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--Distilled water?--
by moreless 18 y
View Entire Thread 6
Hi Ya’ll,
It seems the question some are having may be as to the Value or Lack of Value of
Distilled water in our Diets ?
The Correct answer may be in what use or what problem is one trying to Solve, as
to the correct use or results which one may expect from the use of Distilled
water !
What is Distilled water ?
Could it be that Distilled water is void of Minerals and Salts and thus does not
provide ”ANY” Conductivity of Electro-magnetic Energy ?
Would this have any value ?
Maybe there are places to use Distilled water and other places it may be Better
to not use it ...
2,442 hits
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Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
--Distilled Water or Not ?--
by moreless 19 y
View Entire Thread 5
Hi Ya’ll,
It seems the question some are having may be as to the Value or Lack of Value of Distilled water in our Diets ?
The Correct answer may be in what use or what problem is one trying to Solve, as to the correct use or results which one may expect from the use of Distilled water !
What is Distilled water ?
Could it be that Distilled water is void of Minerals and Salts and thus does not provide ”ANY” Conductivity of Electro-magnetic Energy ?
Would this have any value ?
Maybe there are places to use Distilled water and other places it may be Better to not use it ?
3,615 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Re: Any tips for better success? pH meter
by JustinL 16 y
o if you want to continue drinking distilled water with adequate ”buffers” you may need to sprinkle some magnesium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate to stabilize the distilled water.
People who sell distilled water do not tell people this fact. Distilled water absorbs a great deal of CO2 to form what is known as carbonic acid. And their pH is around 5.5 which is by the way similar to average unhealthy urine. The reason for unhealthy urine is not the distilled water per se, but this problem exists what is known in biochemistry (back door people) as ”bicarbonate deficiency”.
--End of quote-- ...
1,745 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Distilled water for plants
by Shaker 15 y
View Entire Thread 4
I was wondering why my house plants are doing so bad since I give them Distilled water ? Don’t get me wrong because for years I have been drinking distilled water by myself, but out of curiosity I am looking for an explanation why plants don’t like distilled water. If rain water is also just distilled water then maybe there is really a difference between man made distilled water and rainwater ?! Just trying to figure out what exactly that might be. More then one opinion are more then welcome.
2,226 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Distilled water in plastic containers polluted by container
by White Shark 11 y
People sometimes purchase distilled water in larger plastic containers.
They think they are drinking distilled water. While the water was distilled before being bottled, once it satys inside plastic container for months, it may contain pollutants leaking from the plastic.
The best way to get distilled water is to collect natural rain, filter it using standard water filter (to remove polen, pollutants, etc), and store it inside clean glass bottles.
In reality it is very difficult to get pure distilled water, cause distilled water can get polluted even by metal parts of the ...
1,774 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
Are you drinking ONLY distilled? Please research
by jaymovez 16 y
I understand the reason why many health practitioners recommend distilled water, for it’s one of the most ”pure” forms of water available.
However, did you know distilled water is actually acidic? You can check the pH yourself, or research online, there are plenty of tests done on distilled water.
I am just posting this out of concern for those of you consuming ONLY distilled water. Basically when water is distilled (boiled, evaporated, condensed), it becomes acid and negatively charged, and since anything in a negative state must be balanced, it leaches minerals and toxins from the bo ...
2,341 hits
Forum: Natural Healing
Re: Does anyone know Mouthcoloid - colloidal silver mouth...
by Esstee 12 y
I’d say making colloidal silver can seem daunting at first. However, once you get the equipment and supplies needed to make your own, you’ll likely find that things are much easier than they first appeared.
Having said that, the good news is that you don’t need to rely on anyone to get steam distilled water as you make it yourself right in your own kitchen. Though I’d recommend starting off with filtered water if at all possible.
PS. I live in Canada, and consider my ...
2,497 hits
Forum: Dental Support
Dental Health
Colloidal Silver
Ph of Distilled Water - Acidic?
by Quinta_Essentia 18 y
The theoretical pH of distilled water is 7.0. In practice, however, most distilled water will have a pH that is slightly acidic (less than 7.0) due to the presence of carbon dioxide (CO2) that is absorbed from the atmosphere. Dissolved carbon dioxide reacts slowly with water to give the bicarbonate and hydronium ions.
