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Image Embedded I'd rather eat bugs, thank you very much! ~ Sulfuryl fluoride
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I'd rather eat bugs, thank you very much! ~ Sulfuryl fluoride

Well, I'm having that proverbial "day late and a dollar short" feeling on this one, BIG time!
Fluoride products are used as pesticides(cryolite) and as fumigants...
The EPA approved the first-time use of sulfuryl fluoride as a fumigant on food in January 2004....ProFume® is the name of the Dow AgroSciences fumigant that was approved for first-time use on food by US EPA in January 2004.It contains 99.8% sulfuryl fluoride. Sulfuryl fluoride breaks down to the fluoride anion in the human body.

Fluoride is the toxicological endpoint of concern.....

So our foods are being fumigated with this toxic shit, purportedly used to eradicate bugs, REALISTICALLY because Dow chemical lobbied intensively for it's use... Sulfuryl Fluoride is also used to fumigate dwellings...

Use Profile

"Sulfuryl fluoride is a non-systemic insecticide/rodenticide used for the fumigation of sealed structures and their contents (construction materials, furnishings, and household effects) such as dwellings (including mobile homes), buildings, barns, vehicles, fumigation chambers, rail cars, and surface ships in port... Sulfuryl fluoride is registered to control existing infestations of insects and related pests such as drywood termites, powder post beetles, old house borers, death watch beetles, bedbugs, cockroaches, clothes moths, rats, and mice (Dow Agro Sciences, 2000; Thomson, 2000)."


I think I'd rather eat me some...

...than all the FLUORIDE I've been ingesting!


EAT ORGANIC, people! Organic isn't everything it should be, but at LEAST The US National Organic Program does not allow the use of the pesticides that leave these high fluoride residues....ESPECIALLY avoid ALL non-organic processed foods. On July 15, 2005, EPA approved a 70 part-per-million fluoride residue in virtually all processed food. Comprende? That would include just about EVERYTHING in the center aisles of any mainstream grocery store, all the brightly colored boxes, jars and frozen what-have-yous...

from the EPA's final rule on sufuryl fluoride:

"As a result of the residue data, and in order to provide more adequate coverage of all commodities that may be involved in the use of sulfuryl fluoride in
food processing facilities,{{{{{{{{{{{ the proposed tolerances were subsequently
revised to tolerances for residues of fluoride in or on all processed
food commodities where a separate tolerance is not already established
at 70 ppm;}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

cheese at 5.0 ppm; cocoa
bean, postharvest at 20 ppm; coconut, postharvest at 40 ppm; coffee,
postharvest at 15 ppm; cottonseed, postharvest at 70 ppm; eggs, dried
at 900 ppm; ginger, postharvest at 70 ppm; ham at 20 ppm; herbs and
spices, group 19 postharvest at 70 ppm; milk, powdered at 5.0 ppm; nut,
pine, postharvest at 20 ppm; peanut, postharvest at 15 ppm; rice,
flour, postharvest at 45 ppm; and vegetables, legume, group 6,
postharvest at 70 ppm...."

and it goes on and on, see above link for more...EVERYTHING is fumigated. We've got fluoride in our water our food and our air. It's endless. Here's a complete listing:

Fluoride pesticide residue tolerances approved by US EPA.
As of July 15, 2005:

snippets from from the EPA's final health risk assessment:

"Fluoride Anion. In assessing the risks associated with exposure to fluoride, HED has
relied on the toxicological assessment completed by the Agency's Office of Water. That assessment identified crippling skeletal fluorosis as the endpoint of regulatory concern and determined that a value of 8 mg/day is protective against skeletal fluorosis without being so low as to negate the beneficial, cavity-fighting effects of fluoride exposure. The Office of Water has acknowledged that dental fluorosis may occur at exposures ofless than 8 mg/day. Atthis time,based on the information available to the Agency, EPA is not concluding that mild to moderate dental fluorosis associated with fluoride exposure is an adverse health effect under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). The current arguments that dental fluorosis is more than a cosmetic effect are not sufficiently persuasive to warrant regulation as an adverse health effect under the FFDCA. Accordingly, consistent with the action taken by the Office of Water under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 40 FR 47142 (November 14, 1985) (WH-FRL-2913-8(b),the Agency believes that the appropriate endpoint for regulation under the FFDCA is skeletal fluorosis. While the tolerance safety determination under the FFDCA is a health based standard,the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act(FIFRA)requires the balancing of all costs, taking into account the economic, social, and environmental effects, as well as health based risks, against the benefits associated with the pesticide use. Therefore, the Agency has considered dental fluorosis in determining whether sulfuryl fluoride meets the requisite standard under FIFRA (see Appendix II)."

"In 2-week inhalation studies in rats, dogs and rabbits, different target organs were
affected. In rats, the primary target organ was the kidney, in which severe histopathological lesions were observed. These lesions included papillary necrosis, hyperplasia of the epithelial cells of the papillae, and degeneration/regeneration of collecting tubules and proximal tubules. In dogs, the primary target organ was the upper respiratory tract, in which minimal inflammation was observed. Intermittent tremors and tetany were also noted in dogs. In rabbits, the primarytarget organ was the brain, in which malacia (necrosis) and vacuolation were observed in the cerebrum. Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract was also noted in rabbits."

