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Issue 184: "Vaccine Conspiracy": The First Casualty of War is Truth

Issue 184:
"Vaccine Conspiracy": The First Casualty of War is Truth

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You must have heard saying: "The first casualty of war is truth. The second casualty are the innocent."

Does this apply to the "war on diseases"?

Vaccines are the weapon of choice in the war on many diseases.  The unanswered questions are:
What happens with the truth?  What happens with the innocent?


Click To Enlarge / View Real Size ImageIn the previous newsletter I informed you about the documentary airing on Norwegian TV2 channel.
The documentary (unfortunately only in Norwegian language) is now available on the web.
In order to gain the access to TV2 web-TV, you have to sign and pay a subscription. Subscription costs $5/week or $10/month and is renewed automatically.  If the only reason for subscribing is access to vaccine documentaries, you are advised to unsubscribe after downloading it, or they will continue to charge you for as long as you are subscribed.

Images published in this newsletter are courtesy of  TV2, NIPH, NRK and Svein Erik Berner.

In this newsletter, I will give you the main highlights from the documentary.  Before the documentary, here is a small introduction to the history of vaccination in Norway.

Norwegian Vaccination History Timeline

Smallpox infectionSurgeon Magnus Andreas Thulstrup started the first recorded vaccination against Smallpox (variola vera virus) in Christiania (Oslo*). It was 3 years after Edward Jenner published his experience in England.
Vaccine was imported from England or Denmark. It was actually a Cowpox vaccine.

Edward Jenner developed the Cowpox (smallpox) vaccine using cowpox fluid (the name vaccine is derived from the Latin vacca, cow); his first vaccination occurred on May 14, 1796.

(* Oslo, capital of Norway was named Christiania from 1624-1878, Kristiania from 1878-1924, Oslo from 1924)

1810 Smallpox infectionMass vaccination against Smallpox (variola virus) started (Cowpox vaccine).

Smallpox vaccine was mandatory until 1976. Vaccine is optional today.

The Animal Vaccine Institute was founded in Kristiania (Oslo).  Smallpox vaccine production started in Norway.


1929 NIPHNorwegian Institute for Public Health (NIPH) (Folkehelsa) was founded. It's main goals:
- Vaccine production
- Vaccine Import
- Mass vaccination of theNorwegian population
- Education on the importance of Vaccination
- Research and prevention of diseases and epidemics
1947 Introduction of BCG-vaccine(Bacillus of Calmette and Guérin = Tuberculosis Vaccine)  BCG vaccination of teens was mandatory until 1995.  Optional today.
Bacillus of Calmette and Guérin (BCG) is a vaccine against tuberculosis that is prepared from a strain of the attenuated (weakened) live bovine tuberculosis bacillus, Mycobacterium bovis, that has lost its virulence in humans by being specially cultured in an artificial medium for years. The bacilli have retained enough strong antigenicity to become a somewhat effective vaccine for the prevention of human tuberculosis. At best, the BCG vaccine is 80% effective in preventing tuberculosis for a duration of 15 years. However, one third of clinical trials have shown no protective effect.
1952 Norwegian DTP vaccineIntroduction of DPT (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis)-vaccine.  Optional today.

In 1994, the Institute of Medicine of the US National Academy of Sciences published a report stating that if the first symptoms of neurological damage occurred within the first seven days following vaccination with whole-cell pertussis vaccine, the evidence was compatible with the possibility that it could be the cause of permanent brain damage in otherwise apparently healthy children.
1956 Introduction of Poliomyelitis vaccine into the Norwegian childhood vaccination program.  Newborns and school kids. Optional today.
Two polio vaccines are used throughout the world to combat polio. The first was developed by Jonas Salk, first tested in 1952, and announced to the world by Salk on April 12, 1955. It consists of an injected dose of killed polio virus. Thereafter, Albert Sabin produced an oral polio vaccine using live but weakened (attenuated) virus. Human trials of Sabin's vaccine began in 1957 and it was licensed in 1962.
1969 Introduction of Measles vaccine into the Norwegian childhood vaccination program.  15 months age.  Replaced 1983 with MMR.
A system for reporting on infectious diseases and on adverse reactions to vaccines was created. All adverse reactions to vaccines were suppose to be reported to Norwegian Institute for Public Health (NIPH).  Prior to 1975, national system for reporting possible adverse reactions and complications did not exist. Without a system on the national level, there was no way of finding real frequency of complications and adverse events occurring after vaccination.
Discontinuation of mandatory Smallpox vaccine after 170 years of use.  Smallpox eradicated according to WHO.
Introduction of German Measles (Rubella) vaccine. Replaced 1983 with MMR.
1983 VaccinationIntroduction of MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccine. At 15 months and at 12 year age. Optional today.
Norwegian DPT vaccine DiscontinuedNorwegian Institute for Public Health discontinued production of it's own DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus)-vaccine and started importing DPT.

Last Norwegian-produced DPT vaccines were used during the 1984/85.

Introduction of HIB (Haemophilus influenzae type b) vaccine. Babies. Optional today.
1990s Number of asthma cases exploded in Norway.  10% of Norwegian kids get asthma. Asthma is the #1 most frequent chronic illness in Norway.  Not known if the epidemic has anything to do with vaccination.
Discontinuation of mandatory BCG-vaccine.  Optional today.
2006 Introduction of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine into the Norwegian childhood vaccination program. Optional today.


