Psoriosis Better,From post 4 months ago.
I had postd that I will be going to Thaland 4 months ago and that I wouold give results of changing eating habits etc. etc.
Well I've been in Thailand for over 3 months now and I'll have to say My Psoriosis had improved greatly. I have been eating very little spicy foods, NO JUNKFOOD whatsoever, (my wife cooks me alot of meals with vegetables etc.) I eat tons of fish, getting excercise and lots of sun. My psoriosis completely cleared up when I was stayign in Pattaya, I think becuase I went swimming in the ocean every few days. Now that I'm in the village away freom the ocean I had let up on my vitamins that I was taking, like zinc, garlic(odorless) and hadn't been drinking my teas as much,(american safron and slippery elm) and some scaling has appeared on my head again. I think the main thing is to stick with what works. I did find out that when I use mouthwash( particulary the strong namebrands) that psoriosis will flare up on my face. But oddly enouph Purrel Hand Sanitizer takes care of it every time without fail! But I am afraid to use on my scalp becuase I dont want to damage my hair.. So I firmly beleive that a good diet a decent cleansing and excersize truly make a difference, and would like to TYhank all those who contribute to this sight for all the wonderfull information that I have gathered here to help me in my fight against this menacing skin disorder!! :)
Hope you all well and I will post again in a few more months. I do read the forum every now and then so feel free to reply with any other advice,questions. I know this isnt a real detailed account.
Love to Live Life, Live Life to Love,