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Re: hair problems along with skin problems
by carlinim 16 y
”Its nice to have someone like on internet who can actually guide us, well i need your help. I am 23yr old female, with veg diet, I generally do not eat junk food, , , My problem is I have spot some 4-5 white hair today, I am really stressed over this, how can it happen at this age, we do not have family history of grey hair? Can you please suggest me some good grey hair treatment, also let me know what diet I shall eat to get rid of this grey hair problem permanently. Well I found some remedies and treatment for white hair while searching on internet i.e. ...
2,909 hits
Forum: Ask Tony Isaacs
Copper and Zinc for gray hair
by jarod1005 15 y
View Entire Thread 2
Does anyone have experience with Copper and Zinc to reverse gray hair? I am 26 years old and there are some noticeable gray hairs in my head and facial hair. I have read these reports before. I am a 28 year old male, and as of October 30, 2010, I began taking 2 mg copper with 50 mg zinc to reverse my gray hair. I have about 20+ gray hairs in my head.
If anyone has had good experience with copper and zinc to reverse gray hair, how long before I see the reversal of gray back to my darker hair?
Thank you
9,062 hits
Forum: Hair Health
Grey Hair
Beauty Tips
What do you think are the cause of grey hair?
by Petite Fleur 11 y
View Entire Thread 6
Anyone had success in grey hair reversing with hydrotherapy, kefir (for vitamine B12), kombucha, zinc/copper, or iodine?
I’m trying this stuff, and no poo.
What are the cause of grey hair in your opinion? If you had grey hair reversal, what did you do? What was the cause?
3,503 hits
Forum: Grey Hair
Re: Chelation and grey hair
by dreamin 12 y
What you are noticing ties in with the following information:
”The reduction of the clearance of toxic metals due to GSH is easily observed in the population as it plays a direct role in why hair turns gray. Grey hair is caused principally by rising levels of Hg or mercury in the body being incorporated into the hair follicles causing the loss of pigment from the higher cellular ROS problems. Grey hair has higher levels of mercury in it than pigmented hair strands and the effect helps to pull some mercury from tissues. Grey hair for many people begins in areas of the chin and face, wher ...
6,240 hits
Forum: Rife
Grey Hair
Successes and testimonials for weight loss and improved c...
by #123332 15 y
Hi Curezoners,
I’m wondering does anybody have any encouraging stories about weight loss and improved concentration/memory and energy, as well as getting rid of puffy eyes/eyebags and grey hair?
I’m currently about to start cleansing, with PB shakes (blessed herbs), then a course of Humaworm and liver and kidney flushes, and I’d like to see more success stories here as most people seem to use the forum for queries.
And has anyone ever eliminated grey hair from kidney and liver flushing/cleansing? I am a 23 year old male with black hair and grey hair coming through on temples, fri ...
1,517 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Grey Hair
Brain Fog
Memory Improvement
Re: How many are following Iodine supplementation to T.
by San2006 18 y
Diarhea is preventing me from upping my dosage....When I increase the Iodine, I get lose motions. Completely liquified, watery bowels which make me feel sick. hence I could not increase the Iodine. I am doing a conservative 2 drops of Lugols a day , which may not be theraputic.
I dont have FBD, I dont have any throid disease. But I am 32 and have gray hair. I have been taking lots of BSM but my scattered gray hair are still there. So Copper Deficiecy should not be an issue( Since ppl say Cu deficiency can cause gray hair)
Another theory is that lots of heavy metals in the body can ...
10,614 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Minerals Support
Re: Scientists discover cause of grey hair!
R by JustinL 16 y
A different yet credible study into graying hair:
Concentrations of Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium, Copper, Zinc, Manganese and Iron in Black and Gray Hairs in Taiwan.
Abstract;An investigation of the metal concentrations of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese and iron in the black and gray hairs of the same person in Taiwan was performed using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The flame modus of AAS was employed to determine the concentrations of trace and mineral elements. The results of trace element and mineral element c ...
