Re: Blessed Herbs - Question please -mucoid placque
by elin 19 y
I just bought the default ginger kit they show here:
Just ordered it five minutes ago -- after eight liver flushes, I’ve cured the acne on my face beautifully, but I still have weird cysts traveling up my back and especially on my buttocks. It looks like a bowel cleanse problem, and P&B shakes aren’t working anything loose for me. I can’t wait to start on this.
1,817 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
The Blessed Herbs Colon cleanse...
by lilee 18 y
it works amazingly well. It is a 5 day fast with P&B shakes and organic apple juice. I had tons of mp come out of me just like in the pictures. I also lost five pounds and it all came from my waiste...I recommend this cleanse, take a break, and then following with Oxypowder...Good luck!
1,562 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
experience with blessed herbs, positive/negative http://w...
by chriswilson 17 y
View Entire Thread 2
what has your experiences with the blessed herbs internal cleansing product and all herbs products in general? i am thinking about ordering the total internal cleansing product:
they seem to have a pretty good reputation, better then colonix anyway but i still wanted to see what curezoners experiences were before i go and spend $400!!!
5,087 hits
Forum:Ask CureZone
experience with blessed herbs clonic cleanse
by chriswilson 17 y
what has your experiences with the blessed herbs internal cleansing product and all herbs products in general? i am thinking about ordering the total internal cleansing product:
they seem to have a pretty good reputation, better then colonix anyway but i still wanted to see what curezoners experiences were before i go and spend $400!!!
1,792 hits
experiences with blessed herbs cleanses
by chriswilson 17 y
View Entire Thread 2
what has your experiences with the blessed herbs internal cleansing product and all herbs products in general? i am thinking about ordering the total internal cleansing product:
they seem to have a pretty good reputation, better then colonix anyway but i still wanted to see what curezoners experiences were before i go and spend $400!!!
2,628 hits
Re: Am I cleansing?
by Lavine 17 y
I am on day 4 of Blessed Herbs colon cleanse and during the precleanse began passing the mucoid plaque. I took the fasting route and it’s really amazing and almost scary to see what is coming out of my system. Check out,
the colon cleaning program is pricey but it’s also guaranteed or your money back and I can tell you it really works. I am not disappointed at all and plan on buying the internal cleanse soon.
1,709 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Kidney Infection During Pregnancy
by bananna98310 20 y
Well I can personally vouch for taking eating the watermelon seeds... while pregnant to stave off infection of the kidneys, but the cause for me ended up being kidney stones.
Cleavers tea was great for disolving those and clearing up the infections.
I get my cleaves from blessedherbs
I like their products and do use enough to save on bulk prices.
Cranberry capsules, have worked for the infections also.
5,006 hits
Re: I've got mucous too!
by lucachoo 20 y
I recently discovered that I am expelling mucous. It was a bit of a shock! I started doing very regular coffee enemas about two months ago, and about a week ago long strands of mucous started to appear...
I’m currently doing a large intestine cleanse with bentonite clay. I think that this would do you good. Look at the links. It is really working - I am on day 2 and already getting results. Also, it is not expensive.
There is no need to actually buy the products from the site. I am using the advice of e-how (see other link). It is working very well following these guide ...
9,132 hits
Forum:Acid Reflux/GERD
My guess is the Ascaris parasite...
by lilee 19 y
I have suffered from eczema most of my life and recently noticed that I itch the most at night too. Dr. Hulda Clark’s book ”The Cure for all Diseases” says that dry itchy skin and eczema are caused by the ascaris parasite. I am on day 6 of the Blessed Herbs Internal cleanse (to kill parasites) and since day 2 and everyday I have passed this particular parasite. My skin has gotten softer each day and I have no eczema. I have itched on and off throughout this cleanse but that is part of the healing and actually means you do have a parasite...Right now I feel great! My recommendation wou ...
