I'm hoping to get some input from readers who might be able to share their expertise.
After about fourteen months without a period along with daily hot flashes, the hot flashes suddenly stopped & I had symptoms mimicking ovulation, principally a vaginal discharge for days (the absence of discharge has become quite normal for me since my periods stopped). A week later I developed a respiratory infection which has persisted for about a week now although it's much better. Yesterday, two weeks after the discharge, I found a few spots of blood on my underwear. I have not had spotting like this before. There has been no subsequent bleeding. In all, I haven't had any hot flashes for about a month now.
Is this spotting episode something to be concerned about & what stage of my reproductive life would you say I am in, perimenopausal or postmenopausal? Leading up to the cessation of my periods fourteen months ago, I was having irregular, problematic periods (longer & heavier bleeding) for several years.
I am fifty-five years old, exercise vigorously & follow a raw, vegan, low-fat dietary. I've been a raw vegan for years.
I should add my stress level is high.