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Re: First Step
by nosomethingislove 16 y
hi I am at the same step too, you might want to try Diatomaceous Earth(DE) first, if you have large ones with braggs cider vinegar to detox. See how that goes for a week, then start up drclarkia’s combo or parasave’s. Then do some DE or bentonite clay with distilled water enemas. Take lots of veggies, pineapple, lots of water while on the process. You might also want to finish off with neem oil and or pine nut oil. Good luck
1,656 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
worms and webs and allthose things
by Wrenn 21 y
first off 90% of humans ahve parasites/whether have pets or not..
we are also constantly beign reinfested.. if our body system
is *friendly * to them
they thrive best in acidic systems/ and alsoin fecl matter
and *dirty* bowels.
youcan correct alot of this by making changes to help
bring about a great alkaline body.. and eating foods
that cause them to die off or wan t to exit..
(cayenne, tumeric,, fresh garlic, onions, raw pumpkin seed,
virgin coconut oil to list a few. )
if you click on the top blue headign at top of page onto clark
then goto tapeworms/ascaris.. yes she ...
2,879 hits
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Forum: Parasites Support
i have used a variety of means
by Wrenn 21 y
i first did the clarkia tincture on teh 8 week plan.
you take it for 2 weeks /rest a week /repeat was where i got mine from.
i also still use oil of oregano at 85% carvocal
it is effective against 137 diff parasites, bacterias, fungus, molds, yeast, anthrax, e-coli, lyme disease, etc..
you need to make sure if you get oil of oregano to get the highest content carvocal you can.. that is the highest i have found/ it is very potent and you need to be sure and dilute it
with a ...
2,916 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
right i'm ready to kill these buggers!
i need some quest...
by msully 20 y
View Entire Thread 5
Okay - I’ve been reading all the forum notes and conversing. Now’s time to order Clarkia and get cracking with it!
I’m ordering from the drclarkia website from the UK but when I click on the ’BUY NOW’ button it doesn’t seem to do much. I end up sitting here waiting and waiting and waiting until it finally times out. I have looked for a phone number to place my order by phone but I see no phone number - hem! What do I do now? I would really prefer to use Clarkia!
Any help or suggestions will be appreciated.
Also, I have order Dr Clarks book and the other other one, menace somethi ...
2,344 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Pin-worms won`t DIE, going insane......
by Wrenn 22 y
i don’t know what the problem is... but i do knwo the clarkia tincture/ get a www.drclarkia.come has never givne bad side effects back to folks.... as far as i know.
we giv eit to the dog etc/ it seems a bi t costly fo rht 8 week treatment/ bu then you jstu do a once a wekk maintenace.
my kids and i ahv eonly passed dead stuff/ and we hav ethe dog on it too.
also the oil of oregano liquid tincture is effective against 137 diff bacteria and viruses lyme desease etc and kill soff parasites that teh wormwood/walnut/cloves tincture don’t kill.
i use that sparingly acoupel ti ...
14,362 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Hulda's Program - PLEASE Clarify?
by #23743 21 y
HI, 33796
Got this from Hulda Clark’s site:
Hulda Clark says: ”Getting rid of all parasites would be absolutely impossible using clinical medicines that can kill only one or two parasites each. Such medicines also tend to make you quite ill. Imagine taking 10 such drugs to kill a dozen of your parasites! Good news, perhaps, for the drug makers but not for you.
Yet three herbs can rid you of over 100 types of parasites! And without so much as a headache! Without nausea! Without any interference with any drug that you are already on! Does this sound too fantastic? Just too good to be tr ...
2,119 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
CFS link/w Giardia: GUT REACTIONS from
by nordskoven 22 y
I got some information from regarding their digestive health products, like Para-Gone, after a friend had great success using them. I noted that in the info pack they cited a study that found a link with Giardia, which can induce ”Leaky Gut” Syndrome, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/CFS. That would explain how CFS seemed to show up in geographical areas like Chapel Hill and Lake Mead. The article, entitled GUT REACTIONS by Wendy Marston, cited a study of California and Nevada CFS patients as sharing only one thing in common--Giardia infection, a waterborne-parasite ...
