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Re: Clogged Arteries - Heart Area
by Dquixote1217 15 y
First of all, I would like to recommend Dr. Christophers Hawthorne Berry Syrup. It is wonderful for the heart and entire cardiovascular system and often relieves chest pains.
I am a bit skeptical about you having a problem with arterial plaque, given your age and your description of dietary habits and evidently exercise. Hopefully you aren’t taking any steriodal type supplements to go along with that exercise. If you want to look at things one can do naturally to avoid and reduce arterial plaque, see:
Naturally Prevent and Remove Dangerous Arterial Plaque
5,979 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Ask CureZone
Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Fasting & Clogged Arteries
by loquat1 8 y
As promised, here is that exchange with the Fasting Doc. about arterial plaque and fasting:
10,135 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Re: Atherosclerosis and hypothyroidism
off topic- Chris
by chrisb1 17 y
Hi bling,
very interesting concept about the formation of arterial plaque from mucin with a sluggish thyroid function.
Something I haven’t come across before.
I notice also that the website mentions using (along with the pauling protocol)Iodine, which I think is essential to thyroid function.
Best member to ask here by a mile, about thyroid and iodine is trapper.
If you do ask him, let us know what he has to say.
3,788 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Re: SSKI Unclogs Arteries
by RobertAm 14 y
I’ve seen it mentioned here before, but is it true, and if so why do you think so, that SSKI is less harsh on the system than Iodine? It seems people can easily go into the hundreds of MG’s of SSKI, but less so with Lugols
On the same train of thought, if SSKI is iodide and ”only for the thyroid” (perhaps a misrepresentation), then how would it have the aforementioned effect on arterial plaque?
6,055 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: LDL tests are in
by chrisb1 17 y
Yes DQ,
I thought this may cause a bit of a stir.
I am just waiting for the flak from everyone else!!!
I think Pauling/Rath were right in their assessment of the causes of arterial plaque, and why humans are subject to heart-disease and animals are not: as you have rightly said DQ, they manufacture their own ascorbate, whereas we do not, and where our own dietary sources are woefully inadequate.
However, I think the High-Cholesterol-Hypothesis (HDL, LDL, exclusively) as to the only cause of arterial plaque and therefore heart disease is entirely erroneous, and has become a billion$$$ ...
6,958 hits
Forum: Ask Tony Isaacs
Re: Restenting and Medical Ozone Therapy
by parazapper 13 y
Why bother with this garbage?
SODZyme ( SuperOxidase Dismutase ) has been shown to reverse arterial blockage safely and naturally.
Curcumin also helps remove arterial plaque.
Nattokinase also helps remove arterial plaque.
Taking Full flush Niacin will induce a 90 percent reduction in mortality from circulatory system failures.
The 4 of these in combination eliminate the need for stents or bypass surgery in 95 percent of cases.
Do not leave out vitamin C as it is also important for arterial elasticity.
5,628 hits
Forum: Cardiovascular
Atrial Fibrillation
Heart Palpitations
Re: Niacin
by Hveragerthi 14 y
Been reading a lot lately about niacin and I am amazed at all it’s wonderful benefits! In my zeal I bought 500mg niacin and popped one after a meal two days ago and about 20 minutes later turned beet red and felt like my face, neck and head caught fire! Went back to reading and found you should work up the dosage slowly! It was an unpleasant experience.
Since I have the caps already I opened one and put a ’pinch’ of it into my OJ this morning. They say take it with food, take extra water or even a baby aspirin to minimize the flush. They say the non flush niacin doesn’t have the ...
2,578 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: Please help me cure my dog! Golden Retriever 6, multi...
by csman 14 y
Serrapeptase will remove all cysts, dead tissue from you or your animal. They have one specifically for pets called SerraPet.
Serrapeptase digests non-living tissue, blood clots, cysts, and arterial plaque and inflammation in all forms. The late German physician, Dr. Hans Nieper, used Serrapeptase to treat arterial blockage in his coronary patients. Serrapeptase protects against stroke and is reportedly more effective and quicker than EDTA Chelation treatments in removing arterial plaque. He also reports that Serrapeptase dissolves blood clots and cau ...