The Documentary
Document 2, Berner's Child

Sten Eilert Skatvedt Berner, today, 25 years old
Today, Eilert is 25 years old. When he was 3 months old, he suffered brain inflammation and as a result, permanent brain injury, short time after receiving DPT shot.
1981, October


  Images of Eilert taken days before DPT vaccination.


All images in this newsletter are linked to larger images on CureZone web site. Just click on the image to see the larger version
1981, October 29th DPT vaccination
Svein Erik Berner, Father of Eilert
"It was 29th of October 1981, approximately at 1pm.   I still remember the nurse and that vaccine.  That little needle changed Eilert's life forever,...  and my life.

Following three days after the vaccine,  Eilert was a different child. He cried a lot. But this cry was different then what we were used to. But, the message from the nurse was to expect such crying." said Svein Erik Berner, Eilert's father.
1981, November 1st, 11am
Day 3 after receiving DPT.
Gunn Karin Skatvedt, mother of Eilert "I was about to change him when I got that strange scary cold feeling.  It was just as if I knew that something was terribly wrong with Eilert. When I took him in my hands, his lips were blue, his face was white and his body was totally lifeless. He was still breathing, but he was not well." said Gunn Karin Skatvedt, Eilert's mother.

Ambulance took him to the local Baerum Hospital. After the examination at the Baerum Hospital, Eilert was sent further to The National Hospital in Oslo (Rikshospitalet).

1981, November 1st
Gulla Berner grandmother of Eilert
"When I saw him in that hospital bed, I could not recognize him. He looked totally lifeless. I said to the nurse: this is not my grandchild ... where is my grandchild? ....  she said yes, that is him, ... and, it may not be as bad as it looks like, she said"  said Gulla Berner, Eilert's grandmother.

Eilert was, for the next 3 weeks, in The National Hospital in Oslo. He suffered brain Encephalopathy.(Encephalopathy is a term for any disease of the brain that alters brain function or structure.)

Neurologists and pediatricians concluded that the Encephalopathy was most likely caused by the DPT vaccine that Eilert received 3 days earlier. 

Doctors reported the case to the Norwegian Institute for Public Health (NIPH), as they were supposed to do in case of any complication that occures short time after receiving any vaccine.  But, Norwegian Institute for Public Health (NIPH) refuses to register the event as possible adverse reaction or an injury caused by a DPT vaccine.

Svein Erik Berner, Father of Eilert "When we left The National Hospital, we were optimistic, but we did get the message that Eilert most likely suffered brain damage (encephalopathy), though nobody knew how serious was it that time."

"I contacted  The Norwegian Institute for Public Health and got the message that Eilert did not suffer from vaccine reaction.

They haven't even seen his journal!  They knew almost nothing about Eilert, but they refused to register this as possible vaccine caused injury." 

Hanne Nokleby, Director of the Vaccine Division at The Norwegian Institute for Public Health "A system for reporting on infectious diseases and on adverse reactions to vaccines was created 1975.
All reactions, or all serious reactions to vaccines, or complications as it was called before,  were to be reported to the Norwegian Institute for Public Health (NIPH)" said Hanne Nokleby, Director of the Vaccine Division at The Norwegian Institute for Public Health

Reporter: "And what happens then?"

Hanne Nokleby: "Then, they are examined and categorized as serious or less serious."

Reporter: "What was NIPH doing to follow up on those reports of reactions or complications?"

Hanne Nokleby: "I have no information about that, cause there is nobody today who used to work in NIPH during 70s and 80s, who could answer that question.
We know that replies were sent to some of those reports.  But systematic follow up and replying to reports ... we did not start before some years later."

Svein Erik Berner, Father of Eilert

Svein Erik Berner encountered resistance when trying to find out what happened to his son, and why  NIPH didn't record it as an adverse vaccine reaction.     

"They called it Near SIDS (Near Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). I never heard about it before.
I told them that they received the report from the doctors who treated Eilert.  Doctors stated that it was most likely an adverse reaction to DPT vaccine. I asked if they registered it as vaccine injury?

They said, no, we haven't, cause they thought it was not a vaccine reaction, it was "Near SIDS".

"I told them that they are ignoring conclusions of the doctors who treated Eilert.  Doctors of The National Hospital in Oslo are considered the most respected neurologists and pediatricians in Norway!"

Svein Erik Berner, Father of Eilert

Nobody knew at that time how serious brain injury Eilert suffered.

"When we left The National Hospital, we were optimistic, but we did get the message that Eilert most likely suffered brain damage, though nobody knew how serious was it at that time."

"We got the message that Eilert needs to be stimulated in all possible ways in order to minimize possible development delays caused by the possible brain damage."

"It is important to stimulate child with brain damage from early age to minimize the side effects."

"Eilert needed help for absolutely everything."

After a while, questions started pushing forward. 

Why didn't NIPH record it as adverse reaction?

Why wouldn't they even consider the possibility that Eilert suffered injury as a result of a vaccine produced by NIPH?

Svein Erik Berner: "It was almost unbelievable. I received a letter from NIPH with articles on SIDS, Near SIDS."

"I started researching the questions."

