I was reading on here that there are a lot of fake lists of frequencies floating around. Do you have any information on this?
It seems like a Rife machine can penetrate deeper, however, since there is no organ there a zapper might be very effective as well.
2,138 hits
Forum: Cancer
Zapper Support
Prostate Cancer
Ask CureZone
Re: Starting lyme protocol....Ottawa Ontario, anyone here...
by Johny Apple Bomb 16 y
The links are helpful, I can read about it a bit right away, thank you.
Here’s a couple links for Lyme treatments and Rife Lyme testimonials. Some of them are old though.
4,018 hits
Forum: Rife
Lyme Disease, Alternative & Conventional
by -2tuff- 20 y
Lyme Disease,
Alternative & Conventional Treatment
March 30, 2005
----- Original Message -----
From: Chris Gupta
To: Recipient list suppressed
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 9:06 PM
Subject: Lyme Disease & Rife Machines
Lyme Disease & Rife Machines By Bryan Rosner’s, is a unique book that demonstrates what lay people can do, but the billion dollar medical industry can’t or won’t do. This example, clearly affirms the ”self empowerment theme” of ”Share the Wealth” site.
An erudite balance between electrom ...
1,072 hits
Forum: News
Rife on Ebay
by alexandria 19 y
Has anyone that has checked for rife machines on ebay seen the guy that is leasing a rife machine to only people who have cancer using rifes original frequ’s FOR CANCER. He will be making more machines possibly by the summer. I don’t know much about it but it sounds good to me but I suspect the price is 5 g’s or more.
u might have this on here somewhere but honestly I already wore myself out on other forums and can read no more
will check again
1,354 hits
Forum: Rife
Re: what do you think of this unit?
by kungfu 16 y
The Doug Coil Machine is generally regarded as the best rife machine for treating lyme. The others tend to give people improvements but then plateau soon after. The Doug Coil is believed to be more effective because of its high power output. If you are looking for a group that discusses the use of rife machines in the treatment of lyme look to yahoo’s group called lyme_and_rife Its a great crowd of very knowledgable people.
14,504 hits
Forum: Rife
Lyme ("Lime")
Does Newport still post here?
by adamt 15 y
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Hi all,
i have a doug coil machine and want to see if rife machines are successful at stopping hair loss,
so i read a thread by a user called Newport -
sent him a PM asking his opinion on treating hairloss with a rife machine and my plans,
but as i havent heard back and as that thread ^^ was from 5 months ago, i was seeing if he still uses this forum?
thank you
2,025 hits
Forum: Rife
Re: which is best for lyme?- kmt or rife
by Tizona 15 y
okay, I don’t know enough about the klinghardt protocol to comment on it
But yes, a rife machine can definitely be programmed to treat lyme disease.
If I were you I would get a type of rife machine called a doug coil machine like this
that type of machine uses electromagnetic waves. this is especially effective against lyme because the lyme spirochetes dig very deep into the tissue but electromagnetic waves pass right through skin and bones. So it doesn’t matter how deep the bacteria is it can still reach it
5,464 hits
Forum: Lyme ("Lime")
Has anyone bought phanotron tube from Spooky2?
by #210358 9 y
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Recently, i have bought a phanotron tube from Spooky2. I study on what rife machine is for a long time and decided to choose something based on the original rife machine. My friend has suffered from lyme nearly deacdes and she used a rife machine to treat and she told me that it works on her. I had intended to buy plasma tube, but phanotron tube got more powerful and focused siganal almost even the most powerful rife device. So I give it a try. They told me if a phanotron tube light up powerfully, it doesn’t mean that it is powerful to the point of function cause some manufactuer add mercu ...
1,717 hits
Forum: Rife
Re: Gymnema to prevent hyphal growth of candida
by earth2heaven 11 y
no rife machine isn’t same as zapper.
I personally never used the zapper.
The Rife machine makes frequency that KILLS pathogens. TRUST ME it kills it, i see it in my stool afterwards.