8,073 hits
found a live one!!! (2nd flush)
by lisag 19 y
What an absolutely awesome second flush!! :-)
regarding epsoms long term use, I don’t know the ins and outs of it. but,
epsom salts are laxatives, which mean that while they do make you release everything, they don’t train the intestines to quicken up (that’s my understanding, anyway). the other types of poop pills, Jim Foley’s,and the digestive stimulator from Blessed herbs both quicken up the intestines, exactly the opposite action as epsoms.
here’s the links for foleys
and the digestive stimulator ...
2,507 hits
Forum:Liver Flush Support
Re: need a recommendation
by lisag 18 y
i did the blessed herbs cleanse twice, both for 2 days. it did the trick for me; i had a very positive experience. just like you i was aware that i needed to do some sort of a bowel cleanse before starting to flush. it didn’t seem right to clear the liver out into a toxic colon.
i do colonics with every liver cleanse and nothing else.
1,824 hits
Forum:Liver Flush Support
Re: Help me be a better, healthier person!!!!!!!!
by Zule 20 y
I agree with Bug!!!!
I had a great success with Blessedherbs, but I think the key was the fast.
Dr Schulze protocol looks similar to Blessedherbs and less expensive.
The key fot BC is the diet or fast to change the Ph of the digestive system and allow the body to get rid of the excess of mucus that otherwise needs to be there to protect the body.
Another alternative is Holistic Horizons products, I am waiting for my order, I am planning to fast while takign it.
The easiest alternative are PB shakes (Psyllium/bentonite) again for success you need to improve your diet other ...
1,419 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: The taste of my Colon Cleanser, HELP!!!
by Zule 20 y
Dear Candy
I have taken Colosan and the Blessedherbs cleanse.
I think both are good but they work different.
I had such a reaction to colosan I could not take it. My face broke up in pimples, i got nervous etc.
I think I had so much waste inside me that the dissolving properties of colosan gave me a bad reaction.
With blessedherbs, I felt some cleanse reaction symptoms the fist two days, but later I felt good relief.
I passed long ropes of Mucoid plaque.
So the way the cleanses work is different.
I would recommend any oxygen cleanse for accute cases of constipation, ...
1,771 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: blessed herbs
by ccox 19 y
You can go to to order the colon cleanse and other products.
Blessed Herbs is a company started by a family and they are known for a reputation of herbs and forumlas with exceptional quality and integrity.
The colon cleanse is an 8-day thing (3 day pre-cleanse, and 5 day cleanse). The kit is very well done with packets of pre-measured psyllium, bentonite, and other herbs (toxin absorber), a mixing jar, herbal ”digestive stimulator” pills and two booklets of instructions and charts. The kit is pricy - a little under $100, but seems to work well for most people a ...
1,408 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
help me please!!!!
by maisonchat 19 y
View Entire Thread 6
Hi All,
I started in the candida forum, moved into the parasite forum, now I find myself in the colon cleans forum! From what I understand, there’s no point in clearing up candida until I get rid of my parasites, but I can’t effectively get rid of my parasites until I do a colon cleanse. So here I am! Oxy-powder or Blessedherbs? Does any one have any preferences and if so, why? Does anyone recommend the Blessedherbs complete detox kit? It seems to make a lot of sense but is quite pricey. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
1,653 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Blessed Herbs- results!
by laur26 18 y
Hi. Just wanted to let people know that I’m on day 2 of the Blessed Herbs fast and I even had stuff coming out of me at the very beginning of the fast, right after the 3 day prefast, which is just taking small doses of the supplements and restricting food intake a bit. I’m really impressed so far.
I know there’s a lot of writing on the forum about Colonix. Haven’t tried it, but I do recommend looking at before committing to it. The ingredients are really high grade and everything’s organic and wildcrafted by the family of a master herbalist.
Good luck!
854 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Anyone tried the blessed herbs full kit??
by redfawn 19 y
View Entire Thread 8
I was looking at the Blessed Herbs site and noticed they have a big internal cleansing kit.