25,096 hits
Forum: Pets/Animals
Colloidal Silver
MMS Support
Re: Chris, Chris, Chris
by chrisb1 17 y
That’s right DQ,
I do agree with you, especially about niacin being able to significantly lower triglycerides that form arterial plaque, and other benefits of Niacin therapy as a much better and safer alternative; but my response to msteve666 was focused on his point of lowering cholesterol overall, which constituted only a part of the OMNS newsletter and with which I am not in agreement.
It is also debatable I suppose as to whether there is such a thing as HDL (good) cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol. Cholesterol is cholesterol apparently.
Some authorities believe that the so-cal ...
2,736 hits
Forum: News
Re: Fasting & BP....where's the benefits?
by chrisb1 13 y
Reducing BP to normal levels depends on a number of factors. Fasting for 8 to 9 days would most likely be insufficient time in which to do so. If the cause is arterial plaque, then this would certainly be the case in my view.
Your choices as I see it would be to have one longer water-only-fast, of say between 20 and 30 days, which will clear the arterial plaque and strengthen the heart muscle, followed by a strict plant based diet of fruits, vegetables and nuts exclusively........
OR, there are some excellent nutritional supplements ...
1,229 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water Only
Re: arterial blockages
by Hveragerthi 15 y
The lecithin granules are not a problem, nor is reasonable amounts of vitamin C. In addition I recommend he add silica and TMG.
Silica is more important than vitamin C in strengthening the arteries. Silica is also a natural anti-inflammatory, and the build up of plaque results from inflammation, not high cholesterol. The TMG helps to reduce homocysteine a major contributor to arterial inflammation.
I also like magnesium malate for several reasons. It dilates the arteries, including the coronary artery. This helps keep blood pressure down and keeps more blood reaching the hear ...
8,585 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
zapper cautions? re:STROKES
by jac 22 y
View Entire Thread 3
I am keen to use a zapper, and have been reading up as much as I can.
Having read the following, I am now hesitant, as i have slightly raised BP
treated by mild diuretics.
High Blood Pressure
the body attempts to correct with a coating of cholesterol -
which leads to high blood pressure when the arterial walls become hardened
Croft cautions people with high blood pressure against using a ZAPPER too
frequently. ”The healing of the arterial lesions (from fungal infestations)
can cause plaque to come loose too quickly which can lead to a stroke.”
Take your time with the treatme ...
2,467 hits
Forum: Zapper Support
Re: Cholesterol, mine has gone up (DONT WORRY ABOUT IT)
by holographic 19 y
From my research i do not believe people should be concerned with cholesterol levels or take cholesterol lowering drugs, as these drugs are ineffective and have many other side-effects. I say this due to research and knowing first hand how someone in my family was given medication then required more medication to correct problems caused by the orginal medication. Did you know that as many people die from heart attacks with high cholesterol levels as they do with low cholesterol levels.
The drugs people take often lower cholesterol levels in the blood but do not remove the plaque attache ...
5,219 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Ask The Herbalist: Cholesterol Doesn't Cause Heart Di...
by Hveragerthi 15 y
What can be the sources of this kind of inflammation? I mean the root cause?
There are a number of things. A common source is inflammatory homocysteine. Hypothyroidism is a common cause of elevated homocysteine. A lack of B 6 , B 12 or folate or undermethylation can also contribute to elevated homocysteine. Elevated insulin from diabetes can cause arterial damage from vasoconstriction. Bacterial infections and xanthine oxidase from milk have also been found to contribute to plaque formation from arterial damage. And of course there is high blo ...
1,199 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: Oxidized Cholesterol
by jonsher_uk 17 y
I don’t know that MMS oxidizes cholesterol. what Abrahams probably meant was that it oxidizes arterial plaque which is not entirely composed of cholesterol else how could it remove the plaque from arteries, in any case I don’t know where there is any evidence that it removes or increases plaque perhaps you can find some.
Is your argument now that all oxidation is bad and no oxidizers should be ingested?
2,725 hits
Forum: MMS Debate
Naturally Prevent and Remove Dangerous Arterial Plaque
RR by Tony Isaacs 15 y
Naturally Prevent and Remove Dangerous Arterial Plaque
by Tony Isaacs
The arteries are major blood vessels that the heart uses to pump blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Over time, arterial walls can become congested with a fatty substance known as plaque. When this happens to a severe point, the arteries may begin to harden and the blood flow can become compromised and ultimately result in a heart attack. Mainstream medicine’s approach for treating plaque is to use drugs or surgery. However, there are natural ways to prevent and remove plaque.