"I figured out that Eilert should be compensated for injuries that he suffered."

"Eilert was the front soldier who was injured in a battle against diseases. Children are not vaccinated only for their own good.  It is to protect the society as whole against epidemics."

Svein Erik Berner files a Lawsuit against the Norwegian State in order to press them to acknowledge Eilerts injury and to get the compensation for Eilert.

On Flagtvedt, outside of Bergen, lives a family that has similar experience with NIPH.
NIPH did not want to record their experience as a possible vaccine injury.

Today, Kamille is 22 years old.


1984, August 1st
Camilla was vaccinated August 1st, 1984.  The same evening she was sick. Just like Eilert, she also suffered brain damage.

NIPH concluded: Camilla was Near SIDS (Near Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).


Monika Enehaug Yndestad, mother of Camilla

"Camilla was suffering bronchitis, and has received penicillin. We went to a doctor, and he examined her and said she was now OK. Then he said that she could receive a vaccine now, so she doesn't need to come back again to the health station." said Monika Enehaug Yndestad, mother of Camilla

Same evening, 6 hours after the DPT shot, Camilla was found in bed blue in her face, not breathing. She was rushed to the Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen.

Today, Camilla needs help with anything and everything. She is 22, but she is like s small child with very strong will.

Question on the possibility that her injury was caused by vaccine popped up early.

Camilla's parents file a Lawsuit against the Norwegian State.

They loose on the first two court instances.

After appeals, the highest court takes the case. State lawyers did not want the case tried at the highest court. 

After a court battle that lasted 12 years, state lawyers offer settlement outside the court.  State covers all court expenses, and compensates Camilla for injuries.  Exact amount of the  compensation is kept secret. Newspaper articles reporting the case were entitled: Large compensation after 12 years of court battle.

Svein Erik Berner, Sten Eilerts father
Svein Erik Berner also lost the case against the Norwegian State on the first instance of the court. He was not sure if he wanted to appeal.  He already invested one year of his life into the first trial.

"I felt strongly that authorities were hiding information, suppressing information and they were also coming forward with clearly wrong information and that has really made me mad" said Svein Erik Berner, Sten Eilert's father.

Svein Erik Berner appeals, and searches for help from internationally recognized experts.
Professor Hans Krokan at NTNU, Trondheim University, Norway One of them is is a physician and a professor in genetics Hans Krokan, Professor at NTNU ( Trondheim University), Norway.

Dr. Hans Krokan leads a large group of experts in one of the most advanced medical projects.

"I believe it is highly probable that there is a connection between the vaccine and the  injuries, but you can not be 100% sure. It is impossible to be 100% sure."

"When you are vaccinating with a whole cell vaccine, child will be exposed to all components, proteins of the Pertussis bacteria. If those components are not fully inactivated, it could cause serious complications and reactions inside brain.

It has been shown in experiments with mice.  It has been demonstrated in animal models that there are several components in Pertussis bacteria that could develop serious reactions inside brain. It is the animal model that has made it possible to create a diagram of the mechanism that leads to brain injury." said Dr. Hans Krokan.

Dr. Jonh H.Menkes, Neurologist

Dr. Hans Krokan is not the only one holding the opinion. There are dozens of experts,  physicians, who support Berner in court.

From his office in Los Angeles, Dr. John H. Menkes, one of the worlds leading experts on vaccine injuries supports Berner.  He said: "I would be glad to come to Oslo to testify as expert witness".

Dr. John H. Menkes have examined Eilerts journal. Dr. Menkes is pediatrician specialized in pediatric neurology.  He has written text books, some of which are part of the Medical curriculum all over the world, including Norway. His name is well known and respected.

When it comes to Eilerts brain injury, Dr. Menkes is clear:
"I would have said in court that by far most likely is that this boy, Sten Eilert, was injured by a component of this triple vaccine, and component being the Pertusses bacterium ... and that onset of his illness coincided with the administration of the vaccine."

Eilert's brain has marks since inflammation. Marks where it was suppose to be brain tissue.

Dr. Menkes has seen similar marks on other children that suffered vaccine injury.  The society must admit that injuries are happening, and must take the responsibility.

Who is right?  NIPH or Dr. Menkes? 

The Health authorities of other countries have concluded: Brain injuries after DPT are rare but it happens.  It is the Pertussis component that is responsible.

Several countries have discontinued vaccinating with whole cell DPT after numerous injuries, including Sweden and France.


"After the examination of the whole case, it is my opinion that Pertussis component is not responsible for brain injury." said Hanne Nokleby, Director of the Vaccine Division at The Norwegian Institute for Public Health.  

Hanne Nokleby (NIPH): "After the total evaluation one must conclude that Pertussis component is not the most likely explanation for the brain injury."

Reporter: "So, one has to chose what to believe?"

Hanne Nokleby: "Or one should look at what the most likely explanation is ... and I believe that main weight pushes against the idea that there is a link between Pertussis vaccine and injuries."

Hanne Nokleby: "But, even if the main weight is against the idea that there is a link between Pertussis vaccine, one can not absolutely eliminate that possibility. In a single example, it is impossible to state: Yes, this is for sure Pertussis injury ... or this is for sure NOT Pertussis injury.  In a single example, it is impossible to prove that it was not vaccine ... but one can say something about the probability of something like that happening."