”A twenty-one day whole body cleanse formulated from traditional cleansing herbs and guaranteed to improve your health and radiance.
Cleanses all the major organs of elimination: Colon, Liver, Gallbladder, Kidneys, Bladder, Lungs, Lymph, Blood, and Skin. Also cleanses parasites and adds pro-biotics.
100% Organic and Wild-Harvested Herbal Ingredients”
I’m wondering if anyone has tried this. It’s 275$ but it claims to do a lot of stuff. I plan on doing a liver flush and thought maybe thsi kit ...
1,895 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: question on how to make cayenne pepper tincture
by herbman 20 y
I think your window of opportunity for getting fresh peppers is about over for this year. Sometimes you can get Mexican peppers but be sure they are organic. You can get 150,000 hu cayenne powder from Pacific Botanicals. This makes a pretty good tincture. Sometimes Blessed herbs has 200,000 hu cayenne so try one of these and tincture it.
Pacific Botanicals;
Blessed Herbs;
7,376 hits
Forum:Dr. Schulze
Re: Buying herbs
by Tyler 19 y
Dr. Schulze mentions Pacific Botanicals My experience is that they have the best stuff. It is not always the cheapest, but by no means is it high priced either.
Other places for great herbs include:
Blessed Herbs
Mountain Rose Herbs
Herb First (look for bulk herbs)
I would use cut herbs for making teas and teas to be strained for enemas. You can use powders as well, but the straining process requires a cloth or filter instead of just a nice stainless s ...
1,593 hits
Forum:Dr. Schulze
Re: Calcium citrate and Kambucha!
by herbman 19 y
If you want an effective and easy solution to the calcium problem you can order tincture, capsules or bulk herbs already mixed to make your own tincture from
Herbal calcium formula. You can also order bulk herbs (always use organic)from;
Ingredients are equal amounts of the following.
Horsetail grass
Oatstraw herb
Nettle leaves
Lobelia herb
6,427 hits
Forum:Dr. Schulze
Re: Colonic Inertia?
by trembita 16 y
Can’t see that you’re really missing anything. Congrats on taking care of your health. A suggestion - colonics/colon hydrotherapy...that can often help clean out a colon and restore regularity. A highly recommended herbal based colon cleanse is by Blessed Herbs out of Massachsetts (sp?) area. It’s by far the best one that I’ve tried - and I’ve tried several. Hope this helps some.
1,735 hits
Re: Question for Mouseclick or Chrisb
by chrisb1 16 y
Hello #51214,
I am not an expert on parasites, but.................
the only way to be sure if this is a parasitic infection is to have a stool sample done, or even several stool samples examined.
Ask your Doctor for an ”Ova and Parasite with Purge” - the purge part is important because it will help to assure that you really get the best possible sample. If nothing is found on a purged sample, then chances are you do not have a parasite. If it is a parasite, some can be treated well with natural medicine and others cannot - it really depends on the bug.
This is an example of what so ...
1,115 hits
Forum:Fasting: Water
Re: Where to get "blessed herbs"?
by saywhatagain 15 y
Hey sick of hives,
You can get the colon cleansing kit from blessed herbs at
I have used it before and it is very effective at removing mucoid plaque. By the way, I just got an e-mail from them for 25% off, just enter coupon code spring09. It’s a little expensive but as I said a good product. After I used this a couple of times, I made my own the next time, it’s really just a combination of bentonite clay, psyllium husk and peppermint.
17,705 hits
Forum:CandidaConstipationHelp MeReceding GumsGum DiseaseDental Health
Colon Cleanse for Weight Loss?
by AznHisoka 14 y
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I’m looking to lose weight and heard that doing a colon cleanse can help me do so... but I don’t really understand how it helps you lose weight.. it doesn’t suppress your appetite, nor does it burn fat. So can anyone tell me if a colon cleanse really helps for weight loss, or is it just a bunch of lies? I’ve spent a weekend doing research and unsure whethere I can separate the facts from fiction. Some sites I’ve done research on:
2,533 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
experiences with blessed herbs internal cleanses
by chriswilson 17 y
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what has your experiences with the blessed herbs internal cleansing product and all herbs products in general? i am thinking about ordering the total internal cleansing product:
please have a look even you havnet tried it and post what you think.
they seem to have a pretty good reputation, better then colonix anyway but i still wanted to see what curezoners experiences were before i go and spend $400!!!
