I have been reading the message boards here and I have found them very helpful for the cleansings I have done, I have donethe candida cleanse and even 3 very successful liver flushes. My diet is very clean and healthy. have been suffering from amenorrhea for 2 years now from anorexia, over exercise and/or birth control pills. My weight and lifestyle has been healthy for a year now but my hormone levels are all very low :
fsh 4
lh 1
prolactin 8
estradiol 54
progesterone 1.2
testosterone .6
I was given the Provera challenge about 6 months ago (my body fat was still a bit low) and I didn't even spot. I have been thinking of using natural progesterone cream, do you know if this is something that could help me re-establish a cycle? Amy information or literature you could give me would be a very big help.