Norwegian DPT Difteri-Tetanus-Pertusus vaccine One that fills the syringe must trust and believe that the content will not cause injury.
But, if one that fills the syringe is the same one that produces it and the same one that should record adverse reactions, it is possible that it may affect it's ability and desire to acknowledge and record the adverse reactions and complications.

NIPH had responsibility for production, vaccination and for recording and evaluating the adverse events.

In Norway, we have a saying for this: "to set the fox to keep the geese." ("å sette bukken til aa passe havresekken").

During the 80's, all unwanted effects of vaccines were classified in 2 major groups: Side effects and complications.  The most serious conditions were called complications.

Side effects:

1980:  223
1981:  422

These were: allergic reactions, high fever, shock after the injection and cry ... all considered side effects.

Complications are reports of more serious events. Eilert's brain inflammation would be one of those. It should have been recorded as a possible vaccine related complication, but NIPH refused to record it as adverse event, even it was against the law.

There were 127 complications recorded during the 80's.




1982 SIDS





Leif Kåre Solberg, sociologist





DPT vaccine and SIDS






Another number was extremely high during the 80s. It was the number of children who's death was labeled  SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

SIDS is a label given when an infant dies of unknown cause. Child usually dies while sleeping, without an apparent cause.
Fear was spreading between health professionals and between parents, fear that vaccines are responsible for SIDS.

Alarmingly large number of SIDS cases were reported in Oslo from 1979 to 1982, all occurring during the first few weeks after DPT shot.

Were those cases related to vaccines?

1982, Dr. Jens Steen and sociologist Leif Kåre Solberg from Oslo Oslo Board of Public Heath delivered a report to Health Minister and to NIPH about possible link between DPT vaccine and SIDS in Oslo.  Report examined SIDS cases from 1/1/1979 until 1/7/1982.

Dr. Jens Steen was chief physician of the Mother and Child department at Oslo Board of Public Heath and had medical responsibility for all Health stations in Olso.  Leif Kåre Solberg was chief of the Clearing department at Oslo Board of Public Heath.

This report was stamped "Top Secret" and was shared with not more then 5 people. They did not want to cause panic before they have more data.

The research examined 14,000 vaccinated kids.  15 of them died after receiving DPT vaccine produced by NIPH.

12 of 15 died within 4 weeks, while 7 of 15 died within 7 days after receiving DPT.

These numbers were alarming. At the meeting decision was made to produce a second report covering longer period of time and covering whole Norway.

Leif Kåre Solberg produced the second report.

The second report did not find a link between DPT and SIDS. This report was also stamped "Top Secret".

Here are the results of SIDS analysis from 2004:

 SIDS statistics in Norway, from 1967 to 1998   SIDS statistics in Norway, from 1967 to 1998, per month  Click on the images to enlarge.

The diagram shows that most deaths occurred during the second month, which is before the DPT shot. DPT was given at 3 months of age.  There is no visible peek on the diagram at 3 months of age.  If DPT was linked to SIDS, one would expect to see a peek at 3 months of age.

The problem with this research is that it has not taken into account a possibility that only vaccines used in Oslo were problematic or that only vaccine given during a 2 years period were the hot batch.

If only vaccines delivered to Oslo had problems, then Oslo statistics would have been overshadowed by numbers from the whole country, and by addition of numbers from other years.



Svein Erik Berner have been frequent guest of many medical libraries during the last years.

Through the studies of medicine and Norwegian vaccination history Svein Erik Berner have discovered important documents, documents nobody new existed. Here is one of them.

Vaccine statistics from the NIPH are not recorded by the The Norwegian Medicines Agency (NoMA). (NoMA is the national, regulatory authority for new and existing medicines.)

Further research into the problem brings several documents. Already 1981, NoMA sent a letter to NIPH (SIFF) reminding them that all adverse reactions, including serious complications, are to be reported to NoMA (SLK).

But, that did not happen.

When health teams were vaccinating kids, they were obliged by law to report serious adverse reactions to NIPH (SIFF). But, NIPH who received the reports, ignored those reports and did not report further to NoMA (SLK). The result of this was that NIPH "made invisible" hundreds of complications reported by doctors from all over the country. NIPH also excluded possible serious injures from all statistics by labeling them and calling them the Near SIDS.

During the period from the 1978 to 1985  NIPH registered 127 serious complications and several hundreds of less serious adverse reactions after DPT. 

During the same 8 years period, NoMA (SLK) registered only 4 complications.

4 cases Complications DPT registered 1978 1985 NMCA by #39810 4_cases_Complications_DPT_registered_1978-1985_NMCA.jpg

Registering failed.    System failed.


Dr. John H. Menkes: "There are lots of people who do not think of it .....  that vaccine can produce damage.


Cause they shouldn't produce damage, ..... they feel they don't." 

In a letter from 1981, about the control of the NIPH's vaccine production, the Director of the NIPH writes:

"I can't emphasize enough that the Institute, until now, has not made observations, or received reports, that would indicate that Institute's own products, occasionally or systematically,  are unsatisfactory when it comes to effectiveness or safety."

In other words, Institute's vaccine is safe, and there are no reports about serious adverse reactions.


Eilert suffered injury November 1981. More then 1 million healthy Norwegian kids have received  Institute's vaccine.