1,467 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
ReNew Life info & products Para-GONE:
by nordskoven 22 y
ReNew Life was founded by colon hydrotherapy specialist Brenda Watson, and has lots of info and fine products. ParaGONE and CandiGONE are two of the company’s most popular cleansing protocols, but they also have a full line of products for intestinal support, and lots of free info. Ask for their reprint of the NEWSWEEK article on Leaky Gut Syndrome, ”Gut Reactions,” from November 17, 1997.
ReNew Life
2076 Sunnydale Boulevard
Clearwater, FL 33765
I hope this information is helpful. May our Creator grant us miracles of healing. Thank ...
6,084 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
from for killing parasites
by powderpuff 20 y
View Entire Thread 4
I am posting this for a friend as I don’t have a link as of yet.
We exchanged ideas
She said Natures Sunshine has an awesome product that will take care of parasites. It is extract of Mugwort and wormseed to be taken with c.c.e.-W from Pureherbs.
Also--- AGRISEPT-L and it is supposed to kill parasites in us and on us. If you take a bath in it, a few drops, you will end up with thousands in the tub.
“FROM Powderpuff:
I want to thank Penny for all of her hard work and for sharing her research with us.
Also, all of the people on the board for “J J ...
22,775 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Check out
by Deborah Lockett 21 y
Please check out if you haven’t already done so, the photography is Crystal C., the best I’ve seen.
I’ll be 50 on Wednesday. I’ve just done my first parasite cleanse, using Clarkia. The only definite result was about 2,500 black things which I’ve provisionally identified as strings of eggs. (These could be the ”legs” of ”spiders”.)
Unfortunately I never saw the parents, possibly because I didn’t know what to look for in my BMs. The strings of eggs I couldn’t miss because they were black.
Now I’m trying to trace what type of parasite the par ...
3,003 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Check out
by flowerchild59 21 y
This is my parasite cleanse diary and results – can you help me trace the missing parents of 2,500 strings of eggs ...?
Sorry it´s so long, but Webmaster said to be as detailed as I can, and I’ve done my best to comply.
First of all I’d just like to say to anyone planning a parasite cleanse – make it easy on yourself, don’t use the toilet - sit on the side of the bath and hold a bowl under your bottom. That way you can gyrate the bowl and thoroughly inspect the contents without putting your head down the toilet or putting your hand in the BM in the toilet.
If you use the toilet ...
3,420 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
by GBKray 21 y
wow... what a whealth of information...thank you so much for giving it to me... i’m not sure if i have tapeworms or flukes... but i know i hav something going on... lots of mucus in my system... postnasal drip, congestion and in the stool... today though something odd was floating above my usual morning dumping... a white something sort of looked like one of those rolly poley bugs cept it was white i didn’t notice any legs or such... though i did do a cofee enema yesterday... so maybe that’s the second one like that.. that i have seen since doing the clarkia regimen...i do se ...
6,574 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
by #13921 21 y
well ther’s more to it,, mercury fillings are very toxic, they can leed to diffrent types of illnes, after Plutonium, mercury is the most toxic element known to man..
the most infected organs in the human body are: brain, lungs and stomake
very strange, that in most countries mercury amalgam fillings are banned but in the UK
its worth to read some more about this, many people are getting these removed, I think I will do the same thing..
just make sure you get an experienced proffesional to do this, as a regular dentist can do you more harm than good
if you live in uk, you can get ...
1,590 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Is a good source?
by chopper 20 y
some stuffs they sell are rather expensive. you can get clarkia cheaper from other place. to cleanse the colon, you can use pysillium & bentonite/enema etc. kidney cleanse or liver flush , you can just follow dr clark recipe. I dont know what type of illness that you suffer. If you have other problems like candida, IBS, then you need other supplement. you have to do some research to find a right product for yourself. Anyway, they are not related to Dr Clark
1,678 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
by chipper 19 y
she says that psoriasis comes from ascaris. i would do her cleanse. individual blackwalnut,wormwood and cloves. i separately make my own capsules. it seems that you know what is in the capsules and the potency. it is a life style change of changing your eating habits. eventually you would think it would run those buggers out and she has suggestions for other vitamins to take to build your body up. i started on her program and am feeling little better every day. chippie
1,729 hits
Forum: Parasites Support to buy the clarkis tincture
by Wrenn 22 y
it is a whoel lot easier than ttryign to mix your own and easy to follow directions
just remember normal doseage is 10 drops at 3 times per day fo r2 weeks then one week break then repeat.
youcna optionally on your own increase the doseage but the regualr
doe on teh bottle and on teh instructiosn is 10 @ 3 times per day
i tis well worth the money btw/ easy to use/ and 85 % of people are infested and socne so many thign s problems we have are related to toxins released form parasites it seems the place to start/ to get worm free.
hope that helps
Ami B.