17,249 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
MH, question for you sir!
by JosephR47 16 y
View Entire Thread 2
Been reading about the topknot and am very interested in it. I see that you have created a new version of it recently! I am going to be intereted in trying the latest and greatest, for the grey hairs on my head. Just wandering can the topknot be used for facial grey hair also?? I would love to find a way to naturally eliminate the greys from my facial hair without applying chemicals to it. Any suggestions?
2,741 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Grey Hair
Beauty Tips
Re: copper detox grey hair?
by purplepixie 11 y
Agreed - copper is needed for hair colour - it’s recommended to try copper if premature greying is a problem.
Perhaps you are pulling too much copper from your system if you’ve noticed a drastic increase in grey hair in just a few weeks.
Ann Wigmore claimed that wheatgrass juice consumption turned her grey hair back to her natural youthful colour. I presume wheatgrass juice has quite a bit of copper content?
4,570 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
Grey Hair
Copper Deficiency
Am I making myself worse?
by markrule 10 y
View Entire Thread 3
looking for some help please! over the past couple of months I have been trying to stop/reverse my premature grey hair through diet and supplementation but the more I read the more I find how each supplement antagonizes each other which can cause further problems. I don’t feel any better in fact I feel nauseous and my grey hair seems worse even though its early days. I am concerned about heavy metal toxicity but admit I know very little about it here is the supplementation I am taking mainly for grey hair:
-b-complex (stresstabs)(overall wellbeing/hair)
-kelp 1000mg(iodine)(f ...
3,257 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Grey Hair
Hair Health
Antibiotics Induced
Copper Deficiency
Leaky Gut
Gray or Low Brix hair!(edit)
by 2Sirius 17 y
View Entire Thread 12
edit: not really low brix but mineral deficient
This may not explain why one gets gray hair or why one day one gray hair will appear right next to a dark one, but it does appear that the lack of minerals in a hair does express a lack color!
It also suggests that mineral deficiencies are related to aging and graying!
Abstract;An investigation of the metal concentrations of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese and iron in the black and gray hairs of the same person in Taiwan was performed using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The flame modus of ...
6,443 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Yipee! someone reversed their Grays!
by San2006 18 y
Congrats for starting to see GRAY REVERSAL. If I can reverse my GRAYS that would be the most VISIBLE IMPROVEMENT in my health.
I have suffered from gray hair for the past 20 yrs approx. I am only 32. I have been applying henna all the while to cover the ugly grays. But thats just a band-aid. I have gray hair scattered all over my head. perhaps there are like 100-200 strands of gray hair.
If my grays are reversed, I am gonna shout aloud IODINE to everyone. For now, its just my secrect. I am experimenting with IODINE.
9,107 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: gray hair!
by amico 18 y
I think there are lots of causes of gray hair - I mean that many different deficiences can cause gray hair.
But to answer your question - I attended a two week raw food retreat where we all drank wheat grass juice 1-2 times a day. We ate a lot of energy soup and salads. There was a man from Florida there who wasn’t that old but had very short white hair. By the end of the retreat, his hair had many noticable black hairs.
9,207 hits
Forum: Hair Health
Grey Hair
Beauty Tips
Re: premature grey hair!
by Wizmo 10 y
You might have developed premature grey hair because of the medication you have been taking. Pollution, stress and tension can be a cause for premature grey hair. Try our these home remedies which are safe for the hair.
2,102 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Grey Hair
Reverse Hair Greying Permanently with Pseudocatalase
by blueplanet 9 y
As of right now, the only medicine that can truly reverse grey hair is pseudocatalase (PC-KUC) invented by a team of scientists from University of Bradford in West Yorkshire, England. Their findings have been published here:
1,814 hits
Blog: A Library of Healing Tricks
Re: HAIR by MH
by rhino 16 y
I have been using the top knot daily for about 2 years with limited results. I still have lots of grey so I must be full of toxins or whatever. I do use your herbs daily and live a pretty heathy lifestyle so hopefully the grey hair thing will eventually go away. Maybe your next version of topknot will allow the herbs to penitrate into the hair with all the herbs known to reverse grey hair. I do believe you are onto something here so if you can make something that grows hair and reverses grey hair for everyone, it will be your number 1 seller. keep up the good work.