Svein Erik Barner asks: "Would NIPH continue producing vaccine until 1984, if statistics of adverse reactions  were public domain?"

Torbjørn Mork, Health Minister, stopped vaccine production out of fear it could cause injuries.

Already 1977, inspectors from the Health Department have been inspecting HIPH.

They discovered alarmingly serious errors and failures at the HIPH's production facilities.

Nevertheless, HIPH was allowed to continue the production of the vaccine, though it was against the norms and regulations, like norms that regulate sterility, ingredients control, storage, knowledge about where vaccines were used and who got them.

In the report from 1977, Inspectors write:

"HIPH production facilities for for vaccines are very unsatisfactory and extensive undertaking it is necessary to bring the production standard to an acceptable level."


"Accidental errors could result in disproportional consequences, considering that some of the products are used on large groups of patients (Influenza vaccine, and even in higher degree DPT vaccine )."


1982 there was a similar inspection, and the conclusion was similar. Production was graded as unsatisfactory .

"In the same areas where vaccines were produced, animal experiments were carried."  inspectors were reporting.

Several other problems were uncovered in the environment that was suppose to be sterile.

The the new report from the Inspectors from 1982 was ignored.

Reporter: Do you think that someone could have been injured by those vaccines produced by NIPH?

Hanne Nokleby: "I can't answer that question. I believe that direct causative relationship between vaccine and reported injuries is highly unlikely." (Hanne Nokleby, Director of the Vaccine Division at NIPH)

October 1983,  minister Torbjørn Mork from the Social Department sent a letter requesting that HIPH must improve the production facilities and production and control process.

Minister Mork gave a 6 weeks deadline to HIPH to improve production facilities.

First after that letter, control leader at NIPH reports that the control function at NIPH is far below the danger level.

Conclusions of the Inspectors after official inspections of the vaccine department of The Norwegian Institute of Public Health in the year 1977 and 1982 

 Translated into English by Svein Erik Berner. August 20, 2006

 Inspection report dated May 18, 1977 

Conclusion on page 5:

The conditions for manufacturing vaccines at The Norwegian Institute of Public Health are very unsatisfactory, and extensive measures are needed to raise the standard to an acceptable level.

Inspection report dated January 12, 1983

Bases for the evaluation, page 2 and 3:

Although several improvements are made since the last inspection [in 1977], a lot still remains to be done in order to meet the demands set forth by the general GMP rules (i.e. demands in EU for Good Manufacturing Practice) and the guidelines for sterile production.

It is the opinion of the signing inspectors that it will not be possible to meet the GMP demands in premises available today for this production. Fully acceptable production conditions can only be reached if new, suitable premises are made available.

After having argued that Norway needs its own vaccine production, the inspectors set forth a number of recommendations (page 6 - 10). These conclusions, 15 all together, are considered minimum requirements for continued production in the present, provisory and provisionally accepted premises.

The Norwegian Department of Health decided to terminate the Norwegian production of DPT vaccine in 1983.


"What I would like to know is what happened after they stopped using Norwegian vaccine and started using the imported one?"  Dr. John H. Menkes.




NIPH discontinued production of DPT on 10. January 1984.

This is what happened:  The number of complications reported 1984 was the half of the number reported 1983.  The number went down to 4 cases 1985 and to zero 1987.

Complications DPT 1978 1991 by #39810 Complications_DPT_1978-1991.jpg

31 8 11 12 20 31 14 4 1 0 0 1 0 3
78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91
1998 1998 the whole cell DPT vaccine was replaced with a new DPT vaccine, one considered significantly more safe.  That is the vaccine that Norwegian  kids are vaccinated with today.
10. January 1984 HIPH produced it's last vaccine.

The vaccine production program was halted in full secrecy. Nobody knew the real reason why HIPH stopped vaccine production. Nobody was suppose to know.

All documents from that time were immediately stamped "classified". (Documents published in this newsletter, too.)

The public excuse was: "It is too expensive to produce vaccine in Norway."



There is a good reason to ask the question:
"Is Eilert the only child who suffered serious injury, who's injury was not recorded by NIPH?"

HIPH own statistics are giving a good reason to believe that there are other children.  Statists show that NIPH registered hundreds of complications.

"How many children do I expect? ...   20 - 30.

What could they be labeled with?  ... SIDS, Near SIDS, Cerebral palsy with Epilepsy, or they could have been labeled Viral Meningitis. Something like that." said Dr. John H. Menkes.

NIPH does not agree with Dr. John H. Menkes.

Svein Erik Berner, Sten Eilerts father "NIPH was hiding information, suppressing information and were also coming forward with clearly wrong information.  It is wrong to use such tactics to protect the vaccination program. " said Svein Erik Berner.
"I would have said in court that by far most likely is that this boy, Sten, was injured by a component of this triple vaccine." said John H.Menkes, Neurologist, Sinai Hospital, USA

Svein Erik Berner won the case against the Norwegian state. Norwegian state agreed that Eiler was possibly injured by vaccine.

Norwegian state is responsible for the compensation.

The verdict was officially announced on October 30th 2006 in the offices of the Layer Firm "Vogt og Wiig".