"In subchronic (90-day) inhalation studies in rats, mice, dogs and rabbits, the brain was the major target organ. Malacia and/or vacuolation were observed in the white matter of the brain in all four species. The portions of the brain most often affected were the caudate-putamen nucleus in the basal ganglia, the white fiber tracts in the internal and external capsules, and the globus pallidus of the cerebrum. In dogs and rabbits, clinical signs of neurotoxicity (including tremors,
tetany, incoordination, convulsions and/or hind limb paralysis) were also observed.
Inflammation of the nasal passages and histiocytosis of the lungs were observed in rats and rabbits, but not in dogs, in which species inflammation of the upper respiratory tract was more prominent in the 2-week study. In rats, kidney damage was also observed. In mice, follicular cell hypertrophy was noted in the thyroid gland. Decreased body weights and body weight gains were also observed in rats, dogs and mice .."

"In chronic (1-2 year) inhalation studies in rats, dogs and mice, target organs were the same as in the 90-day studies. In rats, severe kidney damage caused renal failure and mortality in many animals. Additional gross and histopathological lesions in numerous organs and tissues were considered to be secondary to the primary effect on the kidneys. Other treatment-related effects in rats included effects in the brain (vacuolation of the cerebrum and thalamus/hypothalamus) and respiratory tract (reactive hyperplasia and inflammation of the respiratory epithelium of the nasal turbinates, lung congestion, aggregates of alveolar macrophages). In dogs and mice, increased mortality, malacia and/or vacuolation in the white matter in the brain, histopathology in the lungs, and follicular cell hypertrophy in the thyroid gland were observed. Decreased body weights and body weight gains were also noted in all three species. No evidence of carcinogenicity was observed in either the combined chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity study in rats or in the 18-month carcinogenicity study in mice..."

"Poisonings and fatalities have been reported in humans following inhalation exposure to sulfuryl fluoride. The severity of these effects has depended on the concentration of sulfuryl fluoride and the duration of exposure. Short-term inhalation exposure to high concentrations has caused respiratory irritation, pulmonary edema, nausea, abdominal pain, central nervous system depression, and numbness in the extremities2. In addition, there have been two reports of deaths of persons entering houses treated with sulfuryl fluoride. One person entered the house illegally and was found dead the next morning. A second person died of cardiac arrest after sleeping in a house overnight following fumigation. A plasma fluoride level of 0.5 mg/L (l0 times normal)
was found in this person following exposure. These acute poisonings in humans, however, occurred only after label directions were grossly violated and persons were subsequently exposed to extremely high concentrations of sulfuryl fluoride. Prolonged chronic inhalation exposures to concentrations of sulfuryl fluoride gas significantly above the threshold limit value (TLV) of 5 ppm have caused fluorosis in humans because sulfuryl fluoride is converted to fluoride anion in the body. Fluorosis results from the binding of fluoride anion to teeth (causing mottling of the
teeth) and to bone."

In conducting the assessment for fluoride, HED has used the
toxicological assessment conducted by the Agency's Office of Water. The regulatory findings in that assessment [FR 51 (63)J are based on a LOAEL of20 mg/day and a safety factor 0[2.5, giving a maximum allowable intake of 8 mg/day. The use of a safety factor of 2.5 ensures public health criteria while still allowing sufficient concentration of fluoride in water to realize its beneficial effects in protecting against dental caries."


"The 10M also notes that high exposures for long durations (on
the order of 10 years) are required to develop skeletal fluorosis and that such a condition is not expected to occur in children under the age of 8." since 8 -year olds aren't 10 yet the skeletal fluorosis stuff doesn't apply.... ? ? huh? me no comprende......

I'm SOOOOOOO glad the E.P.A. is looking out for us.... :(


The good news, once again, is that high doses of Iodine displace fluoride:

Guy Abraham, MD....on detoxifying the body of unwanted halides:

"Is there a practical and simple way to lower the body's burden of fluoride and bromide? It has been known for sometime now that bromide competes with chloride in the extracellular space and that the total molar concentration of bromide plus chloride remains constant. (8) This concept has been used to decrease extracellular bromide levels by saline loading. However, the presence of bromide in the thyroid gland (9) and the central nervous system (10) suggests that there is another intracellular "pool" of bromide, not responding to chloride. In the thyroid gland, bromide competes with Iodide for uptake, oxydation and organification.

"Therefore, increasing Iodide intake should lower bromide levels in the thyroid, preventing and reversing its thyrotoxic and goitrogenic effects. The same applies to fluoride. Galletti and Joyet (12) evaluated the effect of 5-10 mg fluoride on thyroid functions in hyperthyroid patients. Although fluoride inhibited the iodide-concentrating mechanism of the thyroid, fluoride did not accumulate in the thyroid. Based on their radioactive tracer studies, they concluded "Fluorine does not impair the capacity of the gland to synthesize thyroid hormones when there is an abundance of Iodide in the blood." Therefore, fluoride toxicity depends on iodide supply."

"Following supplementation with the iodine/iodide preparation, there was a progressive increase in the excretion of fluoride and bromide. With 3 tablets, the 24h excretion of fluoride was 17.5 times baseline level; and for bromide, 18 times baseline level. These high levels persisted even after one month of supplementation at 3 tablets/day, being 15 times baseline level for fluoride, and 16 times for bromide. After one month, the estimated total amount of halide excreted was 24 mg fluoride and 8700mg bromide. It is unlikely that such large amounts of halides came from the thyroid gland. It would seem that the whole body is being detoxified. Orthoiodosupplementation could be used under medical supervision to detoxify the body from unwanted halides in a manner similar to the use of EDTA for the detoxification of heavy metals."


& thanks, V:)


and once again:

awesome website...:)


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