1,815 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Help Please, tell me what is wrong!
by latin 18 y
The explanation is pretty simple to me, the more stagnant your bowels are the harder it is for the body to detox. When you get your bowels moving the body starts to detox. It sounds like you have alot of crap in your small and large intestine and getting your bowels moving stirs it all up. Go to
and get colon cleansing kit, I have done it twice and have got out about 30 feet of mucoid plaque and was still passing on the last day so ill have to do another one. Also I had done 3 bottles of oxy powder before this so anyone that says oxy powder gets rid of muco ...
2,457 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
Psyllium&Bentonite cleanse
by dan97 19 y
As a base for my formula I took Dr. Schulze’s Intestinal formulas #1 and #2 ( and the formula from BlessedHerbs ( Bowel stimulator: 1. Aloe Vera leaf powder 10g 2. Cascara Sagrada bark powder 10g 3. Senna leaves 10g 4. Habanero or Cayenne pepper 1-3g (less Habanero as tends to be much stronger). I found lately that his is a very important herb also. 5. Ginger root 1g 6. Peppermint leaf 1g 7. Dandelion root or wormwood or Oregon grape root 1-2g 8. Fennel seed 1-2g 9. Lic ...
5,118 hits
Blog:My experience with natural cures
Fantastic, inexpensive cleanse for small and large intest...RR by alegrea 16 y
Someone recommended BlessedHerbs colon cleanser, but unfortunately, they charge about 3-5 times what you could buy the ingredients for and blend yourself.
It’s a very simple, well-known blend with only 3 ingredients, that has been passed around by word of mouth for a long time. Someone posted the recipe and instructions here not long ago so I’ll try to find it and post it asap.
Okay, here it is:
5,833 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
Questions to those who have done Blessed herbs (I started...
by Adri Chan 17 y
View Entire Thread 3
Hi, I just strated yesterday and I have questions :
Can I take probiotics (threelac) during the colon cleansing?
Can I only fast with water (candida diet)?
I will not do the 3 days of pre-cleanse instead I’ll fast and do the real cleansing one
more day, with 3 toxins absorbers the last day, will it be as effective?
Do I have to drink mineral or spring water?
I emailed these questions to blessedherbs today but they haven’t answer yet, maybe because it’s saturday.
1,595 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
for clearer skin..
by malia81 20 y
this radio station in houston tried the colon cleansing kit from and though they were making fun of it at the beginning, they realized that it actually worked for them. this comprehensive colon cleansing kit is supposed to clean out all the mucoid plaque which in turn gives you a much clearer complexion. one of the dj’s said that his skin looks much better after this cleanse. when i can afford it i think i will try it.
1,001 hits
Re: BlessedHerbs
by tcs_1366 18 y
i dont know anything about blessedherbs, but i can tell you that many folks who cleanse - and even fast, still have energy to exercise. I’ve read that while on MC (fasting) they can exercise daily.... but only do what you have energy for. I know I’ve had a few days of fasting (MC) where i didnt have much strength, but soon the energy level kicks up there and i have boundless energy.
so - go with how you feel
sorry, cant help ya with your other questions
1,013 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
this colon cleansing kit...
by malia81 20 y
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this radio station in houston tried the colon cleansing kit from and though they were making fun of it at the beginning, they realized that it actually worked for them. this comprehensive colon cleansing kit is supposed to clean out all the mucoid plaque which in turn gives you a much clearer complexion. one of the dj’s said that his skin looks much better after this cleanse. when i can afford it i think i will try it.