As ...
4,351 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask Tony Isaacs
Re: Unsuspected heart attack, *snake eater*
by snakeater 17 y
Miss H
The fact is, plaque formation is the body’s way of reinforcing and protecting weakened arterial walls. Attempting to stop plaque formation without correcting the cause of the weakened arterial walls can be as counter-productive as trying to prevent scabs from forming over a flesh wound. As long as the body senses a weakness or breach in integrity, it will continue to correct the problem. With a flesh wound the result is a scab; in an artery, the result is plaque.
Chlorine in the drinking water is suspected of scaring arterial walls and allowing the plaque/cholesterol/ calcium etc ...
4,194 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Re: Halide dominance
RR by trapper/kcmo 13 y
salts of chlorine are necessary for human health. elemental chlorine is tolerated by the body fairly well in small amounts. the key is this - iodine liquifies fat, chlorine solidifies it.
hydrogenation, anyone?
Possible Artery Damage
When chlorinated water is run through a hose or carried in a pail followed by milk as in a dairy, “very tenacious, yellowish deposits chemically similar to arterial plaque” form; with unchlorinated water this doesn’t happen.2
CBS’ “Sixty Minutes” show July 11, 1992, ...
1,904 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Homocysteine in all meat and fish the major cause of
by nonviolentfood 11 y
View Entire Thread 5
Homocysteine, contained in meat and fish, is a major cause of Alzheimer’s (senile dementia),
heart attacks and strokes through its creation of amyloid plaque in
the arterial walls. This plaque causes Alzheimer’s.
Andrew Weil, MD, Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine, and the Linus Pauling Inst. at the Univ of Oregon
... even the pharmaceutically dominated National Institutes
of Health agree that homocysteine is the main cause of
Alzheimer’s, while other causes are cooking with aluminum and other metals, as well as alcohol
3 Al’s
ALl animal protein
3,230 hits
Forum: Alzheimer’s Disease Cure
Brain Fog Cure
Re: Fasting & Clogged Arteries
by loquat1 8 y
I once put this very question to the Fasting Doc on the Fasting Connection Forum, and he confirmed that fasting does indeed clear out arterial plaque. When the body starts to run low on its usual sources of fat, it will look for alternative sources to consume before it starts to breakdown protein for energy.
The fatty deposits that line the epithelial layers of our arteries, etc., are just such a source of fat. For this reason, arterial plaque is usually only targeted during the latter stages of a prolonged fast. Also for this reason, I doubt that anything less than 30 days will m ...
10,071 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Once we starting "knowing"...Re: Liver symphony
by unyquity 14 y’s just downright amazing how many sounds we’ve always attributed to our ’stomach rumbling’ that are actually our liver!
When I first started cleansing my ”symphonies” sounded very similar to ”creaky door sounds” and ”hand under the armpit noises” with random ’explosion pops’.
Now the sounds are much more like ”gurgling brooks”. I still get the ’explosion pops’ occasionally, but I can seriously tell the difference in the ’flow’ through the ’tubing’.
Think of ’arterial plaque’...those of us that are older are almost always going to have more arterial, intestinal AND biliar ...
1,167 hits
Forum: Natural Healing
Re: Routine Consumption of Aspirin to Prevent Heart Attac...
by Hveragerthi 16 y
Hv, wouldn’t it be a better preventative to take something like DE for silica, or other supplements that strengthen the vascular walls, than to take a blood thinner on an ongoing basis.
Yes, strengthening the blood vessel walls helps to prevent arterial damage, which in turn helps to prevent arterial plaque formation. Silica is also a mild anti-inflammatory, which is essential for preventing plaque formation.
NSAIDs like aspirin due have a major drawback. They constrict blood vessels, which actually increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Its always been my beli ...
1,693 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Melting arterial plaque naturally
RN by King-of-books 21 y
View Entire Thread 25
Does anyone here on this forum, or on the other forums, have any information on how to naturally - and quickly (if I’m not asking for Utopia at this moment) - to melt arterial plaque?
I know that vitamin C and CoQ-10 help in maintaining good heart health, as does eating garlic and cutting back on bad fats and such. But what else needs to be done?