2,839 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
I found on about herbal pet cleansing
by flowerchild59 22 y
Pet Herbal Parasite Cleanse Program
Excerpt from: The Cure For All Diseases
The Cure For All Diseases © Copyright 1995 by Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D.
Parsley water
Cook a big bunch of fresh parsley in a quart of water for 3 minutes. Throw away the parsley.
After cooling, you may freeze most of it in several 1 cup containers. This is a month’s supply.
Put 1 tsp. parsley water on the pet’s food. You don’t have to watch it go down. Whatever amount is eaten is satisfactory.
All dosages are based on a 10 pound (5 kilo) cat or dog. Double them for a 20 pound pet, and so forth ...
3,276 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
India spice cure for malaria and other diseases from I lo...
by #19236 19 y
View Entire Thread 9
this is an excellent india spice cure resource site, it has the india spice cures for many diseases.
those of you lucky enough to live near a hindu indian or mexican spice grocer, grocery store can find bulk spices that cost 1/100th of the price of spices and herbs sold in capsule form. example, a one pound bag of tumeric, ginger, whole or powdered cinnamon, clove, saffron etc from an india supply company or grocery will cost 1.19 or 99 cents for one POUND to a few pounds of spice. In usa stores, spice retailers, dealers, gouge and charge 5.99 to 6.99 to 13.99(saffron)and more, for one OU ...
7,785 hits
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Forum: Parasites Support
Re: India spice cure for malaria and other diseases from ...
by #19236 19 y
Irradiation is playing with microwaves to kill mildew and fungi I presume, I can not see how every pound of spice produced can be irradiated, where are the irradiation facilities, they are not at every seaport and ground loading and unloading doc.
frontier charges WAY TOO MUCH for a teeny tiny bag of spice, maybe frontier calls itself non irradiated as a fad, so it can gouge consumers and charge 1000% more then hindi and mexican spice importers and retailers. Some 4 profit enrot type corporations and LTD’s hate humans and just care about profit, PACKAGING, gloss and PR or fad, in ...
7,526 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: India spice cure for malaria and other diseases from ...
by #19236 19 y
I love cayenne hot red peppers myself. Mh at barefoot herbalist has a great bath, soak in a hot tub using about 1 cup of apple cidar vinegar and a handful of powdered cayenne red pepper, I use 3 handfulls and feel great after such hot bath soaks.
The list of vermifuge, parasite killing spices and foods from india that I found research on is very long, link above has many, some of the spices used to kill micro organisms, bugs and worms is listed. These can be used in many combinations or alone as a food, in ground, dried, powdered, pickled, in oil, as chutneys, as pastes, as teas, in a bat ...
8,101 hits
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Forum: Parasites Support
Re: India spice cure for malaria and other diseases from ...
by 2Borganic 19 y
the point that these spices don’t lose their potentcy by irradiation is true. mmy point is that 65 million pounds of spices are irradiated in the U.S. each year. That is nuclear radiation. we don’t know how that is compromising the immune system or other bodily functions, That may open door for infestations. So these bulk and locally grown spices may be better,not just cheaper - 14k - Cached - Similar pages
7,214 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: India spice cure for malaria and other diseases from ...
by #19236 19 y
Interesting link. Too bad the author does not cite any case studies or facts on incidence numbers and references of bad tumeric or bad horseradish etc. Mold on grain and bread is more of a viable concern then mold on hot red cayenne chili peppers. Bread grows green mold and bacteria, fungus and gets moldy in a few days. My cayenne red peppers stay great looking for months (no mold, no fungus growth) unless I store them next to bread or moldy grain or tampered with fruit. I refer to WHO’s position of ”Time Tested Cures”, ancient cures so old and so time tested they are accepted and viable, ...
7,326 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: go to
by #19236 19 y
I can not believe some mds are so derilict and NEGLIGENT in diagnosing and treating something as prevalent and common as pinworms.
Either those mds are lazy and do not want to give scotch tape or stool test or they do not own a microscope or they are derilict and out to hurt the public instead of correctly diagnosing and treating people who hire them. Maybe some bad ulterior motive subversive sickie mds like to misdiagnose and hurt people, who knows.