2,875 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Grey Hair
Re: A Somewhat Vain Question(Sorry)
by trapper/kcmo 14 y
here is a good link:
and some links on the edge:
2,135 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Grizz - question about grey hairs and Lugol
by boroda 11 y
View Entire Thread 12
I’ve read that your gray hairs have gone after applying Lugol. It was in December 2013. How are your hairs now? Does Lugol still have the same effect on your hairs? I’m asking because my girlfriend is 28 years old but she already has some gray hairs which makes her sad. She is definitely hypothyroid/anemic and we already started to take Iosol (as well as many other supplements) - so I hope Lugol application to scalp will help her.
6,435 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Grey Hair
Megadosing C and hairloss
by infarouge 11 y
View Entire Thread 5
I wonder how many long time vitamin c megadosers (3g+ daily) notice thinning hair and /or gray hair.
I noticed Pauling, Levy, as well as most everyone in the mega-C camp tend to have thinning to balding heads and gray hair.
Like it or not hair is one of the most visible indicators of health.
3,903 hits
Forum: Vitamin C
Nigella Sativa gets rid of grey hair
by mo123 13 y
View Entire Thread 3
I am 59 years old and no grey hair. I have just a bit around my temples and all my friends want to know why. I looked in the mirror today and I barely can see the grey at all and then a thought came to me. I advertise all the time how black cumin oil rids people of grey hair, daaaa, I am a prime example. Don’t choose the wrong black cumin oil:
7,667 hits
Forum: Black Seed
Re: White hair horror, help!
by Wizmo 10 y
By you plucking the grey hair is not going to solve the problem you are making mattes worse. By plucking your grays will increase. Premature gray hair could be because of stress, tension, pollution and unhealthy eating. Eat a healthy diet and things will change.
1,872 hits
Forum: Hair Health
Grey Hair
Re: Kebod- Have you noticed any progress in the lessening...
by kebod 18 y
Hi Shortcake,
I thought I’d get back to you, since about 5 months have passed since I first posted that I had less gray hair. It’s hard to measure, since the hair color change is so gradual, but I really think my overall hair color has become yet darker since I first posted about this. I still catch myself admiring my hair color in the bathroom mirror. I’m sure my friends must think I started coloring my hair.
I still have gray hair, just much less. I’m sure this is only a mirror of internal changes for the better since I started OP. I use coconut oil every day, as well as sometimes doin ...
3,267 hits
Forum: Oil Pulling
gray hair!
by San2006 18 y
View Entire Thread 5
I have had premature gray hair. I am 32 and have had gray since I was probably 12 years old. Has anyone here reversed GRAY hair.
I take blackstrap molasses ( 1 tbsp) every day. I drink lots of water. Eat very healthy home cooked foods.
I have heard grays can be caused by under-active thyroid? Or mercury toxicity. Or Zinc deficiency? ...
What ever it is are there any testimonies of ppl who have reversed gray hair. What has worked for you.
9,250 hits
Forum: Hair Health
Grey Hair
Beauty Tips
Re: im 25 year old male going gray...any suggestions?
by bluandyelo 20 y
I think you are right to be concerned. Regardless of your family history this doesn’t sound very healthy. The fact that a lot of people have gone from grey back to colour through improving their diet or doing yoga etc shows that grey hair is in fact a symptom of less than perfect health.
I know a couple of girls who are in their early twenties and already showing grey hairs and both of them smoke a lot and take recreational drugs. I am not suggesting that you are doing this of course!! But it tells me that their systems are finding it hard to cope with the unhealthy lifestyles they are ...
17,421 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Grey Hair
Life Extension
Re: Chrisb 1
by chrisb1 16 y
DeVries’ book: ”Therapeutic Fasting” is a classic of fasting literature, so a good choice of purchase.
Q. Have I heard of anyone reversing grey hair when they eat more healthily?
A. No. I’m afraid not.
What I do know from my 30 years’ study of nutrition is that grey hair can be prevented by an optimum intake of the mineral copper.....about 900mcg per day.
One ounce of cashews contain approx’ 630mcg of copper.
I have several grey hairs with some slight thinning on the top of my scalp, but still have a mostly full head of brown hair at the age of 56!!
If we had the ...