I have also read about the EDTA therapy in melting arterial plaque, and the great success in using it, but I - and many other ordinary folks - just don’t have the money to pay for such therapy. (Too many folks are just barely getting by pay ...
67,816 hits
Forum: Cardiovascular
Re: basic kidney flushin facts needed
by unyquity 16 y
I’ve got time for a ’quickie explanation’, I’ll be putting it all together in the next 3-5 days.
The Kidney Tea & Kidney Tincture are taken together; they work together.
We need to cleanse our kidneys, just as much as we need to cleanse our colons and our liver....they’re just as stressed, overburdened, sluggish and impacted. There doesn’t need to be an ’infection’ or issue, any more than we need to be jaundiced or ready to have our gallbladder carved out before we do a liver flush :) Dr. Schulze saw patients (autopsies), that not only were full of kidney stones, but also saw the ac ...
1,264 hits
Forum: Natural Healing
Re: Arterial Plaque
by parazapper 16 y
- What herbs remove arterial plaque
Real pure un-diluted cranberry juice (I mean the strong tart stuff) has a definite effect. Real Pure Pomegranate juice is also beneficial. Blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries are all beneficial.
Super Oxidase Dismutase (SOD-Zyme) is powerful.
High EPA/DHA fish oil helps clean the arteries.
Large amounts of Vitamin C.
Nattokinase is a potent arterial cleanser.
Niacin ( full flush ) will help restore arterial health.
There is much more.
For the best info, join the Life Extension Foundation .
4,526 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask CureZone
Stage 3 Kidney Disease/Arterial Sclerosis
by California Catt 14 y
View Entire Thread 6
I am a vibrant 65 year old female nurse, working 40 hrs plus a week, who was just diagnosed with Severe Arterial Sclerosis, Renal HPT and Stage 3 Kidney Disease. I have lost one kidney this year due to the Arterial Sclerosis. I am on certain medications for heart disease: lipator, asprin, metoprolol, procardia. I also take omeprazole, multivitamin, vitamin D, and Blue Poppy(suggested by my acupuncturist,for my kidney). I am desperate to find any kind of supplemental help for quickly getting rid of the Arterial Sclerosis and keep me free of plaque. Also, to find something that will help kee ...
2,637 hits
Forum: Ask Dr. Sutter
Re: List of grandmas medications
by Hveragerthi 15 y
Lecithin granules are a better choice. Lecithin cleans out arterial plaque and lowers cholesterol. Silica and vitamin C sources are also very important to help strengthen arterial walls and keep inflammation down.
Can you post links to human trials showing lecithin cleans out arterial plaque.
I found several animal studies so far and that is as far as I am looking tonight. I was planning on being home and asleep a long time ago. And doing research on generic stuff like this takes forever. Type something like lecithin and plaque in to a search engine you ...
1,968 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: How short is the shortest fast?
by chrisb1 17 y
I could be mistaken here folks, but I think the Master Cleanse works on similar principles as the Pauling/Rath cure for Heart Disease.!!!
These two men discovered that arterial plaque (and therefore Heart Disease) was formed ONLY in the Arteries........ but nowhere else along the pipeline we call the circulatory system. This got them to thinking as to WHY this was the case.
The constant pumping action of the Heart muscle leads eventually to slight wear and tear. These abrasions are normally healed by the action of sufficient Ascorbate or Vitamin C: but most diets do not include nearl ...
8,709 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Re: debate
by Hveragerthi 15 y
Antiarrhythmic effects of the Prostaglandin (PG) precursors arachidonic and Linoleic acid were demonstrated on three models of experimental arrhythmias, whereas the fatty acids linolenic and oleic acid proved to be ineffective in these models. In ouabain-induced arrhythmias infusions of arachidonic acid (1,0 mg/kg/min) caused a strong antiarrhythmic effect in 80 percent of the animals.
Actually this is easily explained. As they mentioned the AA is a prostaglandin precursor. And as I have pointed out many times the most common cause of arrhythmias is a lack of bl ...
1,958 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: Subject Edit: Arterial Plaque Concerns
RR by marlene2038 18 y
Hi all, Just spoke to Jim Humble to check the situation with MMS, Plaque and vitamin C. It seems that if you know you have arterial Sclerosis or plaque in or around the heart you should and must take vitamin C. He suggests that if we had enough vitamin C we wouldnt’t develope plaque. He says 5000 to 6000 mg a day of C away from the MMS. He also affirmed that anyone who is a certain age probably over 35 should take the precaution of doing a low dose no more than 3 drops 4x a day of MMS and supplementing C for a month. This should allow the cracks in the arteries to heal as the plaques are d ...