1,448 hits
Forum:Bowel Cleanse Support
colon cleansing along with the liver flush
by malia81 20 y
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this radio station in houston tried the colon cleansing kit from and though they were making fun of it at the beginning, they realized that it actually worked for them. this comprehensive colon cleansing kit is supposed to clean out all the mucoid plaque which in turn gives you a much clearer complexion. one of the dj’s said that his skin looks much better after this cleanse. when i can afford it i think i will try it.
1,917 hits
Forum:Liver Flush Support
Re: Gall bladder function test results
by unyquity 18 y
Herbs that support/heal Gall Bladder functioning! You can buy tonics, tinctures, capsules and teas all over the ’net. But your cheapest, most effective route, would be to check out all the data, decide which 3-5 you feel would be most effective for you, and then order a small quantity of each from any of these three places...and make your own tincture!
Pacific Botanicals - Welcome
Welcome to Blessed Herbs
Mountain Rose Herbs | Bulk organic herbs, spices & essential oi ...
2,149 hits
Forum:Liver Flush Support
Doing the BLESSED herbs colon cleanse while doing HUMAWORM?
by joylovepeace 18 y
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Do you think it would be safe/wise/beneficial to do the Blessed herbs colon cleanse (which I would like to do while fasting), and the Humaworm parasite cleanse at the same?
Detail of the formulas:
Toxin Absorber
During this program one will take Toxin Absorber with apple juice and water, five times a day, to draw build-up off their intestinal walls. It will also absorb toxins, heavy metals, and fatty acids from the intestinal tract.* Although liquid when first mixed, Toxin Absorber will begin to thicken as ...
1,442 hits
Forum:Ask Humaworm
Re: shelly- i need help for my toddlerR by lisag 19 y
i have found these to have absolutely no side effects (for me, my body);
digestive stimulator by blessed herbs - very gentle - (no senna, i believe).
castor oil packs - easiest poops in the world
No physical problem in the body is ever just physical. Its impossible, since we are made of spirit, and spirit up makes the physical. It may not always be such a direct connection - eg., the whole of society makes food that is toxic. 100 people can eat toxic food, and 80% may not get sick, 20% might get alittle sick, 1% might get deathly ill. Physical bod ...
1,497 hits
Forum:Ask CureZone
Re: Does PURITAN PRIDE company have a good report???
by unyquity 19 y
You get what you pay for...sadly, this company does not appear to sell what most natural healers would consider ’quality’ herbal products and supplements.
This company mentions nothing about their herbs or products being either organic, or wild-crafted...but they do mention all the different kinds of pills they manufacture by the billions.
It is impossible to manufacture and market a high-quality, high-potency organically grown herbal product of any kind, for the prices they are offering.
The thing that really tells all, is this:
As part of our commitment to quality, Purit ...
2,677 hits
Forum:Ask CureZone
Re: Anyone with 100% SUCCESS in killing parasites?
by #33796 19 y
Many thanks once again - I’m indebted to you for your support.
As you will appreciate, I just think I am failing in the battle and wanted to know if any had succeeded. Perhaps intersting to note there has not been a flood of people sayingg ”yes” they won over the critters - seems most of us are battling away and just doing the best we can.
Interested to hear what you say about herbs - we have wormwood in the herb garden at our home - can I really eat that? May sound daft, but I presumed the herbs were ”special” wormwood variety or processed in some way before making int ...
2,427 hits
Forum:Parasites Support
How about a cleanse with probiotics?
by Lilee 19 y
Have you tried a cleanse that includes probiotics?? I just ordered an internal cleanse from Blessed Herbs after reading lots of good stuff about this particular cleanse and doing a lot of reading/research. I have not received/started it yet so I cannot give you my personal experience but it does include probiotics as part of the program...From what I have read you have to kill the parasites and the only way to do that is with herbs or with Dr. Clark’s zapper. You are sick because you are experiencing the die off of the parasites and toxins in your body. I just finished a 12 day detox a ...
11,887 hits
Forum:Parasites Support