Day after a rife treatment, will be a lot of sleep.
From what i been told, once candida gone systemic. Only way to kill is electricity. The problem with candida is it goes dormant and hide from antifungals , but it cannot hide from the frequencies that destroy it.
Don’t get me wrong it will try to change the frequency , so you have to
use many different frequencies to kill it.
Use the lufenuron it w ...
4,907 hits
Forum: Candida
Re: A.Vasorum Update
by Newport 18 y
First time that I could feel it, also the first time we zapped it alone as per:
I am a firm believer in not mixing to many frequencies in one beam using the AND operator. One frequency and a carrier or Hulda Clark backfreq is OK but the effects appear better by not doing too much with the SCIO in an info panel. Downside is time with the machine...
The F125 is a Frequency Generator; a Rife machine is a frequency generator and strictly speaking a Ray Tube device. But contact Rife machine are more popular now since the Tubes are limited ...
2,169 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Got a Used Bare-Rife Machine To Heal Me From Lyme!
by tgparker 19 y
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Got a Used Bare-Rife Machine To Heal Me From Lyme!
I’m a total newbie to using a Rife machine to heal from Lyme Disease.
At first I thought that I should build my own Rife machine as that
might be the simplest and cheapest way to get started.
I’ve investigated the Bare-Rife, The Doug Coil, and the EMEM machines.
The Doug Coil machine looks like the parts alone would cost me over $1500.00...
I also checked out the cost of parts for building my own EMEM machine
and that also looks like at least $600.00...
I noticed some Rife machines for sale ads and I located and bought ...
4,049 hits
Forum: Lyme ("Lime")
Re: tapeworm
by Newport 18 y
Depends on the Tapeworm and where it is.
The smaller ones like Dwarf and Echinococcus granulosus really require a good rife machine. If you have a long standing Multiceps (all flavors) infection that has wandering cysts throughout your muscles then also get a Rife machine.
One of Dr. House episodes has a tapeworm cyst controlling the immune system, quite an interesting one to watch and ponder over...
2,136 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Has anyone used a zapper?
by Frequency55 10 y
i knew u sold zappers... i felt attacked everytime i mentioned rife machines.. had to be profit involved. Have you talked to manufacturers of rife machines before and asked them their opinions on zappers? low power devices usually not programmable
2,430 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Re: Which Rife Machine for Cancer?
by jaguar57 9 y
Robert Beck said that Rife machines don’t work. I don’t believe anyone and had to find out for myself that they did very little in the body. So my debunking Rife machines is just out of concern that people spend their money and time wisely.
2,249 hits
Forum: Rife
Brain Cancer
Breast Cancer
Re: Direction to get quality zapper?
by aoneinesun 9 y
Interesting. I am researching it now.
I asked an alternative healer I know, and apparently she thought the zapper was kind of older technology. She had once had a GB4000 Rife machine for a while. But now she has given up the Rife machine, and she likes to just use Miracle Mineral Supplement. I’ve heard mixed reviews of MMS though. Any thoughts of this mix and the benefits of the zapper?
815 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Calculating Harmonics from NP's therapeutic freq
by lkclooney 13 y
This post is to highlight the fact that the octaves derived (see last post) from the therapeutic frequencies, contained in NP’s Ascaris Suum F165 script, are being utilized on different Rife machines. It’s hard to conclude how the freqs behave on the Doug Coil (no carrier signal) and the GB4000 (different carrier frequency) when NP designed the freqs for the versatile F165 and bean. It is my understanding that F___ series function generators have been design for Rifing given their capability and noted advertised applications by Rife machine builders.
1,904 hits
Forum: Rife
Anyone tried Crystal Resonators for Rife Machine?
by krosser 12 y
View Entire Thread 16
I wonder if anyone has tried these or similar crystal resonators with the F165 or other FGs?
I mostly like the idea of ”Hands Free Operation”...
If we knew how they are made and how the signal is delivered to crystals, then we could make our own, I guess...
4,235 hits
Forum: Rife