6,992 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: MMS Support
Re:'ve got IODINE! :D
by jmkr 13 y
Iodine from kelp supplements seems to reduce plaque and gingivitis:-’s+way+kelp+180+nosodum
33,592 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Lack of Vit C causes clogged arteries?
by Hveragerthi 15 y
It is funny that the news was all over a study years ago that claimed vitamin C increased the risk of heart attacks and stroke by narrowing the arteries. Of course this is not the case. The findings were misinterpreted. What the study found was that the vitamin C was increasing the formation of collagen in the arterial walls, which was increasing the thickness of the arterial wall. This is what is supposed to happen to prevent rupturing of the arterial wall. But someone erroneously decided that because the wall was thickening that this also meant narrowing and thus reduced blood flow ...
2,693 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: Calcium Warning
by Hveragerthi 15 y
The article is correct, but there is more to it.
Calcium contracts blood vessels reducing blood flow, which can contribute to heart attack or stroke. This is why calcium channel blockers are used to lower blood pressure. They keep calcium from contracting blood vessels.
Magnesium on the other hand displaces calcium from blood vessels relaxing them for better circulation. Magensium also helps to dispalce calcium from arterial plaque.
2,869 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
That makes perfect sense.
by Miss Helfinger 17 y
Especially the amylase being important.
So, if one’s vessel accumulated more crud (vein/arterial plaque and metals) than it could optimally get rid of otherwise you still would go with a smaller, bioavailable dose than to do a larger scrubber like a gram of IP6? I know how you feel about synthetic chelators and I’m seeing IP6 as a gentler alternative but- in such small amounts, the body would scrub the accumulation effectively?
That certainly sounds more ferritin-friendly.
6,771 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: What about Ca and Mg
by Hveragerthi 17 y
Pretty much any mineral can be used to reduce the solvency of water. I use silica because it strengthens the tissues throughout the body, is essential for the mineralizaton of bone, and is anti-inflammatory, which is especially important in arterial walls to prevent plaque formation.
There are trace mineral drops as well, but they tend to off-flavor the water.
When I have access to spring or well water though I go with those.
15,517 hits
Forum: Energized Water
Structured Water
Cancer Support
Re: Arterial cleansing and need for nattokinase-- question
by Insight 17 y
I can’t answer your question, but have you looked into the Ascorbic Acid/Lysine/Proline protocol for cleaning out the arteries? These, in megadose amounts, dissolve arterial plaque and cause an increase in collagen which will apparently repair damaged intima, etc.
What I question, though, is if there are any contraindications to combining vitamin megadose therapies with herbal therapies and such.
7,841 hits
Forum: Ask Dr. Sutter
Re: Melting arterial plaque naturally
by chrisb1 16 y
One of the best ways of clearing arterial plaque and reversing heart-disease is via a strict plant-based nutrient-dense diet for several months................
63,734 hits
Forum: Cardiovascular
Re: Chelation Therapy
by Hveragerthi 14 y
Hv, what is your take on chelation therapy? Is it really effective and safe as it claims in unblocking arterial plaques? Thanks.
I have never paid much attention to chelation therapy since I really prefer more natural ways of dealing with issues when possible. For example, lecithin granules are great for removing arterial plaque as is magnesium. TMG and silica can be used to help prevent the plaque formation. All of these I mentioned also offer numerous other health benefits.
If som ...
1,293 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: Distilled water making teeth sensitive?
by #85605 8 y
2,944 hits
Forum: Ask Dr. Sutter
Naturally Prevent and Remove Dangerous Arterial Plaque
by LuellaMay 8 y
Naturally Prevent and Remove Dangerous Arterial Plaque
by Tony Isaacs
author of Cancer's Natural Enemy
( The Best Years in Life) The arteries are major blood vessels that the heart uses to pump blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Over time, arterial walls can become congested with a fatty substance known as plaque. When this happens to a severe point, the arteries may begin to harden and the blood flow can become compromised and ultimately result in a heart attack. Mainstream medicine's approach for treating plaque is to use drugs or surge ...
347 hits
Forum: Ask Tony