Here is the image gallery with images taken at the Firm "Vogt og Wiig":

A lawyer Stein Chr. Hexebergs from Vogt og Wiig was representing Berners.

This is the first time ever in Norwegian history that State lost a vaccine case against parents.

TV2-journalists were there and the event was reported on the evening news on TV2.

Other major Norvegian TV channels mainly ignored the verdict.


For any questions on this documentary you can send an email to:

The documentary ( unfortunately only in Norwegian language) is now available on the web.

A large number of original documents mentioned in documentary are available on CureZone web site:

Some of the documents have not been mentioned in the documentary due to the time constrains.




Svein Erik Berner
Hogstadveien 91
N-1383 Asker.
Phone: + 47 66 98 83 24   cell phone: +47 413 14 915

Asker, July 2, 2005

Eilert Berner's DPT Vaccination, Summary of Facts.

  1. Name: Sten Eilert Skatvedt Berner.
    Born on 7/26 -1981.   (We refer to him as Eilert.)
  2. Eilert got his first vaccine 10/29/1981 some time after lunch, approximately at 1pm, at Asker Health Service Center (Asker Helsestasjon). It was a DPT vaccine with batch number 6280, produced in 1980. This DPT vaccine was produced by The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (Nasjonalt Folkehelseinstitutt).
  3. Eilert cried a lot more than usual in the hours and days following the vaccination. Usually he only cried before his meals, when he was hungry, or if he had air in his stomach after being fed. The area around the injection was also significantly swollen. However, based on the orientation we had been given at Asker Health Service Center, we regarded this as normal, and took no extraordinary precautions. We had been told that such swelling was normal, and that the child would likely get fever and cry more than usual. Consequently we did not take Eilert´s temperature, and thus we cannot document whether he had fever or not. Hanne Noekleby, director of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, confirmed in an email to me, dated 05/29/2001, that the reactions mentioned above were quite common while the whooping cough component of the vaccine was of the old «whole cell» type.
  4. Eilert "collapsed" Sunday morning the 1st of November. He was outside in the garden, in his pram, while his parents were sleeping in their bedroom. Eilert was put into his pram at 7:30am after his diapers were routinely changed and he had got his bottle of milk by his father at 7:00am. That morning he whimpered, but took his meal without problems. His father did not discover anything alarming. When his mother took the pram inside at 10:30am, to clean him and feed him, he seemed limp and very pale. His breathing seemed to be weak and irregular. In addition, his eyes were «hanging» in opposite directions. His father came rushing when his mother screamed out that something was wrong. Not to waste time to determine whether the son was breathing or not, the father instinctively gave him 2-3 mouth-to-mouth breaths before realizing that Eilert was breathing on his own after all. His mother, in the meantime, tried numerous times to call an ambulance, but the phone did not give the normal ringing-signal as she waited for the emergency personnel to pick up. She then ran over to the neighbors and borrowed their phone, which fortunately worked. After she returned she said that she was certain that Eilert had been breathing when she picked him up from the pram. This we told the personnel at both Baerum Hospital (Baerum Sykehus) and The National Hospital (Rikshospitalet). This is confirmed in the medical record from The National Hospital, page number 1, which covers our statement upon arrival.
  5. The doctors at Rikshospitalet wrote in the medical record that Eilert most likely had experienced prolonged seizures before he was found in bad condition and very sick that morning. These reactions occurred between 66 and 69 hours after the vaccination.
  6. According to the log, the ambulance left Asker Fire Station (Asker Brannstasjon) at 11:15am and arrived at our house around 11:30am. We estimate that we arrived at Baerum Hospital shortly before noon. The consultation there took approximately one hour, after which we were sent by ambulance to Rikshospitalet, where we arrived around 1:30pm.
  7. Upon arrival at Rikshospitalet the doctors at the infant ward immediately did thorough tests and took samples. Eilert was given drugs to prevent seizures (Fenemal and Rivotril). He was still limp and pale, but frequently screamed fiercely for prolonged periods of time. This is documented in the medical record from Rikshospitalet.
  8. In the early hours of the 3rd of November Eilert had frequent seizures that lasted up to 30 minutes. In these 24 hours he had 19, almost continuous, seizures. At this point he had also been given Vival intravenously, in addition to the Fenemal and Rivotril, to reduce the seizures. We, as parents, experienced the first couple of days after Eilert was hospitalized as extremely critical.
  9. There were two doors that separated the garden from the bedroom. Eilert slept, based on advice from the nurse, in a separate room at night. It is therefore possible that he experienced intermittent seizures at night, without us knowing.
  10. Eilert was hospitalized at Rikshospitalet from the 1st of 1981 to the 19th of November 1981. The letter of discharge, dated 20th of December 1981, reads: "We have interpreted the condition to be encephalitis, highly likely caused by the triple-vaccination."
  11. Various tests were taken at the hospital, including Cerebral CT, EEG, samples of blood and spinal tap. There was revealed extremely high levels of protein in the spinal fluid. These tests, examinations and samples let the specialists at the infant ward determine that Eilert suffered by encephalitis.
  12. Eilert was hospitalized at the neurological section of Rikshospitalet from the 4th to the 6th of September 1984. The reason was that he started drooling, something he not usually did, after he fell 0.5 meters onto a playground rack in the kindergarten. The letter of discharge for this visit was written by specialist Karl H. Hovind and dated 7th of September 1984. Cerebral CT was done with and without contrast. The neurologist concluded that the observed changes in the brain were old and due to encephalitis. He also wrote that Eilert beyond any doubt must have very limited vision, something we, his parents and close family, experienced since the 1st of November 1981. Dr. Hovind concluded that the most recent symptoms were caused by a direct trauma against the facial nerve, and the symptoms quickly subsided. 