The pH of distilled water is between 5.6 and 7. To neutralize distilled water, add about 1/8 teaspoon baking soda, or a drop of ammonia, st ...
69,975 hits
Forum: Water Debate
Re: New info that water is bad
by refreshed 17 y
Drinking too much water would cause us to lose too much of our minerals. I would think it is the lack of alkalizing minerals that causes our kidneys not to be able to handle doing it’s job.
Hi Ya’ll,
It seems the question some are having may be as to the Value or Lack of Value of Distilled water in our Diets ?
The Correct answer may be in what use or what problem is one trying to Solve, as to the correct use or results which one may expect from the use of Distilled water !
What is Distilled water ?
Could it be that Distill ...
1,654 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
More on distilled water!
R by 2Sirius 17 y
View Entire Thread 3
Since we are on the subject of water !
In Dr Beddoe’s Book a Reams practitioner!
”Distilled water is the perfect water for changing and maintaining proper body chemistry. Here is why, First, the process of distillation makes the water higher in energy. When water is distilled it is converted to steam by bringing the water to a boil. As the water vaporizes into steam it leaves behind the inorganic mineral that was held in the water molecules in the liquid state. This means that the energy it took to hold the inorganic mineral is now freed up; and, this results in the water molec ...
3,698 hits
2 of 2 (100%)
Forum: Alkaline/Acid Support
Re: lime water in distilled only?
by refreshed 17 y
Hey Kiran, here the answer Moreless gave.
Answer: I suggest distilled water to mix the Calcium Hydroxide(pickling Lime) in because the Distilled water is empty, so to speak and will hold more Calcium in solution !
If one cannot get distilled water, then they can still use clean water to mix the Calcium Hydroxide in, but it will not hold as much in Solution as the distilled water may?!
For the rest of the drink one may use Clean water of choice !
Smile Tis your choice
1,866 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Re: Trolls
by InCharge 17 y
This is a support forum for Distilled water , designed specifically to be able to discuss its health benefits without the unscientific biased assaults on something many have found over the years to be very beneficial in spite of the propaganda put out by uninformed studies or biased misinformation released to the general public through sellers of water purifiers or over priced reconstructed or manipulated waters that have no better results then some tap waters ! The myths are ludicrous and show the lack of knowledge about water I hope moderation is capable of removing or deleting these ant ...
5,111 hits
1 of 2 (50%)
Forum: Water Debate
Home unit distilled water question
by galacticman 11 y
View Entire Thread 3
When i make colloidal silver with distilled water purchased at pharmacy the water is cristal clear. But when i did it with distilled water using a home unid the water return turbid in 10 minutes.this means that my home unit of distilled water is no the best. What is the best brand to make distilled water!???
1,914 hits
Forum: Water
Distilled water
by galacticman 11 y
View Entire Thread 12
When i make Colloidal Silver (I now your not big fan of this stuff )with distilled water purchased at pharmacy the water is cristal clear. But when i did it with distilled water using a home unid the water return turbid in 10 minutes.this means that my home unit of distilled water is no the best. What distilled water machine is the best in your opinion????
2,212 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: Distilled Water Machine
by DeadPoets 13 y
Do you have a link to you discussing the pH level of distilled water.
Someone sent me this and I want to hear your response to it.
””Hypothetically, distilled water should always be at a neutral pH 7. Immediately upon being exposed to air/carbon dioxide, however, distilled water’s pH decreases and becomes more acidic. Neutralizing distilled water is possible, but its neutral pH does not last.””
1,430 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Distilled Water - PWT and TDS readings
by b3nault 9 y
View Entire Thread 5
Could someone explain this to me?
I’m testing distilled waters from different sources to use with my Silvergen.
Silvergen states the closer to ZERO with the Hanna PWT meter the better with distilled water.
Walmart distilled water : PWT (uS) meter: 1.5 : TDS Meter: 0
Target distilled water : PWT (uS) meter: 17.5 : TDS Meter: 0
What’s going on with the Target water, why would TDS be zero while the PWT meter reads 17.5?
