Microelectric bug killers! makes a grand set of electrical zapper-type blood and lymph cleansing boxes. This was developed by the guy who invented the portable strobe for cameras, Bob Beck, and plans are available gratis on the net. Beck likes this company and has no economic ties.
The Beck blood cleaner works at 4 Hz, four pulses per second, and the lymph cleaner is a blast of electromagnetic energy that penetrates deep into tissue where the lymph glands store stuff like the virus that causes Shingles, from the viral residue from Chicken Pox. The third leg of the system is a jack for making pure Silver Colloid, which should be made in distilled water. This scrubs the intestines.
Beck developed this system after reading an article on microelectricity killing H.I.V. in the lab. The patented procedure involves taking the blood out of the body. Beck just adjusted for skin impedance and VOILA! It's all done through the skin. Note that the initial study Beck read disappeared pretty quickly from publication. Beck was suspicious. What a blow to the drug industry!
Bob Beck said the most surprising effect when he tested it extensively on himself was that he lost weight and his hair turned dark again! This is probably from the ability to kill
parasites in the one-celled phase.
Microelectricity probably works by scrambling the electro-chemical link which pathogens and
parasites need to hook up to docking sites on cells. Neat! This would be the basis for why the "laying on of hands" cures people. We are microelectric generators "zapping" each other. This might have to be defended legally on this religious basis. These units are made in Canada so this company is relatively free from government interference. Hope this helps!