3,544 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Grey Hair
by Tiki 14 y
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “The best things with which grey hair are changed are henna and katam (a plant from Yemen which produces
a reddish-black dye)”. [Sunan Abu Dawood Vol.3 Chapter 1567 Hadith No.4193]
During the days of the Prophet (pbuh), the Jews and the Christians used to refrain from dyeing greying hair because they considered such adornment as contrary to piety and devotion, and not befitting rabbis, priests and ascetics. The Prophet (pbuh) forbade Muslims from imitating them (the Jews and the Christians), in order that Muslims might develop their own distinctive and indep ...
2,755 hits
Forum: Conspiracy Theories
Re: What do you think are the cause of grey hair?
by Petite Fleur 11 y
Thanks for your reply. My question was not good, I mean, what is causing grey hair as the cause, not the process, for instance lack of B12 because of anemia, thyroid problems, copper or zinc deficiency, toxins, lack of oxygenation, etc.
If some people managed to reverse their grey hair, what did they do? I heard many people saying they reversed it with hydrotherapy for instance.
3,174 hits
Forum: Grey Hair
Re: this guy reversed his grey hair
RN SUCCESS by fivetoedsloth 11 y
Me too, and I am not young. 3 years on iodine.
And then there is this:
13,110 hits
Forum: Iodine
Grey Hair
Hair Health
Success Stories
Re: Dr. Ben Kim - vitiligo
by Wondergirl77 12 y
I just found out that there’s been progress in reversing gray hair, and the same approach is supposed to work with vitiligo:
And I found the contact info for the doctor who led the research, if you want to get in touch with her:
Guess I’ll post that at Dr. Kim’s site also.
4,729 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
How can we create a forum? (if people are interested in t...
by Petite Fleur 11 y
View Entire Thread 6
Hi, Curezone admins and members.
I didn’t find a forum about grey hair and reversing grey hair (food). Will it be added if people are interested. I would be interested in a forum about cold water therapy or even hydrotherapy (it contributes reversing grey hair), and a forum about fermented food, including kefir, kombucha and other stuff would be so great too! There’s so many thinks to say about it! I suggest also a forum about Bates method to recover a good eyesight.
I don’t know if cold water therapy is well known in your country, but in Europe, especially in France, a lot of people ...
2,560 hits
Forum: Webmaster
--answer--Scientists discover cause of grey hair!
by moreless 16 y
Hi JustinL,
Your post: A different yet credible study into graying hair:
Concentrations of Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium, Copper, Zinc, Manganese and Iron in Black and Gray Hairs in Taiwan.
Abstract;An investigation of the metal concentrations of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese and iron in the black and gray hairs of the same person in Taiwan was performed using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The flame modus of AAS was employed to determine the concentrations of trace and mineral elements. The results of trace ele ...
14,514 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Grey hair, thinning hair and hair health
by Dquixote1217 16 y
I have been taking a goodly amount of iodine daily for some time now and have not noticed any difference in grey hairs.
I can’t personally vouch for it, but Fo Ti has quite a history of being used for grey hair. Fo-ti is also called He shou wu, which translates to "black-haired Mr. He" or "Mr. He’s black hair". I suspect there is something to it, at least for some people.
It has been reported that pine needle tea has helped with grey hair and over on the Hair Loss forum at least one source is claiming that Moringa and Moringa Root has restored both h ...
26,567 hits
Forum: Grey Hair
Bowel Cleanse
Hair Health
Ask CureZone
Re: Zoe..:)
by 1234567 18 y
Thanks, Zoe, again for ur care!... I think I am ready to use anything just to put my candida back to normal! Uff... I think I have seen that oil in one of the shops. I just need to look up for it again..:)..
Zoe, one more question for u plz.. About grey hair.. I have already have some. So I remember u wrote one day that u stoped that procerss and even ur grey hair regain its colour again thanks to drinking weatgrass. Also u mentioned (and I found the same info in the net) that BS Molassis (organic) can help with this as well. So what do u think about the last one? Do u believe that BSM ...