2,447 hits
Forum: Colloidal Silver
Re: water
by awakened 17 y
That is the whole point for drinking distilled water. Think about what you are saying. If the water is already ”bound” up how is it going to transport the vitamins and minerals your body needs? Your body makes its own distilled water. By drinking distilled water your body doesn’t need to use its resources...vitamins and minerals to make the distilled water. Therefore it has a chance to store reserves rather than using them.
2,652 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: Help!
by traderdrew 19 y
According to Dr. Mercola hair loss is a result of the lack of minerals. He recommends not to drink distilled water.
I have to question the distilled water advice. It would seem to me that as long as you get the necessary amount of minerals, how can distilled water wash them out of your body? I can see why you shouldn’t take distilled water when you are fasting. Doesn’t water get mixed up with whatever is in your stomach?
2,201 hits
Forum: Juicing Forum
Minerals Support
Re: FWI water
by InCharge 23 y
Is Distilled Water Dangerous?
”Is drinking distilled water dangerous? I’ve read that it’s harmful because distilled water easily becomes acidic and supposedly robs the body of important minerals. True?”
-- Joe Pietron
First of all, let me review for the record what distilled water is — it’s water that has been turned into steam so its impurities are left behind. The steam is then condensed to make pure water. The process of distillation kills and removes virtually all bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and other organic and inorganic contaminants. Once distilled, the water is as ...
2,620 hits
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Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Re: Distilled Water - PWT and TDS readings
by grizz 9 y
PWT stands for Pure Water Testing Meter
TDS = Total Dissolved Solids
”Before making colloidal silver, the quality of the distilled water is measured. The best distilled water for making colloidal silver will read below 1.0 on the Hanna PWT Meter. The purest water we’ve tested ( via our own distillation ) read 0.2uS.”
Your high reading means that the distilled water is very poor quality and probably contains minerals or other contaminants. I suspect your Target water is actually mineral water.
I make my own distilled water ...
2,373 hits
Forum: Colloidal Silver
Re: Drinking distilled water
by Vance MacThamhais 16 y
So the pH of distilled water is 7.0 as you claim?
I challenge anyone with a brain to test distilled water.
I’ve tested distilled water with high tech equipment. It is not 7.0, but it’s 5.1-5.3
You guys can trust this guy, or you can trust laboratory equipment.
I prefer to trust my equipment and the common knowledge that distilled water is acidic.
Or you can trust this BS.
Laughing nmy f***ing ass off.
5,162 hits
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Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: What Kind of Water to Use
by chrisb1 14 y
just to correct one comment you have made in your post that distilled water leeches minerals from the body is true, except this only applies to the inorganic minerals that have accumulated over time, and serve no useful organic function, but to the contrary clogs the system and the arteries.
Distilled water can become slightly acidic if exposed to the atmosphere but this is of little consequence to health..............
2,012 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water Only
PS: distilled water is acidic...
by spdina 18 y
Distilled water also reacts with atmospheric carbon dioxide according to
H2O( ) + CO2(g) H2CO3(aq)
H2CO3(aq) + H2O( ) H3O+(aq) + HCO3-(aq)
HCO3-(aq) + H2O( ) H3O+(aq) + CO32-(aq)
which brings the pH of distilled water in an open-air container down to about 5.8.
16,243 hits
0 of 2 (0%)
Forum: Water Debate
Re: Using distilled water?
by Owen 19 y
Dear Dave,
As Finally Faith just said, I remineralize
my distilled water using organic rice grains
and sunshine. Sprouts grow big and healthy
in that water.
It was Andreas Moritz who said in one of his
books that seeds would not sprout in distilled
water. Right after I posted that information,
a woman posted a message to Andreas saying
that she had just successfully sprouted some
seeds in distilled water.
Andreas said, in effect, that the attention
she was lavishing on the seeds, caused them
to grow even in distilled water. I believe that’s true. Seeds are living food th ...
3,532 hits
Forum: Wheatgrass
Re: No coffee, tannin-rich tea.
by blakkwiddow 15 y
Although I agree with the claim that tannins will cut down on the mucus that lines the sides of your throat (and any other mucus, for that matter), I must make a very strong point about the drinking of distilled water. The label on any distilled water container available for sale should bare a warning that says: not for drinking. There is a reason for that. Distilled water is pure and stripped of any minerals normally found in natural sources. It is true that drinking distilled water will rid the body of toxic substances. However, it will also rid it of valuable minerals and cause all sort ...