Go to type pinworms in search space and learn all about diagnosing and treating pinworms. By realizing how n ...
2,333 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: go to
by boldyloxx 19 y
Thanks for that link!
I think it’s just that the doctors are so ultra- skeptical that parasites happen more than they realize in the civilized World that they dont take the patient seriously.
Many doctors also have a low opinion of most of thier patients because they consider us all uneducated-- especially if you are a blue-collar working class person.
They feel that any education we in the ”masses” pick up is dangerous in our hands so if you mention parasites, they’ll say-- ”you read too much”.
They quietly think wer’e all hypochondriacs wasting their time. If a patient ...
2,106 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: go to
by #69087 19 y
in my particular case, what i ran into was a doctor who accused me of having an eating disorder (anorexia) and a bug phobia after i worked up enough nerve to tell him that i couldn’t gain weight because i had some sort of intestinal worms.
i was already feeling extremely vulnerable when i went in there, and he just pushed me further down the hole. i was too much of a coward to go find another doctor for fear of hearing the same thing. i did not have the internet at that time. i wish i had found this site earlier.
1,715 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
anyone trie...
by #92910 17 y
Thanks fot the info, but as a Christian, I believe in Jesus Christ, and that ”Golden Egg” idea would be considered idolism. Pray to God, and have faith that He will heal. Alternative medicine is in agreement with God’s ways. Having false idols before Him who people claim to have healing powers, is not the right way to heal in His eyes. Beware of false prophets. Your own mind can heal you, believe in God and yourself.
1,496 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Tonight (10:00) Central Time/ Jim Humble
by tomato 17 y
Monday 28 April 2008
11 PM to 12 AM EDT
Jim Humble explains how MMS can help you. It is good for toxins, parasites,
cleaning out ones arteries,allergies, you may be happy to try this new
21st century medicine.
I know I am and I am just starting this MMS. It is new and it is not expensive
like around $20.00. Why be sick when you could find relief.
I’m tired of going to doctors who only solve the symptoms and not the problem.
I’m tired of wasting my hard earn money and time and travelling in traffic to
see doctors who ...
964 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
by Newport 17 y
Because cilantro mobilizes more toxins then it can carry out of the body, it may flood the connective tissue (where the nerves reside) with metals that were previously stored in safer hiding places. This process is called re-toxification. It can easily be avoided by simultaneously giving an intestinal toxin-absorbing agent. Our definite choice is the algal organism chlorella.
1,619 hits
Forum: Parasites Support good source to buy stuff
by jessesmom1987 17 y
You can find the L-Cysteine, and a lot of supplements at
They are reasonably priced, and ship quickly- and don’t charge alot for shipping.
I wouldn’t take milk thistle if your liver is congested. As congested as my liver was from being plugged up with parasites and stones (no gallbladder), I wouldn’t do parasite killing without liver flushing- but that’s my opinion and my own experience.
11,219 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
by #116496 16 y
I was mortified at losing my beautiful hair. I would cry in the shower as I watched my mutant moving hair go down the drain. And what a pain in the butt to clean up the bathroom everyday for fear of infecting my roommates.
OK here it is how my hair stopped falling out and is nIce and shiny again
here is what I did
I washed my hair with rid lice shampoo just once
Every day when I get out of shower. I just put a little premade Castor and Mink oil by ” hollywood beauty” throughout my hair ( a little goes a long way”
YOu can find it in most drug stores Long’s? Walgreens? Rite Aid.F ...
15,950 hits
Forum: Parasites Support & the work of Gaston Naessens
by mostlysunny 16 y
Wow! Your website is really interesting. It’s great you are doing this.
I think there is alot to be discovered in this area. They act like everything is known about these organisms but there’s so much to learn.
We are probably being bombarded with ”stuff” due to chemtrails these days.
Have you read about of the work of Gaston Naessens & pleomorphism?
Naessens claims to have developed a dark-field microscope (”Somatoscope”) that enables live blood cells to be examined at a magnification of up to 30,000 . He states that this has enabled him to see tiny creatures he call ...
32,370 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: & the work of Gaston N...
by shroom 16 y
30,000 times is very high mag. I don’t know about identifying anything at that level, because how do you know the difference between proteins and independent life forms.