1,793 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Re: herbs for grey hair
by iandthou 9 y
Hi desertlili. This video is about a hair dye. I do not know if these dyes give a natural colour to the hair or an artificial looking one. I have never used a dye and at the moment don’t plan to use one.
I read about Dr. Christopher’s advice that rinsing one’s hair with yarrow tea after shampooing, and secondarily, drinking it, would remove toxins from the hair and decongest the blood and lymph in the head area, thus possibly restoring natural hair colour.
At other places people also write about Dr. Christopher’s advice to apply ca ...
1,573 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Fasting General
Thanks Grizz! May ge Good for Graying.Balding Hair Too
by Dquixote1217 7 y
Thanks Grizz. I spray colloidal silver on my hair every now and then - it is indeed very good for itching, flaking conditions. People who spray it on a couple of times every day may also notice that it darkens their hair, including graying hair. No, it isn’t bringing the old color back so much as gradually darkening the hair due to the gradual absorption and accumulation of the silver into and onto the hair follicle.
HOWEVER, I wonder if it would not be good to use in combination with onion juice - which is an age old remedy for baldness/thinning hair as well ...
4,869 hits
Forum: Dandruff
Colloidal Silver
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Athlete's Foot
Unlocking the secret of gray hair
by mo123 16 y
March 10, 2009
Unlocking the Secrets of Gray Hair
When we start getting gray hair, we tend to blame stress — a high-pressure job, an illness, even our unruly children.
But the link between gray hair and psychological stress is little more than folk wisdom, unsupported by numerous scientific studies. That didn’t stop widespread speculation last week, in The New York Times and elsewhere, that the newly noticed salt and pepper above President Obama’s temples were the first physical manifestations of some of the highest job pressures on the planet.
A more l ...
1,220 hits
Forum: Sara's Soup Kitchen
Re: Gray Hair
by JohnnySmith 19 y
This is probably not the answer that you want to hear, but after 9 liver flushes, I noticed no reduction in the gray hairs that had popped out. If anything, I noticed a few more that popped out. Perhaps, someone with more liver flushes under their belt may have better news for you. In the mean time, I have decided to live with the problem as it is not noticeable. In my case, we are only talking about a few single gray hairs. Now, to avoid a salt and pepper look(that is how graying progresses), I may have to resort to some natural hair coloring techniques, so if it comes down to that, ...
2,444 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Third Fundamental - Feed it correctly
by plzchuckle 18 y
Gray hair, talk to MH about top-knot ... he’s our age and doesn’t have a gray hair in his head!!! At 16, I had every color of hair found on a human, gray included, it was pretty!!! At 50, I had very few gray hairs. At 52, both sides of my head were almost completely gray (guess when I got really sick with the liver). The holistic lifestyle (yes, eating fruit and cleansing, eating sorghum like it’s candy) has restored a good bit of my hair color ... I’m not vain, but I’m considering the top-knot just for kicks. I had 4 teenagers at once!! I earned my gray ...
2,457 hits
Forum: Ask Dr. Sutter
Re: Catalase
by Hveragerthi 14 y
Is there any way to increase the enzyme Catalase? I understand that the lack thereof contributes to greying of hair. I also understand that any "catalase supplement" is largely ineffective b/c when it is ingested it is denatured by stomach acid. As a matter of fact, I read that it becomes denatured by anything acid OR alkaline. Are you aware of any natural method to supply this enzyme or encourage it. What else can be done to combat naturally occurring hydrogen peroxide in our bodies?
I found this claim interesting. While I do not have an issue with grey hair, my deare ...
6,341 hits
Forum: Truth in Medicine
Grey Hair
Hair Health
Re: Hair Loss
by Eric11 14 y
Gibby, you’ve been replacing your fillings, right? Did your hair loss start after that?
The reason I ask is because hair-loss is a common symptom of heavy metals and replacing fillings and chelating can cause a temporary worsening of symptoms. My problem is premature gray hair (it started in my early 30’s). I noticed it’s gotten a bit worse since I started chelating. I’m not sure what will happen when I’ve gotten the mercury out. Will my hair stay gray or will my hair color return? I’ve no idea. Personally, I’d rather have completely gray hair and no mercury rather than be full of ...
6,877 hits
Forum: Candida Support