Re: Hogwash of protocol strictness
41016, you make a great point.
From my view that includes my own experience preparing for AND executing the first flush ever, many people, including newby flushers, may never get the chance to experience first hand the point you made.
From this a reasonable question may arise - why? There may well be more than one answer to this. There are more answers that I don't have than I care to think about at times. In the mean time, I have spent a fair amount of time devoted to reading the archives. If nothing else, the archives serve as a fairly decent record of "for better or worse, here is what some people have tried and experienced". There seems to be at least part of an answer in that: an inclination for newbys to puruse short cuts starting from the get go. This in turn may lead to another reasonable question - why?, and this second why is probably a lot more difficult to get a handle on than the first one. At the same time, I can at least relate a little to what it was like to be a flushing newby, 'cause I was one up until 22 months ago. By the time it got around to me drinking that first glass of chilled ES Water, I'd spent a solid 8 months in preparing to do the Hulda
Liver Flush by the book, and I say this with the qualifier that after the first two days of reading her protocol the first time, I was ready & itching to flush come day 3, but then I sort of got a reign on this enthusiasm for haste, re-read her protocol, several times, to glean additional details, tips and advice. By the time 8 months concluded, I noticed a bit of apprehension had set in. In hindsight, I now realize this was a result of having taken so much time thinking about it all in taking a deliberate approach to carefully preparing for the final phase that starts with a drink of chilled ES water. Once I got that first glass down, a half hour passed, I eventually got the idea I was not going to drop over dead, then most of this apprehension evaporated. Everything else that followed during the next 24 hours came off and out with no legitimate horrors to report. I can imagine though that for some people, all it takes is for one short-cutted flush to become a short-circuited flush of horrors and for this particular newby a mold may have been irrevocably set; the mold that suggests "this flushing idea is all bogus crap!".
The point you make should give plenty of realistic hope to even the most horrified flusher.