3,068 hits
Forum: Sinuses
Re: h202 3%
by Massey 15 y
Woah woah woah! Do NOT drink 3% Hydrogen Peroxide that is used for Oral first aid!! This contains stabilizers and are toxic to say the least.
You need to get Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.
Food Grade is 12% Aqueous solution and does not contain the stabilizers.
Here are the instructions off of the bottle I have.
1st Week 1/4 tsp in 32 oz distilled water every hour
2nd week 1/2 tsp in 32 oz distilled water every hour
3rd = 3/4 tsp in 32 oz distilled water every hour
4th= 1 tsp in 32 oz distilled water every hour
5th= 1 1/4 tsp in 32 oz distilled water every hour
6th= 1 1/2 tsp i ...
2,330 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: water fasting
by chrisb1 18 y
I would say it would be beneficial to fast for candida on distilled water.
Scroll down to ”From Jana”
Distilled water has a Neutral Ph so is not acidic. It is also a fallacy to believe that it leaches minerals from the body.
Just two points of view on distilled water by experienced health practitioners.................
”Your question as to whether distilled water leaches minerals out of the body reflects another persistent myth. While pure water helps t ...
1,923 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Re: Is the distilled water in the store real?
by hopinso 19 y
Its probably real steam distilled water; the real key is how is it packaged. I have bought gallons of Ozarka in hard plastic bottles, although I thought it was reverse osmosis instead of distilled. Anyway, the soft, whitish plastic jugs are not good. The distilled water leaches chemicals from the plastic and affects the taste and possibly the safety of the water. I used the gallons of distilled water from Walmart for years. It was not until I tried real home distilled water that I knew what really good pure water was. A while back I forgot to bring my water bottle to church and had a sip o ...
1,876 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Distilled water for plants
by MH 108 15 y
I was wondering why my house plants are doing so bad since I give them Distilled water ?
Don’t get me wrong because for years I have been drinking distilled water by myself, but out of curiosity I am looking ...
2,286 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Distilled Water - Good or Bad?
by solmare 16 y
View Entire Thread 15
Hello everyone!
Since I need to do something about the quality of my drinking water, I’ve started to inform myself on the internet about distilled water.
The information that I have read is very contradictory and leaves me confused.
Statements go from ”healthiest water available” to ” a few liters will kill you” and everything in between.
Well, I’m sure the latter statement is not true, since there are people (maybe also on this forum?) who have been drinking distilled water and are still alive.
The fact that Dr. Schulze and Dr. Christopher reccomended the consumption of disti ...
5,535 hits
Forum: Natural Healing
Re: Some Answers....Re: another accutane survivor.
by Willowley 14 y
Yes, all the herbs in both the IFs need to be powder. A Vita-Mix works great for this if you have one, if not I’d use a blender but be sure not to let the herbs get hot. You’re right it might take some time to get regulated on the IF#1 and you need to be having 3 BMs using the IF#1 before you start the IF#2.
In my opinion distilled water is the absolute best! I’ve been drinking distilled water well over 20 years and I’m just fine lol. Uny has an RO system in her house and I’m sure if it wasn’t good water she wouldn’t be using it so no worries. Below are some arti ...
1,698 hits
Forum: Natural Healing
Re: Hey, Bright Eyes.....
by DiSkO 21 y
Distilled water is good to release heavy metals in your body. Water found naturally is stable and contains varies metals already.
But distilled water is only Hydrogen and oxygen. The molecules of distilled water are slightly unstable and when it passes thru your body it graps all the metals to stablise itself. Then we pee it out. Drink lots of it cause when it grasps all the metals u need to make sure your body pees it out as your bodies water content should already be high. Your body can only hold a certain amount of water. What ever it doesnt need it pees out. (the distilled water th ...
3,908 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Drinking distilled water
by Vance MacThamhais 16 y
View First 20 Messages of 45
I distilled water and used it on the plants that I grew hydropnically, but never considered drinking it without first buffering it with minearals to raise the pH. My distilled water consistantly had a pH of 5.2
Here is a distilled water article worth reading
Early Death Comes From Drinking Distilled Water
by Zoltan P. Rona MD MSc
During nearly 19 years of clinical practice I have had the opportunity to observe the health effects of drinking different types of water. Most of you would agree that drinking unfiltered tap water could be hazardous to your health because of things l ...