Besides, we can do molecular amplifications of RNA now, which can verify foreign RNA in cells.
But, I will tell you this much; I can create conditions in a test tube, that will allow the different components of microbes to come together, and recreate the mechanisms for reproduction of the primary mature form.
This is fascinating stuff to see materialize.
I cannot do this with ordinary microbes, only in body fluid sampl ...
32,475 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: & the work of Gaston N...
by mostlysunny 16 y
Can you explain more? I’m not a scientist.
FYI - re: Gaston Naessens
Gaston Naessens is responsible for several remarkable developments which may revolutionise our understanding of life and bring a major advance in cancer therapy. His work started with the invention of an amazing microscope, the ”somatoscope”. This led him to the discovery of the Somatid Cycle, and in turn to the development of his serum, 714-X.
The Somatoscope
Naessens’ revolutionary microscope, the somatoscope, weaves two light sources (one visible, one ultraviolet) together to produce a third, functionally ...
32,386 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: & the work of Gaston N...
by shroom 16 y
Hi Mostlysunny. This suggests there are small bugs in our cells, smaller than viruses. If, they are essentially host commensals, which they may be, then the situation that would put them out of balance would be PH differential. Then, the same principals apply as when the gut microbial environment goes out of whack. I would like to see these microbes. I wonder if there are drawings or photo’s. Guess I can google it. Shroom
32,009 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Chatroom!!
by Diagnosendisarm 11 y
Hi and thanks for reading...
I’m desperately seeking an answer to what is living inside me.. How much damage it can do or has already and how can I get rid of it asap?!
Iv always been under weight and currently 31 but possibly have had whatever this or they are for some time...??
Most recently I have only come to the definite answer it’s parasites or worms or worse possibly both..
I may have had for years altho 5 months ago we ( me and my girlfriend) got a new puppy..! Yes I guess this is where it started.. After having him for a few days there were clearly little maggot loo ...
1,965 hits
Forum: Parasites
Re: Chatroom!!
by forbetterorworse 10 y
Hello, welcome to the forum. There are herbs u can take if the albendazole is causing you too much stress. is a very informative site. It sounds like you have scattered fluke worms or ascarias. No need to worry about herbs causing scattering because it sounds like they are already in various parts of your body. Parasites are not easy to get rid of. I feel for u and your girlfriend. Its a very long and hard process to vacate the worms once theyve left the colon. You can find protocols and tips on the parasites forum. Ususaly when u attack the parasites, they attack back and it ...
1,616 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
the only site that sells ParaZapper is http://huldaclarkp...
by parazapper 10 y
We do not have a warning label, everything is on the product label. Not sure where you get that from but the only site that sells ParaZapper is
We do not make any recommendations for use on humans or animals or for treating or curing any disease or illness for legal reasons.
Otherwise, I use it personally as do many thousands of others. Our choice.
7,862 hits
Forum: Parasites
Zapper Support
Brand New Cloth Textiles Loaded With Strongyloide Parasites!
by CLEW 10 y
View First 20 Messages of 58
Recently I purchased a few new items and discovered that they were absolutely covered with what appears to be not only species of strongyloides, but other types of cysts and worms as well.
These photos are samples lifted with packing tape from a new pair of jeans and 2 sets of sheets that were STILL SEALED in the package!
”Because strongyloidiasis is transmittable by textiles, such as bedclothes and clothing, care must be taken never to use hotel bed sheets in endemic areas.”
Red, white and blue coiling nematode:
16,366 hits
Forum: Morgellons
Lyme Disease
Parasites: Skin
Victims of Crime
Re: Where Can One Get a Hair analysis??
by mattk3 10 y
762 hits
Forum: Parasites
Help identify these nasty parasites please!
by Jessicap81 10 y
View Entire Thread 9
Long story short I need your help! I was reactive to band 23 for lyme only started doxy and have done para cleanse fungus and yeast detox and olive tree extract. I have many parasites in my nose eyes ears skin scalp mouth (gums and teeth in back as well as new exraction site for wisdom teeth) in my tongue which is gnawed on as well as vagina with a paper cut in the morning there and above anus which also itches. They wrap around muscles and squeeze and show their outline if peroxide is used on my skin. My chest is tight my kidneys are killing me my mouth and teeth hurt I know joint pain is ...
4,201 hits
Forum: Parasites
Lyme Disease
Zoonotic Disease