  13. In a letter dated 26th of April 1988 Tryggve Lundar, doctor at the neurosurgical section at Rikshospitalet, writes: «All these changes are considered to be secondary to the encephalitis he contracted when he was a little boy». In the same letter he also writes: «Based on the observed changes in the X-ray pictures, the damage must be characterized as severe».
  14. Also the center for vision in the brain was damaged. A comprehensive test, performed by eye doctor Sigmund Spetalen at Hovseter Center (Hovseter Kurssenter for blinde og svaksynte), on the 19th of May 1985, concluded that Eilert´s visual acuity was 1/60. The institution was run by the Blind Association and Eilert went to Doctor Sigmund Spetalen and Doctor Egil Ruud for several years for follow-ups.
  15. Eilert requires assistance at all hours, including help with basic functions. He does not say anything if he is cold, thirsty, needs to go to the bathroom or similar things. One has to observe his needs and ask. He does not take any initiative himself. Likewise, he cannot tell about something that has happened without being helped to start. He cannot eat with a knife and fork. He is able to feed himself, but the food must already have been cut into small pieces and put in front of him. Because of his poor vision, he is practically blind in a lot of situations. Eilert cannot write or read, but can verbally spell certain three-letter words. He is unable to recognize letters and Braille is useless, because his motor skills are comparable to those of a baby. He cannot do buttons, operate zippers or tie his laces. Therefore someone has to help him with clothes, personal hygiene, brush his teeth and so forth. He appears to have a concept of numbers and is able to count to two, sometimes three. He can actually count up to a hundred, but, in spite of daily practice, amounts larger than three appear to be meaningless. Consequently, he does not understand the difference between NOK 10 and NOK 100. Eilert has no concept of time, which makes it very difficult to express whether something happened yesterday or three years ago. 
  16. Eilert is a happy boy that can walk and chat. He is unusually kind and patient; he has never hit anybody and never complains. His interests include police cars, fire engines, ambulances and septic tankers. Eilert has an acute sense of hearing; in particular he picks up and comments upon words when he hears something spoken with a dialect. We have fun speaking a bit of Spanish every now and then. He quickly picks up the vocabulary and often asks how to translate a word into Spanish. He is proud and happy when he masters something that sets him apart from other people. Certain parts of his brain have been spared, whereas other parts have been hit so hard that years of training have had no mention worthy effect. He is a sensitive boy, and gets very sad if he hears about other people, or animals, that suffer. He enjoys listening to music and recorded books. Occasionally he surprises those around him by making comments that are spot on, showing that inside he is a smart boy with social intelligence. 
  17. Eilert was three months late when he was vaccinated. He was born 4 weeks prematurely, as far as I understand, and judged that his «maturity-level» was 36 weeks. His weight at the time of birth was normal, 3050 grams and 49 cm. On the day he received the vaccine, Eilert had a minor cold, was sneezing and a bit pale. Because of this, I requested that the doctor take a blood sample. Not because I feared the vaccine, but because I wanted to know whether he needed supplements of ferrum. The vaccine was administered first, after which a blood sample was drawn. Later I was told, by the doctor, that the sample showed 71.5% hemoglobin. 
  18. Based on statistics and research one must assume that the DPT-vaccine is good for the population as a whole. But the government must take responsibility for those that are hurt by these vaccines, as a result of the public immunization program. In some sense, the kids that have reactions are sacrificed for the greater good of preventing epidemics. However, compensation to those that get sick should be included in the total cost of the immunization program. 
  19. We were not told about possible serious complications in advance. Had we received such information, we would surely have postponed the vaccination a few months. Because Eilert was born prematurely, I would assume, as a layman, his immune system was less developed, and thus less capable of dealing with the vaccine.
  20. I, his father, have the main custody of Eilert after he was twelve years of age. But one week a month he lives with his mother and his aunt, and some days he lives in a relief home facility. It has not been possible to combine an ordinary job with having Eilert living at home. Over time I have had to cease my involvement as a business owner and executive officer in the companies I created. Instead I had to find work I could perform from my home office, which could be combined with the demanding task of seeing to Eilert. Only after Eilert grew up did I get sufficient support so that I could assume leadership responsibilities again. But Eilert is still my main occupation. I will gladly admit that I have been exhausted at times. On the other hand, Eilert gives back so much that cannot be compared to a career or money, so I do not regret assuming responsibility for him. Thanks to good help from my mother, sister, now deceased brother and Eilert´s mother, it has been possible for us to make a good private custody of Eilert. The parents of Eilert's mother also cared much about Eilert and were of great help in his first years before they died.

Mistakes in the medical record from the National Hospital (Rikshospitalet)

Often things are busy in a hospital, it is a well known fact that mistakes occur in hospital journals. We, as parents, answered some questions between tests after our arrival at Rikshospitalet, but were never given a chance to make a comprehensive statement. Certain incorrect «assumptions» were made by the people appending to the medical record. These are minor mistakes that in no way threatened the well being of Eilert at the time being, but that are misleading when one tries to get a clear picture in retrospect.