5,288 hits
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Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: Having troubles drinking water - day 16
by Willowley 16 y
I agree that distilled water is not found in nature however, I do not agree that it is acidic. Distilled water has a PH level of 6-7. If the distilled water were to be left open to the air the PH level could be lowered due to the fact it would absorb carbon dioxide thus lowering the PH level and raising the acidic level.
I realize distilled water has no minerals, I receive all the minerals I need from the food I eat. There are those who believe distilled water robs the body of minerals, this is just not the case.
Harvey & Marilyn Diamond addressed this myth in their ...
3,469 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Fasting: Water
Question on Water Distillation and Acidity...
by Azurite 19 y
View Entire Thread 2
I have been internally debating the idea of using distilled water on a regular basis and in the back of my mind have always questioned the idea that it is the only water to drink. I have never understood the position taken that it is more ’natural’ to drink since nature does not steam anything with electricity that is later consumed as a beverage by animals in the wild. MH is wildly militant about consuming it but since the following article ’suggests’ that distilled water is acidic and only suitable for short durations to detox I thought I would post the article on this forum to get some ...
1,726 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Re: Don't Drink Distilled Water
RRR by 2Sirius 17 y
A lot of misconceptions about distilled water! Anyone who has ever studied RBTI, Reams Biological Theory of Ionization, the only real alternative healing science based on Bechamps theories of Pleomorphism , understands the reasons for distilled waters healing qualities!
The Reams protocol includes distilled water as the first step in the protocol and has shown through laboratory testing equipment immediate improvement of all the testing numbers! Not only do the numbers show the improvement but so do those on the protocol!
Distilled water is not dead this is another myth that any grade ...
9,262 hits
1 of 2 (50%)
Forum: Fasting: Water
--answer--Distilled water & pH--
by moreless 18 y
Hi imaxfli,
Your question: So does this mean that in the ALKALIZING DRINK recipe...”1 glass of clean water to mix it with” should read ”1 glass of clean DISTILLED water to mix it with”????
Answer: I suggest distilled water to mix the Calcium Hydroxide(pickling Lime) in because the Distilled water is empty, so to speak and will hold more Calcium in solution !
If one cannot get distilled water, then they can still use clean water to mix the Calcium Hydroxide in, but it will not hold as much in Solution as the distilled water may?!
For the rest of the drink one may use Clean wate ...
2,175 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Re: Conditioning Distilled Water?
by MH 108 19 y
My wife always drinks distilled water and rarely juice, I on the other hand, drink juice and rarely ever drink plain water. We lack organic minerals, so making juce with the distilled water is ideal to me. Even adding 1 drop of pure oregano oil to the daily supply of distilled water is GREAT, but most people will tell you they drink it straight and that is fine. My 4 year old drinks fruit juice only and water only under protest and he is my best teacher! His juice many times is 1/2 distilled water!
Plain distilled water does ZERO HARM to animals and plants. Well water kills plants and h ...
1,209 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: "Early Death Comes from Drinking Distilled Water"
by zyzik 16 y
I wouldn’t drink only distilled water.
”Dr. Zoltan Rona based on 19 years of clinical practice observing the health effects of drinking different types of water says,
The longer one drinks distilled water, the more likely the development of mineral deficiencies and an acid state. I have done well over 3000 mineral evaluations using a combination of blood, urin and hair tests in my practice. Almost without exception, people who consume distilled water exclusively, eventually develop multiple mineral ...
14,637 hits
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Forum: Iodine VWT
Water Filters
Re: Distilled Water
by chrisb1 17 y
Hello #97202,
it is a fallacy to believe that distilled water leaches organic minerals from the body.
There are those who agree and disagree about using distilled water for drinking water, but the fact remains that distilled water removes all of the impurities that are found in almost all other water sources. This includes all germs, viruses, chemicals, organic chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals, diluted minerals, and taste and odor causing contaminants.
Time and time again, distilled water has been proven effective at removing harmful wastes and cleansing the system of any impuritie ...
2,120 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water