While reading Eilert´s medical record from Rikshospitalet I found the following mistakes:

  1. 1. It says that Eilert was found in his bed, pale and with weak breath, some minutes before noon. The ambulance log shows that the car left Asker Fire Station at 11:15am on the 1st of November 1981. The wait for the ambulance was longer than expected. For us it seemed like an eternity. When it finally arrived it was with neither sirens nor flashing lights. At the time we estimated that we had been waiting for 45 minutes. The person who received the call may not have interpreted the situation as serious as we did. While waiting we got dressed, packed our toiletries and clothing, and waited for what seemed like a very long time. The point at which we discovered something was wrong with Eilert was 10:30am, not a few minutes before 12:00, as stated by the medical record. We arrived at Baerum Hospital shortly before 12:00, and it is probably this event that the journal refers to. Eilert could have had seizures before 8am without anybody noticing.
  2. The medical record states that Eilert was lying in bed when he was found. This must be an assumption the writer made, since Eilert´s parents were sleeping in their beds. Eilert was in a pram in the garden. 
  3. The medical record by Rikshospitalet states that we, the parents, took Eilert to Baerum Hospital. In the letter of discharge sent to Asker Health Service Center it says that we drove him there ourselves. An ambulance was in fact used.
  4. Neurological test of infant by Doctor Ruth Bostad, 3rd of November 1981. Doctor Bostad writes that Eilert was found with some degree of cyanosis in bed and without respiration. We never met Doctor Bostad; hence we must assume she got the bed from the previous notes in the journal. She has probably also read about the two- three breaths that were administered, and assumed the child was not breathing. As I explained in detail in court, and which was also explained in writing to the court, it is incorrect that Eilert was not breathing. (See page 1, point 4 of this summary). Eilert was breathing by himself when he was found. Given that mouth-to-mouth was mentioned in the medical record, it is not surprising that doctor Bostad assumed Eilert had stopped breathing.
  5. The court's own specialists, MD Patric Olin and MD John Oestergaard, also write in their common report that Eilert was not breathing when he was found by his father. This is probably based on doctor Bostad's false assumption that the child was not breathing because the father administered mouth-to-mouth for a few seconds after the mother found the child and lifted it out of the pram.
  6. The medical record from Rikshospitalet states that we discovered Eilert´s serious symptoms 2 days after the vaccine was administered. The correct number is close to 3 days, between 66 and 69 hours. The «2 days» are repeated in notes made by several other doctors, most likely because they had access to the journal from Rikshospitalet and have used it for reference.


    Why did the Norwegian Institute of Public Health not give me access to the data regarding the production and quality control of the vaccine?

    Over a period of 20 years I have not myself been able to obtain data regarding the production of these vaccines or the quality assurance procedures that should have been followed. Several requests, by phone and in writing, to the National Health Institute and the National Drug Administration (Statens Legemiddelverk) did not produce any results. In the beginning I was told that I had no right to access these records. Later I was told the protocols could no longer be found.

    Norway had, at the point of Eilert´s vaccination, committed itself to following international guidelines, known as Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), for production and control of vaccines. Only very recently, in connection with the preparation for the second trial, we obtained some of those records from the National Health Institute.

    We were particularly interested in one specific test: The Toxicity test, also known as "The Mouse Weight Gain Test", which could help to determine whether the vaccine was dangerous and could cause untoward reactions in man or not.

    Unfortunately, the National Health Institute was however not able to give us any solid documentation or details about this test.

    In the annual report of 1983 the National Health Institute writes that they have reduced the injection volume of the DPT vaccine to the half of what they earlier have practiced.


    The importance of making all facts available

    In this summary I have done my outmost to make all facts clear, so that medical and judicial considerations are not based on obvious misinterpretations.

    This Fact Sheet has been reviewed and approved by Eilert´s mother, Gunn Karin Skatvedt.


    Svein Erik Berner Father/caregiver



In 1994, the Institute of Medicine of the US National Academy of Sciences published a report stating that if the first symptoms of neurological damage occurred within the first seven days following vaccination with whole-cell pertussis vaccine, the evidence was compatible with the possibility that it could be the cause of permanent brain damage in otherwise apparently healthy children. It continued by stating:

This serious acute neurologic response to DPT is a rare event. The estimated excess risk ranged from 0 to 10.5 per million immunizations (IOM, 1991). The committee stresses that this is not the strongest statement regarding causality; the evidence does not "establish" or "prove" a causal relation....
The evidence remains insufficient to indicate the presence or absence of a causal relation between DPT and chronic nervous system dysfunction under any other circumstances. That is, because the NCES is the only systematic study of chronic nervous system dysfunctions after DPT, the committee can only comment on the causal relation between DPT and those chronic nervous system dysfunctions under the conditions studied by the NCES. In particular, it should be noted that the chronic nervous system dysfunctions associated with DPT followed a serious acute neurologic illness that occurred in children within 7 days after receiving DPT.[1]

The US began to switch to the far safer acellular pertussis vaccine in 1991, and as of 2002 the US no longer used any whole-cell pertussis vaccine.


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